UDC: 339.1
Z.B. Balgabayeva1,*, L.A. Medukhanova2
1,2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
1[email protected], 2[email protected]
1https://orcid.org/0000–0002–4697–6151, 2https://orcid.org/0000–0001–9073–3053
Global trends of the fast-food market in Kazakhstan Abstract
Object: The purpose of the study is to analyze the main trends in the global fast-food market and outline the features and prospects of the local Kazakhstani fast-food market, taking into account the influence of the trend on a healthy lifestyle in this segment and its manifestation in Kazakhstan.
Methods: The methodological basis of the research is a quantitative method of online questionnaires, analysis, generalization of data on changes in the fast-food market in new conditions, as well as comparison and extrapolation.
Results: An overview of current global trends is presented and their manifestation in the Kazakhstani market is indicated. It is noted that the global trend for vegetable substitutes for meat products in the fast-food market currently does not have serious development in Kazakhstan, although elements of the flexitarian trend have already been mani- fested since healthy eating has taken a strong position in the behavioral characteristics and preferences of local consum- ers. There is a pronounced halal trend on the part of the Kazakh consumer, there is trust and national predisposition to it. The market leaders were identified by the number of points and the level of recognition.
Conclusions: The study showed the concern of local consumers about the harmful component of the fast-food market, as well as a high percentage of respondents' doubts about the possibility of functioning of the fast-food industry in the field of healthy food in general (50 %).
The prospects for the local fast-food market include the preconditions for the predominance of plant compo- nents, but not excluding natural meat, and on the contrary, even increased requirements for its environmental friendli- ness. Thus, in the Kazakhstani market, we can talk about the mixing of the global American and halal trends.
Keywords: fast-food, halal, consumer preferences, global trends, healthy eating, problems of the fast-food market, flexitarianism.
Today the largest chains McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, KFC have international status and are known for a memorable brand, a large menu, and stable prices, for which consumers love them. The modern pace of life dictates its own rules of nutrition: fast, cheap, tasty. The consumption model has become more economical, and the flow of visitors moving from other formats due to economic phenomena provides posi- tive dynamics for fast-food.
However, the American movement for healthy eating in the 2000s slowed down the growth of this mar- ket in the United States, but favored the spread of fast-food to foreign markets, including the CIS countries;
growth continued until the 2008 crisis and resumed in 2010.
Now the fast-food market is universally associated with inexpensive junk food, which has a pronounced taste due to various additives, flavors, substitutes, etc. Many revelatory books, articles, scientific experi- ments, films have been devoted to the topic of the harm of traditional fast-food.
Kazakhstan, of course, was no exception and willingly adopted Western trends with a lag of about 5–10 years. The moderate pace of development is due to unformed demand, lower incomes and a corresponding standard of living, and therefore the provision of network catering in the regional context is still very uneven.
The leaders of the world fast-food market are successfully operating in Kazakhstan, along with them, local market participants continue to open up, presenting Kazakh consumers with a product different from international in accordance with local preferences that have historically developed in the country. This article proposes to consider the complex influences of both the global trend of healthy eating and the local charac- teristics and consumption habits on the structure of the local fast-food market, the characteristics of the prod- uct in this market, and the prerequisites for its further development.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Literature review
In his best-selling book Fast-food Nation, Eric Schlosser makes you feel like you might be a whole lot better off avoiding the drive-through and just going home to cook your own meal. Schlosser covers every- thing from how McDonald's got started to how the hamburger giant has affected cultures all around the world. Along the way, Schlosser exposes the cockroaches and rats found in fast-food kitchens, the over- worked and underpaid employees behind the cash registers, the mauled laborers trying to keep up with an accident-prone speed rate in meatpacking houses, and then, of course, the corporate greed driving the entire industry. Fast-food Nation will open your eyes and possibly make you lose your appetite (Eric Schlosser, 2001).
