Рисунок 2 – Численность персонала, занятого исследования и разработками в Республике Казахстан в 2003-2009 гг.
Это меньше чем в 1965 году (18,2 тыс. человек). Кроме того, в науке Казахстана образовался значительный разрыв между поколениями: В 2007 году 59% исследователей составляли люди от 40 лет и старше. Особенно тревожно, что в этой возрастной категории находится 98% всех докторов наук и 74% - кандидатов наук [4].
По обеспеченности научными кадрами Казахстан уступает не только мировым лидерам, но некоторым странам СНГ.
В среднем кадровая обеспеченность одной организации в РК составляет 44 человека. Для сравнения в России этот показатель – 222 человека.
Сегодня, как отметил Президент РК Н.А.Назарбаев в своей лекции в КазНУ им. аль- Фараби «Казахстан в посткризисном мире: интеллектуальный прорыв в будущее», качество человеческого капитала определяет не только успех антикризисного управления, но и конкурентные преимущества государства в системе мирового сообщества. «Важно взглянуть на образовательные процессы как можно шире, – подчеркивает Президент РК. - Каждому человеку надо привить умение делать, умение учиться, умение жить, умение жить вместе в современном мире» [5].
Таким образом, для повышения эффективности антикризисного управления и, следовательно, конкурентоспособности Казахстану необходимо стать активным участником мирового рынка технологий. Для этого государство должно осуществлять инновационную политику, основанную на приоритетах НТП в экономическом развитии. «В обществе должен доминировать инновационный, креативный тип поведения».
Из опыта передовых западных стран очевидно, что механизм реализации инновационных направлений основывается на использовании различного рода регуляторов: льготного налогообложения в научной сфере, субсидирования, льготного долгосрочного кредитования разработчиков и потребителей научно-технической продукции, увеличения затрат на НИОКР, стимулирования труда научных работников, подготовку кадров.
Другим немаловажным аспектом является развитие научно-технического сотрудничества с зарубежными странами, позволяющего следить за мировой научно-технической мыслью, улавливать тенденции в области новейших технологий, предвидеть как близкие, так и более отдаленные тренды инновационного процесса.
Такая инновационная политика будет объединять общими задачами науку, технику, производство, потребление, финансовую систему, образование и ориентировать на использование интеллектуальных ресурсов, развитие высокотехнологичных производств и приоритеты экономики.
1. Габитов А.Ф. Сущность инновационного процесса и основные этапы его исследования в экономической литературе // Проблемы современной экономики. – 2007. - № 2 (22).
2. Долинская М.Г., Соловьев П.А. Маркетинг и конкурентоспособность промышленной продукции. - М.:
Изд-во стандартов, 1991. - С. 30.
3. Месяц Г. Деинтеллектуализация России не менее опасна, чем потеря природных ресурсов. //
Экономические стратегии. – 2004. - №8.
4. Агентство РК по статистике. Наука и инновационная деятельность Казахстана 2003-2009.
5. Назарбаев Н.А. Казахстан в посткризисном мире: интеллектуальный прорыв в будущее. Лекция Президента РК в КазНУ им. аль-Фараби «http://www.kaznu.kz/ru/1853/
Осы мақалада Қазақстан Республикасындағы «инновациялық» бизнестің заманауи мəселелері, дағдарысқа қарсы басқарудағы инновацияның рөлі қаралған. Дағдарысқа қарсы басқарудың тиімділігін жəне Қазақстанның бəсекелестік қабілетін арттыру үшін экономикалық дамудағы ғылыми техникалық үдерістің (ҒТҮ) басымдығына негізделген инновациялық саясат ұсынылған.
This article discusses the current problems of innovative business in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the role of innovation in crisis management. To increase the effectiveness of crisis management and competitiveness of Kazakhstan's offer innovative policies based on the priorities of scientific and technological progress in economic development.
A. Seisinbinova
Kazakhstan has great perspectives for agricultural prosperity despite harsh soil and climatic conditions. However, if climatic conditions of each country region are properly taken into account it will be possible to rear and to harvest agricultural crops and livestock.
Agriculture in Kazakhstan remains a small scale sector of Kazakhstan's economy. Agriculture's contribution to the GDP is under 10% and occupying only 20% of labor. At the same time, more than 70% of its land is engaged in crops and animal husbandry. In comparison to the other regions, the north of the territory of Kazakhstan is more used for crops. 70% of the agricultural land is permanent pastureland [1].
Kazakhstan's largest crop is wheat, which it exports. It ranks as the sixth largest wheat producer in the world. Minor crops include barley, cotton, sugar beets, sunflowers, flax, and rice. Agricul- tural lands in Kazakhstan were depleted of their nutrients during the Virgin Lands Campaign during the Soviet era. Nowadays, this continues to impact to the agricultural productivity.
