IRSTI 82.15.09
1А.N. Turginbayeva , 2М.B. Zhumabayeva
1Doctor of Economic Sciences, Acting Professor, e-mail: [email protected]
2Doctoral student, e-mail: [email protected] Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Abstract. The scale of internationalization of higher education in the CIS countries, along with the impact of this process on the socio-economic and cultural development of the regions, once again demonstrates the need for its close study, analysis of the experience of other countries, evaluation of the results of previous research in this area. Thus, this paper attempts to characterize the main trends in the development of research on the internationalization of higher education by comparing the competen- cies of the CIS countries with the EU countries and some Asian countries. The article also discusses the phenomenon of multidimensional integration processes in higher education, analyzes the main facts that affect the process of internationalization.
The aim of the study is a theoretical and methodological analysis of the constructive experience of internationalization of the educational process in EU and CIS universities.
Research methods: structural analysis and synthesis development of foreign researchers allowed to isolate in the complex phenomenon of internationalization of universities the basic elements that have a decisive influence on the nature of the object of study; methods of comparative analysis, that allowed to establish the similarities and differences between the processes of internationalization of universities in advanced foreign countries and Kazakhstan, as well as an integrated approach, allowing to consider the phenomenon of internationalization of universities in its relationships and dependencies with other processes and phenomena in the context of globalization.
The results of the study can be defined within the conduct of case studies of internationalization of European universities and the findings of prominent researchers, and, on this basis, to identify the need of implementation of internationalization processes actually contributing to the development of the modern University, improving its competitiveness on the internal and external market of educational services and research.
Key words: internationalization of education, globalization, international activities, transnational education, the quality of the educational process, integration into the European and world educational space.
1А.Н. Тургинбаева, 2М.Б. Жумабаева
1э.ғ.д., профессор м.а., e-mail: [email protected]
2докторант, e-mail: [email protected]
әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.
ЖОО интернационализациясын басқару туралы
Аңдатпа. ТМД елдеріндегі жоғары білім беруді интернационалдандыру осы үдерістің өңірлердің әлеуметтік-экономикалық және мәдени дамуына ықпалымен қатар, кезекті рет оны жіті зерделеу, басқа елдердің тәжірибесіне талдау жүргізу, осы салада бұрын жүргізілген зерттеулердің нәтижелерін бағалау қажеттігін көрсетеді. Осылайша, аталған жұмыста ТМД елдерінің құзыреттілігін Еуроодақ елдерімен және Азияның кейбір елдерімен салыстыру арқылы жоғары білім беруді интернационалдандыру зерттеулерінің дамуындағы негізгі үрдістерді сипаттауға әрекет жасалды. Мақалада жоғары білім беру саласындағы интеграциялық үдерістердің көп аспектілік құбылысы қарастырылады, интернационалдандыру үдерісіне әсер ететін негізгі фактілер талданады.
Зерттеудің мақсаты ЕО және ТМД университеттерінде білім беру үдерісін интернацио- налдандырудың конструктивтік тәжірибесін теориялық-әдіснамалық талдау болып табылады.
Зерттеу әдістері: шетелдік зерттеушілердің әзірлемелерін құрылымдық талдау және синтездеу, жоғары оқу орындарын интернационализациялаудың күрделі құбылысында зерттеу объектісінің мәніне шешуші әсер ететін негізгі элементтерді ажыратуға мүмкіндік берді;
салыстырмалы талдау әдістері, алдыңғы қатарлы шет елдер мен Қазақстанда жоғары оқу
орындарын интернационалдандыру үрдістері арасындағы ұқсастықтар мен айырмашылықтарды анықтауға мүмкіндік берді, сондай-ақ жоғары оқу орындарын интернационалдандыру феноменін оның байланысында және жаһандану жағдайындағы басқа үдерістер мен құбылыстарға тәуелділікті қарастыруға мүмкіндік береді.
Зерттеу нәтижелері еуропалық жоғары оқу орындарын интернационалдандыру тәжірибесін, көрнекті шетелдік ғалым-зерттеушілердің жұмыстары мен қорытындыларын зерделеуде және осыған орай, қазіргі заманғы университетті дамытуға, білім беру қызметтері мен ғылыми зерттеулердің ішкі және сыртқы нарығында оның бәсекеге қабілеттілігін арттыруға нақты ықпал ететін интернационалдандыру процестерін енгізу қажеттілігін анықтауда айқындалуы мүмкін.
