• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

M u b a r a k s h i n a P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G L I S H I N U S E: A R C H I T E C T U R E Part 1 (2) PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH IN USE: ARCHITECTURE Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Е.Н


Academic year: 2022

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Толық мәтін


E. N. K o n o v a l o v a F. M. M a r s h e v a

F. D. M u b a r a k s h i n a

P R O F E S S I O N A L E N G L I S H I N U S E:


Part 1




Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Е.Н. Коновалова Ф.М. Маршева Ф.Д. Мубаракшина

Учебное пособие для студентов архитектурно-строительных вузов

Казань 2014

Part 1

Казанский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет


УДК 802.0:72

ББК 81.2Англ:85.11 К64

Коновалова Е.Н., Маршева Ф.М., Мубаракшина Ф.Д.

К64 Professional English in use: Architecture. Part 1: учебное пособие для

студентов архитектурно-строительных вузов / Е.Н. Коновалова, Ф.М. Маршева, Ф.Д. Мубаракшина. – Казань: Изд-во Казанск. гос.

архитект.-строит. ун-та, 2014. – 124 с.

ISBN 978-5-7829-0475-3

Печатается по решению Редакционно-издательского совета Казанского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов архитектурно- строительных вузов, изучающих английский язык. Пособие составлено в соответствии с программой курса «Иностранный язык», основная цель – освоение студентами терминологии, связанной с теорией и историей архитектуры, а также формирование у них умения использовать языковой материал в профессиональном общении со специалистами.

Илл. 25; библиогр. 29 наимен.


Кандидат филологических наук, заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков КГАСУ

М.К. Гулканян

Кандидат архитектуры, профессор кафедры архитектурного проектирования КГАСУ

И.Н. Агишева

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры теории и практики перевода Института международных отношений, истории и востоковедения КФУ

И.И. Кузнецова

УДК 802.0:72

ББК 81.2Англ:85.11 © Казанский государственный

архитектурно-строительный университет, 2014

ISBN 978-5-7829-0475-3 © Коновалова Е.Н., Маршева Ф.М.,

Мубаракшина Ф.Д., 2014





Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено авторами для студентов младших курсов архитектурных, инженерно-архитектурных и дизайнерских специальностей, изучающих английский язык. Предлагаемое учебное пособие может быть использовано не только студентами архитектурных вузов, но также всеми, кто интересуется архитектурой, имеет желание читать специальную литературу на английском языке в оригинале и профессионально общаться на архитектурные темы.

Учебное пособие представляет собой серию «Professional English in Use:

Architecture», включающую в себя 3 части. Предлагаемая вниманию читателя

«Professional English in Use: Architecture. Part 1» посвящена изучению вопросов теории и истории архитектуры.

Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с основными требованиями дисциплины «Иностранный язык», которая является базовой дисциплиной гуманитарного, социального и экономического цикла образовательных программ по ФГОС-3, и предполагает продолжение обучения студентов английскому языку, опираясь на знания, приобретенные учащимися в средней школе.

Главными целями учебного пособия являются – формирование коммуникативной компетенции, то есть способности осуществлять общение на английском языке в рамках специальной (архитектурной) тематики, обучение различным видам чтения оригинальной литературы по специальности, а также подготовка к реферированию и аннотированию.

Для достижения поставленных в целей авторы в своем пособии постарались решить следующие задачи:

– обучить студентов практическому владению английским языком по архитектурному направлению подготовки для активного использования полученных ими знаний в профессиональном общении со специалистами в области архитектуры, проектирования и строительства;

– сформировать и развить у учащихся навыки публичной речи перед аудиторией (сообщение, доклад, интервью, презентация, диалог, дискуссия, защита проекта) в рамках специальности;

– ознакомить студентов с основами реферирования, аннотирования и перевода специальной литературы по профилю;



– выработать у студентов умение работать с информацией на английском языке на профессиональные темы, способность критически ее осмысливать и высказывать свое мнение;

– способствовать освоению студентами терминологии на английском языке, связанной с теорией и историей архитектуры;

– ознакомить студентов с историей архитектуры, основными архитектурными стилями, наиболее известными архитекторами и памятниками архитектуры на английском языке.

Структура учебного пособия включает в себя восемь уроков-тем (Units), которые тематически соотносятся с основными периодами развития европейской и мировой исторической архитектуры.

1 – Предыстория (архитектуры).

2 – Архитектура Древнего Египта.

3 – Архитектура Древней Греции.

4 – Архитектура Древнего Рима.

5 – Романская архитектура.

6 – Готическая архитектура.

7 – Архитектура Ренессанса.

8 – Архитектура барокко.

Каждый урок-тема состоит из следующих разделов, которые соответствуют основным видам речевой деятельности:

– грамматический практикум – «Grammar review»;

– чтение на английском языке – «Reading»;

– разговорный практикум – «Speaking»;

– переводческий практикум – «Translating».

Также каждый урок-тема содержит серию упражнений – «Exercises», размещенную в контексте выше перечисленных практикумов, а также задания, которые предполагают взаимосвязанное развитие всех умений: чтения, слушания, говорения, что характерно для языкового общения в реальной жизни и которые направлены на активизацию данного вида языковой деятельности.

Грамматический практикум («Grammar Review») включает в себя следующие грамматические темы.

1. Глагол to be.

2. Глагол to have.

3. Оборот there + to be.

4. Степени сравнения прилагательных.


5 5. Времена группы Indefinite Active.