In 2009 the country has achieved record grain harvests of 21mln tonnes, exceeding the previous record of the year 2007 that accounted for 20.1mln tones [1].
Food security can be considered at the level of the individual or household, the region, the nation state or the global situation. At the national level, governments are concerned to ensure that the population has enough food for living. Key elements of this are:
- Availability – to provide sufficient and reliable supplies of food.
- Access – to secure that food can be delivered to its destination through the well-functioning transportation and food distribution system.
- Affordability – to ensure that food is available at prices that people can afford and that low- income people can get enough nutritious food.
Food security refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. A household is considered food security when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. According to the World Resources Institute, global food production per capita has been increasing substantially for the past several decades.
Two commonly used definitions of food security come from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):
- Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. (FAO).
- Food security for a household means access of all members at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. Food security includes at least the readiness and availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (that is, without resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, and etc.) [2].
Following factors influence to the food situation in the world:
- physical-geographical conditions and the distribution of the population;
- the development of global transportation and global trade;
- including trade in grain and other.
Also, among these factors it is necessary to note the economic backwardness of the majority of the Third World, resulting in low levels of development of productive forces in agriculture, in its narrow agro-commodity specialization, poverty and low purchasing power of the general population [3].
Development of Food Industry
- To ensure food safety for people's life, health and protection of consumers interests in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Law “Of Food Product Safety” was adopted.
- Increase of production is followed by increase of export of processed food products: of flour up to three times, meat cans up to 5.5 times, butter up to 15 times, canned milk up to 20.4 times, tomato cans up to 1.5 times.
- The budget program for subsidizing the costs of enterprises for development, introduction and certification of the quality and safety management systems basing on international standards fostered the process.
Risks and Insurance
- Insurance of crops is carried out in compliance with the Law “of Mandatory Insurance of Crops” of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to which insurance should be compulsorily undertaken by farmers cultivating grain, oilseeds, cotton and sugar beat.
- To share the risks equally between the state and private insurance institutions and to secure the insurance indemnity for farmers the state compensates up to 50% of payments made by insurance companies.
- Functions of the agency for budget funds regulations as to maintain the state support for mandatory insurance of crops are vested upon JSC “Fund of Financial Support for Agriculture”.
The approaches to provide food security in Kazakhstan are:
- Act to encourage agricultural productivity. As we depend on global trade, restricted supply will force to increased prices and affect negatively to the consumer’s PPI (purchasing power index), the government of Kazakhstan believes that it must act internationally to encourage agricultural productivity. In order to provide continuous supply, the government has to work for enhancing the production across the world.
- Diversification of sources of supply. Government also has to work on broadening the sources of supply. This will ensure the food security and therefore, is better than obtaining food from relatively few sources.
- Seek enhanced liberalization of global market. The Government believes that effectively functioned markets are essential in ensuring global food security.
- Promoting a competitive Kazakhstan agriculture. All the countries in the agricultural industry are extremely worried about the potential impact of liberalization.
The importance of the food supply chain
Increasing power of supermarkets affected to reformation of food supply chains, as they seek to achieve high quality, low prices and low costs. A notable example is the development of ‘Just-In- Time’ (JIT) principles of operation, which are intended to reduce storage and inventory costs.
Logistical systems have been reformed to support this form of operation with almost all the major supermarkets using hub-satellite networks, involving large Regional Distribution Centers [4].
These modern supply chains have implications for food security. Although there is no such thing as a ‘risk-free’ food chain, the changing food supply systems change the potential risks. For example, JIT principles have reduced the role of stocks and ‘contingent capacity’ and put greater importance on distribution and transport. Even a short delay in supplies due to transport-related disruptions can have an impact.
There are many benefits to the modern food supply systems. A simpler, focused supply chain facilitates traceability and network planning for disruptions. But there are also trade-offs. While concentration of control in a few large companies can be beneficial because these companies have the resources to put in place the appropriate infrastructure and procedures, the concentration of power in a few retailers can make some areas of supply more vulnerable to company-specific supply shortages.
Events such as the fuel protests of 2000, which affected food supply, highlighted the potential risks to current food chains and the Government is working with retailers and food suppliers to strengthen the resilience of our food chains and reduce its vulnerability to shocks.
The state support for seed growing is being increased from year to year in all aspects: subsidies to cultivation of original and elite seed grades, detection of grade and seeding qualities, grade testing. As a result of targeted agricultural policy the situation around grade testing and seed growing has shifted to the better.
Annually 800-1100 grades and hybrids of crops are tested for their adaptability in agriculture.
The seed industry is divided in three following levels: originators (32), elite-seed growing farms (80) and seed reproducing farms (303). The quality of all seeds is tested; in 2006 the share of conditioned seeds was 100%, the share of 1and 2 grade sowed seeds was 72%, that of highly reproductive seeds was 87%.