Түйін сөздер: білім беруді интернационалдандыру, жаһандану, халықаралық қызмет, білім беру үдерісінің сапасы, жалпыеуропалық және әлемдік білім беру кеңістігіне кірігу.
1А.Н. Тургинбаева, 2М.Б. Жумабаева
1д.э.н., и.о. профессора, e-mail: [email protected]
2докторант, e-mail: [email protected]
Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы К вопросу об управлении интернационализацией ВУЗа
Аннотация. Масштабы, которые принимает интернационализация высшего образования в странах СНГ, наравне с влиянием данного процесса на социально-экономическое и культурное развитие регионов, в очередной раз демонстрирует необходимость его пристального изучения, проведения анализа опыта других стран, оценки результатов ранее проведенных исследований в данной области. Таким образом, в данной работе предпринята попытка охарактеризовать основные тенденции в развитии исследований интернационализации высшего образования посредством сравнения компетенций стран СНГ со странами Евросоюза и некоторыми странами Азии. В статье также рассматривается явление многоаспектности интеграционных процессов в сфере высшего образования, анализируются основные факты, влияющие на процесс интернационализации.
Целью исследования является теоретико-методологический анализ конструктивного опыта интернационализации образовательного процесса в университетах ЕС и СНГ.
Методы исследования: структурный анализ и синтез разработок зарубежных исследователей, позволившие вычленить в сложном явлении интернационализации вузов основные элементы, оказывающие решающее влияние на сущность объекта исследования; методы сравнительного анализа, позволившие установить сходство и различие между процессами интернационализации вузов в передовых зарубежных странах и Казахстане, а также комплексный подход, позволивший рассмотреть феномен интернационализации вузов в его связи и зависимости с другими процессами и явлениями в условиях глобализации.
Результаты исследования могут быть определены в проведении изучения опыта интернацио- нализации европейских вузов, работ и выводов видных зарубежных ученых-исследователей, и, исходя из этого, в выявлении необходимости внедрения процессов интернационализации, реально способствующих развитию современного университета, повышению его конкурентоспособности на внутреннем и внешнем рынке образовательных услуг и научных исследований.
Ключевые слова: интернационализация образования, глобализация, международная деятельность, качество образовательного процесса, интеграция в общеевропейское и мировое образовательное пространство.
In the context of the rapidly increasing process of globalization and knowledge economy, higher education, implying its main function as a generator of knowledge and a means of its disseminating, is recognized as one of the main drivers of national de- velopment in both developed and developing coun- tries. Concerning the functions of higher education, referring to the University and international aspects, it can be considered as both active and passive par- ticipant in the process of globalization. Considering
modern higher education through the lens of global- ization, it is necessary to emphasize that the changes taking place in this area have significant conse- quences for higher education in terms of quality of education, access to it, diversity of education and funding. A separate, narrower topic is the impact of globalization on other aspects of education, such as research and the generation of their knowledge, the management of education, its reform, issues related to intellectual property and academic freedom.
Speaking about the impact of globalization on higher education, it is impossible not to accept the
fact of internationalization of higher education.
These two terms are often mistakenly used one in- stead of the other. In this article, “globalization” is presented as a phenomenon that has an impact on higher education, and the internationalization of higher education-as one of the manifestations of the reaction of higher education to the opportunities and problems arising from globalization. Interna- tionalization covers a wide range of issues such as curricula, teaching/learning, research, institutional research, inter-institutional agreements, student mobility/PPP, development cooperation and more (Knight, 2003).
Such developing aspects of the globalization of society as the increasing role of the market and the market economy, innovations in the field of ICT, the expansion of trade in educational services, act as catalysts for new phenomena in the field of higher education, including:
– emergence of new education providers such as multinational companies, corporate universities and media corporations;
– new forms of education provision, including distance, virtual and direct education, provided including by private companies;
– greater diversification of qualifications and education certificates;
– greater mobility of students, programs, projects that transcend national boundaries;
– emphasis on lifelong learning, which in turn leads to increased demand for post-secondary education;
– increase of private investment in services in the field of higher education(Zapryagayev, 2007).