George Ritzer introduced a new definition of «The McDonaldization of Society» in his book of the same name. Ritzer suggests that in the latter part of the 20th century the socially structured form of the fast- food restaurant has become the organizational force representing and extending the process of rationalization into the realm of everyday interaction and individual identity. McDonald's of the 1990s serves as the case model (George Ritzer, 1993). The book introduced the term McDonaldization to learned discourse as a way to describe a social process that produces «mind-numbing sameness», according to a 2002 review of a relat- ed academic text (Gilbert, Elllen D., 2002).
In general, the fast-food industry was viewed by researchers as having a negative impact on health, and was also often viewed as a metaphorical concept, when the main characteristics of this market were mani- fested in other areas, as well as in society as a whole.
Fast-food culture tends to value pre-packaged, fast, cheap, and convenient in lieu of sustainable and healthy options. This culture is not limited to food consumption, but impacts how leaders run their business.
As uncertainty and complexity grow in global businesses, the fast-food mentality has spawned reactive indi- viduals rather than thoughtful and thorough leaders. We term this trend «Fast food Leadership», because the metaphor provides a framework for understanding common mismanagement and remedies to prevent practi- tioners from propagating the fast-food culture. We propose several symptoms of a fast-food leader: immedi- ate gratification, shallow vision, and unrealistic expectations. There is no fast and convenient way to wean organizations off a steady diet of fast-food, but we provide good first steps: value quality over speed, commit to change, and invest for sustainability. By starting to bring back healthy values, bad habits can be broken (Ng, Ernest; Kelloff, Ashley, 2013)
McDonald's, as the main associated player in the fast-food market, caused huge interest among re- searchers and a lot of works are dedicated to it.
McDonalds is a multi-billion multinational corporation that is recognizable by almost the entire global population; furthermore, it is seen as a model of modernization, sanitation, and responsible management.
This book studies the rise of McDonalds in east Asia countries and seeks to examine the impacts it has in terms of globalization and localization. For some scholars, McDonald's is seen as American cultural imperi- alism; they argue that «it is the domination of popular culture that matters most in the postmodern, post- socialist, postindustrial world (Watson, 2006).
Thus, in modern literature, the term McDonaldization began to appear. «McDonaldization... is the pro- cess by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world» (Ritzer, 1993:1).
The McDonaldization process can be summarized as how «fast-food restaurant principles are beginning to dominate more and more sectors of the recent quantification of the worldwide homogenization of cultures as a result of globalization (Pieterse, Jan Nederveen, 2009).
An even more negative character to the fast-food industry in general and to McDonald's in particular was expressed in the following works.
In his bestselling book, «Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal», journalist Eric Schlosser chronicles the history of the fast-food industry and describes the industry's impact on the US econ- omy and society. He researched the fast-food industry for many years. Schlosser interviewed slaughterhouse workers, pastoralists, potato growers, fast-food employees, founders and franchisees, and families who have lost a loved one to food poisoning. In the course of his extensive research and travel for this book he discov- ered many little-known, often disturbing truths about the fast-food industry.
We can find an entirely different perspective on fast-food industry. It argues that McDonald's and some other new styles of fast-food in Japan express long-standing Japanese cultural patterns, and facilitate human intimacy and warmth not possible with some other, more traditional styles of inexpensive and rapidly served
Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast-food by Smith, Andrew F. is the primary balanced source for in- formation about fast-food and junk food. The authors tell that not all fast-food is junk food, but most are.
Some fast-foods are high in calories and low in nutritional value, while other fast-foods, such as salads, may be low in calories and high in nutritional value (Smith, Andrew, 2006).
The book Regional American Food Culture By Lucy M. Long tells about the origins of the formation of American cuisine, says that there is nothing natively American in American cuisine, and all American dishes are the result of immigration. An interesting excursion, which has its own historical evidence and thorough- ness (Lucy M.Long, 2009).
If we move on to the question of modern smart marketing of fast-food, then first of all, of course, we can talk about the need to switch to healthier options for fast-food products.
While many women are attracted to the «eating habit» aspects of traditional sandwiches, most also want healthier options when in a hurry. Fast-food restaurants (QSRs) appeal to women by offering a combination of menu changes, marketing efforts, and modernizing the restaurant environment (Healthy Menu Options, 2005).
