• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

An inverse problem for Hilfer type differential equation of higher order


Academic year: 2022

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Толық мәтін


UDC 517.968.73

T.K. Yuldashev


, B.J. Kadirkulov


, Kh.R. Mamedov


1National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;

2Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;

3Igdir University, Igdir, Turkey

(E-mail: tursun.k.yuldashev@gmail.com, kadirkulovbj@gmail.com, hanlar@mersin.edu.tr)

An inverse problem for Hilfer type differential equation of higher order

In three-dimensional domain, an identification problem of the source function for Hilfer type partial differential equation of the even order with a condition in an integral form and with a small positive parameter in the mixed derivative is considered. The solution of this fractional differential equation of a higher order is studied in the class of regular functions. The case, when the order of fractional operator is

0< α <1, is studied. The Fourier series method is used and a countable system of ordinary differential

equations is obtained. The nonlocal boundary value problem is integrated as an ordinary differential equation. By the aid of given additional condition, we obtained the representation for redefinition (source) function. Using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the Bessel inequality, we proved the absolute and uniform convergence of the obtained Fourier series.

Keywords:fractional order, Hilfer operator, inverse source problem, Fourier series, integral condition, unique solvability.


The theory of the inverse boundary value problems is currently one of the most important fields of the modern theory of differential equations. Consequently, a large number of research works are devoted to study the different kind of inverse problems for differential and integro-differential equations (see, for example, [1–10]).

In cases where the boundary of the flow domain of a physical process is unavailable for measurements, nonlocal conditions in an integral form can serve as additional information sufficient for unique solvability of the problem.

Therefore, researches on the study of nonlocal boundary value problems for differential and integro-differential equations with integral conditions have been intensified (see, for example, [11–20]). In addition, we note that studies of many problems of gas dynamics, theory of elasticity, theory of plates and shells are described by higher-order partial differential equations.

Fractional calculus plays an important role for the mathematical modeling in many natural and engineering sciences [21]. In [22], it is considered problems of continuum and statistical mechanics. In [23] is studied the mathematical problems of Ebola epidemic model. In [24] and [25], it is studied the fractional model for the dynamics of tuberculosis infection and novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019), respectively. The construction of various models of theoretical physics by the aid of fractional calculus is described in [26, Vol. 4, 5], [27], [28]. A detailed review of the application of fractional calculus in solving problems of applied sciences is given in [29, Vol. 6-8], [30]. In [31], the unique solvability of boundary value problem for weak nonlinear partial differential equations of mixed type with fractional Hilfer operator is studied. In [32], the solvability of nonlocal problem for a mixed type fourth-order differential equation with Hilfer fractional operator is studied. In the direction of applications of fractional derivatives to solving partial differential equations the interesting results were also obtained in [33–42].

We recall some basic terms of fractional integro-differentiation, which have been used during the study.

Let (t0;T)⊂ R+ ≡ [0;∞)be an interval on the set of positive real numbers, where 0 ≤t0 < T < ∞. The Riemann–Liouville0< α-order fractional integral of a functionη(t)is defined as follows:


0+η(t) = 1 Γ(α)




(t−s)α−1η(s)ds, α >0, t∈(t0;T),

Corresponding author.

E-mail: tursun.k.yuldashev@gmail.com




whereΓ(α)is the Gamma function.

Letn−1< α≤n, n∈N. The Riemann–Liouvilleα-order fractional derivative of a functionη(t)is defined as follows:

Dtα0+η(t) = dn

dtnItn−α0+ η(t), t∈ t0;T .

The Gerasimov-Caputoα-order fractional derivative of a functionη(t)is defined by


0+η(t) =Itn−α

0+ η(n)(t) = 1 Γ(n−α)




η(n)(s)d s

(t−s)α−n+1, t∈ t0;T .

These derivatives are reduced to then-th order derivatives forα=n∈N: Dtn0+η(t) =Dtn0+η(t) = dn

dtnη(t), t∈ t0;T .

The Hilfer fractional derivatives ofα-order (n−1< α≤n, n∈N)andβ-type(0≤β ≤1)are defined by the following composition of three operators:

Dtα, β0+η(t) =Itβ(n−α)0+ dn

dtnIt(1−β)(n−α)0+ η(t), t∈ t0;T . For β = 0, this operator is reduced to the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative Dtα,0

0+ =Dtα

0+and the case β= 1corresponds to the Gerasimov–Caputo fractional derivativeDtα,0+1=Dtα0+. Letγ=α+β n−α β. It is easy to see, thatα≤γ≤n. Then it is convenient to use another designation for the operatorDα, γη(t) =Dtα, β


The generalized Riemann–Liouville operator was introduced by R. Hilfer based on time evolutions that arise during the transition from the microscopic scale to the macroscopic time scale (see [26]).