6. Времена группы Indefinite Passive.

7. Времена группы Continuous.

8. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

В каждом грамматическом разделе даны пояснительные таблицы того или иного грамматического явления с последующими упражнениями, которые построены на лексическом материале, подлежащем активному усвоению.

Чтение («Reading») представлено в виде двух основных текстов: текста А и текста В, которые должны быть проработаны, что предполагает точное и полное их понимание. Перед текстами даются различные задания: задание на поиск и определение (оглавление) основных частей текста, что постепенно готовит их к аннотации и реферированию; задание на поиск ключевых слов, что имитирует реальную ситуацию, когда необходимо их определение при подготовке доклада или статьи; задание к каждому абзацу в виде незаконченного предложения, предполагающего продолжение основной мысли данного абзаца, что ведет, в конечном итоге, к неподготовленному монологическому высказыванию.

Помимо развития умений чтения на основе базовых текстов, в каждом уроке есть тексты, описывающие тот или иной период времени, а так же рубрика «Facts in Brief», где студенты знакомятся с кратко изложенными интересными фактами или событиями изучаемой эпохи.

Разговорный практикум («Speaking») представляет собой упражнения на развитие умений подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме; упражнения по диалогической речи (Pairwork); задания на формирование умений выражать собственное мнение, одобрение или неодобрение чужих высказываний; упражнения на ведение дискуссий с партнерами и презентации, которая дает возможность использовать сформированные навыки и умения: говорения, слушания и чтения.

Переводческий практикум («Translating») являет собой тексты на английском и русском языках, предназначенные для перевода.

Работа над архитектурными терминами начинается с их введения (Vocabulary), которые даются после текстов А и В, закрепляются и активизируются в упражнениях:

подстановка слов и словосочетаний, поиск ответов на вопросы перед текстом, распознавание синонимов или антонимов, образование и перевод словосочетаний,

«состыковка» вопросов с ответами и т.п. Архитектурные термины изучаются и запоминаются с помощью использования визуального компонента – цветных иллюстраций (картинок, схем, фотографий). В каждом уроке-теме даются иллюстрации, которые позволяют почувствовать среду той или иной эпохи, снижают монотонность



обучения, а качественное цветное иллюстрирование архитектурных терминов способствуют их наглядности и облегчает запоминание.

Особое внимание уделяется расширению терминологического словаря. Одним из творческих заданий настоящего учебного пособия, которое проходит через всю структуру пособия в процессе изучения его в течение всего семестра, является формирование студентами своего собственного электронного архитектурного терминологического англо-русского словаря с авторскими иллюстрациями.

По окончании изучения пособия предполагается раскрытие содержания словаря и его сдача студентами в форме презентаций. Кроме того, этот словарь даст возможность всем студентам принять участие в конкурсе на лучший архитектурный словарь по завершению работы над пособием.

Далее в учебное пособие включены приложения Appendix «А» и Appendix «В».

В приложении Appendix «А», размещенном на стр. 101–116, представлены тексты по основным урокам-темам, которые содержат дополнительную информацию по архитектуре соответствующих исторических периодов. Эти тексты предназначены как для переводов, так и для использования в подготовке сообщений, бесед, презентаций.

В содержание приложения «В», размещенного на стр. 117–121, включены контрольные задания по английскому языку, основанные на архитектурной лексике терминологического характера. Контрольные задания сформированы последовательно в соответствии с логикой изложения материала в уроках-темах.

В заключение, авторы выражают благодарность авторам рецензий, изучившим работу, и давшим ценные замечания, которые оказали самое положительное влияние на качество пособия; а также всем сотрудникам КГАСУ, оказавшим содействие в разработке и публикации учебного пособия.

А более всего авторы надеются, что их труд окажется полезным для своей целевой аудитории, для студентов-архитекторов, в освоении особенностей и тонкостей профессионального английского языка в области истории архитектуры, проектирования и строительства.






Глагол to be в Indefinite Active.

Present Past Future

am (I)

I am an architect.

is (he, she, it) He is an architect.

are (we, you, they) They are architects.

was (ед.ч.)

She was an architect.

were (мн.ч.)

We were architects.

shall be (1-е л.) I shall be an architect.

will be

You will be an architect.

Put the verb to be in the appropriate form:

1. The Stone Age ..… a period of progress of the human technology.

2. The Neolithic people in the Syria, northern Mesopotamia and Central Asia ….. great builders.

3. Houses ….. plastered and then painted with elaborate scenes of humans and animals.

4. Brick ..… the main material used for the construction.

5. Elaborate tomb for the dead ….. example of Neolithic architecture.

6. Stonehenge ….. obviously an important site in the religious observances of the Bronze Age culture.

7. The roof of each room ….. conical structure of branches and mud.

8. Jericho ..… the earliest known town.

Choose the correct answer:

1. Early Neolithic houses ….. huts.

а) was b) am c) were

2. Water ….. vital to the lifestyle of the ancient people.

а) is b) not to be c) was

3. The major prehistoric monuments ….. in Britain.

а) will be b) was c) are

4. Henges ..… a form of religious and ceremonial gathering place.

а) will be b) isn’t c) are



5. The best preserved and perhaps the most archaeologically important camp ..… Windmill Hill in England.

а) aren’t b) to be c) is

6. The tombs ..… centers of religious activity focusing on a cult of the dead.

а) were b) was c) is

7. The most visitable stone circles ..… Rollright Stones in Britain.

а) was b) is c) are


Read the brief description of prehistoric period:


Also known as The New Stone Age, dated beginning about 9500 B.C. (до нашей эры) in the Middle East, it was a period of progress of the human technology.