Marketing for moms is an important part of the equation for many restaurants. The recent media atten- tion to childhood obesity and, by extension, baby food has prompted fast-food marketers to rethink their menu options for baby meals and their marketing to moms.
At KFC, moms are a key marketing target for dinner (the company segments its marketing by meal times/occasions). The company's advertising is aimed at meeting the common need of moms to quickly pre- pare a family dinner. Whereas previous lunchtime efforts highlighted the product, the company's new mar- keting focuses on connecting the product with a real need to feed the family. The recently introduced prod- uct, the Variety Bucket, which combines several chicken products, has been designed to meet another moth- er's need: to satisfy the tastes of all family members.
Reaching out to women according to their needs and day-to-day experiences is a theme that runs through all of McDonald's new marketing programs. In 2002, the company took a long, careful look at its marketing and concluded that while many moms came to buy Happy Meals for their kids, there wasn't a lot of products or marketing tailored to their own needs. The salad, which went on sale in May 2005, also re- ceived a $1 discount coupon on any other premium salad. During the promotional period, all premium salads were packed with green forks to symbolize freshness, and outdoor advertisements were placed on green poles. The four-page spread in women's magazines included a colorful pop-up with salad and a trial coupon (Healthy Menu Options, 2005).
This article will offer an analysis of the Kazakhstani fast-food market using the example of the largest city of Almaty and analyze the preconditions for its healthier reorientation.
In assessing the impact of global trends on the local fast-food market, both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis were used.
Thus, the review of global trends identified the main one in the form of the influence of the trend on proper and healthy nutrition, which in the fast-food market is manifested in two directions: the use of alterna- tive meat products of plant origin, as well as the halal trend, which positions a healthy trend through the use of environmentally friendly meat.
In the course of this review and market analysis, it was determined that the local fast-food market shows a greater tendency towards the halal trend than towards alternative meat products on the fast-food market. The trend for healthy eating has its manifestation in the local fast-food market and is expressed in a conscious approach to the choice of fast-food establishments.
During the study, an online survey was conducted among Almaty residents aged 18–35 using the Google Forms platform. The sample consisted of 2036 people; the survey consisted of 6 questions, among them there were both open-and-closed types of questions.
The survey included questions about the frequency of visiting fast-food establishments, how the re- spondents recognize fast-food as harmful to their health, and how much they believe that fast-food can be harmless. The second part of the questions was aimed at the preferences of respondents, broken down by specific establishments, including global franchised fast-food chains and local ones.
During the survey, the following results were obtained:
• 36.6 % of respondents visit fast-food establishments once a month;
• 33 % of respondents consider local player Bahandi Burger the best fast-food establishment, 30 % — KFC.
• 53.7 % (versus 46.3 %) believe that fast-food can be harmless.
• 52.5 % of respondents trust Bahandi Burger in terms of the composition of products, their environ- mental friendliness, 12.5 % — Red Dragon, DoDoPizza — 10 %, KFC — 7.5 %.
• McDonalds was named as the most harmful food by 74 % of respondents.
Thus, the research methodology revealed the preferences of local consumers towards local players in the fast-food market, the main reason for which is higher consumer confidence in the composition of local products. It also demonstrated the adherence to global trends in healthy eating in the local fast-food market with reference to the halal industry.
Results and Discussions
A persistent stereotype that the fast-food market only includes fast and unhealthy food is currently un- dergoing some transformation. The trend for healthy eating that has been gaining momentum in the last dec- ade could not bypass the fast-food sphere. Of course, the prevailing stereotype is extremely strong and, moreover, it may seem that it cannot be changed. However, global changes in this regard have already been launched. Let's consider the main ones, and also trace the tendencies of the Kazakhstani market in this re- gard.
The increased attention to the environmental problems of the world, to the issues of obesity and a healthy lifestyle, contributes to the revision of products in the fast-food sector.
