• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ



Academic year: 2022



Толық мәтін


80 IRSTI 16.31.51


K.Т.Zhaiykbay 1, Т.А. Kulgildinova 2

1, 2

Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Аlmaty, Kazakhstan

1Suleyman Demirel University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan

It is emphasized that the study of a foreign language is an overly complex process that requires qualified actions by teachers to develop the learning environment and factors that influence the formation of communicative and professional competencies. This article reflects the specifics of the target and content aspects of foreign language education in the context of the personality-activity and discursive-competence approaches, also introduces clarifications to the modification of the concept of activity and competence-based approaches. The relationships between projective-functional and discursive-projective sub-competencies are realized in the study. The research model includes a multi-aspect representation of the differences in requirements for the implementation of the content level of professional metalanguage in the field of IT technologies. It is emphasized that the foreign language educational process should be accompanied not only by language tasks but also by teaching the metalanguage of modern information technologies used in the future professional sphere. The work takes into account possible ways of representing linguo-didactic tasks aimed at expanding already accumulated knowledge, structuring, integrating, generalizing the subject content of foreign language education.

Keywords: pragma-professional communicative competence, metalanguage, IT specialists, foreign language education, sub-competences.


Currently, the demand for education has increased, and the quality of IT specialists’ training is taking a leading place. In today's world, IT professionals must have experience in specific activities and be competent in their professional and communication skills. It is obvious that in recent decades, IT specialists with deep knowledge, who specialize in the professional field and have practical experience in software development, have had several competitive advantages. The abilities that IT professionals should have in the 21st century begin with the ability to demonstrate knowledge, confirm the correctness of their views and ideas, and correctly present the results of their professional activities and skills. For example, a software professional must be prepared not only to develop, implement, and adapt software but also to support and promote it. In the context of the implementation of a scientific approach to the research topic, the most general methodological basis for the formation of certain skills of a future specialist in a specific field of knowledge is reflected. According to A.N. Shchukin [1; 7], the scientific and pedagogical approach is a basic category of foreign language teaching methods. The basis of teaching a foreign language and the formation of competence is made up of several scientific and pedagogical approaches that determine the learning strategy and the entire theoretical knowledge base about the nature of the language and the methodology of teaching a foreign language. For example, for the formation of a foreign-language pragma-professional communicative competence of future IT specialists, it is necessary to implement the personality (student)-oriented (личностно-деятельностный) and discourse-competence (дискурсивно-компетентностный) approaches. The main goal of modern approaches is to convey the involvement of students in classroom activities in the student-oriented classroom community and to develop communicative competence, but in our case to form pragma-professional communicative competence.

Pragmatic competence can be mainly defined as the ability to use language appropriately in different contexts with different interlocutors. In other words, it is the ability to use a language correctly based on cultural, social, individual, and contextual factors that can directly or indirectly influence the speaker's language choice [2; 279]. In the past, when the main focus of language education was on grammar, the priority was to teach students the structural characteristics of the target language. The idea was that a good knowledge of grammar would enable students to use the foreign language effectively.

However, with the transition to the implementation of the communicative approach of teaching, it became clear that having only the knowledge of grammar is not enough to solve communication problems.



Regarding the importance of teaching from a pragmatic perspective, according to Kasper and Rose [3;1], adult learners receive a significant amount of practical information without learning a second language, because some pragmatic traits are universal, while others can be successfully transferred from their mother tongue. In addition, Kasper and Rose [3; 1], state that "pragmatics is the study of language from the point of view of users, especially of the choices they make, the constraints they encounter in using language in social interaction and the effects their use of language has on other participants in the act of communication.” Kasper G. and Rose K. [2; 1] concluded that the knowledge of pragmatic aspects of language is recognized as an important goal in language learning: language learners should be able to use the conventions of the foreign language successfully to participate in a conversation. It embodies the needs of learners to develop their L2 pragmatic competence which consists of the pragmatics aspects such as politeness conventions and conversation structure [4].