Pottery (керамика) was first introduced in this age, as well as the development of tools for hunting, building and cooking. The Neolithic people in Syria, northern Mesopotamia and Central Asia were great builders, utilizing mud-brick (кирпич из ила) to construct houses and villages. Houses were plastered (штукатурить) and then painted with elaborate scenes of humans and animals.

The Mediterranean Neolithic cultures of Malta worshiped (поклоняться) in megalithic temples. Elaborate tombs (могилы) for the dead were also built. These tombs are particularly numerous in Ireland, where there are many thousand of them still in existence.

This period shows the start of human civilizations, spiritual beliefs, and the human ambition to make life easier.

Read the text and give the headline to each paragraph:



(abridged from «Prehistoric Britain» by David Ross)

Once human beings settle down to the business of agriculture, instead of hunting and gathering, permanent settlements became a factor of life. The history of architecture can begin. The tent-like structures of early times evolve now into round houses. Jericho is usually quoted as the earliest known town. A small settlement here evolves in about 8000 B.C.

into a town covering 10 acres. And the builders of Jericho have a new technology - brick, shaped from mud and baked hard in the sun. Keeping with a circular tradition, each brick is curved on its outer edge.

Most of the round houses in Jericho consist of a single room, but a few have as many as three rooms, which show the arrival of the social and economic distinctions which have been a



feature of all developed societies. The floor of each house is excavated some way down into the ground; then both the floor and the brick walls are plastered in mud. The roof of each room is a conical structure of branches and mud.

The round tent-like houses reach a more complete form in Khirokitia1, a settlement of about 6500 B.C. in Cyprus2. Most of the rooms here have a dome-like roof in corbelled stone (зубчатый камень) or brick. One step up from outside, to keep out the rain, leads to several steps down into each room; seats and storage spaces are shaped into walls; and in at least one house there is a ladder to an upper sleeping platform. And there is another striking innovation at Khirokitia. A paved road runs through the village, with paths leading off to the courtyards around which the houses are built.

The round house has remained a traditional shape. Buildings very similar to those in Khirokitia are still lived in today southern Italy, where they are known as trully. Whether it is a mud hut with a thatched roof in tribal Africa, or an igloo3 of the Eskimo4, the circle remains the obvious form in which to build a roofed house from the majority of natural materials. But straight lines and rectangles have proved of more practical use.

One of the best preserved Neolithic towns is Catal Huyuk5, covering some 32 acres in southern Turkey. Here the houses are rectangular, with windows but no doors. They adjoin each other, like cells in the honeycomb6, and entrance to each is through the roof. Each house projects a little above its neighbour, providing space for the window. In a walled village or town, on a flat site, windows require the introduction of lanes and courtyards. They too will become standard features in most human settlements.

--- Notes to the text:

1Khirokitia – поселение на Кипре; археологический объект, включенный в список культурного и природного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

2 Cyprus – Кипр.

3 An igloo – иглу, зимнее жилище эскимосов.

4Eskimo – народ, который составляет коренное население территории от Гренландии до Аляски (США).

5 Catal Huyuk – Чатал-Хююк, поселение эпохи неолита.

6 honeycomb – соты.


to adjoin – примыкать to evolve – развиваться architecture – архитектура to excavate – выкапывать

to bake – обжигать feature – особенность

to build – строить flat – плоский

business – дело lane – проход, дорожка

brick – кирпич mud – грязь, ил

cell – ячейка to pave – мостить

circular – круглый to plaster – штукатурить

conical – конический rectangle – прямоугольник

courtyard – двор road – дорога

to curve – вырезать roof – крыша

dome – купол round – круглый

edge – край settlement – поселение



shape – форма straight – прямой

to shape – формировать, создавать structure – постройка

similar – похожий thatched roof – соломенная или

single – единственный тростниковая крыша


Insert English words instead of Russian ones:

1. A small (поселение) evolves into a big town.

2. Most of the (круглыe) houses consist of a single room.

3. Тhe brick walls are plastered in (ил).

4. The roof of each room is (коническая) structure of branches and mud.

5. Most of the rooms have a (купол)-like roof in corbelled stone or brick.

6. The round house has remained a traditional (форма).

7. There were mud huts with a (тростниковая крыша) in tribal Africa.

8. (Прямые) lines and (прямоугольники) have proved of practical use.

Replace the underlined words (A) by their contextual synonyms (B):


1. Most of the round houses consisted of a single room.

2. The social and economic distinctions have been features of all developed societies.

3. The builders had a new technology – brick, shaped from mud and baked hard in the sun.

4. The tent-like structures of early times evolve into round houses.

5. Each brick is curved on its outer edge.

6. In geometry there are many different shapes.


develop, circular, characteristics, forms, end, burned

Using the vocabulary:

- give English equivalents to the following:

большое поселение, соломенная крыша, обжигать кирпич, похожие черты, круглый купол, плоская форма, прямая линия, маленький прямоугольник, выкапывать фундамент, штукатурить стену, мостить дорогу, коническая фигурa.

- give Russian equivalents to the following:

to be plastered in mud, straight shape, round structure, gold dome, conical roof, ancient settlement, to be evolved into a big city, similar examples, round edge, to be baked in the sun, a paved road, circular form, to be covered with thatched roof, big rectangle, flat surface.