Literature Review
The concept of “internationalization of higher education” first began to be used in scientific works in the early 1990s. Since that time, it began to replace such concepts as “international education”,”international cooperation”. The introduction of these terms into scientific circulation highlights the significant changes taking place in the system of higher education. The change of concepts shows the growing importance of the international aspect in the further development of higher education.
As early as 1992, Arum S. and Van de Water J. (1992) proposed to understand the internationalization of higher education as
“numerous activities, programs and services that are carried out within the framework of international research, international educational exchanges and
international technical cooperation”. A somewhat different definition in 1994 was proposed by Knight (2003), which considers the internationalization of education as “the process of integrating (incorporating) international and intercultural aspects into the content of the teaching, scientific and service functions of institutions (education).” A little later, in 2003, she revised this definition, presenting it as “the process of integrating an interethnic, intercultural or global scale into the goals, functions and provision of post-secondary education”. These definitions are most often taken as a basis in various works of researchers of internationalization of HE.
In 2002 Soderqyist (2007) suggested to define internationalization of higher education as “the process of transition of national University as the leading international institution of higher education with access control system at the international level in all aspects of its activities with the aim of improving the quality of teaching and learning, as well as to achieve the desired level of competency.”
Today, among the existing approaches to the definition of the term “internationalization of higher education” there are four most common and typical:
– The activity approach within the framework of internationalization of higher education is considered through the application of such categories as the number of international students, student mobility, international double degrees (M.
Harari, J. Mestenhauser, B. Ellingboe, C. Powell);
– Competency-based approach, implying a description of the internationalization of education in terms of the development of new knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in students, faculty and staff, at the same time draws attention to the improvement of the capabilities of the Institute in the field of teaching and research (R. Ayoubi, H. Massoud, G. Elkin, J. Farnsworth, A. Templer, S. McGowan, L. Potter, M. Van der Wende);
– A rationalistic approach that emphasizes the consideration of internationalization in terms of identifying goals and evaluating outcomes (H. De Wit, J. Knight);
– A process approach in which internationalization is defined as a process that aims to integrate international aspects into the teaching, research and service functions of an educational institution (H. De Wit, J. Knight).
Among these approaches, as noted by Chinese researchers Wanhua Ma and YunYue (2015), the most widely presented in the literature are activity and competence approaches that are used to study specific problems of internationalization of higher education. The difference lies in the application
of a reliable and reliable system of indicators that can be used as a tool or benchmark to study internationalization, which is the definition of their popularity.
Speaking about the increasing attention to the internationalization of higher education, it is necessary to note the work of Philip G. Altbach and Hans de Wit, who consider the formation of this phenomenon in a broad historical, political and ethno-cultural context. There is also a large number of works devoted to the history of the internationalization of higher education at the level of individual countries. Among them: S. Slaughter., L. Leslie, L. Glacier, L. Kenschaft, J. Carbone. G.
Winston, W. Hoffa (on the internationalization of education in the United States), A. Yonezawa (on the internationalization of education in Japan), M. Asteris, R. Garrett (on the internationalization of higher education in the UK), G. Harmon (on the internationalization of higher education in Australia), etc.
The result of such an active interest in the process of internationalization of higher education was the differentiation of the subject area. Various forms of international cooperation in this area were identified, namely:
– Individual mobility: mobility of students or faculty for educational purposes;
– Mobility of educational programs and institutional mobility; formation of new international standards of educational programs;
– Integration of international dimension and educational standards into curricula;
– Institutional partnerships: building strategic educational alliances.
The researches of Bedenlier et al. (2015). Alt- bach et al. (2007), L.K. Childress, J.L. Davies, A.
Hamza, A. Gopaland some others are devoted to the consideration of these forms.
It is no accident that mobility of students and staff is in the first place in determining the subject areas of internationalization of the University, since it is one of the main aspects of this process, as well as one of the most important principles of globaliza- tion, which has covered all countries of the world.
Table 1 shows the number of international students in different countries.
There may be observed a significant increase in cross-border mobility of students (as well as teachers, researchers and specialists), which is evidence that the topic of recognition of common or similar educational and professional qualifications is becoming one of the priorities in the agenda of international cooperation.
