• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ



Academic year: 2022



Толық мәтін



UDK 338.43:005.332(045)







K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan [email protected]




Қ. Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік мемлекеттік университеті, Ақтөбе, Қазақстан Б.Ж. БОЛАТОВА




Актюбинский региональный государственный университет им. К. Жубанова, Актобе, Казахстан

Abstract. The issues of ensuring food security of the country — the main task of implementing agricultural policy, issues of State regulation of agricultural sector are analyzed. Its criteria and the most important principles are considered. The economic and statistical information on food supply of the main types of products, data on its monitoring are presented. The analysis of prices for socially significant food products. Methods and measures aimed at the effective development of agricultural production to ensure food independence of the republic are studied. The issue of food supply is considered by the authors in the context of the State reforms in agricultural sector. The guidelines for food security in the frame of the implementation of the State program on development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 are indicated. The priorities of industrial functioning are shown. The vector of increasing the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products aimed to achieve food independence of the State is justified. The directions of foreign economic public policy in solving the food issue are indicated. Ensuring food security is regarded as one of the main ways of sustainable development of agricultural sector and processing industry. Food security should be considered in a threefold set of tasks: optimal amount of produced food raw materials, a high level of its quality, that is, security; energy and nutritional value of each product and rational structure of consumption.

Аңдатпа. Елдің азық - түлік қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ету мәселелері - аграрлық саясатты іске асырудың негізгі міндеттері, АӨК мемлекеттік реттеу мәселелері талданған. Оның крите- рийлері мен ең маңызды қағидалары қарастырылған. Өнімнің негізгі түрлерімен азық- түлікпен қамтамасыз ету бойынша экономикалық және статистикалық ақпарат, оның мони- торинг деректері ұсынылған. Әлеуметтік маңызы бар азық-түлік өнімдерінің бағасына тал- дау жүргізілген. Республиканың азық-түлік тәуелсіздігін қамтамасыз ету үшін ауыл шару- ашылығы өндірісін тиімді дамытуға бағытталған әдістер мен шаралар зерделенген. Азық- түлікпен қамтамасыз ету мәселелерін авторлар агроөнеркәсіптік кешендегі мемлекеттік ре- формалар контексінде қарастырады. Қазақстан Республикасының АӨК дамытудың 2017- 2021 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасын орындау шеңберінде азық-түлік қауіпсіздігінің бағдарлары белгіленген. Салалардың қызмет ету басымдықтары көрсетілген.



Мемлекеттің азық-түлік тәуелсіздігіне қол жеткізу мақсатында аграрлық сектордың отандық өнімдерінің бәсекеге қабілеттілігін арттыру векторы негізделген. Азық-түлік мәселесін шешуде сыртқы экономикалық мемлекеттік саясаттың бағыттары көрсетілген. Азық-түлік қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ету аграрлық саланы және қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібін тұрақты дамы- тудың негізгі жолдарының бірі ретінде бағаланады. Азық-түлік қауіпсіздігі үш бірдей міндет кешенінде қарастырылуы тиіс: өндірілген азық-түлік шикізатының оңтайлы саны, оның са- пасының жоғары деңгейі, яғни қауіпсіздігі; әрбір өнімнің энергетикалық және тағамдық құндылығы және тұтынудың ұтымды құрылымы.

Аннотация. Проанализированы проблемы обеспечения продовольственной безопасности страны - основной задачи реализации аграрной политики, вопросы государственного регу- лирования АПК. Рассмотрены ее критерии и наиболее важные принципы. Представлены экономическая и статистическая информация по продовольственному обеспечению основ- ными видами продукции, данные его мониторинга. Проведен анализ цен на социально- значимые продукты питания. Изучены методы и меры, направленные на эффективное раз- витие сельскохозяйственного производства, для обеспечения продовольственной незави- симости республики. Проблема обеспечения продовольствием рассматривается авторами в контексте государственных реформ в агропромышленном комплексе. Обозначены ориен- тиры продовольственной безопасности в рамках выполнения Государственной программы развития АПК Республики Казахстан на 2017-2021 годы. Показаны приоритеты функциони- рования его отраслей. Обоснован вектор повышения конкурентоспособности отечествен- ной продукции аграрного сектора в целях достижения продовольственной независимости государства. Указаны направления внешнеэкономической государственной политики в ре- шении продовольственного вопроса. Обеспечение продовольственной безопасности рас- ценивается в качестве одного из основных путей устойчивого развития аграрной сферы и перерабатывающей промышленности. Продовольственная безопасность должна рассмат- риваться в триедином комплексе задач: оптимальное количество произведенного продо- вольственного сырья, высокий уровень его качества, то есть безопасность; энергетическая и пищевая ценность каждого продукта и рациональная структура потребления.