Are the following statements concerning the Text A true or false?

True False 1 The tent-like structures of early times evolve into square houses.

2 The builders of Jericho have a new technology - brick, shaped from mud and burnt hard in the sun.

3 The roof of each room is a cylindrical structure of branches and mud.

4 The round tent-like houses reach a more complete form in a settlement in Cyprus.

5 Most of the rooms here have an egg-like roof in corbelled stone or brick.

6 Seats and storage spaces are shaped into walls.

7 There was a mud hut with a thatched roof in tribal Africa.

8 In Catal Huyuk the houses are rectangular, without windows.

Match the questions on the left with the appropriate short answers on the right:

1. Did the history of architecture begin with permanent

settlements? a. Yes, they are.

b. Yes, it is.

c. No, it isn’t.

d. Yes, it did.

e. Yes, they will.

f. Yes, it has.

g. Yes, they do.

h. Yes, they have.

2. Is Jericho quoted as the latest known town?

3. Is the floor of each house excavated some way down into the ground?

4. Do the round tent-like houses reach a more complete form in Khirokitia?

5. Has the round house remained a traditional shape?

6. Have straight lines and rectangles proved of more practical use?

7. Are houses rectangular in Catal Huyuk?

8. Will courtyards become standard features in most human settlements?

Find in the text the sentences containing:

1. … with a circular tradition… . 2. … as many as three… .

3. … in corbelled stone or brick.

4. … leading off to the courtyards… . 5. … with a thatched roof… .

6. … the obvious form… .

7. … like cells in the honeycomb… . 8. … made possible by… .



Pay attention to the highlighted words in the Text A. All of them describe different shapes.

Match the terms and shapes shown below:


rectangle, ellipse, horizontal broken line, cube,

octagon, triangle, circle, sphere, pentagon, cylinder, trapezium,

thin vertical line, cone, hexagon, curve, pyramid, cuboid, thick line

Fig. 1. Shapes

Develop the following ideas. Use the words from Text A.

1. The history of architecture has begun with permanent settlements.

2. The builders of the earliest known town had a new technology of construction.

3. Straight lines and rectangles have proved of more practical use.

4. Lanes and courtyards have become standard features in most human settlements.

5. The social and economic distinctions have been a feature of all developed societies.

Draw the sketch of the early Neolithic building and describe it.



Read the Text B and find underlined words which have these meanings:

1) a cupola of a building

2) something (as a building) that is constructed 3) the distance from the base of something to the top 4) a curved structure

5) the art or practice of designing

6) a building devoted to the worship of god or gods

7) a vertical construction made of stone, brick, wood, that used to enclose, divide an area 8) a sculpture representing a human or an animal



Express the main idea of each passage of the Text B:


(abridged from «The Prehistoric Antiquities of the Maltese Islands» by Evans, J. D.)

They are unique all over the world. They are the oldest standing stone structures which remain to us from ancient times.

The temples date from 4000-2500 B.C. They are older than Stonehenge, older than Pyramids.

Their architecture is beautiful and inspiring, their scale is impressive yet human (fig. 2).

Excellently preserved, they were covered with soil from early times and ignored by the long march of history. They

were rediscovered and carefully Fig. 2. Prehistoric temple of Malta

restored by European and native Maltese archaeologists beginning in XIX century. Because of their uniqueness and beauty, the major temple complexes are deservedly designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Little is known about the people who built these megalithic1 temples. They were farmers who grew cereals and raised domestic livestock. They worshipped the mother goddess whose type is known from early statuettes found scattered around the Mediterranean.

Similar statues are also found on Malta, several being of uniquely large size.

The Maltese temples are constructed of stone, in a cloverleaf 2 (trefoil) floor plan. Their typical architectural elements include the incomplete dome and the horizontal arch, or post- and-lintel3 trilithon4. The curvatures of the temples perhaps elaborate the circular plan of ordinary dwellings of the time, but are also reminiscent of underground burial chambers.

The basic temple plan consists of a variable number of hemispheric chambers, or apses, branching off from a narrow entrance path. The apses are incomplete domes, built of ingeniously corbelled stone (зубчатый камень, кладка из обработанных камней) broad at the base and curving in towards the top. However, a full dome could not be constructed using this technique; after the walls had been built up, the apse was roofed in animal hides which were suspended from timber poles. Pole-and-hide construction was also used for doors.

At major sites, two or more temples would be built next to each other, the whole complex being encircled by a common outer wall. The size of the temples varies, but an apse might measure fifteen or so feet in diameter, with outer temple walls rising well over twice the height of a person. Due to the size and complexity of the temples, and the extensive resources which must have been required to build and maintain them, they must have played a very important part in the ongoing life of the community.

--- Notes to the text:

1 megalithic – мегалитический, мегалит – большой камень.

2 in a cloverleaf – в форме листа клевера.

3 post-and-lintel – cтоечно-балочный.

4trilithon – трилитон – три колоссальных мегалитических блока, именуемые «Чудо трех камней».




apse – апсида to measure – измерять

arch – арка path – путь, дорожка

burial – захоронение pole – столб

chamber – камера to preserve – сохранять

to construct – строить to require – требовать

curvature – изгиб soil – почва

dwelling – жилище, дом stone – камень

to elaborate – зд. дополнять to suspend – подвешивать

to encircle – окружать temple – храм

height – высота timber – древесина

to maintain – обслуживать to worship – поклоняться


Choose words above to put into the sentences below:

1. A striking group of megalithic ..… is found in Malta.

2. The most famous standing ….. is Stonehenge in Wiltshire.

3. The typical architectural elements include the incomplete dome and the horizontal ..… . 4. The ordinary ….. of that time were circular in plan.