In this paper, for 0< α < γ≤1 we study the regular solvability of an inverse boundary value problem for a Hilfer type partial differential equation of even order with positive small parameter. The source function is in the integral condition containing the Riemann–Liouville0< α <1-order fractional integral. The stability of the solution from the given functions is proved.

In the three-dimensional domain Ω ={(t, x, y)|0< t < T, 0< x, y < l}a partial differential equation of the following form is considered

Dα, γε [U] =a(t)b(x, y) (1)

with a nonlocal condition on the integral form containing the Riemann–Liouville 0 < α <1-order fractional integral

U(T, x, y) + I0+ρ U(t, x, y)

|t=T =ϕ(x, y), 0≤x , y≤l, (2)

whereρ,T andl are given positive real numbers, Dεα, γ[U] =

Dα, γ+εDα, γ4k

∂ x4k + ∂4k

∂ y4k

+ω ∂4k

∂ x4k + ∂4k

∂ y4k

U(t, x, y),

ω is a positive parameter, ε is a positive small parameter, 0 < α < γ ≤ 1, k is a given positive integer, a(t)∈C(ΩT),ΩT ≡[0;T], Ωl≡[0;l],b(x, y)∈C Ω2l

is a known function,ϕ(x, y)is a source (redefinition) function,Ω2l ≡Ωl×Ωl. We assume that for given functions are true the following boundary conditions

ϕ(0, y) =ϕ(l, y) =ϕ(x,0) =ϕ(x, l) = 0, b(0, y) =b(l, y) =b(x,0) =b(x, l) = 0.

Problem Statement. We find the pair of unknown functions {U(t, x, y);ϕ(x, y)}, first of them satisfies differential equation (1), nonlocal integral condition (2), zero boundary value conditions

U(t,0, y) =U(t, l, y) =U(t, x,0) =U(t, x, l) =

= ∂2

∂ x2U(t,0, y) = ∂2

∂ x2U(t, l, y) = ∂2

∂ x2U(t, x,0) = ∂2

∂ x2U(t, x, l) =




= ∂2

∂y2U(t,0, y) = ∂2

∂y2U(t, l, y) = ∂2

∂y2U(t, x,0) = ∂2

∂y2U(t, x, l) =. . .=

= ∂4k−2

∂x4k−2U(t,0, y) = ∂4k−2

∂x4k−2U(t, l, y) = ∂4k−2

∂x4k−2U(t, x, 0) = ∂4k−2

∂x4k−2U(t, x, l) =

= ∂4k−2

∂y4k−2U(t,0, y) = ∂4k−2

∂y4k−2U(t, l, y) = ∂4k−2

∂y4k−2U(t, x,0) = ∂4k−2

∂y4k−2U(t, x, l) = 0, (3) properties of the class of functions

t1−γU(t, x, y)∈C(Ω),

Dα, γU(t, x, y)∈Cx, y4k,4k(Ω)∩Cx, y4k+0(Ω)∩Cx, y0+4k(Ω) (4) and the additional condition

U t1, x, y

=ψ(x, y), 0< t1< T, 0≤x, y≤l, (5) ϕ(x)∈C[0;l], whereψ(x, y)are given smooth function and

ψ(0, y) =ψ(l, y) =ψ(x,0) =ψ(x, l) = 0,

Cx, y4k+0(Ω) is the class of continuous functions 4kU∂ x(t, x, y)4k on Ω, while Cx, y0+4k(Ω) is the class of continuous functions 4kU∂ y(t, x, y)4k onΩ, ∂y4k−24k−2U(t, x, l)we understand as ∂y4k−24k−2U(t, x, y)

y=l,Ω ={(t, x, y)|0≤t≤T, 0≤x, y≤l}.