Key words: agricultural policy, agro-industrial complex, food security, food market, public nutrition, socially significant food products, State regulation.

Түйінді сөздер: аграрлық саясат, агроөнеркәсіптік кешен, азық-түлік қауіпсіздігі, азық-түлік нары- ғы, халықты тамақтандыру, әлеуметтік маңызы бар азық-түлік тауарлары, мемлекеттік реттеу.

Ключевые слова: аграрная политика, агропромышленный комплекс, продовольственная безопасность, рынок продовольствия, питание населения, социально-значимые продо- вольственные товары, государственное регулирование.

Introduction. The purpose of the re- search is to study the topical issues of food security of Kazakhstan, the rationale for its role and importance in the implementation of agrarian policy. Food security is an integral part of economic well-being and a fundamen- tal vector of the national security of any state.

Food security is one of the priorities of state policy, as it covers a wide range of national, economic, social, demographic and environ- mental factors. Food security – is such a con- dition of the economy, including its agro- industrial complex, in which it becomes pos- sible to ensure stable supply at the expense of own production of the main types of food products for the entire population of the coun- try, with the obligatory priority for the most vulnerable and poor segments of the popula- tion, with the physical and economic availabi- lity of food in such quantity and quality, which

are necessary for the preservation and maintenance of life and capacity of people, the full and maximum possible independence of the state on outside food sources. The food security of Kazakhstan is one of the main conditions for ensuring the national security of the country and the formation of a strong state, its successful long-term development and economic growth.

At the state level, food security is achieved by implementing a set of measures, among which the main ones are the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of food security by the Government, the development and implementation of targeted food security programs.

Ensuring food security of Kazakhstan is currently the most important task of agricul- tural policy, and the development of agricul- ture and agri – food sector of the economy is



one of the main priorities of socio-economic policy of the state. Currently, the country is actively implementing the State program of development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021.

Material and methods of research. The article deals with the main issues of food security and food independence of Kazakhstan in the context of state regulation of agriculture and the implementation of agrarian policy in general. In the preparation of the article, we used the method of macroeconomic analysis, statistical method, method of macroeconomic aggregation. The article provides an overview of monitoring the status of the food security of Kazakhstan on the main indicators. The main conclusions and proposals of the scientific article are based on the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of food security regulation, as well as on the materials of the State program of development of agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021.

The analysis of theoretical and practical materials allowed to determine the main measures that promote the elimination of internal and external threats to food security.

The problem of national food security should be viewed in the context of influence and close connection with ongoing reforms in the agro- industrial complex, as well as in conjunction with the mechanism for solving the problem of economic security. In ensuring food security, nodal directions of agrarian policy are concentrated in the context of the country's integration into the global economic space. It should be noted that the agrarian policy is a purposeful system of state measures in the field of agrarian production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of agricultural products. It is designed to reflect the interests of society, all its social groups, and is aimed at strengthening the national economy. The sphere of implementa- tion of agrarian policy is the agrarian economy, which is an integral and very important element of the national economy. Therefore, the issue of food security of Kazakhstan is of particular relevance in the context of integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union and the World Trade Organization, as well as due to mutual economic sanctions of the Russian Federation and major Western countries.

Results and their discussion. The eco- nomic development of the state, its potential, stability, and position in the modern world are determined by the ability to ensure the coun- try's food security. AIC is one of the important sectors of the economy, which forms the country's food and economic security, as well

as the labor and settlement potential of rural areas. Solving this problem requires com- pletely new approaches to the development of the industry. In the execution of this order, positions have been determined for which Kazakhstan has high export potential. This, above all, meat products, including beef and lamb. The positions for which there are vacant niches in the domestic market are also defined and it is necessary to get rid of imports. These are dairy products, poultry, fruits and vegetables, and sugar. Solving these problems requires completely new approaches to the development of the industry.