5. The ….. are incomplete domes.

6. The whole complex was ..… by a common outer wall.

7. The people ..… the mother goddess.

Increase your vocabulary. Make some sentences of your own using the words above.

Find in the text and put down some words and word combinations which can be used to speak about the special features of megalithic temples.

Find evidence in Text B to support these statements:

1. The prehistoric temples of Malta are unique all over the world.

2. The architecture of Maltese temples has its typical features.

3. The extensive resources were required to build the temples.

Translate the text into English:

Мегалитические храмы Мальты являются уникальными памятниками архитектуры доисторического периода. Они включены в список объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Возраст самых древних из них считается большим, чем возраст египетских пирамид. Некоторые храмы довольно примитивны, другие имеют особый орнамент и украшены резьбой.



Храмы построены из каменных глыб, размер которых достигает восемь метров в длину, а вес – десятков тонн, и по своей планировке храмовый комплекс напоминает листок клевера.

Древние строители разработали целые технологии. Сначала выкапывалась яма под фундамент храма с одной вертикальной стороной и другой противоположной – покатой.

Котлован укрепляли с вертикальной стороны бревнами, затем туда на валиках подкатывали крупные камни и переваливали в фундамент с помощью примитивных рычагов. Храм состоял из некоторого количества полусферических камер или апсид.

Типичными архитектурными элементами храма являлись полукупол и горизонтальная арка. После возведения стен апсиды покрывались шкурами животных. Весь храмовый комплекс был огражден общей стеной. Храмы играли важную роль в жизни сообщества того времени.

Translate the text into Russian:



Here and there throughout England, usually on the slopes of the chalk hills of the south, are incised figures of huge proportions cut into the earth. Often visible for miles around, these hill figures give off an air of ancient sanctity (святыня). Well, don’t sniff that sanctified air too closely, you may find it rancid (протухший). Many of the hill figures you see are recent copies, laid out in the past 150 years. Of the legitimate hill figures, the most famous are, unfortunately, of an indeterminate age. The Giant of Cerne Abbas, in Dorset, and the Long Man of Wilmington, in East Sussex, have defied the best efforts (не поддаваться усилиям) of archaeologists to date them. Conjecture (догадка) ranges from the Iron Age to Saxon time.

The White Horse of Uffington has recently been dated to 2000 B.C., a good millennium older than had been thought.

Fig. 3. Hill figures:

a – White Horse in Uffington; b – The Giant of Cerne Abbas




Work with a partner – find ways of completing these sentences:

1. If we didn’t get inspiration from architectural past ..… . 2. The history of architecture begins with ..… .

3. Neolithic architecture shows ..… .

4. Neolithic people were great builders because ..… . 5. Large slabs of stone, or megaliths….. .

6. Buildings known as truly ..… . 7. The major temple complexes ..… .

8. Due to the size and complexity of the temples ..… . 9. Here and there throughout England ….. .

10. The most famous hill figures are ..… .


Now you begin a university course of the History of architecture. It is very important what you know about it. Is it necessary for a future architect to study the History of architecture?

Read pros and cons of studying the course given below. Think of some more which are important in your opinion:

For Against

1. I can get inspiration from architectural past.

2. The learning of the History of architecture allows to broad one’s mind.


1. It takes a lot of time to learn the History of architecture.

2. I think it is very difficult to learn the History of architecture.


Discuss the problem in groups. Give your reasons for your decision.

You may find the following expressions helpful:

- to express your opinion:

I think… I suppose…

Speaking for myself… I’m sure…

I believe… In my opinion…


17 - to agree with somebody:

Yes, I agree (with you) I think so too

That’s true You are quite right

- to disagree with somebody:

On the other hand… It’s not (entirely) true I don’t agree (with you) I don’t think so



История первобытного общества связана с применением различных материалов и техник изготовления орудий труда. Принято делить ее на три эпохи: каменную, бронзовую и железную. Начало строительной деятельности относится к эпохе палеолита. Примитивная строительная деятельность человека была связана с возведением жилищ.

Зарождение архитектуры состоялось в эпоху позднего палеолита. В это же время возникла новая сфера человеческой деятельности – изобразительное искусство.

В период неолита появляются каменные орудия труда, которые переводят технические возможности человека на более высокий уровень. Этот период известен строительством деревянных жилищ. Наиболее развитым типом жилища были деревянные дома на сваях над реками.

В бронзовом веке человек осваивает металлические орудия. К этому времени получают широкое распространение мегалитические сооружения – постройки из каменных глыб. Назначение этих сооружений, прежде всего, было связано с религиозными обрядами.

В целом, первобытная архитектура явилась основой архитектуры государств Древнего Востока. Географические рамки древних восточных государств обширны: это страны Азии, Африки, Средиземноморья.

Одним из самых значительных среди многих является Древний Египет. Наиболее известные памятники архитектуры Древнего Египта – монументальные пирамиды, храмы с лотосовидными и папирусовидными колоннами.

В культурном наследии древних цивилизаций особое место занимает греко- римская культура в Средиземноморском бассейне. Архитектуру этого периода принято называть античной (лат. antiquus – древний).