The consumption of plant-based meat is one of the points of the existing trend of flexitarianism. This is an urge to eat animal meat as little as possible, trying to replace it with plant-based alternatives. Modern Americans are thus trying to be more concerned about their health and the environment.
Thus, the global market for alternative meat products in 2019 is estimated at $12.1 billion, according to Research Markets and Markets (Figure 1). By 2025, it is planned that the market will more than double.
Figure 1. Plant-based meat market by region, USD billion (Food and Beverage Market Research Report, 2019).
*RoW includes South America and the Middle East and Africa.
The most popular companies in the US that make plant-based foods are Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods. They use pea and soy protein, as well as dyes and flavor enhancers to give the vegetable cutlet the look, texture, and flavor of animal meat. In the second quarter of 2019, Beyond's restaurant and food service revenue grew 483 % from a year earlier, while its grocery store revenue grew 192 %. In late summer 2019, Beyond is up 528 % since its initial public offering in May. (Food and Beverage Market Research Report, 2019). Impossible Foods, having taken over the US market, is already aiming to distribute its products in Europe. Both competing companies actively promote their products in fast-food restaurants, industry leaders McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, Subway.
In August 2019, KFC became the first national fast-food chain to introduce plant-based chicken in the U.S., partnering with Beyond Meat to create a «Beyond Fried Chicken» product only available at one Atlanta location for a limited test. The test proved so popular that lines wrapped around the building, and the store sold out of the faux chicken in less than five hours. KFC called it a «Kentucky Fried Miracle» and told the
would normally sell of its popcorn chicken in an entire week (KFC leads as first national US EST to test plant based chicken, 2009)
There are practically no alternatives to the vegetable burgers Beyond Meat or Impossible Foods on the Kazakh market. In domestic non-specialized stores you can find soy meat, vegetable cutlets. In specialized vegetarian or dietary stores, the choice is slightly wider: there you can buy sausages made from cereals and beans, vegetarian dumplings, pates, vegetable steaks.
Vegetarianism and eco-activism are not so strongly developed in Kazakhstan, therefore there is no strong influence and imposition of the consumption of plant products. Although it should be noted that in the past few years the cult of health, healthy eating, healthy body has increased, and the proportion of people who refuse to eat meat has increased. For the Kazakh consumer, vegetable meat is perceived rather as some- thing artificial, unnatural, and therefore unhealthy.
Nutritionists are also doubtful about artificial meat, since it is a highly processed product. Doctors rec- ommend making vegetable cutlets at home. The factory-made vegetable burger contains processed soy or peas, as well as substances that give an acceptable appearance and taste to the product. According to Ameri- can nutritionist Catherine Perez, processed soy does not contain the key nutrients of regular soy and may contain harmful compounds (Amelia Lucas, 2019).
From 2015 to 2018 global meat consumption increased by 8 %, according to the firm Euromonitor In- ternational. Most experts in the meat industry in Kazakhstan do not consider the interest for vegetable meat a threat to the animal meat market. They see herbal products as exotic or entertainment for high-income shop- pers. Even after 10 years, experts say, the share of vegetable meat products in the consumer basket of Ka- zakhstani buyers will be insignificant (Food and Beverage Market Research Report, 2019).
In this regard, it is assumed that fast-food manufacturers will mix more products of animal and plant origin. Rather than becoming vegetarians, burger makers will try to prepare healthier foods that are high in vegetables. It is also assumed that manufacturers will try to cook food with less cholesterol, and this can be achieved by increasing the amount of vegetable ingredients in the cutlets.
In contrast to the American trend for vegetable meat, there is a trend for the halal industry. Muslims make up more than a quarter of the world's population, and it is strategically unprofitable for any manufac- turer to ignore the needs of such a market. It should be noted that not only Muslims are consumers of halal products, often people who do not profess Islam choose these products for their quality and safety.
The global market for halal products, which includes both food products and non-food products, is es- timated by experts at about 2.1 trillion USD, providing 1.6 billion people, and this market is generating 25–
30 % annual growth (Halal Goes Global, 2015).