Other researchers also pointed out the importance of teaching pragmatics in second language learning (Belz, 2007; Cohen, 2008; O’Keeffe, Clancy & Adolphs, 2011; Rose, 2005; Vasquez &

Sharpless, 2009) [6; 21]. Ann Barron [7; 89] provided six levels of analysis for pragmatic competence (1) stylistic level, (2) formal level, (3) action level, (4) interactive level, (5) thematic level, and (6) organizational level. The stylistic level includes a pragmatic analysis of polite/simple styles and pronominal forms of address. Pragmatic features which are analyzed at this level include discursive- pragmatic markers, pragmatic procedures, and question marks. It includes an analysis of the selection and management of topics. However, P. Madella [7; 62] emphasizes that the starting point in the interpretation of an utterance is not the focus on the form or its remark, but, since it is produced and perceived as such, the focus on the intention (of the speaker or teacher) to focus the attention (of the listener or student) on the form what makes him notice the form and use it to infer the intended meaning.

This idea arose in the context of learning pragmatic understanding, not lexical or grammatical acquisition, it is the ability to use the (target) language appropriately according to the communicative situation.

The main purpose of this work is to describe the essence of the conceptual framework for the formation of future IT specialists’ pragma-professional communicative competence. The accompanying goal of our research is through intercultural learning in the context of a dialogue of cultures and through a gradual rejection of the norms and stereotypes existing in the student's culture to achieve not only the culture of the individual but also to professionally perceive and understand both general and special texts and messages; build own message based on the information received in the information and digital industry.

In our study, we consider three components, who determined the choice of an approach to teaching that integrate the didactic and psycholinguistic foundations of practical teaching activities. The student-centered approach chosen by us for solving functional-cognitive tasks and discursive-competence approaches are the result of reflecting the processes occurring in the scientific direction.

The student-centered approach in learning was developed by B.G. Ananyev, L.S. Vygotsky, I.A.

Zimnyaya, A.N. Leontiev, and S.L. Rubinstein [8;103]. The student-centered approach in teaching foreign language allows us to provide and support the processes of self-knowledge, self-development, and self-realization of the child's personality, the formation of his / her irreplaceable individuality. Currently, many English teachers consider this approach as a nexus of teaching English which is formed in the process of teaching subjects and the general education cycle. Sokolova and Gritskevich [9;46] offer an effective way to use a student-centered approach in teaching:

- organize the learning material in such a way that the student has the opportunity to choose to perform tasks;

- promote educational process which provides for students’ opportunity for self-education and development;

- constantly negotiate the student's experience with the scientific content of the given knowledge;

- the material presented in the textbook is aimed at expanding the already accumulated knowledge, structuring, integration, generalization of the subject content, as well as the transformation of the personal experience of each student;

- provide the control and evaluation of not only results but also learning process; to check the assimilating the learned materials.

The student-centered approach can help a teacher achieve his or her goals.



Currently, the main goal of Kazakhstan's higher education is to provide highly qualified specialists capable of professional growth in conditions of rapid technological changes and the introduction of new innovative equipment. Sokolova and Gritskevich [10; 83] describe the implementation of student-centered education that implies a training of engineering bachelor based on individual educational trajectories in accordance with their inclinations to future professional activity.

Information Technology students should be able to:

- demonstrate knowledge and skills in developing and supporting complex Information Technologies;

- have hard skills in computer science and soft skills in communication with future colleagues;

- work in a team and manage it with leadership skills;

- obtain skills in software and web development by using knowledge of programming, algorithms, and database management systems;

- get effective self-study skills in a student-centered learning environment by passing courses that emphasize different learning methodologies including flipped classroom and blended learning;

- develop and design software applications using relevant frameworks, and algorithms.

One of the means of implementing a student-centered approach is a learning model based on the principles of the variability of functional and cognitive tasks. The activity paradigm of foreign language education creates conditions for the formation of the desired pragma-professional communicative competence since, within the framework of this approach, the student's personality is considered as a subject of pedagogical activity with a focus on the future professional activity of the graduate. The other approach which helps to the formation of IT specialists’ pragma-professional communicative competence is the technological approach. The technological approach in education is associated with the term

"technology" and is widely used: as a logically ordered and reproducible system of actions of subjects, aimed at achieving educational goals, as well as its reflection in form of description, as the cycle of operations performed by the logic of goals and the lead method or algorithmic order, the fulfillment of which guarantees the achievement of goals.