With this in mind, the Ministry of Agricul- ture of the Republic of Kazakhstan carried out work on the adjustment of the current state program for the development of the agro- industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakh- stan for 2017-2021 with the involvement of representatives of agribusiness and non- governmental organizations. Based on the key indicators and program activities following the standards of project management, long- term investment programs have been developed with an implementation period of 10 or more years in the main areas of the agro-industrial complex. These are programs for the development of meat and dairy animal husbandry, poultry farming, irrigated land. The state program will provide for the solution of key conceptual issues of the industry and related areas, such as the digitization of the agro-industrial complex, technical regulation, taxation, and rural areas. In general, the project state program provides for the implementation of 10 tasks. These are – food security, availability of financing, optimal taxation, improving the efficiency of land and water resources use, accessibility of sales markets and export development, agrarian science, technology transfer and the development of competences of AIC entities, technical equipment, and production inten- sification, quality of public services and digitalization, rural development. Thus, the State Program will provide essential con- ditions for the development of the AIC [1].

The AIC of Kazakhstan plays a funda- mental role in the country's economy. Its de- velopment will balance the sustainable deve- lopment of the country, increase labor pro- ductivity and ensure the improvement of the standard of living of the majority of the popula- tion. Currently, the State program for the de- velopment of the agro-industrial complex, cal- culated until 2021, is being actively imple- mented in the country. The AIC of the Repub- lic of Kazakhstan has good prospects for fur-



ther development: the export positions of the oilseed and meat sectors are increasing, and in terms of grain and flour, Kazakhstan has quickly become one of the largest exporting countries in the world. The membership of Kazakhstan in the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter - the EEU) and the World Trade Organization (hereinafter - the WTO) creates opportunities and at the same time makes high demands on competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets. In this regard, the role of state regulation of agriculture and AIC is extremely important [2].

An important component of sustainable development of the agricultural sector is the formation and implementation of cluster initiatives in the most competitive sectors of the agro-industrial complex, which entails an increase in the level of agricultural technologies and the quality of the output of the food industry, an increase in the added value and incomes of the agro-industrial complex. The main goal of creating and developing clusters in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan is to create conditions for expanding domestic production and increasing the competitiveness of products of these industries based on the formation of integration links and improving state regulation [3].

Article 22 «Ensuring Economic Security»

of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan» of January 6, 2012, No. 527-IV ZRK (with amendments and additions as of April 6, 2016) states that economic security includes financial, food, energy, and transport security. This article defines food security, envisaging the status of protection of the economy, including the agro-industrial com- plex, in which the state can provide physical and economic access to the population of high-quality and safe food products sufficient to reach the physiological norms of consumption and demographic growth.

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

«On state regulation of the development of the agro-industrial complex and rural territories» (with amendments and additions as of April 2, 2019), (hereinafter referred to as the Law) was supplemented with Chapter 3-1

«State regulation of food security» in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On amendments and addenda to certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Food Security Issues» dated December 11, 2009 No. 229-IV. At the same time, by Article 19-1 of the Law, the criteria for ensuring food security are: physical accessi-

bility of food products; economic affordability of food products; food safety guarantee.

Food security of any state is an integral part of its national security. Improving the provision of quality food to the population is an important socio-economic task, the solution of which is of great importance for each state. Ensuring food security is the most important direction and interstate interaction, as it covers a wide range of national, eco- nomic, social, demographic and environmen- tal factors. At the same time, the development of the agro-food sector of the economy should become one of the main priorities of the socio- economic policy of the state, since reliable food supply to the population is impossible without the sustainable functioning of the agro-industrial complex of the country and the food market. In ensuring food security, the main directions of agricultural policy are concentrated in the conditions of integration of the country into the world economic space [4].

The main goal of the sustainable deve- lopment of the AIC is to provide the population with food, agricultural raw materials industry, preservation of the country's food security.

The principal tasks of state regulation of the AIC are the development of agro-industrial production, ensuring food security, regulating markets and maintaining economic parity between agriculture and other sectors of the economy, creating an effective management system for the agrarian sector of the economy, imple-menting a unified science- technology policy, protection of domestic producers and others. However, the average annual growth rate of food production, in general, does not keep pace with the growth rate of consumption and incomes of the population, as a result of which the free niche in the market is filled by imports and its share in domestic consumption remains very signifi- cant. At the same time, the development of the agri-food sector of the economy should become one of the main priorities of the social and economic policy of the state, since a reliable food supply of the population is impossible without the stable functioning of the agro-industrial complex of the country and the food market [lk. 2].