According to the Quality Standard for Halal products, only food that is prepared in accordance with Muslim traditions is marked in a special way, which means that it does not contain pork, carrion and blood.
In addition, the meat of an animal slaughtered according to the canons of this religion will be considered a product of «spiritual origin». Slaughter is a ritual, during which a person needs to read a prayer and cut the carotid artery to the cattle so that the blood drains completely from the carcass. According to gourmets, thanks to this procedure halal meat has such a pleasant exquisite taste.
Special requirements also apply to halal products at the processing stage. So, in the manufacture of sau- sages or any other meat products at the plant only chilled and not frozen meat should be used.
Among the leaders of the fast-food market only KFC has a Halal certificate. But other world players are thinking about this perspective, first of all, in order to have another weighty reason to position the ingredients used as natural. At the same time, many local players in the fast-food market are very active and have the opportunity to obtain Halal status, which is undoubtedly a competitive advantage in many local markets.
If we turn to the specifics of market of Kazakhstan, consider Table 1 with the main players in the fast- food market, broken down into global and local representatives.
Table 1. Fast-food brands presented in Kazakhstan, 2020.
# Fast-food representatives
(brands) Country of
origin Google
Rate Quantity of
reviews Sales points
in KZ Sales points in Almaty
1 KFC USA 4,1 435540 52 23
2 Burger King USA 4,2 6645 47 16
3 McDonald's USA 4,3 5000 16 10
4 Hardees USA 4 562 12 6
5 Papa John's Kazakhstan USA 4,5 1143 6
6 Mr. Donerci Turkey 4,2 1629 4
7 Degirmen Turkey 4,1 1555 20
8 Ozyurt Turkey 4,5 1428 1
9 Cicek Мангал Turkey 4,4 907 1
10 DoDo Pizza Russia 4,6 3440 10
11 Bahandi burger Kazakhstan 4,5 887 20
12 Red Dragon Kazakhstan 4 494 26
13 Yuframe Burger Kazakhstan 4,2 800 5 2
14 BurritoGo Almaty Kazakhstan 4,4 250 3
15 Korean Street Food Korea 4,3 1075 2
Note — compiled by authors
Based on the data of the pivot table, several conclusions can be drawn:
• In terms of the number of outlets, KFC is the market leader among global players, and Bahandi among local ones.
• Feedback expressed in terms of visitor ratings is higher among local players than international ones.
• The number of points of sale among global players is several times higher than local ones.
Let's consider the main distinguishing features of the basic fast-food market players:
• KFC’s slogan sounds like «Your safety is our priority! We always use only the highest quality fresh, whole chicken meat. That is why we choose our suppliers with great care. But we are sure that our chicken meat is the best. Fresh, whole chicken meat is not only a guarantee of the unique taste of your favorite dish- es: tender crispy chicken slices, spicy chicken wings, strips, sandwiches, and salads. It also means the confi- dence that you are getting the highest quality food!» (About KFC company, 2020).
• Burger King. «The main difference between Burger King burgers is the way of cooking, in which the meat is fried over a real open fire. This method gives the beef a special taste and aroma, moreover, it is known that grilled meat is healthier than fried in oil: excess fat, when grilled, flows into special grooves, re- ducing the calorie content of the dish. The slogan of the company is «Make it your way». For example, there are about 260 thousand different combinations of ingredients in the preparation of a whopper: with and with- out cheese, with and without onions, with and without cucumbers, etc.» (Burger King, 2020).
• Hardees notes that their signature 100 % beef burgers are cooked over an open fire, and the chicken menu is 100 % whole chicken fillet.
• Local representative Bahandi has the slogan «Taste of Real Meat». And Bahandi Burger is a 100 % natural meat burger, without GMOs, soy products, preservatives. The following factors stand out from the advantages:
– popular brand, excellent value for money;
– large and juicy cutlets;
– always fresh products, freshly-baked buns;
– eco-friendly products;
– branded compotes (Bahandi burger, 2020).