Compile your own English-Russian Glossary of architectural terms concerning Prehistoric architecture with your own illustrations. Use not only the terms from the Unit but consult the dictionary for architects.






Глагол to have в Indefinite Active.

Present Past Future


Dwelling houses have many rooms.

В жилых домах много комнат.


Dwelling house has many rooms.

В жилом доме много комнат.


Dwelling house (houses) had many rooms.

В жилом доме (домах) было много комнат.

Shall have Will have Dwelling house will have many rooms.

В жилом доме будет много комнат.

Put the verb to have in the correct form:

1. Alexandria ….. a number of outstanding monuments.

2. Every week I ..… the lecture of the History of architecture.

3. Next year Museum of Modern Egyptian Art ….. new ornamental works.

4. This self-taught artist ..… a distinctive style of painting.

5. The big cities of Cairo and Alexandria ..… many private galleries.

6. The emperors ..… their images depicted on the walls of the shrines.

7. The fountain in the middle of the courtyard ..… a dome.

8. The first pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty ….. a temple of the sun.

To be / to have – сhoose the answer you think is correct:

1. Egyptian culture … connections with folklore.

а) have b) is c) had d) are

2. Outstanding figures in the art world … Seif Wanli and his brother Adham.

а) have b) were c) was d) is

3. In future this temple… plain facade.

а) will be b) will have c) is d) has



4. Cleopatra … a woman of outstanding intelligence and education.

а) wasn’t b) have c) are d) was

5. The main entrance to the complex … at the eastern corner of the arcade.

а) aren’t b) weren’t c) is d) are 6. The sphinx figure of Ramesses II … human hands.

а) has b) is c) was d) weren’t

7. This Mosque …one of the finest Islamic buildings.

а) will b b) had c) has d) is

8. The courtyard … walls bearing extremely interesting relief.

а) has b) are c) haven’t d) have

9. Each tomb … an underground part for the mummy.

а) was b) were c) had d) will be


Read the brief description of the period «Ancient Mediterranean»:

This period covers the Ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Byzantine Empire around the time from 3000 B.C. up to 300 B.C. The ancient Mediterranean civilization, from ancient time to the beginning of the Middle Ages, is a result of significant historical events, and it is one of the most notable empires which gave a progressive influence to the growth of human cultures. The mild and healthful climate, and the heritage (наследие) of important civilizations of Mesopotamia, India and China, the facile communication by maritime routes, as well as the invention (изобретение) of writing, supporting columns, doors, windows, arches, sculpture, painting, engineering, the alphabet, agriculture, metal work, and logistics were born in this era. The Ancient Mediterranean civilization was a result of the continuous process of advancement, enhanced by the exchange of ideas through migration and colonization.

Read the Text A and give the headline to each paragraph:


DOMESTIC LIFE IN ANCIENT EGYPT (abridged from «Egypt: Art and Architecture» by Matthias Seidel)

Mighty pyramids, magnificent shrines dedicated to the kings and gods, and the immense wealth of the pharaohs dominate our ideas of ancient Egyptian culture today. The emphasis is on official monuments and royal decrees. But what was daily life like for the subjects of the divine rulers of the land by the Nile? In what kinds of domestic conditions did people live?



Unlike the stone-built temples, the ordinary buildings of Egypt were principally made of mud brick, which the climate favored, and timber: these materials did not survive the millennia so well, for they were always being built over, and had to contend with a rising groundwater level. In the New Kingdom, a more or less standard form of dwelling had developed, with its size and furnishings reflecting the

social position of the master of the house.

There were large villas for high-ranking administrative officials, with an area of up to 400 m2 and small houses of only 25 to 30 m2. The outside walls were usually plastered and then painted in a shade of white or yellow.

The roof was generally used as a living area, and a high wall around the property was also common, to shelter the family from the wind and the prying eyes of outsiders.

A house of good size in el-Amarna, for instance, typically built on a slightly raised masonry base, was entered through a small anteroom1, leading into a broad hall supported on four wooden columns and with rooms on both sides of it. From here one would gain access to the main and central room of the property, used principally for formal

purposes. Its roof was higher than that of Fig. 4. The fragment of Egyptian architecture the other rooms around it, and spaces left open in the top part of the wall admitted light and air.

At the back of the house lay such private living rooms as a sitting room, a bedroom with a niche to take the bed, and a bathroom with a wash basin and lavatory seat. The dwelling house itself could be surrounded by courtyards and gardens, or by such domestic buildings as barns, sheds and stables for animals, ovens, and workshops, so that the whole extensive layout had the character of a manor house and farm.

--- Note to the text:

1 anteroom – прихожая.


barn – амбар to plaster – штукатурить

column – колонна property – собственность

to contend – бороться shade – оттенок

divine – священный shed – сарай

domestic – домашний to shelter – укрывать

dwelling – жилище shrine – гробница

furnishing – отделка to support – поддерживать masonry – каменная кладка temple – храм

mud – грязь, ил timber – строительный лес

niche – ниша wood – дерево




Insert English words instead of Russian ones:

1. A high wall (укрывать) the family from the wind and the prying eyes of outsiders.

2. The ordinary buildings of Egypt were principally made of (древесина).

3. Magnificent (гробницы) were dedicated to the kings and gods.

4. The outside walls were usually (оштукатурить).

5. There was an access to the main and central room of the (собственность), used principally for formal purposes.

6. A house of good size was typically built on a slightly raised (каменный) base.

7. (Обстановка) of the dwelling reflected the social position of the master of the house.