1 Expansion of the solution in a Fourier series We seek nontrivial solutions of the problem in the form of Fourier series

U(t, x, y) =


n, m=1

un , m(t)ϑn, m(x, y), (6)


un, m(t) =



0 l



U(t, x, y)ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y, (7)

ϑn, m(x, y) =2

l sin π n

l xsin π m

l y, n, m= 1,2, . . . We also suppose that the following function is expand in a Fourier series

b(x, y) =


n, m=1

bn, mϑn, m(x, y), (8)


bn, m=



0 l



b(x, y)ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y. (9)

Substituting Fourier series (6) and (8) into given partial differential equation (1), we obtain the countable system of ordinary differential equations of a fractional0< α, γ <1-order

Dα, γun, m(t) +λ2kn, m(ε)ω un, m(t) = a(t)bn, m

1 +ε µ4kn, m, (10)


λ2kn, m(ε) = µ4kn, m

1 +ε µ4kn, m, µkn, m=π l

k p





The general solution of the countable system of differential equations (10) has the form [30]

un, m(t) =Cn, mtγ−1Eα, γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω tα

+bn, mhn, m(t), (11) where

Eα, γ(z) =




Γ (α k+γ), z, α, γ∈C, Re(α)>0 is the Mittag–Leffler function [26, 269–295] and

hn, m(t) = 1 1 +ε µ4kn, m




(t−s)α−1Eα, α −λ2kn, m(ε)ω(t−s)α

a(s)d s,

Cn, mis an arbitrary constant.

By Fourier coefficients (7), we rewrite integral condition (2) for the countable system (10)

un, m(T) + I0+ρ un, m(t)

|t=T =



0 l



U(T, x, y) + I0+ρ U(t, x, y)


ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y=




0 l



ϕ(x, y)ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y=ϕn, m. (12)

To find the unknown coefficients Cn, m in (11), we use condition (12) and from (11) we have Cn, m= 1

σ0n, mn, m−bn, mσ1n, m], (13) where

σ0n, m=Tγ−1

Eα, γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω Tα

+TρEα, ρ+γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω Tα , σ1n, m=hn, m(T) + I0+ρ hn, m(t)

|t=T. Hereinafter, we use the following properties of the Mittag–Leffler function:

1) The functionEα, β(−t)withα∈(0; 1], β≥αis completely monotonic fort >0, i.e.

(−1)n[Eα, β(−t)](n)≥0, n= 0,1,2, ...

2) For allα∈(0; 2), β ∈Randargz=πthere takes place the following estimate

|Eα, γ(z)| ≤ M1 1 +|z|, where0< M1= constdoes not depend onz.

Then, from here follows that there exists numbers M2, M3>0such that 0< M2≤σ0n, m≤M3. Further, substituting the defined coefficients (13) into representation (11), we derived that

un, m(t) =ϕn, mAn, m(t) +bn, mBn, m(t), (14) where

An, m(t) = 1 σ0n, m

tγ−1Eα, γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω tα

, Bn, m(t) =hn, m(t)−σ1n, m σ0n, m

tγ−1Eα, γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω tα . Substituting the representation of Fourier coefficients (14) of main unknown function into Fourier series (6), we obtain

U(t, x, y) =


n, m=1

ϑn, m(x, y) [ϕn, mAn, m(t) +bn, mBn, m(t)]. (15) Fourier series (15) is a formal solution of the direct problem (1)–(4).




2 Determination of source function

Using additional condition (5) and taking into account (12), we obtain from Fourier series (15) following countable system for Fourier coefficients of the source function

ϕn, mAn, m(t1) +bn, mBn, m(t1) =ψn, m, (16) where

ψn, m=



0 l



ψ(x, y)ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y. (17)

From relation (16) we find the source function as

ϕn, mn, mχ1n, m+bn, mχ2n, m, (18) where

χ1n, m= 1

An, m(t1), χ2n, m=−Bn, m(t1) An, m(t1). An, m(t1) = 1

σ0n, m

tγ−11 Eα, γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω tα1

6= 0, 0< t1< T.

Sinceϕn, m are Fourier coefficients (see (12)), we substitute representation (18) into the Fourier series

ϕ(x, y) =


n, m=1

ϑn, m(x, y) [ψn, mχ1n, m+bn, mχ2n, m]. (19)

We prove absolutely and uniformly convergence of Fourier series (19) for the source function. We need to use the concepts of the following Banach spaces:

the Hilbert coordinate space`2 of number sequences{ϕn, m}n, m=1 with norm


2= v u u t


n, m=1

n, m|2<∞;

the spaceL2(Ω2l)of square-summable functions on the domainΩ2l = Ωl×Ωlwith norm

kϑ(x, y)kL

2(l2) = v u u u t



0 l



|ϑ(x, y)|2d x d y <∞.

