• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ


In document bulletin-pedagogy.kaznpu.kz (бет 122-128)

МРНТИ 14.07.01 https://doi.org/10.51889/2020-3.1728-5496.16 G.S. Saudabayeva1, A.D. Toleukhanova2

1Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

2S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University



The article deals with the need to study the high level of social competence of high school students in modern conditions and new methodological approaches to the study of social problems. Of particular importance in the education system is the issue of studying the experience of implementing the social competence of high school students. The article analyzes the main theoretical approaches in scientific research on the social competence of high school students in the context of cultural and national values. An excursion into the history of problems of social competence of high school students was conducted. Based on the analysis of scientific research by Russian and domestic scientists, it was decided to determine the main methodological approaches to the social competence of high school students. When considering this issue, it is necessary to pay special attention to the historical, cultural and spiritual values of the ethnic group, along with modern socio-cultural realities.There is an urgent need for an interdisciplinary study of the problems of social competence of high school students.

Keywords: competence, theoretical foundations, socialization, upbringing, education, development, activity, national values.

Г.С. Саудабаева1, А.Д. Төлеуханова2

1Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Педагогикалық Университеті

2С.Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан Университеті



Мақалада қазіргі жағдайда жоғарғы сынып оқушылырының әлеуметтік құзыреттілігініңжоғары деңгейлерін және әлеуметтік проблемаларды зерделеуде жаңа әдіснамалық тәсілдерді зерттеу мәселесінің қажеттілігі туралы сөз етеді. Білім беру жүйесінде жоғарғы сынып оқушылырының әлеуметтік құзыреттілігін жүзеге асыру тәжірибесін зерттеу мәселесі ерекше маңызға ие. Мақалада мәдени, ұлттық құндылықтар контекстіндегі жоғарғы сынып оқушылырының әлеуметтік құзы- реттілік мәселелері бойынша ғылыми зерттеулердегі негізгі теориялық тәсілдер талданды. Жоғарғы сынып оқушылырының әлеуметтік құзыреттілігінің әлеуметтік құрыреттілік мәселесі тарихына экскурс жасалды. Ресейлік және отандық ғалымдардың ғылыми зерттеулерін талдау негізінде жоғарғы сынып оқушылырының әлеуметтік құзыреттілігінің негізгі әдіснамалық тәсілдерді анық- тауға әрекет жасалды. Осы мәселені қарастыруда этностың тарихи-мәдени және рухани құн- дылықтарына қазіргі заманғы әлеуметтік-мәдени болмыстармен бірге ерекше назар аудару қажет.

Жоғарғы сынып оқушылырының әлеуметтік құзыреттілігінің мәселелерді пәнаралық зерттеу қажет- тілігі өзекті болып отыр.

Түйін сөздер: құзыреттілік, теориялық негіздер, әлеуметтендіру, тәрбие, білім, даму, белсенділік, ұлттық құндылықтар.

Г.С. Саудабаева1, А.Д. Толеуханова2

1Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая

2Восточно-Казахстанский университет им. С.Аманжолова



В статье речь идет о необходимости изучения высокого уровня социальной компетентности старшеклассников в современных условиях и новых методологических подходов в изучении социальных проблем. Особое значение в системе образования имеет вопрос изучения опыта реализации социальной компетентности старшеклассников. В статье проанализированы основные теоретические подходы в научных исследованиях по вопросам социальной компетентности старшеклассников в контексте культурных, национальных ценностей. Был проведен экскурс в историю проблем социальной компетентности старшеклассников. На основе анализа научных исследований российских и отечественных ученых было решено определить основные мето- дологические подходы к социальной компетентности старшеклассников. При рассмотрении данного вопроса необходимо уделить особое внимание историко-культурным и духовным ценностям этноса наряду с современными социально-культурными реалиями. Актуальна необходимость междисци- плинарного изучения проблем социальной компетентности старшеклассников.

Ключевые слова: компетенции, теоретические основы, социализация, воспитание, образование, развитие, активность, национальные ценности.

Introduction. In his lecture "Economic education through innovative education" President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that "the main task of Kazakhstan to become one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world is to become a highly qualified and educated citizen, easily master science and technology, self- governed and educated in a market economy". Only then can it be done. The Concept of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015 states that “the purpose of competent secondary education is“ ... personality formation [1, 7 б.].

