• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

The role of the formation of emotional intelligence in the professional activity of teachers


Academic year: 2022

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U.Zh. Tuyakova1, L.B. Alekeshova2 A. Sultangubiyeva3, B. Baizhumanova4

1K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan

2Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, Atyrau, Kazakhstan

4L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (E-mail: bibianar.bayzhumanova.70@mail.ru)

The role of the formation of emotional intelligence in the professional activity of teachers

Abstract. The article is devoted to the demand of emotional intelligence formation and development as a significant quality in future social teachers of professional competence. We offered the following hypothesis: the use of the training educational program (TEP) and the socio- psychological training (SPT) contribute to the formation and emotional intelligence development of social future teachers. The research is involved 40 students of the Social Sciences Faculty of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) and 46 students of K. Zhubanov Pedagogy Institute of Aktobe Regional State University (ARSU).

The purpose of the research is to assess the state of the emotional intelligence problem; to consider different points of view of researchers about the emotional intelligence problem; to show the influence of emotional intelligence on the professional and personal development of a social teacher.

The training program and the SPT were used to achieve the tasks for social teachers, which aimed at actualizing the creative potential of students and developing empathy and another component of emotional intelligence (EI). The analysis of the EI indicators of the subjects and last stages of the research has confirmed our hypothesis, that the use of the training program and the SPT for social future teachers have a positive effect on the formation and further development of personal and interpersonal aspects of emotional intelligence, also increases the quality of the professional competence.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, social future teachers, self-knowledge, motivation, social skills, self-regulation, empathy, emotions management, interactive teaching methods, socio- psychological training.

DOI: https://doi org/10.32523/2616-6895-2021-136-3-191-205


The training problems of professionally competent specialists in education have become more important in society due to the constantly growing demand from practice in recent years.

The analysis of existing research about the training content of a social teacher at the universities shows, that they are focused more on the content of the social teacher’s professional competence, i.e. for the study of the knowledge and skills that there are necessary

for the implementation of social and educational activities. A social teacher is in demand in modern society, possessing not only the demand professional knowledge and skills but also capable of emotional leadership, which helps to ensure personally the solution of social and pedagogical problems [1].

The ability of social teachers is to establish the psychological contact, possession of mechanisms for coordinating goals, actions, ideas of social and educational activities, also the ability to convince people and lead them, to build conflict-


free relations with them, largely determines the possibility of achieving the set goals with the joint activities of the social teacher and the child’s personality.

The professional activity effectiveness of a social teacher depends not only on the level of theoretical training and mastery of the technology of the social and pedagogical work but also on personal qualities. Analyzing the professional activity of a social teacher, we single out the subject of this activity, like a specialist and a professional, who is well versed in the social situational difficulties of a child’s life and who can come to the aid of him and his parents.

The professional activity of a social teacher is because the effectiveness in the field of active professional communications is largely determined by the emotional characteristics of a person, including emotional intelligence. In this regard, it seems important to establish the value of emotional intelligence as the subject of socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological research, which is a relatively new, little-studied phenomenon.

The concept of “emotional intelligence” is multidimensional and complementary, including all the variety of interacting processes of manifestation and regulation of emotions.

It is supposed that it was emotional intelligence in modern understanding, and it was a key for human survival in prehistoric times since it has manifested in the ability itself to adapt to the environment, to get along, and find a common language with fellow tribes and neighbors tribes.

Today intelligence of emotion (IE) is considered as the personal ability to recognize emotions, to understand intentions, motivation, and desires of your own and other people, in addition, the ability to manage own emotions and the emotions of other people in order to solve practical problems [2].

Thus, it is very important for a social teacher to learn how to manage own emotions and the emotions of other people, to be able to recognize emotions, to feel the intentions and desires of other people. Now it is already obvious that the main factors in the development of personality are the subject and practical activity,

and interaction between people. Indeed, many years of experience in the professional education system show, training will be effective and achieve better results if students are open for training and they are involved actively in relationships and cooperation with other participants in the educational process. To get the opportunity to analyze their activities and realize their own potential, they are not afraid to express themselves and make mistakes and they can prepare practically for what they will face soon in life and the professional activity.

A social teacher can realize success in the professional sphere as developed intelligence of emotion. In general, the modern study of emotional intelligence allows us to transfer it from personal qualities to the category of professionally important qualities of a particular specialist, whose success of the professional activity is associated with demand to manage the emotions, the emotional sphere.

The study of emotional intelligence as a professionally important quality acquires relevance for social future teachers due to the specific conditions of their professional activity.

The introduction of emotional intelligence as a leading quality that ensures success in the professional activities of students like social future teachers, is associated with the need, first, in the broadest sense, to form the emotional intelligence of a future specialist.