Food security is directly dependent on the economic status of the country, the develop- ment of the food complex, including the indus- tries that ensure its functioning. An important condition for the country's food security is the satisfaction of the main part of the popula- tion’s need for food products at the expense of domestic production. When establishing criteria for the state of national food security, it



is necessary to take into account that they should characterize the level of satisfaction of the population's food needs, as well as the degree of sustainability of the country's food supply. Improving food security will contribute to monitoring the agrarian sector of the econo- my using food security criteria not only in the country but also in individual regions, staffing for the agro-industrial complex, without which innovative development and increased com- petitiveness of agriculture are impossible [5].

Ensuring food security depends on the availability and quality of land resources, agri- cultural equipment, environmental conditions of the population of a certain region or coun- try, their economic condition, as well as the level of development of industries that pro- duce food. In an unstable market economy, there may be problems of inadequate food supply to certain population groups and re- gions. Own food production and the growth of food imports are associated with a number of factors that pose risks to the food supply of the population, and consequently the problem of food security of the country. To ensure the effective development of the market and sti- mulate the sale of products, the government of Kazakhstan needs to create a special sys- tem of commodity circulation, using the appro- priate pricing mechanism, which will displace

intermediaries and improve the state agri- cultural policy, orienting the price system to stimulate the conduct of expanded repro- duction, production of quality products, impro- ving its competitiveness, using the relevant advantages of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for effective specialization in the production of grain, milk and other products. It is also necessary to move to the state regulation of prices for basic resources, fuel, energy, agricultural products (grain, livestock and poultry, etc.) and food products (meat and certain types of meat products, etc.) [6].

According to the Law «On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Food Security» dated December 11, 2009, No. 229- IV, food security is ensured by:

● the formation and use of regional stabilization funds of food products under the rules of formation and use of regional stabilization funds of food products;

● monitoring the level of food security;

● exceptions to purchase genetically modified food products, food products containing genetically modified organisms in the regional stabilization funds of food products.

Table 1 presents data on the volume of purchase of goods in stabilization funds in 2018.

Table 1- The volume of purchases of food products to stabilization funds in Kazakhstan in 2018

Name of goods Unit of measure The volume of purchase

Polished rice kilogram 1 267 921

Wheat flour of the first grade kilogram 2 226 560

Buckwheat kilogram 531 747

Vermicelli kilogram 22 000

Chicken kilogram 12 383

Chicken legs kilogram 160

Pasteurized milk 2,5% fat liter 5 080

Eggs, category 1 and 2 a dozen 1 201 734

Unsalted butter kilogram 19 980

Sunflower oil liter 412 438

Cabbage kilogram 1 611 278

Onions kilogram 2 585 885

Carrot kilogram 2 621 570

Potato kilogram 11 453 613

Granulated sugar kilogram 5 603 480

Beef - shoulder-chest kilogram 521 869

Salt kilogram 535

*Source: Food security monitoring indicators // Statistics committee of MNE of the RK. – www.stat.gov.kz [7].

Monitoring of the status of food security is carried out by the authorized body in the field of development of the agro-industrial complex based on data of local executive bodies and

the authorized body that manages state statis- tics, including in real-time. Based on the moni- toring of the status of food security, the authorized body in the field of development of



the agro-industrial complex forms states information resources in the field of food se- curity. One of the areas of development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ka- zakhstan (hereinafter - the Ministry of Agricul- ture) is the monitoring of average prices for socially significant food products (SSFPs), which are published on the official website of the Ministry every week. For all the specified goods, price monitoring is carried out on an

ongoing basis in the context of all regional centers of 14 regions of Kazakhstan and the cities of Nur-Sultan and Almaty. Based on the results, it is possible to track a clear trend of growth, decline or price stability for SSFPs.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan on socially significant food products as of March 26, 2019, the average prices in the cities of Kazakhstan are as follows (table 2).