Conditions of smoothness.Let for functions

ψ(x, y), b(x, y)∈C4k(Ω2l)

there exist piecewise continuous 4k+ 1 order derivatives. Then by integrating in parts the functions (9) and (17)4k+ 1times over every variablex, y, we obtain the following relations

n, m|= l

π 8k+2

ψn, m(8k+2)

n4k+1m4k+1, |bn, m|= l

π 8k+2

b(8k+2)n, m

n4k+1m4k+1, (20)

ψn, m(8k+2) `


≤ 2 l

8k+2ψ(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L


, (21)

b(8k+2)n, m `


≤ 2 l

8k+2b(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L


, (22)





ψn, m(8k+2)=



0 l



8k+2ψ(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y,

bn, m(8k+2)=



0 l



8k+2b(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y.

In obtaining estimates for the solution, we have used these formulas (20)–(22) and the above indicated properties of the Mittag–Leffler function. Then it is easy to see that

σ2= max

n, m {|χ1n, m|; |χ2n, m|}<∞, (23)


χ1n, m= 1

An, m(t1), χ2n, m=−Bn, m t1

An, m t1

, 0< t1< T, An, m(t) = 1

σ0n, mtγ−1Eα, γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω tα

, Bn, m(t) =hn, m(t)−σ1n, m

σ0n, mtγ−1Eα, γ −λ2kn, m(ε)ω tα . Theorem 1. Suppose that the conditions of smoothness and (23) are fulfilled. Then Fourier series (19) convergence absolutely and uniformly in the domainΩl2.

Proof. We use formulas (20)–(22) and estimate (23). Using the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality for series (19), we obtain the estimate

|ϕ(x, y)| ≤


n, m=1

n, m(x, y)| · |ψn, mχ1n, m+bn, mχ2n, m| ≤

≤ 2 lσ2

" X

n, m=1

n, m|+


n, m=1

|bn, m|


≤ 2 l

l π




n, m=1

ψn, m(8k+2)

n4k+1m4k+1 +


n, m=1

b(8k+2)n, m



≤ 2 l

l π

8k+2 σ2C01

ψn, m(8k+2) `



bn, m(8k+2) `




8k+2ψ(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L

2(l2) +

8k+2b(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L



<∞, (24)


γ12C0 1 2

l 2l

π 8k+2

, C0 1= v u u t


n, m=1


n8k+2m8k+2 <∞.

From estimate (24) the absolutely and uniformly convergence of Fourier series (19) implies. The Theorem 1 is proved.

3 Determination of main unknown function

We determined the source function as a Fourier series (19). So, the source function is known. Using representation (16), Fourier series (15), we can present the main unknown function as

U(t, x, y) =


n, m=1

ϑn, m(x, y) [ψn, mPn, m(t) +bn, mQn, m(t)], (25)


Pn, m(t) =χ1n, mAn, m(t), Qn, m(t) =χ2n, mAn, m(t) +Bn, m(t).




To establish the uniqueness of the function U(t, x, y)we suppose that there are two functionsU1 andU2

satisfying given conditions (1)–(5). Then their difference U = U1−U2 is a solution of differential equation (1), satisfying conditions (2)–(5) with the function ψ(x, y)≡ 0. By virtue of relations (9) and (16), we have ψn, m= 0. Hence, from formulas (7) and (25) in the domainΩwe obtain the zero identity



0 l



t1−γU(t, x, y)ϑn, m(x, y)d x d y≡0.

By virtue of the completeness of the systems of eigenfunctionsnq


lsinπ nl xo , nq


lsinπ ml yo

inL22l we deduce thatU(t, x, y)≡0 for allx∈Ω2l ≡[0;l]2 andt∈ΩT ≡[0;T].

Sincet1−γU(t, x, y)∈C Ω

thent1−γU (t, x, y)≡0in the domainΩ. Therefore, the solution to problem (1)–(5) is unique in the domainΩ.

Theorem 2. Let the conditions of the Theorem 1 be fulfilled. Then the series (25) converges in the domain Ω. At the same time, in this domain their term-by-term differentiation is possible.

Proof. By virtue of conditions of the theorem 1 and properties of Mittag–Leffler function, as in the case of (23), the functions t1−γPn, m(t), t1−γQn, m(t) are uniformly bounded on the segment [0;T]. So, for any positive integersn, mthere exists a finite constantσ3, that there takes place the following estimate

maxn, m


t1−γPn, m(t) ; max


t1−γQn, m(t)

≤σ3. (26)

Using estimates (20)–(22) and (26), analogously to estimate (24), for series (25) we obtain

t1−γU(t, x, y) ≤


n, m=1

n, m(x, y)| ·

ψn, mt1−γPn, m(t) +bn, mt1−γQn, m(t) ≤



8k+2ψ(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L

2(l2) +

8k+2b(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L



<∞, (27)

whereγ2=C01σ3 2 l

2 l π

8k+2 .