The article aims at the intelligence of emotion for teachers, which is based on the position of the fundamental emotion of the profession (person- person), the essential support of the success of their professional activities on the part of the effectiveness of interpersonal contacts and the need to prepare for such nature of activity at the stage of the initial professional development.

However, it is obvious that a social teacher is a wide “professional field” that provides a wide range of professional orientations. These are very different types of social and pedagogical activities and emotional intelligence in these various professional contexts manifests itself in different ways since the professional orientation begins to form among students at the stage of their study at the university. It is obvious that the development features of the intelligence emotion, on the one


hand, affect the professional spheres, and on the other hand, the personal ones.

Thus, a social teacher should have emotional competence in matters of his professional activity.

Theoretical background

Research methods: study, analysis, and generalization of scientists’ views and peculiarities of the formation of “emotional

intelligence”. Many scientists consider the concept of “emotional intelligence” in accordance with the approaches to understanding emotions and intelligence of the research.

So, the author of the scientific publication

“Intelligence of emotion as a phenomenon in modern psychology” Irina Nikolaevna Andreeva has traced the evolution of ideas about emotional intelligence and gives about twenty definitions (3, p. 41, 42).

Table 1 Content analysis of the concept of “emotional intelligence”

Scientist/source Definitions

John Mayer иand Peter Salovey [3]

- the ability to observe one’s own feelings and emotions, as well as the feelings of another people and distinguish between them and use this information for subsequent reflections and actions

JohnMayer [4] - a type of emotional information processing that includes recognition accurately of own emotion and the emotions of other people, adequate expression of emotions and adaptive regulation of emotions in order to lead a more efficient lifestyle

DanialGoleman [5] - the ability to accurately read own one and emotions of other people, to pick up emotional signals in relationships and to manage own one and emotions of other people feelings

- a set of factors that allow a person to feel, motivate himself, regulate mood, control impulsive manifestations, refrain from frustration and thus achieve success in everyday life; another way to show one’s own intelligence

GeraldMatthews [6] - the ability (competence) to identify and express emotions, to assimilate emotions into thinking and regulate either positive or negative emotions in oneself and others

D.V. Lyussin [7] - the ability to understand one’s own and others’ emotions and to manage them G.G. Garskova [8] - the ability to understand personal relationships represented in emotions and

to control the emotional sphere based on intellectual analysis and synthesis G.M. Breslav [9] - the ability to manage emotional phenomena and properties

M.A. Manoylova [10] - the ability to realize, accept and regulate the emotional states and feelings of other people and oneself, the main components of which are empathy, tolerance, assertiveness, self-esteem of a person

I.N. Meshcheryakova [11]

- a complex integrative formation, which includes in its structure cognitive, behavioral, and proper emotional components that provide awareness, understanding, and regulation of own one and emotions of other people and affect the success of interpersonal interactions and personal development A.A. Ponkratova [12] - the ability to evoke and maintain positive (joy) and negative (fear, anger,

sadness) emotions;

- the ability to transfer positive emotions into negative ones (and vice versa) about some event in oneself and in another person in order to achieve the appropriate behavior


We have decided to provide some of them and have prepared the content analysis of the

“emotional intelligence” concept (Table 1).

Thus, we can see from the above definitions that the construct of “emotional intelligence”

combines the ability of a person to communicate effectively through understanding the emotions of another person and their ability to adapt to their emotional state, and it can be noted that this concept is quite relevant in science and practice.

This ability to control oneself and competently organize interaction turns out to be indispensable when it comes to spheres of activity that imply direct communication with others. This is precisely what the social-pedagogical activity of social teachers is.

The obtained results of the analysis have shown that despite numerous studies of this construct remains the problem of the formation and emotional intelligence development in social future teachers.

To reveal the topic of our research, it is necessary to consider the concept of “intelligence of emotion”.

The phenomenon of emotional intelligence is being studied by an increasing number of researchers. Currently, the whole variety of theories and concepts of intelligence of emotion come down to two main ones: mixed models (R.

Bar-On, D. Goleman, R.E. Boyatzis, K.V. Petrides, A. Fumham, etc.) and ability models (J.D. Mayer, P. Salovey, D.R. Caruso). In the Russian science, this construct is being studied at the scientific - methodological level (D.V. Ushakov, D.V.

Lyussin, E.A. Sergienko, I.N. Andreeva, A.A.

Petrovskaya), as well as in the practical - applied context in several works (M.A. Manoylova, G.V. Yussupova, I.A. Egorov, O.V. Belokon, T.A.

Pankova, E.V. Erokhina, D.V. Nenashev, I.S.

Stepanova, E.A. Khlevnaya, L.D. Kamyshnikova, A.K. Kravtsova, etc.). In the Kazakhstani science, this phenomenon is being studied by young scientists; PhD dissertations have been completed (A.A. Tolegenova, 2009, D.B. Akhmetova, 2014).