Table 2- The average price level in Kazakhstan for SSFPs (total in cities), as of March 26, 2019

Name of goods Unit of measure Average price, tenge

Wheat flour of the first grade kilogram 129.28

Wheat bread from flour of the first grade kilogram 132.03

Horns kilogram 168.68

Buckwheat kilogram 151.61

Rice kilogram 251.75

Beef shoulder-chest kilogram 1 554.93

Chicken parts (thigh, shin, wings) kilogram 772.20

Pasteurized milk 2,5% liter 213.95

Kefir 2,5% liter 242.89

Cottage cheese kilogram 1 387.76

Eggs, category 1 a dozen 267.85

Sunflower oil liter 423.91

Unsalted butter kilogram 2 067.73

Potato kilogram 84.49

Carrot kilogram 98.05

Onions kilogram 92.69

Cabbage kilogram 161.88

Granulated sugar kilogram 234.41

Salt kilogram 51.00

*Source: Compiled by the authors on the basis of the Ministry of agriculture – www.moa.gov.kz [lk.1]

Information on prices of SSFPs in July 2019. According to the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the inflation of prices for socially significant food products from the beginning of 2019 was 8.0%, from the beginning of the month it was 0.6%. Information on prices for socially significant food products in June 2019 is as follows: since the beginning of June 2019, prices for the following products have increased: - potatoes - by 20.5%; - onion - by 16.1%; - carrots - by 15.9%; - rice - by 5.4%; - chicken meat - by 2.1%; - beef - by 1.7%; - wheat flour of 1 class - by 1.2%; - butter - by 0.8%; - buckwheat - by 0.8%; - horns - by 0.5%;

- kefir - by 0.1%; - salt - 0.1%. The decrease in prices is observed for cabbage - 51.9%, for the 1st category egg - 5.9%, for sugar - 1.8%.

Pasteurized milk prices, cottage cheese, wheat flour of the 1st class, sunflower oil remained unchanged. In the regional section, the highest price growth for SSFP in June 2019 is noted in the cities of Zhezkazgan - 3.1%, Turkestan -

1.8%, Atyrau - 1.8%, Shymkent - 1.2%, Taldykorgan - 1.1%, Ust-Kamenogorsk - 1.0%, and the decline in prices observed in the cities of Kokshetau - 0.4%, Uralsk - 0.3%, Taraz - 0.1%. The main reasons for the increase in prices for vegetable products are the seasonality of production and the decrease in stocks of last year’s crop among agricultural producers [lk.1].

To stabilize prices for socially significant food products, certain measures are being taken by the Ministry of Agriculture and town councils of regions and cities of Astana, Al- maty, and Shymkent. Regional stabilization funds for food products are being formed in the regions. In addition, as a systematic measure to stabilize sugar prices, the Ministry of Agricul- ture has developed a sectoral program for the development of domestic sugar production, which involves such measures as: expanding the seeded area, developing seed production and increasing the yield of sugar beet, pro- viding support for the purchase of agricultural



machinery for the cultivation of sugar beet, stimulating the construction of sugar factories from domestic beet raw materials.

The materials of the press release of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the results of 2018 provides an analysis of the security of the main types of food products, which showed that the share of domestic production in internal consumption is more than 80% for all major types of food products. To maintain the level of competitiveness achieved by Kazakhstan and its further improvement, approaches to state regulation of the agro-industrial complex have been revised with a focus on protecting the domestic market, expanding foreign sales markets, developing trade and logistics infrastructure, and increasing the availability of financing AIC entities. In general, food production for 2018 showed positive dynamics, however, for individual products, the share of domestic production in internal consumption was still at a low level: these are apples, fruit and vegetable crops, poultry meat, sausages, butter, cheese and cottage cheese, fish. The production of these products was identified as priority areas in the application of measures of state regulation and support.

Currently, according to the monitoring of the state of food security in the country, the provision of the population of the country by beef from domestic production was 97%, by pork - 98%, horse meat - 97%, lamb - 100%, poultry meat - 49%, canned meat - 70.6%, sausage products - 55%, processed milk - 92%, dairy products - 87%, butter - 78%, cheese and cottage cheese - 61%.

In order to increase economic affor- dability and increase the competitiveness of domestic food in the internal and foreign

markets, it is also necessary to have flexible taxation of agricultural producers, subsidies and preferences, tax and other benefits, increasing the investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex, monitoring the implementation of financial recovery mea- sures taken in the framework of strategic de- velopment of the agro-industrial complex [8].