The state seeds resources were established with annual volume of 100 thousand tons in order to bring aid to farmers in case of acts of elements and emergencies and to meet the country farmers need for seeds required for strain changing and renovation.
The production and sales volumes of elite seeds in the Republic for strain changing and renovation have reached 54-58 thousand tons that meets the general demand.
Last year within the state support measures for seed growing development KZT 1260 million (USD 10.5 million) were set aside out of the Public budget.
It conditioned production of more than 6 thousand tons of original seeds and 60 thousand seedlings of fruit trees, covered 40% of costs by farmers for 53 thousand tons of elite seeds, reimburse costs for perennial plantation of fruit and berries and grape yards and other activities.
In conclusion, we agreed that the effective approaches to ensure food security in economy always became the main learning in economic sciences and in solving economic problems.
The Kazakhstan food market is getting more diverse and gaining higher quality. More local food producers are among the main suppliers of the stores.
This fact reflects the annual increase of agricultural product processing and food production.
Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Food security for a household means access by all members at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. Food security includes at a minimum the ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (that is, without resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies).
To ensure food safety for people's life, health and protection of consumers interests in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Law “Of Food Product Safety” was adopted.
The deficit is accompanied mankind throughout its history, which has always been a history of the struggle for daily bread. To avoid this global problem our country should use all possible force to ensure food security and maintain a stable economic growth.
1. http://www.minagri.gov.kz/
2. www.fao.org 3. www.foodsafety.gov
4. http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/economies/Asia-and-the-Pacific/Kazakhstan-AGRICULTURE.html
Мақалада азық-түлік қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ету мəселесі мен оның дамуына жаһандық экономиканың тиігізетін əсері қарастырылған, сондай-ақ халықтың азық-түлікке қол жетімділігін қамтамасыз ету жолдары көрсетілген.
В статье рассматривается проблема продовольственной безопасности и влияние глобальной экономики на его развитие, а также показаны пути обеспечения доступности продовольствия населению страны.
Г.К. Иляшова
Бүгінде жаңа экономика білікті кадрлардың жаңа генерациясын талап ететін болғандықтан еңбек рыногының тиімділігін арттыру қажет. Өзін өзі еңбекпен қамтып отырған тұрғындар – біздің экономикамыздың зор кадрлар резерві. Жаңа кəсіпорындарды біз оларда қазақстандықтардың жұмыс істеуі үшін салып жатырмыз. Олар оған дайындалуы керек. Жаңа мамандықтарға үйренулері қажет. Үкімет бизнес-қауымдастықпен бірлесіп индустриалды нысандарда жұмыс істегісі келетіндер үшін тегін кəсіптік оқу ұсыну керек.
Əрбір қазақстандықтың елді ауқымды индустрияландыруға қатысу мүмкіндігін қамтамасыз ету қажет. «Жол картасы» мемлекеттік бағдарламасын тəжірибеде пайдалана отырып, қазіргі уақытта жұмысты индустрияландыру шынымен де бүкілхалықтық сипат алып, əрбір қазақстандықтың ісі болатындай етіп тұру қажет /1, 2.4. бөлім/.
Міне, Елбасының осы ұстанған бағытына қарай ұлттық еңбек рыногында да үлкен өзгерістер болғанын жəне болатынын көріп отырмыз. Соған байланысты посткеңестік кеңістігіндегі экономикалық қатынастар жүйесіндегі сапалық өзгерістер рыноктық бейімділіктер экономикалық мінез-құлықтың жалпыəлемдік қағидалары мен нормаларына сай жүріп жатқанын көрсетіп отыр.
Сонымен қатар кеңестік мемлекеттердің өмір сарынында қалыптасқан қоғамдық қатынастардың жүйесінің өзіндік ерекшелігі посткеңестік кеңістігіндегі елдердің экономикалық жəне əлеуметтік дамуында айрықша бір белгілерді қалыптастыруда.
Посткеңестік кеңістігіндегі елдердің дамуындағы өзіндік ерекшелік оларды «жаңа нарықтық мемлекеттер» деп жіктеуге мүмкіндік береді.
«Жаңа рыноктық мемлекеттер» деген анықтама экономикалық əдебиеттердегі түсін- дірмелі аппаратты нақтылау мақсатында енгізілуде. Бұл анықтамаға жетпіс жылдан астам уақыт бойы əкімшілдік-əміршілдік реттеу жүйесінде дамыған, ал ХХ-ғасырдың соңғы шебін- де бүкіл жүйенің өзгеріп қазіргі таңда рыноктық елдер қатарына ене бастаған посткеңестік кеңістігіндегі елдер кіріп отыр. Ол елдерде көптеген экономикалық қатынастар ақсап,