The term “emotional intelligence” itself was introduced into scientific circulation by university professors J. Mayer and P. Salovey [13], who described intelligence of emotion as “an

ability of understanding and recognizing own one emotion and the emotions of another people in order to control them in various life situations and in relationships with other people”.

They also started the research program to develop scientific measurements of emotional intelligence. The measurement results were presented as “emotional quotient”, or EQ.

J. Mayer and P. Salovey [14] identified four main aspects of this concept, each of which, in its turn, included certain abilities:

1. Perception of emotion:

- an ability to recognize own one’s emotions;

- an ability to recognize the emotions of other people (in the process of direct communication, in literary works and films);

- an ability to express emotions and emotional demands accurately;

- an ability to distinguish between sincere and insincere expressions of emotion.

2. Using emotions to improve thinking:

- an ability to activate emotions when performing mental operations;

- an ability to use emotions for better memorization and decision-making;

- an ability to use mood changes to assess different points of view;

- an ability to apply emotions in the process of creating something new.

3. Understanding emotions:

- an ability to understand how one emotion can be related to another one;

- an ability to be aware of what triggered these emotions and what might follow;

- an ability to understand the possibility of the simultaneous manifestation of various emotions;

- an ability to understand how one emotion can affect another one.

4. Managing emotions:

- an ability to be open to emotional manifestations, either positive or negative;

- an ability to investigate causes of the appearance of certain emotions;

- an ability to cause certain emotional states, prolong them and get out of them;

- an ability to manage own one’s emotions;

- an ability to help others cope with their emotions.


The popular concept of emotional intelligence was offered by D. Goleman [15] in his book

“Emotional Intelligence” (1995), which became a bestseller. The success of this book was due, according to scientists, to its compliance with the ideas of everyday psychology, popular ideas about the opposition of the emotional and intellectual in a person. D. Goleman [16]

considers emotional intelligence as the ability to be aware of one’s own emotions and the emotions of others in order to motivate oneself and others to manage emotions well alone with oneself and when interacting with others.

So, Reuven Bar-On believes that emotional intelligence is “a set of non-cognitive abilities, competencies, and skills that affect a person’s ability to cope with challenges and pressure from the external environment” [17]. L.S. Vygotsky [18] established a connection between human emotions and his thinking, noting that “thinking arises only on an instinctive and emotional basis and is directed precisely by the forces of the latter”. Long before foreign authors, he pointed to the joint work of intellectual and emotional- volitional spheres of a person’s personality to ensure the successful functioning and adaptation of a person to the environment.

As it is noted by I.N. Andreeva [19], in several modern foreign and domestic theories, “emotion”

is considered a special type of knowledge. In accordance with this approach to understanding emotions, the emergence of the category of

“emotional intelligence” has become possible.

However, the main reason for such widespread dissemination of the idea of emotional intelligence both in the scientific and practical field and in popular publications was the existing need for an accurate designation of the abilities necessary for effective professional activity in areas associated with good emotional regulation and empathy.

Therefore, in our opinion, the importance of conducting research on emotional intelligence for the implementation of pedagogical goals cannot be underestimated. Since the main psychological component of the teacher’s vigorous activity is feeling, or the ability to respond emotionally to the experiences of other people, the acceptance of the feelings experienced by the communication

partner, in the case of training practice, such communication partners are the student and the teacher.

Thus, the intelligence of emotion assumes that a person is the master of his emotions, he realizes and owns them, does not suppress “unwanted”

emotions, but decides and “allows” himself the manifestation of a particular emotion in a certain situation. Emotional intelligence begins with understanding our emotions, and only by becoming aware of our emotions, we can learn to understand the other people’s emotions and the reasons that caused them.

Many scientists did not receive the new research with enthusiasm, pointing to the too-broad interpretation of the intelligence of emotion concept and its structure, insufficiently clear wording, and confusion with other concepts of psychology.

The very use of the word “intelligence” is, in their opinion, contradictory, since, according to the established tradition, emotions are the intelligent activity’s antagonists. Therefore, it is offered to use the term “emotional competence”

instead of “emotional intelligence”.

Scientists also draw attention to the lack of evidence that measuring the intelligence of emotion and applying the results of this test is more effective than traditional psychometric tests in such areas as recruitment or pedagogical analysis. Professional success, in their opinion, cannot be directly determined only by high EQ indicators.

Methods for measuring emotional intelligence have been criticized because, despite the fairly reliable scales developed through empirical research, the latter intersects with methods that measure personality traits and social skills.

There is still no consensus among scientists about the validity of emotional intelligence research, however, the positive results in the formation of the scientific foundations of emotional intelligence are emphasized, and the rationale is given for the need for further research that could strengthen the scientific status of the concept of emotional intelligence and develop more valid methods for measuring EI for the appropriate practical application.