Monitoring of food safety indicators presented by the data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of January – June 2018 suggests that the highest level of security of the domestic market due to internal production (in%) is observed for such types of products as: wheat flour (1 649.2 %), salt (404.3%), wheat (289.1%), chicken egg (183.7%), pasta (178.2%), tea (156.9%), poultry meat (151.7%), horse meat (149.8%), beef (143.6%), wheat bread from flour (131.6%), lamb (124.2%). Based on data analysis, it can also be summarized that high food security (over 80%) is observed for such types of products as raw milk (111.7%), rice (101.3%), granulated sugar (95.2% ), sunflower oil (87.5%). Thus, the security of the domestic market for the main types of food from internal production is more than 80% (the exceptions are: vegetable oil - 70.7%, butter - 78.1%, granulated sugar - 62.4%, cheese and cottage cheese - 61.1%, sausages - 55.3%, poultry meat - 48.9%, apples - 48.4%, fish - 56.6%) [9].

In accordance with the indicative parameters to reduce imports by priority products by increasing its domestic production, the Ministry of agriculture plans to achieve the following indicators (in accordance with the program of development of agriculture of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021). These figures are shown in table 3.

Table 3 - Provision of domestic consumption in Kazakhstan with products of domestic production (рercent, %)

Share of production in domestic consumption 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Poultry meat 59 64 69 72 74

Meat products (in terms of meat) 62 65 68 73 76

Dairy products (in terms of milk) 78 81 85 89 93

Vegetable oil 99 120 174 204 217

Produce 91 93 94 96 97

Fruit and grapes 49 53 57 61 66

Canned fruit 24 30 37 42 48

Sugar 11 14 18 23 28

*Source: The state program of development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017-2021 [lk. 2]

The analysis shows that the domestic food market is largely present imports, and for

those types of food products that are tra- ditionally produced in domestic enterprises –



butter and vegetables, cheese and cottage cheese, sausages and sugar, fruits and ve- getables and canned meat. At the same time, there is an insufficient share of the processing of agricultural products produced in the country and underutilization of production capacities of processing enterprises.

The food market of any country is subject to the influence of not only internal but also external threats. The external threat to the food security of the country arises as a result of increasing dependence on imports of the main types of food of the republic, its regions, cities, industrial centers from exporting countries. For example, currently Kazakhstan, being a WTO member, the EEU, on the one hand, is dynamically developing international economic relations with member countries, but on the other hand, it enhances the openness of the Kazakhstani domestic market, as there is a threat of large-scale expansion of food imports, possible crowding out of domestic producers and, as a result, cutting their production.

Food security directly depends on the economic condition of the country, the development of the food complex, including the industries that ensure its functioning. An important condition for the food security of the country is to meet the basic needs of the population in food products at the expense of domestic production. At the same time, the development of the agro-food sector of the economy should become one of the main priorities of the socio-economic policy of the state, since reliable food supply to the population is impossible without the sustainable functioning of the agro-industrial complex of the country and the food market.

According to agrarian scientists, the regulation of food markets by purchasing products and food interventions is the most important element of public policy that serves food safety. The external economic orientation of the state policy in the field of food security is the effective implementation of the international division of labor in the food sector while avoiding a critical dependence on food imports. When establishing criteria for the status of national food security, it should be taken into account that they must cha- racterize the level of satisfaction of the po- pulation's food needs, as well as the degree of sustainability of the country's food supply [10].


1. A key role in ensuring food security is played by government measures aimed, firstly, at ensuring the growth of real incomes of the population, improving its living

standards; secondly, on the sustainable development and functioning of the agri-food sector of the country's economy; thirdly, the effective regulation of foreign trade in agricultural products, raw materials and food products, and above all their imports, in order to protect the domestic food market and the economic interests of domestic producers from unfair competition.

2. The degree of food security of the state depends primarily on the basic potential of agricultural production and investment in food production, including the agro-industrial complex.

3. The most important condition for food security of the country is to meet the main part of the population's need for food at the expense of domestic production.

4. As a result of increasing dependence on imports of the main types of food products of the Republic as a whole, its individual regions, cities, industrial centers from exporting countries, there is an external threat to the food security of the country.

5. Analysis of the status of food security requires careful study of issues and tasks related to state support, maintenance or increase in the level of agricultural production.

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