President Nursultan Nazarbayev Nazarbayev's lecture to students of аl-Farabi Kazakh National University on "Kazakhstan in the post-crisis world: an intellectual leap into the future" (Almaty, October 13, 2009):

"You are the hope of the nation. A country with intelligent, high-quality, educated and active youth will always have high hopes and prospects. Therefore, the future of the country is in your hands. However, in order to fulfill this task, it is necessary to form "... hard work, enthusiasm and relentless search of young people in today's competitive world". In this regard, the modern school is obliged to form on the basis of a new paradigm of social competence young people with social orientation, self-realization and com- munication skills. Therefore, the formation of social competence of young people is one of the most pressing issues of pedagogical science today.

The main direction of the formation of social competence of students is the formation of them as individuals who can recognize the most important values of today's society and make their own decisions.

The educational process at school is very important in the formation and development of social competence of adolescents. In this case, the need to focus education on the formation of social competence of students becomes clear [2, 38 б.].

Research methods and methodology. Most researchers consider the content of education in terms of competence, human activity, whole experience in solving life problems, competencies to perform social roles or general cultural and social experience, not the educational component; problem solving, not informatization; It was found that the solution of a vital problem is projecting, not "remembering and answering". Key competence is expressed as a certain level of functional literacy. Summarizing foreign experience, we see that in the research conducted by Kazakhstani scientists, the issues of competence are presented as a new model of education in Kazakhstan's schools. However, the analysis of this research and literature, best pedagogical practices shows that to date the issue of formation of social competence of high

school students has not been the subject of research [3, 20 б.].

Therefore, in the context of the current socio-economic crisis, the society's demand for the formation of social competence of students and the state of competence education at school; between the need to form the social competence of high school students and its failure to be studied in one system; There is a clear contradiction between the need for widespread use of these social competencies in school practice and the lack of specially developed scientific and methodological guidelines.

Research results. Historically, the issue of socialization of adolescents has been the basis of the work of great thinkers. For example, it is known that the thinkers of the East (Al-Farabi, J.Balasaguni, Khoja Ahmed Yassawi, Omar Khayyam, Abai, Y.Altynsarin, etc.) in their works formulated the key ideas in the formation of social competence.

Al-Farabi, a philosopher and sociologist known as the "Aristotle of the East", states in his scientific legacy that "... consciousness is never exhausted, it leads to the understanding of the essence of all by potential". This idea is relevant in the socialization of today's youth in accordance with modern requirements.

The wise thinker Zh.Balasagun in his works clearly stated the importance of qualification: білсең күшті берік адамсың... қанша білсең, ізден тағы, тағы да, білікті адам жетер тілек, бағына». And the great scientist Omar Khayyam said in his rubai that "labor, education, upbringing, the combination of all three, if you master all three, you will not be sent to death. Therefore, the valuable ideas of great scholars in the education of young people awaken their minds and consciousness, motivation and interest, and allow them to be socially educated [4, 118 б.].

Summarizing the views of foreign scholars (F.G. Giddens, J.Mead, C.Cooley) on the formation of social competence of students, competence is a leading action that directs the human activity and the mind, education. reflected. Later, Russian psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, L.I. Bozhovich, etc.) and pedagogical scientists (Sh.A. Amonashvili, E.V. Bondarevskaya, T.A. Ilyin, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.) wrote in their research that the development of the individual and society, its prospects, depends on the direction of social competence.

In the course of the research, based on the analysis of the scientific literature, we found that scientists consider the problem of socialization in different directions: in the theoretical and methodological direction (S.Zh. Piraliev, R.G. Lemberg, N.D. Khmel, N.N. Khan, A.A. Beisenbaeva, R.K. Toleubekova, G.Menlibekova, M.S. Moldabekova, A.Zh. Kaidarova, A.N. Teslenko, etc.); in the historical psychological and pedagogical context (K.B. Zharykbayev, B.A. Almukhanbetov, A.N. Kusherbayeva, A.N. Ilyasova, Zh.Y. Namazbayeva, S.Kaliev, S.A. Uzakbayeva, K.Kozhakhmetova, B.K. Abdigulova, etc.); in the direction of formation of civic-patriotic, spiritual-moral, legal, political culture of students, professionally oriented education and socialization (A.P. Seiteshev, G.A. Umanov, L.K. Kerimov, K.K. Zhampeisova,

V.V. Trifonov, G.T. Khairullin, M.A. Kudaikulov, A.A. Saipov, O.U. Musabekov, B.I. Mukanova, R.A. Dzhanabaeva, K.K. Shalgynbaeva, U.M. Abdigapparova, L.A. Bayserke, E.Z. Battalkhanov, S.B. Omarova, etc.); by showing the actions of a social pedagogue (I.R. Khalitova); learning process in the

independent activity of general education students (T.S. Sabyrov, A.G. Kazmagambetov, Zh.Karaev, A.B. Nurlybekova, M.J. Zhadrina, etc.)

Analysis of the scientific literature of the CIS countries shows that social issues (A.K. Abulkhanova- Slavskaya, N.V. Yakovleva, etc.), professional competence (V.A. Slastenin, O.M. Shiyan, A.I. Shcherbakov,

etc.) and adult competence (M.Argail, J.Raven, V.N. Kunitsina, etc.) as part of social competence (A.K. Markova); Psychological factors that determine the social competence of the student and research

experience that characterizes the individual:Factors and conditions of socialization (V.G. Bocharova, A.L. Wenger, I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, etc.) and social orientation (A.K. Markova, T.V. Snegireva); issues of

personal self-determination, self-knowledge, self-formation; different manifestations of social activity

(B.G. Ananyev), stages of social development of the person (V.I. Slobodchikova, D.I. Feldstein, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) and the mechanism of perception of social achievement by experimental testing based on.

V.A. Bolotov and V.V. Serikov elaborated on the concept of competence, pointing out aspects that still need to be explored. Most researchers consider the content of education in terms of competence, human activity, whole experience in solving life problems, competencies to perform social roles or general cultural and social experience, not the educational component; problem solving, not informatization; It was found that the solution of a vital problem is projecting, not "remembering and answering". Key competence is expressed as a certain level of functional literacy. Summarizing foreign experience, we see that in the research conducted by Kazakhstani scientists, the issues of competence are presented as a new model of education in Kazakhstan's schools. However, the analysis of this research and literature, best pedagogical

practices shows that to date the issue of formation of social competence of high school students has not been the subject of research [5, 74 б.].

The highest value that provides a social and cultural process in society is education. The main condition for improving the quality of this high value is the development of professional competence of teachers.

Therefore, taking into account the main priorities of building a knowledge-based society, teachers are required to have a high level of professional competence. The idea of a competency approach answers the question: "What kind of knowledge does society need, what kind of knowledge does an individual need, and what kind of knowledge can he meet the needs of society?" Formation of teacher competence is one of the most important issues in today's education. The competency approach can be seen as a way out of the crisis caused by the contradiction between the traditional approach and improving the quality of education by increasing the content of education. This approach focuses on educational outcomes. Its quality is important not because of the amount of knowledge acquired, but because of the ability to apply that knowledge.

In this regard, the terms "competence", "competence", "professional competence", which are widely used in the educational system of developed countries, are included in the education system of our country as the main direction of the new educational standard. "Competence" (Latin word) competenens – capable, relative.

The term "competence" was first defined and introduced by the American scientist N.Chomsky [6, 61 б.].

Nowadays, the concept of "competence" (often translated by many scientists as "competence",

"competence") is widespread among both scientists and teachers.

Competence – the individual ability of the employee, his qualifications (knowledge and experience), the ability to make decisions or make decisions in accordance with certain knowledge and skills [7, 35.б.].

Competence – an individual's theoretical knowledge and practical experience, readiness and ability to perform certain tasks. It is manifested not in the form of inanimate memorized knowledge, but in the activity of the individual's attitude to cognition, thinking and action, proposing certain problems, making decisions, analyzing its course and results, constantly making rational adjustments. N.S. Rozov identifies that there are two sides of competence and connects the first with the ability to assimilate cognitive and practical innovations, and the second with the ability to determine the educational requirements for different types, types, profiles of educational systems.

According to N.S. Rozov, there are the following aspects of competence:- the semantic aspect reflects the adequacy of understanding the situation in a more general cultural context. The end of this context includes the assessment, understanding and response to such a situation;

- problem-practical aspect, which characterizes the adequacy of the purpose, objectives, objectives and effectiveness of the ability to determine the situation in this case;

- the communicative aspect, which is the cultural pattern of the relationship in such a situation and the level of human interaction and interaction in such a situation [8, 137 б.].

It can be seen that the division of competence into such aspects to describe its general cultural and professional manifestations is artificial. Competence is the result of knowledge, which is reflected in the mastery of actions. Updating the content of education is the main goal. One of the main goals is to achieve the expected results in the acquisition of knowledge. The main direction is the transfer of the teacher to the individual, that is, the individual previously played the role of a recipient of knowledge, and according to the new requirement is recognized as a self-learner, learner. Therefore, we need to prepare the image of the individual in accordance with modern requirements. Today, the education strategy is also called "competent education". Competence refers to an individual's knowledge and experience.

Competence is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solve any practical and theoretical problems in practice, in everyday life. Thus, the competency-based approach to teaching ensures the quality of teaching as a result of education, which in turn requires the implementation of integrated approaches, the creation of a unified system for assessing the quality of teaching. Therefore, the introduction of the concepts of "competence" and "competence" in the pedagogical process requires a change in the content and methods of education, the specification of activities [9, 153 б.].

These concepts of "competence", "competence" differ from the existing knowledge, skills and abilities.

For example, the difference from knowledge is not in the informational nature of the activity, but in the form of productive activity: the difference from the skill is a conscious activity that can group the studied material and change the phenomena, patterns using creativity; The difference from qualification is the integration of skills in several disciplines, a sense of the basics of general activity [10, 82 б.].

According to the requirements of society, the task of the teacher in education is the implementation of results-oriented activities in a competent manner. Currently, along with the teacher, the requirements for

students are growing. The requirement is the formation of key competencies in students.

Competence approach comes first:

- to recognize and explain real phenomena;

- mastering modern equipment and technology;

- assesses their readiness for professional education when choosing a profession in practice;

- determine their place in life when it is necessary to orient the labor market;

- depending on the lifestyle, the choice of ways to resolve conflictsdevelops the ability to solve vital problems that arise when it is necessary to solve problems.

Competence is first of all reflected in students' information literacy and ability to solve any problem correctly. Obtaining information from the external environment, its processing is a source of formation of student behavior. Learning to independently receive, analyze and process information is the basis for the formation of information competence. Much attention is paid to the independent work of students.Students independently use new information technologies to obtain and use a variety of historical information from the Internet, dictionaries, and in the classroom. This competence provides the student with the skills to work with information in the disciplines and areas of knowledge, as well as the world around him, and the teacher's goal is to teach the student the methods and techniques of self-study, to create conditions for his own worldview, advice and guidance [11, 243 б.].

Conclusion The formation of social competence of young people is the most pressing issue of pedagogical science. In this regard, the modern school is obliged to form on the basis of a new paradigm of social competence young people with social orientation, self-realization and communication skills. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the research problem, the pedagogical and psychological meaning of the concepts of "competence", "social competence" was revealed, and on this basis it was possible to give our own definition. The social competence of high school students is determined by a set of responsible reflexive qualities that strive for self-realization in society, caress themselves and the environment.

The issue of formation of social competence of high school students is considered through a scientifically based structural and content model. The technology created on the basis of the "I-Concept" is developed on the basis of the personality potential of high school students, which is the basis for the formation of social competence, self-justifying, self-organizing, self-forming social competence [12, 161 б.].

It was found that the development of technology for the formation of social competence is based on the principle of active interaction, the pursuit of self-development, the creation of favorable conditions for participants in the educational environment. Such technologies reflect a system of actions based on active socio-psychological learning methods and aimed at creating opportunities and conditions for the formation of social competence in the educational environment; they include all participants [13, 5 б.].

The statements of this study do not completely solve the problem of formation of social competence of the individual in the educational system, as it provides for the social competence of high school students in the system of psychological and pedagogical development.


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In document bulletin-pedagogy.kaznpu.kz (бет 122-128)