Table 1 – Increase in the number of international students in different countries in 2002-2019
Country Number of foreign students 2002 (people)* 2019 (people)**
USA 582 996 740 482
Great Britain 229 500 427 686
France 195 000 239 344
Russia 95 960 230 000
Germany 206 141 350 000
Kazakhstan about 1000 24 000
Sources: *Zapryagaev et al., 2007; ** UNESCO, OECD
Speaking about academic mobility in Kazakhstan, on the example of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, we can also trace the trend of active growth of this phenomenon. Academic mobility in the University dates back to the early 80’s, when students from Cuba, Afghanistan, Laos, Vietnam began to study at the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics for mobility for 5 years, who received master’s degrees upon completion of training. In parallel, students and faculty went abroad for language training for a semester or a year in Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt, China, Turkey. Of course, the current situation (which began to change after Kazakhstan joined the European higher education zone – joining the Bologna process) is radically different from the past.
The University began to actively move towards internationalization: it reached the 207th place in the international ranking QS Top Universities, moving more than 400 points over the past 5 years; it has created multilateral training programs with foreign universities, not only for exchange, but also double- diploma programs. The contingent of foreign students in Al-Farabi KazNU (which today more than 1000 people) are students from China, Russia, Spain, USA, Iran, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan.
Analyzing the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we can note the following ethnic composition of students in 2018 (table 2).
The data of table 2 indicate the attractiveness of Kazakh universities for students not only from the CIS countries, but also from abroad: Korea, India, Pakistan, etc. According to the forecasts of Kazakh researchers, universities of Kazakhstan will become more attractive for students from the EU, America, when the country’s economy becomes more stable, the standard of living will increase, the social sphere and social guarantees will develop (Biyekenov, 2012: 36).
Table 2 – Implementation of the principles of the Bologna process in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ethnic composition of students of
universities of Kazakhstan Contingent %
Total 496 209 100%
Kazakhs 429 353 86,5
Russian 30 351 6,1
Uzbeks 10 187 2
Uighurs 3 547 0,7
Peoples of India and Pakistan 3 318 0,7
Koreans 2 641 0,5
Ukrainians 2 598 0,5
Tartars 2 552 0,5
Germans 1 697 0,3
Azerbaijani 1 532 0,3
Kirghiz 1 054 0,2
Turkmen 1 001 0,2
Other ethnic groups (approx. 80
ethnic groups) 6378 1,5
Source: Analytical report on the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018
However, it should be noted that universities cannot rely solely on attracting international stu- dents and staff, as, according to W. Brandenberg – Managing Director of the consulting firm CHE Con- sult and former Director of Humboldt international University- “fluctuations in the market can have a negative impact” on this, citing cuts in the imple- mentation of some international programs. A more comprehensive approach to the internationalization of the University will pay off, as it contributes to the diversity of the contingent of both local and foreign students. D. Obst, Deputy Vice President for inter- national relations at the Institute of International Education, noted that universities have already im- proved their activities in this area and “have become more guided by available information when making decisions” regarding internationalization in recent years. “They are looking not only for the individual positives of internationalization, but also for the fi- nancial benefit of collaborating on research that was not available 15 years ago.” According to D. Obst, the most successful policy of internationalization has a strategic character and is carried out both at the level of individual universities and at the level of the country, while he notes that the partnership of universities is the most effective way to attract
teachers and students, as well as the implementation of mobility (Bulleten, 2016:10).
Comparing the system of higher education of the European Union in general and the system of ensuring its quality in particular with the CIS countries, it should be noted that its origins in the most general form were the traditions of the ancient heritage, while the CIS countries began to build national systems of higher education, which, in the opinion of their political leadership, best meet the strategic interests of young sovereignties only in the early 1990s. The European system of higher education quality assurance, which is usually compared in universities of post-Soviet countries, includes, first, standards for quality assessment, accreditation agencies or bodies, assessment procedures, mechanisms for information exchange and recognition of national accreditation.At least three basic quality documents are currently in force in European educational space: Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS users’
guide 2015) and standards for a number of areas of training: in the field of engineering and technology (EUR-ACE framework standards), computer science and technology (EQUANIE standards), chemistry, Economics and management (EQUIS standards) (EUR-ACE Framework standards, 2015).
