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Mobile applications integration in education process of english language. .


Academic year: 2022

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International scientific-practical conference areas Scientific is conceivable material 28.12.2015 United Kingdom


сandidate of pedagogic science N.S. Baimuldina, senior lector S.A.Baitenova, senior lector N.A. Zakariyanova, senior lector B.A. Maksutova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Mobile applications integration in education process of english language. .

Nowadays we cannot imagine effective foreign languages training without information and communication technologies. To use information and communication technologies during English lessons enriches the lesson, making it more attractive and increases level of retention of material by students.

Informationandcommunication technologies areusedinthefollowingkey areas:

- Usingreadymultimediaapplicationsaspartofteaching materials in English, so as independent training resource;

- Creationauthorial presentations for lessons in PowerPoint program by pedagogues;

- Showing different trainingvideo-andaudio(video lessons, audio podcasts, etc);

- Searchandreproductionofauthenticvideoandaudio materials aiming to demonstrate to students more modern and used examples of English speeches and search new language tendencies;

- Using mobile applications for learning foreign language (They added to new training materials, also they are available as independent programs), which gives to students more possibilities for continuous access to training materials.

Informational support of educational process gets to the new level, one of key directions connects with mobile applications using for learning of different subjects, including foreign languages. The article reviewed the mobile applications using, their advantages and perspectives.

In process of technical progress, mobile devices gets new technical capabilities, the speed and reliability at data transmission in channels of a wireless communication grows. Mobiles, smartphones, tablet computers get main part of digital life of person since early childhood.

Themaindidacticqualitiesofmobiletechnologiesareinteractivity, informationalsupport, visibility, self-sufficiency, easeofuse, immediacyofaccessandfeedbackproviding. These didactic properties define practicability and effectiveness of mobile technologies and applications integrations for –

developmentofcommunicative, socioculturalandinformative and communicative competences of students;

organizationofindividualandclassroom work;

organizationofindividualandteam work;

feedback providing;

Materials visualizing;


and media support for the educational process. The basis of creating an interactive learning environment comprise of informal, activity focused on student approach, in which the teacher, moving away from the role of leading the educational process, becomes the student advisor and assistant in his cognitive activity.

The use of electronic gadgets as a single (preferably) a device of learning a foreign language, allows in consequence to get the student has a good knowledge of structure of language (English vocabulary and grammar), able to perceive the English language aurally (on the condition that application contains listening tasks) but hardly capable of living oral interaction with others in specific, sometimes unusual, communicative situations. With mobile devices, students can create audio using both built-in and external


services for training monologue and dialogue speech, formation and improving pronunciation skills, development of listening skills. The use of social services contributes to the formation of skills and the writing and speaking skills development. [2]

In conclusion, we note that mobile technologies are an integral part of everyday modern man life, and the expansion of their functionality for educational purposes use, including the foreign language as in both informal and formal education, is an important step on the path to improve teaching methods

It should be noted that the organization of training activities with the use of technology of mobile training requires a number of important tasks in the field of human-computer interaction, instructional design, interface design, software usability of the product and others.


1. Titova SV, Avramenko AP Evolution of training in the teaching of foreign languages from the computer to a smartphone // Vestn. Moscow. Un. Ser.19. Linguistics and mejkwltwrnayakommwnïkacïya. 2013. №1. S. 4-11.

2. A. Laşkov Why scientists, politicians and businessmen refuse to slides in the presentation [electronic resource] / Rejïmdostwpa: http://siliconrus.com/2014/05/powerpoint-problem/ Dataobraşçenïya:


3. Avramenko AP Mobile learning: stages of development and current trends //

NawçnıevedomostïBelGW. Gwmanïtarnıenawkï. Vol. 17, No. 6 (149) .Belgorod 2013.S. 11-16.

4. Avramenko AP Podcasts and vodcasts mobile format in the teaching of foreign languages // Vestn.

Çernïgovskogo of the National University pedagogïçeskogo channels. TG Shevchenko. .: Affect pedagogical sciences. No. 101, Chernihiv, 2012.S. 7-9.

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