8. A broad hall was supported on four wooden (колонны).

Using the vocabulary:

- give English equivalents to the following:

деревянная колонна, ниша в стене, использовать строительный лес, отделка здания, обычный дом, священный храм, домашняя жизнь, штукатурить стену, гробница фараона, укрывать от ветра, красивая отделка;

- give Russian equivalents to the following:

different shades, magnificent shrine, divine animal, ordinary life, made of timber, mud brick, dwelling house, to support column, big barn, wooden shed, shade of the colour, light workshop, to shelter from the rain, ordinary people, large niche, divine shrine, to contend with.

Make up the sentences of your own with the words from the Vocabulary:


Are the following statements concerning the Text A true or false?

True False 1 The ordinary buildings of Egypt were principally made of stone.

2 The size and furnishing of the dwelling reflected the social position of the master of the house.

3 There were only small houses in Egypt.

4 The outside walls were painted in a shade of white or blue.

5 A high wall sheltered the family from the wind.

6 A house of good size was typically built on a slightly raised masonry base.

7 At the back of the house lay such private living rooms as the sitting room and a kitchen.

8 The dwelling house itself could be surrounded by courtyards and gardens.



Match the questions on the left with the appropriate short answers on the right:

1. Do mighty pyramids dominate our ideas of ancient Egyptian

culture today? a. Yes, there were.

b. No, they weren’t.

c. Yes, it did.

d. Yes they do.

e. Yes, it does.

f. Yes, it was.

2. Were domestic conditions poor in Egypt?

3. Were there large villas in Egypt?

4. Did a high wall shelter the family from the prying eyes of outsiders?

5. Was the roof generally used as a living area?

6. Does the layout have the character of a manor house and farm?

Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:

barn, work with stone, dwelling house, wealthy, immense, dirty, domestic, timber, manor, big, territory, to draw, swimming pool, home, wood, rich, masonry, farm, basin, muddy, villa, shed, to paint, area

Look through the Text A again to find the words concerning architecture.

Which words are associated with Religious Architecture and which are associated with Domestic Architecture? Add any other words that you can think of.

Religious Architecture Domestic Architecture 1. Temple



1. Shed 2.


Find in the text the passages describing the ordinary dwelling house in Egypt and translate them into Russian.

Make up the list of the following aspects concerning Egyptian architecture:

- types of the buildings - building materials - parts of the house - rooms in the house

Draw the plan of a large villa, a small house or a house of good size using the information above.



Read the text to find answers to the questions given before the paragraphs.



(abridged from «Egypt: Art and Architecture» by Matthias Seidel) What outstanding institutions were

there in Alexandria?

Under the Ptolemaic1 kings Alexandria had a number of outstanding institutions, like the Museion2 with its great library, the grave of Alexander the Great, that has never been discovered, and the Sarapeion3, the shrine to the new god of the realm Sarapis4. But none of these structures achieved the renown of the lighthouse on the island of Pharos, for this was the latest of the seven wonders of the world in antiquity.

Who was the architect of the lighthouse?

The architect of this unique monument, which was larger than any lighthouse subsequently built, is believed to be Sostratos

of Knidos5. Fig. 5. The lighthouse on the island of Pharos The dedicatory inscription was in huge letters on the front entrance, and according to the version recorded by the Greek satirist Lucian (2nd century A.D.) it read: «Sostratos of Knidos, son of Dexiphanes, (dedicates this lighthouse) to the gods of salvation for the benefit of those who go to sea».

What building materials were used for the construction?

The sum of money expended, 800 talents, accorded with the mighty structure, for it was the equivalent of around 20,800 kilograms of silver. But the height of the tower can be estimated. It may have been over 429 feet (130 metres). The building material used was «white stone», so probably they were limestone and marble.

Where was the main entrance?

The lighthouse had three stories and it did not stand on the island of Pharos itself but on an outcrop of rock to the east of it. It was surrounded by a rectangular terrace with fortified towers at each of the four corners. A huge cistern was located in the foundations to supply water for general use. The bottom storey was on a square ground plan and extended




to a height of around 230 feet (71 meters). The main entrance was on the second storey and could only be reached up a ramp. The next stage consisted of an octagon of around 110 feet (34 meters), with a round structure rising from its platform. This in turn, bore the small superstructure with a conical roof crowned with a statue of Zeus6. How strong the light emitted by the fire in the upper part of the Pharos was, and how it was directed, remain open questions, concave mirrors were probably used.

When was the lighthouse destroyed?

The Pharos lighthouse stood unharmed for several centuries, until it was almost completely destroyed in a series of violent earthquakes between the 10th and 14th A.D.

--- Notes to the text:

1Ptolemaic – относящийся к Птолемеям (царская династия в эллинистическом Египте).

2Museion – Мусейон, основной центр эллинистической науки, созданный в Александрии Египетской при первых Птолемеях. От него происходит слово


3 Sarapeion – сарапейон, египетская гробница.

4 Sarapis – Серапис, один из богов эллинистического мирa.

5Sostratos of Knidos – Сострат из Книдоса, архитектор, построивший Александрийский Маяк.

6 Zeus – Зевс, верховный бог греков.

VOCABULARY to achieve renown –

получить признание

lighthouse – маяк limestone – известняк benefit – выгода, польза marble – мрамор

bottom storey – нижний этаж octagon – восьмиугольник to dedicate – посвящать outstanding – выдающийся

grave – могила square – квадрат

height – высота to supply – снабжать

huge – огромный tower – башня


Choose words above to put into the sentences below:

1. ..… of Alexander the Great was one of the outstanding institutions in ancient Egypt.