From estimate (27) the absolutely and uniformly convergence of Fourier series (25) implies. We differentiate the required number of times function (25)


∂ x4kt1−γU(t, x, y) =


n, m=1

π n l


ϑn, m(x, y)

ψn, mt1−γPn, m(t) +bn, mt1−γQn, m(t)

, (28)


∂ y4kt1−γU(t, x, y) =


n, m=1

π m l


ϑn, m(x, y)

ψn, mt1−γPn, m(t) +bn, mt1−γQn, m(t)

. (29)

The expansions of the following functions in a Fourier series are defined in a similar way t1−γDα, γU(t, x, y), ∂4k

∂ x4kt1−γDα, γU(t, x, y), ∂4k

∂ y4kt1−γDα, γU(t, x, y).

We show the convergence of series (28) and (29). As in the case of estimate (27), applying the Cauchy–

Schwarz inequality, we obtain:


∂ x4kt1−γU(t, x, y)


n, m=1

π n l


t1−γun, m(t)

· |ϑn, m(x, y)| ≤

≤2 l

π l

4k σ3

" X

n, m=1

n4kn, m|+


n, m=1

n4k|bn, m|





≤ 2 l

l π

4k+2 σ3


n, m=1

ψ(8k+2)n, m

n m4k+1 +


n, m=1

b(8k+2)n, m

n m4k+1


≤ 2 l

l π



ψ(8k+2)n, m `


+ b(8k+2)n, m





8k+2ψ(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L

2(l2) +

8k+2b(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L



<∞, (30)

whereγ3= 2l2 l π


σ3C02, C0 2= s


n, m=1 1

n m8k+2 <∞;


∂ y4kt1−γU(t, x, y)


n, m=1

π m l


t1−γun, m(t)

· |ϑn, m(x, y)| ≤

≤2 l

π l



" X

n, m=1

m4kn, m|+


n, m=1

m4k|bn, m|


≤ 2 l

l π

4k+2 σ3


n, m=1

ψ(8k+2)n, m

n4k+1m +


n, m=1

b(8k+2)n, m



≤ 2 l

l π

4k+2 σ3C03

ψ(8k+2)n, m `



b(8k+2)n, m `




8k+2ψ(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L

2(l2) +

8k+2b(x, y)

∂ x4k+1∂ y4k+1 L



<∞, (31)


γ4= 2

l 2l

π 4k+2

σ3C03, C0 3= v u u t


n, m=1


n8k+2m <∞.

It is easy to prove the convergence of Fourier series for functions t1−γDα, γU(t, x, y), ∂4k

∂ x4kt1−γDα, γU(t, x, y), ∂4k

∂ y4kt1−γDα, γU(t, x, y),

since the necessary estimates can be obtained by a similar way as for the cases of estimates (29), (30) and (31).

Therefore, the function U(t, x, y)belongs to the class of functions (4). Theorem 2 is proved.

4 Stability of the solution U(t, x, y) with respect to the given functions and the source function

Theorem 3. Suppose that all the conditions of Theorem 2 are fulfilled. Then, the functionU(t, x, y)as a solution to problem (1)–(5) is stable with respect to a given functionψ(x, y).

Proof. We show that the solution U(t, x, y) of differential equation (1) is stable with respect to a given functionψ(x, y). LetU1(t, x, y)andU2(t, x, y)be two different solutions of the inverse boundary value problem (1)–(5), corresponding to two different values of the functionψ1(x, y)andψ2(x, y), respectively.

We put that |ψ1n, m−ψ2n, m| < δn, m, where 0 < δn, m is a sufficiently small positive quantity and the series


n, m=1

n, m|is convergent. Then, considering this fact by virtue of the conditions of the theorem, from Fourier series (25), it is easy to obtain that

t1−γ[U1(t, x, y)−U2(t, x, y)]

C(Ω)≤ 2 lσ3


n, m=1

1n, m−ψ2n, m|< 2 lσ3


n, m=1

n, m|<∞.




We putε=2lσ3


n, m=1

n, m|<∞. Then, from last estimate we finally obtain assertions about the stability of the solution of the differential equation (1) with respect to a given functionψ(x, y)in (5). The Theorem 3 is proved.