• Gippo is a local company in the fast-food sector that has a full cycle of food production. They do not use frozen food in production, only chilled food, purchasing ingredients from local suppliers. Almost all components of products, including meat and vegetables, are produced in Kazakhstan. The buns are also self- baked using premium flour. The company sets high-quality requirements for its suppliers. Has a positive im- age in the market.
The authors conducted a survey of the local population of Almaty at the age of 18–35 years. One of the questions was devoted to consumer confidence in the composition of fast-food manufacturers. The leader
naturaliy. Bahandi was also voted the best performer by the survey (33 %), with KFC ranking second (30 %).
And according to the survey (Figure 2), the most harmful representative of the Kazakhstani fast-food market was McDonald’s (41 %).
Note: compiled by authors
Figure 2. Preferences of fast-food consumers in the Almaty market in terms of confidence in the composition of products.
Thus, we can conclude that global trends in the Kazakhstani fast-food market are manifested to a great- er extent in the direction of the halal trend in view of national specifics. It is also necessary to note this mani- festation at the level of confidence of local consumers in local fast-food players, while the world American representatives of the fast-food industry appear as the most extensive in terms of the number of points and recognition.
The analysis carried out in this article allows us to assert that the goal of the study has been achieved:
an overview of current global trends is presented and their manifestation in the Kazakhstan market is indicat- ed. The research methods used in the form of market analysis, consumer surveys made it possible to recreate the general picture of the studied problem.
Summarizing the main results of the study, it should be noted that the global trend for vegetable substi- tutes for meat products in the fast-food market in Kazakhstan does not currently have serious development, although elements of a trend for flexitarianism may appear, since healthy eating has taken a strong position in the behavioral characteristics and preferences of local consumers.
In this regard, the halal trend has a greater response from the Kazakh consumer, there is trust and na- tional predisposition to it.
A review of the Kazakhstani fast-food market showed the market leaders in terms of the number of out- lets and the level of recognition. Here it is necessary to state the leadership of KFC, the loyalty of the survey participants to this fast-food brand is high, the data on the number of reviews and the overall rating confirm this.
The survey of the local population also showed a decent competitiveness of local player Bahandi Burg- er. This player was noted as a leader both as a trustworthy composition of products and as a leader in fast- food products in general. Knowing the preferences of the local consumer better than American competitors has an obvious advantage here, but one should take into account regional expansion, which this player does not have, in contrast to the American representatives.
In general, the survey showed the concern of the local consumer about the harmful component of the fast-food market, as well as a high percentage of respondents' doubts about the possibility of functioning of the fast-food industry in the area of healthy food in general (50 %).
As the prospects for the local fast-food market, it is possible to single out the prerequisites for the pre- dominance of vegetable components in fast-food, but without excluding natural meat, and even increased requirements for its environmental friendliness. That is, we can talk about some mix of American and halal trends, for example, in the form of a burger made from natural Kazakhstani meat with a large amount of plant components with a high fiber content and useful properties.
About KFC company (2020). Retrieved from https://www.kfc-kazakhstan.kz/en/main#
Amelia Lucas. Are Beyond Meat’s plant-based burgers healthier than red meat? International Business & Global Stock Market Analysis (2019). Retrieved from https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/03/are-beyond-meats-burgers-healthier- than-red-meat-dietitians-say-no.html
Bahandi burger (2020). Retrieved from https://restolife.kz/fastfood/bahandi-burger/
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Smith, Andrew F. (2006). Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast-food. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
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З.Б. Балғабаева, Л.Ə. Медуханова
Қазақстандағы фастфуд нарығының ғаламдық тренді Аңдатпа
Мақсаты: Зерттеудің мақсаты əлемдік жылдам тамақ өнімдері нарығының негізгі тенденцияларын талдау жəне тенденцияның осы сегменттегі салауатты өмір салтына жəне оның сегментіндегі əсерін ескере отырып, жергілікті фастфуд нарығының ерекшеліктерін, келешегін анықтау. Қазақстандағы көрінісін сипаттау.