2. The dedicatory inscription was in ….. letters on the front entrance.

3. The building materials used in the construction were probably ..… and marble.

4. The ..… storey was on a square ground plan.

5. He ….. this building to the gods of salvation.

6. The structure was completely destroyed in a series of violent ….. .

7. A huge cistern was located in the foundations to ..… water for general use.



Translate the text into English:

Маяк острова Фарос получил широкое признание в древнем мире. Это сооружение считалось последним из семи чудес света.

Маяк был построен для того, чтобы корабли могли благополучно миновать рифы на пути в Александрийскую бухту.

Фаросский маяк возвышался на 120 метров (это примерно высота 45-этажного небоскреба). Наверху маяка горел яркий костер, и его свет усиливала целая система бронзовых зеркал. Благодаря этой системе зеркал свет маяка был виден за многие километры.

При строительстве маяка использовались такие строительные материалы как известняк и мрамор. Маяк был окружен прямоугольной террасой. Его коническая крыша заканчивалась статуей Зевса.

Благодаря прочности постройки Фаросский маяк простоял почти тысячу лет, но в 796 году н.э. был сильно поврежден землетрясением.

Increase your vocabulary. Make some sentences of your own using the words from the vocabulary.

Which of these shapes are mentioned in this Unit 2?

SHAPES: cube, cone, square, triangle, circle, octagon, pyramid, sphere, rectangle, curve.

Remember all terms describing standard shapes which are used in architecture. See Unit 1, p. 12.

Note that instead of using a noun to describe the shape of a building, an adjective is often more elegant, e.g. the building is an octagon may be changed to it’s an octagonal building. But not all adjective are formed in the same way.

The house is a rectangle – a rectangular house The basin is an ellipse – an elliptical basin The structure is a cube – а cubic structure The window is circle – a circular window The roof is a cone – a conical roof

Where can you use these terms in ordinary life?

Express the main idea of each passage of the Text B

What can you tell about construction of the Pharos lighthouse?



Match the following words with their definitions.

Term Picture № Term Picture № Term Picture №

lighthouse hexagon foundation

shrine terrace tower

roof corner storey

1 a paved or a brick outdoor area right next to a house or apartment

2 a building, enclosing the remains or relics of a saint or other holy person

3 part of structural system that supports the superstructure of a building

4 the space between any two floors or between the floor and the roof

5 the place at which two converging lines or surfaces meet

6 a tall structure, intended for a stronghold, fortress, prison etc.

7 a tall structure topped by a powerful light

8 flat shape

with straight sides

9 the cover of a building



Translate the text into Russian:



The wall of the long hall in the tomb of Rekmire contains the famous scenes of craftsmen at work which provide us with much information about the procedures of the time.

They include depictions of the making of mud bricks, the most commonly used building material in Egypt. The mass of material, which consisted of diluted Nile mud, sometimes mixed with sand, chaff, or ash, was poured into a wooden frame and smoothed flat. The frame was then removed and used for the next brick. Long rows of such bricks were set out to dry side by side, and in special cases were stamped with the royal seal.


Work in pairs. Make some true sentences and some false sentences about the greatest monuments of Egyptian architecture.

Say your sentences to your partner. Your partner says if they are true or false:


A. B.

- There were three stories in the lighthouse at Pharos.

- I think that’s true.

- I think that’s false.

Read the part of the interview with Egyptian archeologist Dr. Zahi Hawass and say about:

- the excavations in Giza

- the restoration work on the Sphinx

- the project of the «Grand Museum of Egypt»

Pay attention to the useful expressions below:

to carry out excavations – проводить раскопки pyramid-shaped – в форме пирамиды

to discover a necropolis – обнаружить некрополь to our surprise – к нашему удивлению

restoration work – реставрационная работа

in close collaboration with – в тесном сотрудничестве с to keep a careful eye on – тщательно присматривать за in my opinion – по моему мнению

world-famous building – всемирно известное здание

Ақпарат көздері


Hoii sa,UepHeHHOCTblO c BecbMa IlJlOTHOH ,UepHHHOii (,Uo 8-10 CM)' BBH,UY qero Ha IlOlJBaX cyrJJHHHCTOro MexaHHlJeCKOro COCTaBa npH o6pa6orne Heo6xo,UHMO npHMeHHTh

Казахстан территориясы бойынша атмосферальщ жауын-шашындагы ауыр металдардыц челшершщ коршаган ортага, ауыл шаруашылыгына жэне адам

Factors determining the state and development potential of ecological and socio-economic systems (ESES) Note - Compiled by the author.. For example, the presence of production

The geometry of these molecules is determined by the rigid base frame (methylene bridges between the adjacent upper rim m- hydroxyl groups, see similar structures in the

Усть- Каменогорска, подвергавшегося влиянию радиационных и промышленных факторов риска, в качестве контрольной группы проведено обследование жителей города

,n;nccepTaII;HOHHbIX pa60T no TBOp'IeCTBy MyxTapa AyaaoBa, MaTep:aaJihI KOTOpbIX orry6JIHKOBaHbl B mrµ;e OT,n;eJibHbIX CTaTeH.. oco6eHHOCTJiM H3JromeHHJi MaTepHaJia, Bee


Implementation of measures of state policy for development and activization of youth business in the mecha- nism of industrial and innovative growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan