Ìåñòî ðàáîòû è äîëæíîñòü(ïîëíîñòüþ) E-mail [email protected]
(Times New Roman; 14 øðèôòîâ; èíòåðâàë 1.0)
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By the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Philosophy and Life journal was included in the list of scientific publications recommended for publishing the main scientific results of HAC dissertations in the following areas (2018 December 29 Protocol ¹260 / 7):
09.00.00 - Philosophical sciences
1. 09.00.01 - Ontology, Epistemology and Logic
2. 09.00.02 - Philosophy (name) of forms of consciousness, culture and practice
3. 09.00.03 - The History of philosophy 4. 09.00.04 - Social Philosophy
In addition, the International Journal of Philosophy and Life is included in the United States. Crossref.org Each article is assigned a Doi number.
1. The magazine accepts articles about science, education, production and social life: The articles must not be published anywhere before; they must meet scientific criteria. The magazine also accepts articles about the activities and works of scientists, religion, culture, the information about scientific congresses and conferences, monographies, textbooks, and analytical articles about scientific guides;
The documents are accepted in electronic form;
The magazine is issued online, 4 times a year.
2. Requirements on the meaning of the article of the author (scientific article, overview, monography, reviews on textbook and students handbooks) - In the introductory part of a scientific article the author should point out the importance of the theme, and in the main part he or she must show certain ways or solutions to that problem, and in conclusion, the author should sum up his or her opinions and give his or her advises to continue the research on the field.
- In an analytical article the author should make analytical comparisons PHILOSOPHY AND LIFE
The requirements of form and content of the articles to be sent to the international online philosophy and life magazine
on the perspectives of development of science and on the existing problems.
The article must be problematic, opposing point of views must be compared and the author must present his or her opinions. Conclusions must meet scientific criteria.
- A review for monography, textbook and students handbooks can be sent as a critical analysis, an authors assessment of graduate work (dissertations excluded), a publication article. The theme of the article may start with the bibliographic description of the reviewing graduate work.
- The review for a scientific article must be sent prior to its publication.
The review that is being sent to the magazine must include in itself constructive critique and the importance of the article must be shown. The author should point out the methodological and scientific value of the article.
3. The rules of issuing the authors materials
- All articles are published in accordance with expert advises;
- The footnotes in the article are given in the text [...1.] and listed among the used literature at the end of the article;
- The author is responsible for the meaning and content of the article;
- All criticisms on the meaning and content of the published article are directed toward the author. The author is responsible for such criticisms;
- Information about the author: full name, academic degree, organization, occupation, address, phone number, e-mail address, is presented. In collective articles, the sequence of authors will be presented according to their own will.
4. The main requirements of an article:
- The full name and the e-mail address of the author of article;
- The theme is written in bold and black script in Uzbek, Russian and English languages;
- The abstract must be around 500 printing symbols (0.5 page);
- Keywords (up to 10) must be chosen from the essence of the article and given in Uzbek, Russian and English languages;
- Article must include in itself three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion;
- The author is responsible for the authenticity of the source given in the list of used literature;
- Article must be from 0.5 to 1 printing page (from 8 to 16 page in A3 format);
- Materials must be presented in Microsoft Office Word;
- The font of the materials must be in Times New Roman font;
- The size of the basic material must be 14;
- The interval must be 1;
- The top and bottom margins must be 2.5 centimeters, left margin 3 centimeters, right margin 1.5 centimeters;
- The indention must be 1.25 centimeters.
The pages are numbered from title page to the last page. The number of the page is printed at the right bottom of the page, starting with the second page. Title page is not numbered.
5. The structure of the page
- The full name of the author (in bold black font in the center);
- Academic degree, occupation, work/study;
- E-mail address;
- The name of the Article (Bold in Capital letters);
- The main part of the text;
- List of used literature.
6. The rules about issuing footnotes:
- The footnotes are given after the statement in quadrate clippers in the text (the number of the source is presented in the Used Literatures, and after comma presented the page number);
- Footnotes for several sources are separated with semicolon.
7. The sample of issuing footnotes:
- The example of the footnote for one source: [Smirnov, V. 2018:
- The example of the footnote for several sources: [Smirnov, V., Ivanov P. 2012: pp.6,56;].
Sample bibliography (pay attention to every sign !!!) 8. Code by the rules of the article:
Attention. The abstract is written in at least half of the language in which the text was written. The following two languages will be annotated after the bibliography.
Annotation; (in english and russian) Information about the author (in three languages) The editors invite all intellectuals to an international discussion on the most pressing problems of our time.
1.0; IN CAPITAL LETTERS) Author's Full name,
Place of employment and position (fully) E-mail: [email protected]
(Times New Roman; 14 fonts; Interval 1.0)
Annotation: text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (Times New Roman, 12 fonts, 1.0 interval, minimum 40 words).
Key words: text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (Times New Roman, 12 fonts, 1.0 interval, minimum 6 words).
Key words (2): text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text (Times New Roman, 12 fonts, 1.0 interval, minimum 6 words).