By a similar way we have have proved that there hold the following two theorems.

Theorem 4.Suppose that all conditions of Theorem 2 are fulfilled. Then, the functionU(t, x, y)as a solution to problem (1)–(5) is stable with respect to the given functionb(x, y)in the right-hand side of equation (1).

Theorem 5.Suppose that all conditions of Theorem 2 are fulfilled. Then, the functionU(t, x, y)as a solution to problem (1)–(5) is stable with respect to the source functionϕ(x, y).

Remark.It is easy to study the stability of functionU(t, x, y)with respect to asmall parameterε(see [43]).


In three-dimensional domain, an inverse problem of identification of a source function for Hilfer type partial differential equation (1) of the higher even order with integral form condition (2) and a small positive parameter in mixed derivative is considered. Suppose that the conditions of smoothness are fulfilled. Then the solution to this fractional differential equation of the higher order for0 < α < γ ≤1 is studied in the class of regular functions. The Fourier series method have been used and a countable system of ordinary differential equations has been obtained (10). The nonlocal inverse boundary value problem is integrated as an ordinary differential equation. By the aid of given additional condition, we obtained the representation for the source function. Using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the Bessel inequality, we proved the absolute and uniform convergence of the obtained Fourier series (19) for the source function ϕ(x, y)and (25) for the unknown function U(t, x, y) and its derivatives. It is proved that solution of problem (1)–(5) U(t, x, y)is stable with respect to the given functionsψ(x, y), b(x, y)and the source functionϕ(x, y).


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Т.К. Юлдашев


, Б.Ж. Кадиркулов


, Х.Р. Мамедов


1Өзбекстан ұлттық университетi, Ташкент, Өзбекстан;

2Ташкент мемлекеттiк шығыстану университетi, Ташкент, Өзбекстан;

3Ыгдыр университетi, Ыгдыр, Түркия

Жоғары реттi Хильфер типiнiң жартылай туындылы дифференциалдық теңдеудiң керi есебi

Үшөлшемдi облыста интегралдық формадағы және аралас туындылы кiшi оң параметрi бар жұп реттi Хильфер типiнiң жартылай туындылы теңдеу үшiн функция көзiн анықтау есебi қарастырыл- ған. Бұл жоғары реттi бөлшектi дифференциалдық теңдеудiң шешiмi тұрақты функциялар класында




зерттелген. Бөлшектi оператордың ретi0< α <1болатын жағдай қарастырылды. Фурье қатарлары әдiсi қолданылды және қарапайым дифференциалдық теңдеулердiң есептеу жүйесi алынды. Локал- ды емес шеттiк есебi қарапайым дифференциалдық теңдеу ретiнде интегралданады. Қосымша шарт арқылы қайта анықтау функциясы туралы түсiнiк берiлген. Коши-Шварц теңсiздiгi мен Бессель теңсiздiгiн қолдана отырып, алынған Фурье қатарларының абсолюттi және бiрқалыпты жинақтылы- ғы дәлелдендi.

Кiлт сөздер: бөлшектi рет, Хилфер операторы, функция көзi туралы керi есеп, Фурье қатарлары, интегралдық шарт, бiрмәндi шешiлуi.

Т.К. Юлдашев


, Б.Ж. Кадиркулов


, Х.Р. Мамедов


1Национальный университет Узбекистана им. Мирзо Улугбека, Ташкент, Узбекистан;

2Ташкентский государственный университет востоковедения, Ташкент, Узбекистан;

3Игдирский университет, Игдир, Турция

Обратная задача для дифференциального уравнения в частных производных типа Хильфера высшего порядка

В трехмерной области рассмотрена задача идентификации функции источника для уравнения в част- ных производных типа Хильфера четного порядка с условием в интегральной форме и малым по- ложительным параметром в смешанной производной. Решение этого дробного дифференциального уравнения высшего порядка получено в классе регулярных функций. Авторами изучен случай для порядка дробного оператора 0 < α <1. Применен метод рядов Фурье, и получена счетная систе- ма обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений. Нелокальная краевая задача интегрирована как обыкновенное дифференциальное уравнение. С помощью дополнительного условия получено пред- ставление для функции переопределения. С помощью неравенств Коши–Шварца и Бесселя доказана абсолютная и равномерная сходимость полученных рядов Фурье.

Ключевые слова:дробный порядок, оператор Хильфера, обратная задача об источнике, ряды Фурье, интегральное условие, однозначная разрешимость.


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73–83 [in Russian].


Ақпарат көздері


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