Proponents of the theory of emotional intelligence argue that the knowledge gained enriches psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

Now, the following components are distinguished in the intelligence of emotion structure:

1. Conscious regulation of emotions. The meta- experience of passing through moods, which has developed as a result of the generalization of many situations (which moods are typical, which moods are understandable, which are not), provides a person with data for building a guide to action in those situations that can cause certain moods.

2. Understanding (comprehending) emotions.

The definition of emotion is seen as the result of constructive processes that transform perceptual experiences into inner experiences, modifying them.

3. Distinguishing and expressing emotions.

Distinguishing emotions is related to the ability to express them, but distinguishing emotions is more difficult than expressing them.

Distinguishing emotions is also related to the level of empathy development.

4. Assimilation of emotions in thinking. The use of emotions to improve the quality of mental activity is expressed in the effectiveness of the decision-making process. Research has shown that the satisfying decision-making process is impossible if the thought is devoid of emotional reinforcement [20].

According to the researchers, individuals with a high-level development of intelligence emotion have pronounced abilities to understand their own emotions and the emotions of other people, as well as to control the emotional sphere, which leads to higher adaptability and efficiency in communication [20].

Unlike abstract and concrete intelligence, which reflect the patterns of the external world, the intelligence of emotion reflects the inner world and its connections with personality behavior and interaction with reality. The final product of intelligence emotion is decision-making based on the reflection and comprehension of emotions, which are a differentiated assessment of events that have personal meaning.

While solving the assigned tasks, we have carried out several studies, which include:

first, the study and generalization of research previously conducted in this direction, the study of the opinions and definitions of scientists who worked on the research topic;

secondly, the assessment of emotional intelligence was carried out according to the

“EmIn” technique by D.V. Lyussin [21] and the method of diagnosing the level of empathic abilities by V.V. Boyko [22].


As the analysis of educational programs of universities has shown, most of them lack programs or modules focused on social future teachers’ training, aimed at the formation of emotional intelligence, striving for highly productive professional activity.

The problem of researching the emotional and volitional sphere of a social teacher in the context of professionally significant personality traits remains insufficiently studied, both in domestic and foreign psychology and pedagogy.

Meanwhile, the mastery of a specialist is directly related to the individual characteristics of the personality of a social teacher, reflecting his emotional sphere: to the talent for understanding the developing personality of a child, tolerance, tact, empathy, and assertiveness.

Using the skills of emotional intelligence, a teacher should consider that these skills are included in the educational process as

“supporting” means, within the traditional methods of the historically established educational system.

The use of the emotional intelligence skills will be justified and will lead to an increase in the effectiveness of training if such use will meet the needs of the educational system if training in full without the use of appropriate means is impossible or difficult.

The training program we offer is aimed at the formation of emotional intelligence in social future teachers and sets the goal of:

- the formation of the students’ system of psychological and pedagogical knowledge about


the role and functions of emotional intelligence in social and educational activities;

- the organization of the process of directed development of the properties of emotional intelligence in social future teachers through a series of lectures, seminars, and psychological training.

The goals were realized by solving the following tasks:

- expanding the boundaries of the emotional experience of future social teachers;

- awareness of experience, one’s emotional potential through the process of self-knowledge and understanding of other people;

- acquisition of knowledge about communicative tolerance and assertive behavior;

- expanding the range of psychological and pedagogical knowledge on the problems of self- awareness and pedagogical reflection;

- creation of opportunities for the development of the ability to empathy, sensitivity; training in ways to stabilize one’s own emotional state, increasing stress resistance and emotional stability.

Having considered the role of emotional intelligence in the professional activity of a social teacher, we can state that the properly created training and the educational environment in a university can give a “push”, create favorable conditions and opportunities for students - future specialists, who have emotional competence for the independent search activity in one or another field of education. The modern direction of education requires a future specialist to be professionally competent in accordance with the requirements of the time and society, to have the skills of emotional intelligence, which include the ability to motivate, regulate, and organize his professional activities.

Diagnostics of the study of the level of the emotional intelligence formation in future social teachers. The diagnostic study of the level of the emotional intelligence formation in future social teachers was carried out based on two universities: the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov and the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University in the 2019- 2020 academic year. The study involved 96 subjects aged 18 to 20. During the study period,

the participants were divided into 2 groups (the control group - 56 students, the experimental group - 40 students).

We analyzed the available methods and used the following methods to diagnose the level of the EI development before and after the training program and the SPT: the questionnaire

“Emotional intelligence” (EmIn) by D.V. Lyussin;

the method of diagnosing the level of empathic abilities by V.V. Boyko. We also included the author’s questionnaire “Determining the level of the emotional competence formation in future social teachers”, which included 12 questions.

The “EmIn” questionnaire was offered by Dmitry VladimirovichLyussin, who was based on the model of emotional intelligence developed by the author.

There are four scales: interpersonal intelligence (IPE), intrapersonal intelligence (InPE), emotions understanding (EU), emotions management (EM).

The IPE scale diagnoses the ability to understand the emotions of other people, as well as to manage them.

The InPE scale diagnoses the ability to understand one’s own emotions, as well as to manage them.

The EU scale allows measuring the ability to understand one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of other people.

Owing to the EM scale, it is possible to diagnose the ability to manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of other people.

This is a questionnaire; therefore, it measures people’s perceptions of the level of their emotional intelligence.

The data obtained for the experimental and control groups are presented in percent in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 The intensity of EI in the experimental group using the “Emotional intelligence” technique by D.V. Lyussin in percentage


Low 38.1 36.6 36.4 44.4

Middle 50 54.1 53.6 45

High 11.9 11.3 10 10.6


Table 3 The intensity of EI in the control group using the “Emotional intelligence” technique by D.V.

Lyussin in percentage


Low 37.1 38.3 51 44.6

Middle 51.9 52.1 36.2 44.8

High 11 11.6 12.8 10.6

Most members of the experimental and control groups are diagnosed with the middle level of emotional intelligence by all scales (from 44.8% to 54.1% depending on the scale). Students, future social teachers, have the middle level of emotional intelligence in understanding their own emotions, as well as managing them (54.1% - the experimental group, 52.1 – the control group).

There are from 36.4% to 44.6% participants (depending on the scale) in the group with a low level of emotional intelligence. These students have difficulty in understanding and managing both their own emotions and the emotions of other people.

There are much fewer subjects with high levels of emotional intelligence (from 10% to 12.8% depending on the scale) by all scales.

As we can see, a fairly large number of respondents in the control and experimental

groups have a low level by the scales of interpersonal intelligence (IPE) (38%) and emotional understanding (EU) (51%).

As the diagnostic tool for studying the level of emotional intelligence in future social teachers, we used the method of diagnosing the level of empathic abilities by V.V. Boyko.

This technique makes it possible to determine not only the general level of empathy, but also the development of various components of this phenomenon: the rational channel of empathy, the emotional channel of empathy, the intuitive channel of empathy, attitudes that promote or hinder empathy, the penetrating ability in empathy, the identification in empathy. The results are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 shows that the underestimated total indicator of empathic abilities prevails (41%) in the control and experimental groups.

Comparing the results of the study of the control and experimental groups, we can say that there are no significant differences in the results. The intuitive, rational, and emotional channels of empathic abilities have turned out to be the most problematic among the respondents. The intuitive channel of empathy has become the least developed, reflecting the ability to see the behavior of partners based on subconscious experience.

Figure 1. The total indicator of empathic abilities (by V.V. Boyko) in the control (A) and the experimental (B) groups; the following levels are used: 1 - very low; 2 - underestimated; 3 - middle;

4 - very high.


Thus, the results of the diagnostic study to identify the level of emotional intelligence formation in future social teachers show that students have an underestimated level of emotional intelligence formation, in some indicators, there is the average level. In this regard, it becomes necessary to carry out systematic work on the formation and development of emotional intelligence in future social teachers.

Organization of work on the formation and development of emotional intelligence in future social teachers. Because the leading activity of students in mastering professional competencies, the development of emotional intelligence at this age is generally carried out through professional development and self-development. Emotional intelligence is a complex integrative formation that includes in its structure the cognitive, behavioral, and proper emotional components that provide awareness, understanding, and regulation of one’s own emotions and the emotions of others.

All this together has an impact on the success of interpersonal interactions and the personal development of students. In this regard, the teaching experiment was organized, which was focused on students of the experimental group and contained lectures, practical classes, as well as independent work of students, which were of a practice-oriented and developmental nature and included consideration and analysis of specific psychological and pedagogical situations, elements of discussion, training, developmental exercises, etc.

Topics of lectures and practical classes were based on theoretical and empirical studies of the scientists’ emotional intelligence and adapted by the author in accordance with the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We offered the topics of lectures and practical classes for the course of the educational program:

1. Emotional intelligence as the subject of the socio-pedagogical and psychological research.

2. The role of emotional intelligence in ensuring the success of the professional activity of a social teacher.

3. Diagnostics and assessment of the level of the emotional intelligence formation of a social teacher.

4. Age and individual characteristics of the development of emotional intelligence.

5. Social and psychological training as an effective method of forming social teachers’

emotional intelligence.

6. Development of emotional intelligence through the ART-therapy.

7. Solution of socio-pedagogical situations using the case-study method.

8. Reflection as a way of realizing and understanding one’s own emotions and the emotions of other people.

9. Psychogymnastics as the method of developing emotional intelligence.

10. Psychoprophylaxis of emotional burnout of a social teacher.

The process of the formation of emotional intelligence among students - social teachers consisted of five stages:

A) Awareness and understanding of one’s own feelings and emotions; reflection.

B) Managing one’s own emotions, feelings, emotional states to achieve the goal set, self- control.

C) Identification and recognition of the emotions of other people, understanding the feelings of communication partners.

D) Managing the states of communication partners; choice of self-presentation tactics.

E) Actualization of the creative potential of students.

Each topic was studied using interactive methods: lecture - visualization, lecture - conversation, games, exercises, discussion and mandatory introspection.

In practical classes, students tried on the role of a social teacher, which allowed them to show their activity, responsibility and initiative. During such classes, elements of interactive training were also used (group discussions, presentations, role-playing games, psycho-gymnastic exercises, the method of participants’ regrouping, games, discussions, etc.), multimedia presentations, various types of visualization, handouts, audio and video recording (games - exercises: “Name-


movement”, “Emotion”, “Without a mask”, “My ideal day”, “I’m proud” of…, etc.).

The program of lectures and practical classes, as well as the social and psychological training, has proven itself as an effective means of forming students’ emotional intelligence. To identify the developmental effect of the program offered, the study was conducted on the formation of innovations in the personality of students - future social teachers.

As it is seen from the above results (Table 4;

Fig. 2), during the training, all components of students’ emotional intelligence developed.

The conducted classes positively influenced the ability to understand and emotionally feel the inner world of another person, the ability to develop empathy, and the assessment of the empathic abilities of their fellow students.

In general, students developed a high level of all components of emotional intelligence as the ability to understand, accept and regulate emotional states and feelings, other people, and themselves.

Thus, we can state that the process of the formation of emotional intelligence of future social teachers at a university is effective if it relies on the internal activity of students, the desire for self-improvement, self-education, independent acquisition of knowledge, interest in their acquisition and their application in practice.

Results and discussion

The training educational program was tested in work with a group of 40 students. The next stage of the study involved the repeated measurement of the level of emotional intelligence formation in the control and experimental groups. The

experimental group of the forming stage consisted of students of the “Social pedagogy and self- knowledge” specialty of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov and the control one – of students of “Social pedagogy and self-knowledge” specialty of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University. In these groups, before the organization of the systematic work on the formation and development of emotional intelligence using interactive teaching methods, mainly underestimated indicators of the level of formation of emotional intelligence were recorded. The teaching experiment was conducted among students in the experimental group, the purpose of which was the formation and development of emotional intelligence in students using interactive educational technologies in teaching at lectures and practical classes in the form of social and psychological training (SPT). In the control group, training took place as usual.

At the final stage of the study (after the teaching experiment), the final diagnostics of the level of emotional intelligence formation in the control and experimental groups was carried out. Let us consider the dynamics of changes in the level of emotional intelligence in groups according to the

“EmIn” technique by D.V. Lyussin.

The results presented in Table 4 clearly demonstrate that the indicators of students in the experimental group by all scales of D.V. Lyussin’s technique are higher than the indicators in the control group of the formation of emotional intelligence.

In the control group, more modest results are observed: the decrease in the low level to the middle one by the IPE scale is 5%; the increase in the high level by the EM and EU scales is 3%.




before after before after before after before after

Control 51.9 52.1 52.1 52.7 36.2 36.9 44.8 45

Experimental 50 54.2 54.1 57.7 53.6 56.8 45 48.7

Table 4 Comparison of the data obtained in the experimental and control groups, according to the

“EmIn” questionnaire by D.V. Lyussin


The data obtained from the control diagnostics of the subjects in the experimental and control groups according to the “Diagnostics of the level of empathic abilities” technique by V.V. Boyko testify to a significant increase in the general level of empathy among students in the experimental group after the teaching experiment (Fig. 2).

Thus, we recorded a decrease in the very low level of empathy (by 12.5%) among students in the experimental group compared with students in the control group (by 2.2%).

Indicators of average values by the scales of the analyzed technique allow us to note the positive dynamics of empathic abilities among students in the experimental group after the teaching experiment. The increase in the general level of empathic abilities was carried out mainly due to the formation in students in the experimental group of the ability for the “identification in empathy”, the “rational channel of empathy”

and the “emotional channel of empathy”.

This is consistent with the statement of M.V.

Vetluzhskaya [23] that the inner, deep basis of empathy and sympathy is the ability to mutual assimilation, i.e. to the identification. A significant increase in the indicators of the rational and emotional channels of empathy emphasizes the influence of emotions on the intellectual sphere,

the unity of “intelligence and affect”, cognitive and emotional processes, which is confirmed by the research of A.S. Rodionova [24].