These standards are designed primarily to facilitate the recognition of degrees and qualifications and to ensure the quality of educational programs in the pan-European educational space. Along with Bologna process and its outcome – the European higher education area – being unprecedented examples of regional cross-border cooperation in higher education, international higher education quality assurance systems have generated great interest in other parts of the world and have made European higher education more visible on the global map
To provide a comparison of when the internationalization process of the University and improve the quality of the graduates of this University it could be used the triad of facilities management quality of Subetto A.I.: quality of educational process, quality of educational programs and quality of graduates (Subetto, 2014а).
Here the main object of management is the quality of the educational process as the unity of the main and auxiliary processes of the University. The
educational program determines the content of the educational process, curricula, drawn up taking into account the requirements of the State compulsory educational standards of the country.For example, in Kazakhstan it is the “Concept of University education” developed in 1992, which laid the model of a multi-level system of continuing education.
The quality of the basic educational program often varies slightly, because it is determined by state mandatory standards, but the presence of variable University components makes this program highly dependent on the conditions of a particular University. Moreover, many leading universities have the right to set their own standards other than those of the state (Subetto, 2014b). Universities of Kazakhstan are basing on the standards defined and approved by the government; the main ones are “State compulsory standard of technical and vocational education”, “State compulsory standard of post-secondary education” and others.
As noted earlier, J. Knight, J. Beelen, P.
Crowther, and H. De Wit view internationalization as a process consisting of two constantly evolving and increasingly interrelated components –
“external internationalization” (internationalization abroad) and “internal internationalization”
(internationalization at home).
While external internationalization is understood to mean the implementation of educational programs that require students / teachers / universities to cross state borders (academic mobility of students and teachers, mobility of projects, educational programs and education providers), internal internationalization is focused on the development of various curricula and educational programs in order to develop students ‘ professional skills that
contain international components and competencies (Crowther, 2000: 16).
Speaking of external internationalization – it can certainly successfully lead to the formation of students ‘intercultural competencies, but often this process involves a small part of the “mobile”
students and faculty, without covering the entire contingent. Internal internationalization is “an approach to internationalization that goes beyond academic mobility, with the emphasis shifting to teaching and learning activities of students in an environment of cultural diversity in their home University»(Krasilnikova, 2017: 6).
For a clearer definition of internationalization of the educational process (IEP) let’s consider another approach to the analysis of its content. This is the position of Professor B. Leask, who believes that the main approach to IEP is action research.
This concept was introduced by the sociologist K. Lewin, and later widely used as foreign (J.
Masters, J. Elliott. J. McKenan, O. Zuber-Skerrit), and domestic researchers (K.S. Kurakbayev) to designate a continuous procedure for identifying and analyzing the results of the educational process in order to improve its effectiveness. In Russian pedagogy there is no single translation and definition of this type of research. Various authors offer translations such as applied pedagogical research, contextual research, research action (Leask, 2012a: 64). B. Leask has developed a model of internationalization of the educational process in the University in accordance with the basic provisions of the approach based on action research. IEP at the University is presented in her works as a cyclic process consisting of five stages (Figure 1) (Leask, 2012b):
Figure 1 – Model of internationalization of educational process in higher education institution Source: Leask, 2012b
The author gave a description of the conceptual foundations of internationalization of the educational process, indicating that it is based on what affects the content and implementation.
According to B. Leask, the internationalization of educational processes is based on knowledge not only in the field of the main disciplines studied, but also related ones, since the solution of modern problems requires knowledge that goes beyond
individual disciplines and cultures. For example, the author proposes to consider the situation if the discipline of medicine taught in Australia, to enrich knowledge from China.
Also, in his works, the author gives a detailed description of the possible measures for IEP in the University, which can be carried out at each of the stages presented in the model, indicated in Table 3.
Table 3 – Stages of internationalization of educational progress in the University
Stage Key issue Possible activities
Analysis of the situation, definition of the
«How internationalized is the educational
− the definition or the revision of the main compelling reason for the IEP in the framework of this educational program;
− revision of the content of education, methods of teaching and evaluation within individual disciplines and the program as a whole in accordance with the goal of internationalization;
− analysis of feedback from local and international students as well as other stakeholders, such as professional associations and employers, on the content elements of the education programme;
− providing SWOT analysis of the educational process.
Mental image of options for solving problems.
«What other approaches to the implementation of the educational process are
− discussion of the cultural foundations of dominant national concepts within the disciplines taught;
− analysis of the possibilities of incorporating new developing concepts into the content of the educational process;
− imagine the world of the future: what will students need to live and work in this world effectively, observing the norms of morality;
− discussion of possible changes in the educational process in order to internationalize it.
Re-analysis of the situation, drawing up an
action plan.
Taking into account the results of the previous analysis, what changes would You make to the educational process?»
− define the goals and objectives of IEP within your educational program;
− identify the factors constraining and stimulating the IOP process;
− identify experts, potential «Champions» available on Your team or at the University who can help you achieve your goal;
− identify priorities and develop an action plan that includes information on what, by whom and by what time frame should be implemented and what resources are needed;
− define criteria and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the process
Practical implementation
of the plan
«How will we determine whether the goals have been
− development and implementation of activities to support teachers and students;
− introduction of new assessment methods;
− introduction of new courses / modules;
− data collection to assess the formation of intercultural competence of students (qualitative and / or quantitative information).
Evaluation of results.
«To what extent have the goals been
− analysis of data received from the parties involved;
− analysis of performance, as well as the positive and negative impact of certain «unforeseen» events;
− the collection of additional missing information;
− taking stock of what has been achieved and preparing information for the transition to a new cycle of action.
Source: Leask, 2012b
Emphasizing that the content of education, teaching methods and evaluation are selected in accordance with prevailing in a particular subject area of national concepts and educational experience of the teacher, B. Leask offers to “look around” and analyze new ideas and approaches, including foreign ones. The author also focuses on the need to take into account the requirements of the professional community to graduates. However, due to the fact that higher education is not only a supply to the demand of the labor market, requiring students to have professional competencies, but also preparing students for an independent dialogue with society, the planning of the educational process should be carried out in accordance with ethical principles adopted at the institutional, local, national and global levels. The author notes that the vision and implementation of the internationalization of the educational process in the University may vary not only in different countries, but even within the same University (Leask, 2012b).
Results and Discussion
The process of internationalization of the University, undoubtedly, has a great influence on the basic components of a quality education such as quality educational programs, quality of educational process and quality directly to the graduate specialist. The most significant contribution to quality improvement is made by such components as leadership of management, mobility of staff and students, appeal to quality standards (paying attention in particular to European quality standards, being participants of the Bologna process), attraction of external financial resources.
Answering the question “What really gives and what changes internationalization in the life of the University?” there is brewing an answer “Insularity will inevitably lead to extinction in today’s global world.” It is necessary to recognize that in most cases, foreign experience of internationalization of higher education institution surpasses domestic practice, studying of foreign experience in this context and its introduction in domestic practice can give real results of internationalization of CIS Universities.
It is obvious that the globalization of world processes puts specialists with relevant knowledge and skills in demand, which help to quickly adapt to any new conditions and national peculiarities.
Andgiven that in recent years the availability of international experience among graduates is becoming an increasingly important factor in their successful implementation in the labor market, the ability of the University to provide ample opportunities for internships or even part of training abroad is considered by the applicant as a weighty argument when choosing a particular University.
There is also the possibility of obtaining additional funding from external international sources, although in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce such opportunities. It could be listed a number of other reasons for the need to develop internationalization as an important part of the whole range of activities of the University.
Thus, it becomes clear that – despite some skepticism in educational circles about the processes of internationalization-these processes are becoming an integral part of the life of universities. And, most importantly, such processes really contribute to the development of the University, increasing its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign market of educational services and research. The realization of this fact, in our opinion, will happen quite quickly at the level of University management, and internationalization in the near future will turn from a fashionable trend into an effective tool for the development of educational institutions.
The result of the analysis can become a reflection of the fact of need to intensify the study of internationalization of higher education systems experience, identify effective mechanisms for its implementation (perhaps through the development of some strategies for the universities internationalization both at the regional and state levels), as internationalization –is not only one of the key directions of further integration of higher education systems of the CIS countries into the international educational space, reaching the leading positions in the world rankings, but also a process that is associated with profound changes in the socio-cultural aspect of society. This process can become a catalyst for significant changes in the culture and values of modern society in the CIS countries, where intangible values associated with the manifestation of interpersonal trust, respect for freedom of speech and diversity of life values are becoming increasingly important.
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