Əдістері: Зерттеудің əдіснамалық негізі — онлайн-сауалнаманың сандық əдісі, талдау, жаңа жағдайдағы фастфуд нарығындағы өзгерістер туралы мəліметтерді жалпылау, сонымен қатар салыстыру жəне экстраполя- ция.
Нəтижелер: Қазіргі əлемдік тенденцияларға шолу жасалды жəне олардың қазақстандық нарықтағы көрінісі көрсетілген. Қазақстанда фастфуд нарығында ет өнімдерінің көкөністерді алмастырушыларының əлемдік тенденциясы қазіргі уақытта айтарлықтай дамымайтындығы атап өтіледі, дегенмен, икемділік тенденциясының элементтері бұрыннан көрінді, өйткені дұрыс тамақтану мінез-құлық сипаттамаларында мықты ұстанымға ие болды жəне жергілікті тұтынушылардың қалауы. Қазақстандық тұтынушының айқын ха- лал тенденциясы бар, оған деген сенім мен ұлттық бейімділік бар. Нарық көшбасшылары ұпай саны мен танылу деңгейімен анықталды.
Қорытынды: Зерттеу жергілікті тұтынушының тез тамақтану нарығының зиянды құрамдас бөлігі туралы алаңдаушылығын, сондай-ақ респонденттердің тез тамақ өнеркəсібінің салауатты тамақтану саласында жұмыс жасау мүмкіндігіне деген күмəнінің жоғары пайызын көрсетті (50 %).
Жергілікті фастфуд нарығының перспективалары өсімдік компоненттерінің басым болуының алғышарттарын қамтиды, бірақ табиғи ет қоспағанда, тіпті керісінше оның экологиялық тазалығына қойылатын талаптардың жоғарылауы. Осылайша, қазақстандық нарықта əлемдік американдық жəне халал тенденцияларының араласуы туралы айтуға болады.
Кілт сөздер: фастфуд, халал, тұтынушылардың қалауы, əлемдік тенденциялар, пайдалы тамақтану, тез тамақтану нарығының проблемалары, флекситариандық.
З.Б. Балгабаева, Л.А. Медуханова
Глобальные тренды рынка фастфуда в казахстане Аннотация
Цель: Цель исследования — проанализировать основные тенденции мирового рынка быстрого питания и обозначить особенности, перспективы местного казахстанского рынка фастфуда, учитывая при этом влияние тренда на здоровый образ жизни в данном сегменте и его проявления в Казахстане.
Методы: Методологической основой исследования являются количественный метод онлайн анкетирова- ния, анализ, обобщение данных по изменениям на рынке быстрого питания в новых условиях, а также сравне- ние и экстраполяция.
Результаты: Представлен обзор текущих мировых тенденций и обозначено их проявление на казахстан- ском рынке. Отмечено, что глобальный тренд на овощные заменители мясных продуктов на рынке фастфуда в Казахстане в настоящее время не имеет серьезного развития, хотя уже проявлены элементы тренда флексита- ризма, поскольку здоровое питание заняло прочные позиции в поведенческих характеристиках и предпочтени- ях местных потребителей. Ярко выражен халяльный тренд со стороны казахстанского потребителя, к нему есть доверие и национальная предрасположенность. Выявлены лидеры рынка по количеству точек и уровню узна- ваемости.
Выводы: Исследование показало озабоченность местного потребителя вредной составляющей рынка фастфуда, а также высокий процент сомнений респондентов в возможности функционирования индустрии фастфуда в сфере здорового питания в целом (50 %).
К перспективам местного рынка фастфуда относятся предпосылки преобладания растительных компонен- тов, но не исключая натурального мяса, и, даже наоборот, повышенные требования к его экологичности. Таким образом, на казахстанском рынке можно говорить о смешении глобального американского и халяльного трендов.
Ключевые слова: фастфуд, халал, потребительские предпочтения, глобальные тенденции, здоровое пита- ние, проблемы рынка быстрого питания, флекситарианство.
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