A significant increase in the average indicators by the scale of “attitudes that promote or hinder empathy” among students in the experimental group indicates the elimination of obstacles on the part of the individual to confidential communication during the teaching experiment, the desire of future teachers to empathize with the experiences and problems of others.

One should also note an increase in the average indicators by the scales “the intuitive channel of empathy” and “the penetrating ability of empathy”, which are expressed in the ability of future social teachers to assess the state and behavior of a person in conditions of a lack of information about him and the ability to create an atmosphere of openness and sincerity.

Thus, the results obtained indicate a positive dynamic of emotional intelligence among students in the experimental group. And it allows us to conclude that the most effective form of emotional intelligence occurs in future social teachers in the presence of specially created conditions, in which the leading role is assigned to interactive teaching methods.

before after before after before after before after Control 51.9 52.1 52.1 52.7 36.2 36.9 44.8 45 Experimental 50 54.2 54.1 57.7 53.6 56.8 45 48.7

The results presented in Table 4 clearly demonstrate that the indicators of students in the experimental group by all scales of D.V. Lyussin’s technique are higher than the indicators in the control group of the formation of emotional intelligence.

In the control group, more modest results are observed: the decrease in the low level to the middle one by the IPE scale is 5%; the increase in the high level by the EM and EU scales is 3%.

The data obtained from the control diagnostics of the subjects in the experimental and control groups according to the “Diagnostics of the level of empathic abilities” technique by V.V. Boyko testify to a significant increase in the general level of empathy among students in the experimental group after the teaching experiment (Fig. 2). Thus, we recorded a decrease in the very low level of empathy (by 12.5%) among students in the experimental group compared with students in the control group (by 2.2%).

Fig. 2. Dynamics of level changes in the total indicator of empathic abilities (by V.V. Boyko) in the experimental (a) and control (b) groups (A - data at the beginning of the experiment; B - data at the end of the experiment); the following levels are used: 1 - very low; 2 - underestimated; 3 - middle; 4 - very high.

Indicators of average values by the scales of the analyzed technique allow us to note the positive dynamics of empathic abilities among students in the experimental group after the teaching experiment. The increase in the general level of empathic abilities was carried out mainly due to the formation in students in the experimental group of the ability for the “identification in empathy”, the “rational channel of empathy” and the “emotional channel of empathy”. This is consistent with the statement of M.V. Vetluzhskaya [23] that the inner, deep basis of empathy and

Fig. 2. Dynamics of level changes in the total indicator of empathic abilities (by V.V. Boyko) in the experimental (a) and control (b) groups (A - data at the beginning of the experiment; B - data at the end of the experiment); the following levels are used: 1 - very low; 2 - underestimated; 3 - middle;

4 - very high.

U.Zh.Tuyakova, L.B. Alekeshova, A. Sultangubiyeva, B. Baizhumanova



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Trained participants can better recognize facial expressions, predict people’s behavior based on the emotions experienced by these people, and differentiate external manifestations of emotions (mimicry, gestures, postures, etc.) than non- trained participants.

The analysis of the emotional intelligence indicators of the subjects by two techniques at the first and last stages of the study showed that the training educational program using interactive teaching methods in lectures and practical classes and the conducted socio-psychological training (SPT) have a positive effect on the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects of emotional intelligence. We believe that they can be recommended for the implementation in the educational process as an effective means of the formation of emotional intelligence in future social teachers.


Summing up the results of the work, we would like to emphasize that the problem of studying the emotional intelligence of a social teacher in the context of professionally significant personality traits remains insufficiently studied, both in

domestic and foreign psychology, pedagogy, and social pedagogy.

Meanwhile, we believe that emotional intelligence is one of the most important factors that determine the effectiveness of the professional activity of future social teachers.

This necessitates changes in the educational program of universities, which will contribute to the successful formation of emotional intelligence in students - future teachers.

Thus, the developed lectures and practical classes, as well as the social and psychological training, have a positive effect on the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects of emotional intelligence and can be used in training as an effective means of the formation of emotional intelligence in students - future social teachers.

The results analysis of the teaching experiment showed that the students, who took part in the educational and training program, had significant changes in the level of emotional intelligence. In general, the data obtained confirm the assumption on the possibility of the formation and development of emotional intelligence in future social teachers by means of social and psychological training and the training program.


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Ұ.Ж. Туякова1, Л.Б. Алекешова2, А.А. Султангубиева3, Б.Ш. Байжуманова4

1Қ. Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік университеті, Актөбе, Казақстан

2,3Х. Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау университеті, Атырау, Казақстан

4Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, Нұр-Сұлтан, Қазақстан

Кәсіби іс-әрекетте педагогтардың эмоциялық интеллектісін қалыптастырудың рөлі Аңдатпа. Мақалада болашақ әлеуметтік педагогтардың кәсіби құзыреттілігінің ең маңызды сапасы ретінде эмоционалды интеллекті қалыптастыру мен дамыту қажеттілігіне тоқталған. Біз келесі гипоте-


заны алға тарттық: білім беру бағдарламасы мен әлеуметтік-психологиялық тренингті (ӘПТ) қолдану болашақ әлеуметтік педагогтардың эмоционалды интеллектінің қалыптасуы мен дамуына ықпал етеді.