The technological approach opens up new opportunities for conceptual and design development of various areas and aspects of educational, pedagogical, and social reality; it allows:

- to predict and manage results with greater certainty pedagogical processes;

- to analyze and systematize the scientific basis for existing practical experience and its use;

- to solve the complex educational and socio-educational problems;

- to provide favorable conditions for personal development;

- reduce the effect of adverse circumstances on the person;

V.P.Bespalko [11; 5] believes that pedagogical technologies are a systematic and consistent implementation of pre-designed educational steps into learning process. Technological approach in education aims to design the learning process, starting from the given initial settings (social order, educational guidelines, goals and content of teaching); stages of such construction: setting goals and their maximum refinement with orientations to achieve results (this stage is given priority); preparation of teaching materials and organization of the entire course of training in accordance with the educational goals; assessment of current results, correction of training aimed at achieving the goals; final evaluation of results". While another approach, the discursive-competence approach provides and establishes the consistency of students' speech activity in individual and group work. The discursive-competence approach contributes to a more effective educational process of obtaining new knowledge in a foreign language, as it allows students to combine cognitive models of knowledge representation and guarantees the phenomenon of logical thinking. Thus, the implementation of the discursive competence approach will lead to the independent work of students and the development of their sectoral comprehension of the material. In our concept, we have modified this approach from the activity-competence approach, which is also aimed at changing the paradigm of education towards the practice-oriented aspect of teaching a foreign language. The postulates about the close relationship between competencies and activities for mastering these competencies are confirmed in tasks focused on the sectoral language (отраслевой язык)



in the field of IT technologies. The competence-based approach focuses on the achievement of certain results, the acquisition of significant competencies [12]. A. N. Leontiev [13; 255] states that the activity- oriented approach is the process of the student’s activity aimed at the formation of his consciousness and his personality in general, that new knowledge is not given in a ready form. Activity-oriented approach can be understood as a way of organizing educational and cognitive activities of students, in which they are not passive "receivers" of information, but active participant in educational process. The organization of educational activities in a foreign language education of IT specialists should be based on:

- students' thinking and practical actions in order to find and justify the most optimal solutions to the educational problem in the field of computer science and soft skills in communicating with future colleagues;

- significantly increases the share of independent cognitive activity of students to solve problem situations in the development and support of complex information systems;

- increasing the intensity of students ' thinking as a result of searching for new knowledge and new ways to solve educational problems using knowledge of programming, algorithms and database management systems;

- ensure progress in the cognitive and cultural development of students, creative transformation of the world based on effective self-learning skills in the student environment.

These two activity-oriented and discursive-competence approaches can be used in tandem and can complement each other [14;4]. The problem of forming specialists’ professional competence is considered in the works of academician S.S. Kunanbayeva [15; 264]. She notes that the foreign language professional-integrated competence is complex and staged process which ensures the professional readiness of the future specialist for international professional communication and allows solving professional problems in the field of foreign language integrated specialized education" [15; 264]. She proposes to identify the components of necessary indicators for the formation of a foreign language professionally integrated competence (IPIC) for professional foreign language training. The indicators related to each component of the IPIC are determined by the main objectives of the training. To achieve the goals of the professional and foreign language readiness of specialists of a specific profile, it is necessary to determine and describe the criterion and descriptors for the formation of competencies [1;


Zhyltyrova [16;34] emphasizes that the effectiveness of forming a foreign language professional integrated competence is most significant in a systematic, consistent foreign language education. She notes that the process of forming this competence in future industry specialists is carried out in stages: the basic course of a foreign language is subsequently integrated with the course of professional English, which in turn creates the foundation for English for professional purposes course. The analysis of various interpretations of competencies leads to the idea of the need to expand and implement the following interpretation: "identify and understand professionally significant terminology as relevant in the context of the future profession and business for further use in communication.

The allocation of professionally integrated pragmatic competence is justified in the works of S.S.Kunanbayeva and Zh. Zhyltyrova, by which they understand "the polyprofessional, integrative- foreign-language component of a specialist's professional readiness for professional activity" [15;16].

Based on their theoretical platform, we consider these competencies from a slightly different angle, therefore, we allowed ourselves to call them differently, taking into account the specifics of our research, in the following formulation: foreign language pragma-professional communicative competence of future IT specialists.

In the structure of the foreign language pragma-professional communicative competence of a future IT specialist, we distinguish: a) projective-functional sub-competence (PFSC), which requires the student to promote his ideas, defend his own position, and present his point of view skills when discussing a professionally significant task; the ability to enter into professional communication on a specific topic, using the conceptual apparatus of the professional information sphere; b) the discursive- industry-professional sub-competence of the future IT specialist, the formation of which is associated with the student's awareness of the content-industry metalanguage material in conceptual-interpretive, elementary, discursive-communicative exercises and text.

- The combination of these sub-competences provides an integral basis for understanding the categories of the object of communication in the context of the future profession, which allows



classifying integrated professional concepts by functional and target features and characteristics. It is difficult or almost impossible for an IT specialist to navigate professional terminology without knowledge of a foreign language. In the professionally oriented FL classes, the future IT specialist expands his knowledge in the industry language, not only collects some information and words from a foreign language that are torn from each other, but purposefully replenishes his linguistic and communicative potential. Initially scattered words, opinions, facts, ideas, forms, as a result, form the background knowledge of a linguistic personality, which synthesizes and interprets information for subsequent use in speech, using professionally integrated terminology in phrases and simple sentences. The teacher must select teaching material for the lesson in a way that student not only perceives and uses new vocabulary and reinforces it in his grammatically correct statements, but texts, audio, and video materials, worked out in the classroom should carry an actual, significant problematic of reality which gives students opportunity to obtain industry specificity of the language.

Speaking about the development of language education, M.Druzhinina [17; 126] writes:

"Language education became the most important component of higher professional education of modern specialists at universities in Russia and abroad. Its indicators are diverse: functional knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to communicate in a variety of languages, cultures and professions, the ability to represent their national and regional culture, to defend their professional interests at the international level, to show social and professional mobility" [17;24]. In this regard, the projective-functional sub- competence of the future IT specialist put forward by us requires the student to generalize, process received information, draw accurate conclusions; understand and express functional purpose of intentions, statements, consent and decision making; create own sentences and logically interconnect messages based on what you read, heard.

E.M. Bastrikova [18; 30] notes: "Learning a language, both native and foreign, is a personal need that manifests itself in social interaction and communication. But, "the language aspect in training and preparation for an IT specialist, being one of the main components, and should be taken into account and accepted along with others, which together should constitute the concept of foreign language pragma- professional communicative competence" [1; 8]. It is not only about language knowledge, but also about practical language skills and, consequently, the development of "intercultural competence", that is, the formation of "the subject of intercultural communication", which is able to:

- carry out integrated professional communication;

- prove your conclusions and conclusions logically and argumentatively;

- conduct and maintain a conversation, discussions on an integrative and professional topic;

- create your own argumentative discourses in integrative-professional communication situations.

The formation of a discursive-industry professional sub-competence of a specialist in the field of information and digital industry (IT sphere) is designed to perform two main functions in the professional activity of a graduate: to act as a communication tool (in oral and written form), as well as to be a means of improving their professional level. Since teaching a foreign language is a complex psychological and pedagogical process, it should be based on understanding the language not only as a system of signs, a set of means of expressing thoughts, but also as a communicative-cognitive system of a person, his profession metalanguage, participating in the processing of information about the world around him. In order to form the above-mentioned sub-competences of IT specialist, it is necessary to organize and harmonize foreign professional language knowledge, as well as promote the development of understanding of the industry metalanguage which activates future specialists’ cognitive functions, develops analytical thinking and realizes the creative potential. Thereby, pragma-professional communicative competence will be formed, which becomes part of the episteme (level of consciousness) of students. The selection of material for the lesson should be built into the structure of the didactic purpose of the material, giving the lesson both integrative and purposeful features. The selected texts for the lesson should be professionally oriented, designed for the appropriate reaction from future professionals. Students often create texts and dialogues which are based on the given parameters and situations, this requires knowledge of the metalanguage of the informatization system, in which it is necessary to optimally combine theoretical and practical training to develop certain competencies.


85 Methods

This chapter depicts the research setting, practical issues, along with research participation, instruments, procedures of data collection, and data analysis. This study was designed to describe the essence of the conceptual framework for the formation of future IT specialists’ pragma-professional communicative competence. The design of the research is the literature that is thoroughly reviewed and analyzed. The majority of scientific works related to approaches to foreign language education and IT specialists’ training have been read and analyzed. The main focus of the analysis tool was to find out appropriate linguo-didactic tasks and approaches that can be given for IT specialists to form pragma- professional communicative competence. Linguo-didactic tasks were developed according to the descriptors of sub-competences and to form each sub-competences of pragma-professional communicative competence. The following tables can show us the descriptors of sub-competences:

Table 1. Descriptors of projective-functional sub-competence Projective-functional

sub-competence is the ability to use statements to perform various communicative and projective functions

knows the basic principles of construction of speeches (texts) in the studied language;

understands how the information is located in speech (text) that perform various macro functions (description, narration, exposition, etc.);

uses the potential of the language to solve communicative problems

develops spoken & written texts taking into account language functions in accordance with given situation;

adapts his statement by changing the language means in relation to the situation and the person of the interlocutor;

demonstrates correct usage of language means in relation to a certain situation and interlocutor;

Table 2. Descriptors of discursive- industry professional sub-competence Discursive- industry

professional sub- competence is the ability to use statements to perform various communicative and projective functions

knows basic steps in programming and web design;

understand features of programming and web design;

applies different types of computer and web graphics to appropriate program;

analyzes the differences between raster web design graphics & vector graphics;

analyses the options and argumentatively selects the most rationo-technical solutions in designing web sites;


There are different kinds of activities that are necessary in the language learning process. Role play is used to prepare students for different situations, where language elements are used to resolve given situation. This method provides opportunities for students to observe and understand a variety of social roles and communicative situations. The aim of situation plays is to develop specific life situation awareness. The use of this approach served as the basis of language pragma-professional communicative competence development in several aspects: (a) to support the use of meaningful language components in various daily situations, as well as in social and cultural activities, (b) to develop skills to implement various communicative tasks with language resources and orientate in different communication situations (c) to encourage to overcome possible insecurity before starting communication with people one knows and with strangers, (d) to improve the understanding of communicative culture. Implementing this methodological approach, students are encouraged to act in accordance with oneself, one’s own experience and feelings. Thus, the goals of communicative situations are determined by the students themselves. However, teacher’s support is important in this process according to the individual needs of students. It will be better if the teacher provides pragmatic instructions in English language classroom. In order to provide opportunities to make students understand pragmatic features of English language, different kinds of tasks should be used. Here are the examples of the linguo-didactive tasks that can be given for future IT specialists to form and develop their pragma-professional communicative competence:

situations, case studies, and simulations.



Table 3. Warm-up tasks are given to prepare students for more complicated tasks Situation 1:

You are sharing a flat with other students and today it is your turn to do the washing up. But in the upcoming day you have an important exam, so make a request about you cannot do it and you will do it next time. Please, provide with appropriate answer. Students should make a dialogue.

Situation 2:

You have borrowed a book from your teacher. Your teacher needs it back, but you have forgotten to return it. Please deliver appropriately the apology in the given situation.

-Oh, I am very sorry. I completely forgot. Can I give it to you tomorrow?

Situation 3:

You are a university student, and a close friend has been sick and asks if he/she can borrow your class notes. You should refuse.

Table 4. Task for the formation of projective-functional sub-competence

Work with a partner. Imagine that one of you is a graphic design student and the other is a history student. Look at the language box below and role play the situation.

Student A.

You are a graphic design student. You need to update your computer. These are your needs:

- In class, you use the university computers;

- You need to handle and store large image files;

- You need a fast, reliable, broadband connection.

- You need multiple windows open at the same time.

Student B.

You are a history student. You have noticed that a lot of your fellow students, bring computers to lectures. You like to have one but you are not sure what to get. These are your needs:

- You make notes on paper and use your PC at home to write longer assignments.

- Your university campus is covered by wifi.

- You can access all your course information via online learning management system.

Table 5. Task for the formation of discursive- industry professional sub-competence Desktop publishing

Work in teams. Team A prepares a list of the advantages of traditional publishing over e-publishing.

Team B prepares a list of the advantages e-publishing over traditional publishing. Use your dictionary, the Internet and your teacher to help you. Debate your ideas. Which team has the most convincing position?

Table 6. Reading task for the formation of discursive- industry professional sub-competence Web page design

HTML and web editors

The code behind most web pages is HTML (hypertext markup language), which consists of commands called tags. Tags are placed around pieces of text to tell the web browser how to display text or pictures. You can view the source HTML code of a web page by choosing the Page Source option in your web browser. But you, needn’t learn HTML in order to build your own website. Instead, you can use a word processor with web design capabilities or a dedicated web

Read the text and find the following.

1 the language used to create web documents 2 the type of software that lets you design web

pages without writing HTML codes 3 the format invented by Adobe to distribute text

files over the Internet

4 a method of displaying multiple HTML documents in the same browser window 5 three common graphics formats used on


6 three popular formats used to store and play back video


87 editor like Macromedial Dreamweaver or Microsof FrontPage.

Task 7. Living in a digital age Vocabulary tree.

Designing word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental 'maps' of vocabulary areas. Designing word trees, mind maps and spidergrams can help students to build up their own mental 'maps' of vocabulary areas. The students were asked to use various types of electronic dictionaries, to add IT terms and definitions to the mind map template. Mind map technique can help students of all ages to improve concentration, understanding, and remember information faster.

Assimilation of the interpretations of the meanings of graphically ordered and logically related concepts of the topic under discussion facilitates the entry of new terminological units into coherent speech. The mind map was given to make students be acquainted with new IT terms and definitions because these terms will be necessary for the pre-class activity (audio-visual material). The "social dilemma" movie will be presented in small pieces and the updated extra dictionary will be provided while watching it. The distinctive feature of this documentary film is their short duration, division into pieces (7-8 minutes) which shows real people in the workplace, real IT specialists, British & American accent, and beautiful supporting music. The usage of video (audio) materials in teaching a foreign language IT specialist contributes to the implementation of methodological principles of authenticity, the dialogue of cultures, and visibility. According to the film "social dilemma," the list of questions was prepared, and students asked to give detailed answers as a public speech. Several technology experts are talking about the real duties of IT specialists and social media, and how these two things are being used in a negative effort. As an example, we can say initially, the real duty of the Facebook "like" button was to spread "love and positivity", while today it became a button of "anxiety and stress" for most teenagers. After watching pieces of the movie, the following comprehension questions will be given:

1) Have you ever experienced distortions (distorts our view of ourselves, our relationships, broader reality)?

2) What are the benefits of IT duties (specialists)? Do the benefits of IT duties outweigh the negative issue?

3) What was the real duty of social media? What has it become now?

4) According to the film, what kind of actions do you think the tech companies can predict about us?

5) What is the difference between being consumed and being a consumer?

6) What kind of negative effects can make social media? What steps can be taken as a family or individuals to limit these effects?

7) After watching a movie, what kind of image of IT specialists and duties come to your mind?

Above listed different kinds of activities are necessary in the language learning process and help to form IT specialists’ pragma-professional communicative competence. Role plays, situations and reading tasks are used to prepare students for different situations, where language elements are used to resolve given situation or problem. This method provides opportunities for students to observe and understand a variety of social roles and communicative situations.


Thus, the basis for the formation of foreign-language pragma-professional communicative competence of future IT specialists is skills in the field of digital technologies – information literacy, competence in the media, information and communication technologies. These competences and skills are vital to cope with the ever-expanding toolbox of information, communication, and media technologies.

The need to develop the information culture of a modern person's personality is related to the functioning of information in society and the formation of information qualities of the individual. The formation of a foreign-language pragma-professional communicative competence of future IT specialists depends on the formation of the information culture of an IT specialist who works in various types of work with information in a foreign language: its receipt, accumulation, coding, and processing of any kind of information. The formation of the information culture of a graduate of an engineering specialty allows him to freely navigate in the information space, participate in its formation and promote information foreign language interaction.




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Болашақ IT мамандары тарапынан шет тілдік прагмапессионалды коммуникативтік құзыреттілікті қалыптастырудың концептуалды негізі

К.Т.Жайықбай 1, Т.А. Кульгильдинова 2

1, 2 Абылай хан атындағы Қазақ халықаралық қатынастар және әлем тілдері университеті, Алматы,


1Сулейман Демирель Университеті, Қаскелең, Қазақстан [email protected]



Шетел тілін үйрену - бұл оқыту ортасы, коммуникативті және кәсіби құзыреттіліктің қалыптасуына әсер ететін факторларды дамыту үшін мұғалімдердің білікті іс-әрекеттерін қажет ететін өте күрделі процесс екендігі баса айтылған. Мақалада болашақ IT мамандарының шетелдік прагматикалық кәсіби коммуникативті құзіреттілігін қалыптастыру мәселесі қарастырылады. Мәселенің берік ғылыми негіздеріне сүйене отырып, проективтік-функционалдық және дискурсивті-проективтік субкомпетенциялардың арақатынасын зерттеу де жүзеге асырылды. Жеке тұлғалық-белсенділік және дискурсивті-құзыреттілік тәсілдері контекстіндегі шет тілін оқытудың мақсатты және мазмұнды аспектілерінің ерекшелігі көрініс табады, сонымен қатар іс-әрекетке және құзыреттілікке негізделген көзқарастар тұжырымдамасына өзгерістер енгізілген. Берілген ғылыми негіздерге сүйене отырып, проблемалар проекциялық-функционалды және дискурсивті-проекциялық субкомпетенциялардың өзара байланысын зерттеуде жүзеге асырылады.

Зерттеу моделі IT-технологиялар саласындағы кәсіби метатілдің маңызды деңгейін іске асыруға қойылатын талаптардағы айырмашылықтардың көп өлшемді көрінісін қамтиды. Шет тілін оқыту процесі тек тілдік тапсырмалармен ғана емес, сонымен қатар болашақ кәсіби салада қолданылатын қазіргі заманғы ақпараттық технологиялардың метатілін үйретумен қатар жүруі керек.

Түйін сөздер: прагматикалық кәсіби коммуникативті құзыреттілік, мета тіл, IT мамандары, шет тілінде білім беру, субкомпетенциялар.

Концептуальная основа формирования иноязычной прагмапрофессиональной коммуникативной компетенции будущих IT специалистов

К.Т.Жайықбай1 , Т.А. Кульгильдинова2

1, 2 КазУМОиМЯ им. Абылай хана, г.Алматы, Казахстан

1 Университет им.Сулеймана Демиреля, г. Каскелен, Казахстан [email protected]

Подчеркивается, что изучение иностранного языка - очень сложный процесс, который требует квалифицированных действий преподавателей к развитию учебной среды и факторов, влияющих на формирование коммуникативных и профессиональных компетенций. В статье отражена специфика целевых и содержательных аспектов иноязычного образования в контексте личностно-деятельностного и дискурсивно-компетентностного подходов, внесены также уточнения в модификацию понятия деятельностного и компетентностного подходов. Базируясь на солидных научных основаниях проблемы, реализованы в исследовании соотношения проективно-функциональной и дискурсивно-проективной субкомпетенций. Исследовательская модель включает в себя многоаспектное представление различий требований к реализации содержательного уровня профессионального метаязыка в сфере IT технологий.

Подчеркивается, что иноязычный учебный процесс должен сопровождаться не только языковыми задачами, но и обучением метаязыку современных информационных технологий, применяемых в будущей профессиональной сфере. В работе учтены возможные способы репрезентации лингводидактических задач, направленных на расширение уже накопленных знаний, структурирование, интеграцию, обобщение предметного содержания иноязычного образования.

Ключевые слова: прагмапрофессиональная коммуникативная компетенция, метаязык, IT специалисты, иноязычное образование, субкомпетенции.

Received on 17.09.2020.

Ақпарат көздері


 Аннотация публикуемой статьи если на государственном языке, то аннотация на русском и английском языках;. публикуемой на русском –

Сондықтан бұл мақалада педагог маман тұлғасына қандай қасиеттер тән, «педагог» сөзінің мән-мағынасы, «педагогтің кәсіби құзіреттілігі қандай болуы

Адамның көріп және тыңдап ұғыну мен түсіну қасиеттері, шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесінде бүтін бір бағыт негізіндегі көру және есту синтезі арқылы

На основе анализа понятий коммуникативной компетенции, профессиональной компетенции, иноязычной профессиональной коммуникативной

3. Mixed way, when there is use of information from the Internet as additional materials on the topics studied, students are given a list of links to electronic resources, selected

A necessary condition for the development of an effective foreign language professional training pro- gram is the use of communicative and competence-based approaches, since

Also, the article describes three effective methodological approaches in teaching a foreign language in the multilin- gual University groups: 1) competence-based approach -

As the results of the open questionnaire of students show, they are attracted to active methods and technologies that offer them to think, find a way out