Зерттеудің мақсаты: қазіргі уақытта эмоционалды интеллект мәселесінің жағдайын бағалау және зертте- ушілердің әр түрлі көзқарастарын қарастыру; әлеуметтік педагогтың кәсіби және жеке дамуына эмоци- оналды интеллектінің әсерін көрсету.

Түйін сөздер: эмоционалды интеллект, болашақ әлеуметтік педагогтар, өзін-өзі тану, өзін-өзі реттеу, әлеуметтік дағдылар, эмпатия, мотивация, эмоцияны басқару, интерактивті оқыту әдістері, әлеумет- тік-психологиялық тренинг.

У.Ж. Туякова1, Л.Б. Алекешова2, А.А. Султангубиева3, Б.Ш. Байжуманова4

1Актюбинский региональный университет им. К. Жубанова, Актобе, Казахстан

2,3Атырауский университет им. Х. Досмухамедова, Атырау, Казахстан

4Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Казахстан

Роль формирования эмоционального интеллекта в профессиональной деятельности педагогов Аннотация. В статье акцентируется внимание на необходимости формирования и развития эмоци- онального интеллекта как важнейшего качества профессиональной компетентности у будущих социаль- ных педагогов. Нами была выдвинута следующая гипотеза: использование обучающей образовательной программы и социально-психологического тренинга (СПТ) способствуют формированию и развитию эмоционального интеллекта будущих социальных педагогов. Цель исследования: дать оценку состоянию проблемы эмоционального интеллекта в настоящее время; рассмотреть различные точки зрения иссле- дователей на проблему эмоционального интеллекта; показать влияние эмоционального интеллекта на профессионально-личностное развитие социального педагога.

Ключевые слова: эмоциональный интеллект, будущие социальные педагоги, самопознание, само- регуляция, социальные навыки, эмпатия, мотивация, управление эмоциями, интерактивные методы обучения, социально-психологический тренинг.

Information about authors:

Tuyakova U.Zh. – Corresponding author, Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, teacher of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Primary Education, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University, 34 A.

Moldagulova str., Aktobe, Kazakhstan.

Alekeshova L.B. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Philology, Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, 212 Studentskiy ave., Atyrau, Kazakhstan.

Sultangubieva A.A. – Candidate of Philology Sciences, Department of Translation, Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, 21 Studentskiy ave., Atyrau, Kazakhstan.

Baizhumanova B.Sh. – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Туякова У.Ж. – корреспонденция үшін автор, педагогика және психология магистрі, педагогика, психология және бастауыш оқыту кафедрасы, Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік университеті, Ә.

Молдагұлова көш., 34, Актөбе, Казақстан.

Алекешова Л.Б. – п.ғ.к, қауымдастырылған профессор, Х. Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау универси- теті, Студенттік даңғ., 212, Атырау, Казақстан.

Султангубиева А.А. – Х. Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау университеті ф.ғ.к., аударма ісі кафедрасы, Студенттік даңғ., 212, Атырау, Казақстан.

Байжуманова Б.Ш. – пс.ғ.к., доцент. Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, Сәтпаев көш., 2, Нұр-Сұлтан, Қазақстан.

Ақпарат көздері


В Государственной программе развития образования в Республике Казахстан на 2005-2010 годы приоритеты образовательной политики были

One of the priorities of UNESCO is the development of regional cooperation in the field of education in all regions of the world community.. In recent decades, the organization

жaсay; тұлғaның үздiксiз шығapмaшылықпeн дaмyы, өзгepyi жәнe жeтiлyi; oның бiлiм aлy кeңiстiгiндeгi жaңaлыққa ұмтылысын қaмтaмaсыз eтy жәнe кәсiби бiлiм

- inclusion of procedures of the project activity in the contents of teaching students, consists of the stages: pre-project stage, characterized by the search,

Болашақ физика пәнінің мұғалімі жалпы білім беретін мектеп оқушыларының танымдық қызығушылығын дамытуға дайындығы болуы үшін жоғары оқу орнында арнайы

В связи с обновлением содержания учебной программы и организации учебно- воспитательного процесса на основе инновационных подходов предъявляются

Рассмотрим историю становления и развития таможенной службы Горного Алтая, покажем вклад роли та- моженной службы в развитие торговли с Монголией, а также

Мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздік алған жылдарынан бастап, қазіргі күнге дейінгі рухани жаңғыру процесінде қоғамның саяси мәдениетінің қалыптасуы