• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

Есепке алынған мүмкіндігі шектеулі азаматтар (Қарағанды)

1. Сборник законодательно-правовых актов «Малый и средний бизнес

Законодательство Республики Казахстан. 1999г.


2. «О приоритетах и региональных программах поддержки и развития малого предпринимательства в Республике Казахстан». Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 7 июля 1997 г.

3. Шувалова Г. « Основы предпринимательства» 2004г.

4. Официальный сайт статистических данных http://ru.government.kz 5. zakon.kz


УДК 334.012.6(574) Kuzhas Dana –student of KSMU Scientific director – senior teacher D.E.Dzhakupova

Now there are different ways to make money. Many people realizing that ordinary work will not bring a lot of money, choose the way to create their own business. What are the benefits of bringing your own business? To begin with, it is worth noting that your business almost always involves a free work schedule. This means that opening your business you can work from the comfort of home and manage your own time.

Another more significant advantage is earnings. In most cases, opening your own business, it increases over time.

In Kazakhstan, there are programs to support small and medium-sized businesses from the Fund "Damu": "Financial agent of the unified program of support and business development" Business Roadmap - 2020 is the Fund "Damu", operators-the national chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" and akimats. "Damu" Fund acts on the instruments of subsidizing loans of banks and leasing companies, guaranteeing the subjects of private entrepreneurship (PDS) of banks, as well as on non-financial projects such as "Business relations" and "senior seniors" {kapital.kz} {damu.kz}.[2]

My business is closely connected with art - it is selling paintings in different formats, made with the help of different techniques. My small business has relevance, that is, paintings are an important attribute in the office and at home. That's why I chose the art direction. Moreover, art will always be an actual sphere. Thanks to the pictures you can highlight your unusual taste. Also, the paintings are used as decoration, thereby creating comfort in the room.

In my opinion, art has always been developed in Kazakhstan since ancient times.

People created different models further from which such buildings as mausoleums and mosques were created, ceramics was laid so that up to now it has been preserved. Now Kazakhstan focuses on young talents, helping them to develop, whether it is the sphere of science or art. Designers, artists have the opportunity to study at the best universities in the world, and further help Kazakhstan to develop the sphere of art. Or very young artists can just upload their work to the social network, gaining experience and find new friends. I, in turn, started with this.

The sphere of spiritual life is an integral part of the life of modern society. In particular, the market for painting is the subject not only to meet the spiritual needs of man, as well as a means of investment. For example, paintings by Picasso, Jackson Pollock, and other famous authors, is the subject of bargaining at famous auctions like


Christie's. [3]

In Kazakhstan, the professional areas of fine arts are painting and sculpture, which began its development with independence. The latest stage in the development of art was in 1990. It was during this period appear such artists as M. Khitakhunov, A.

Smagulov, T. Ordabekov, K. Zakirov, T. Dosmaganbetov, K. Mullashev, A. Kanaev, E.

Tulepbaev, B. Tebiev, A. Yessenbayev, K. Khametov, and others. [1] Kazakhstan has a more realistic direction. Realism is a direction in the art that reflects everyday reality in its typical features. However, only recently began to attract the attention of such areas of art as abstractionism, surrealism, and cubism. As it was highlighted earlier in Kazakhstan, paintings in the style of minimalism become relevant, but the traditional style (still lifes, landscapes, and portraits) also remain popular. If we talk to compare with certain countries abroad, for example in Germany, for the most part, valued landscapes. The more realistic the pictures look, the brighter the mask, the faster it will sell. In our country, paintings from the technique of minimalism and abstractionism can be used both at home and in offices. This is all because such paintings can fit any interior, universal.

Today, Kazakhstan has a small number of galleries and online stores. Most of them are found in Almaty. For example gallery “Ular "( http://www.artular.kz/), online store

“Arvest” ( http://www.arvest.kz/) also the sale on online platforms “Olx “Satu.kz ",

"Ekomok". These stores provide an opportunity to choose what kind of product and what it will be made of. Prices on these sites are quite inflated, starting with cheap 1020 Tg and ending with 500000 Tg. Work is performed by a simple technique. Delivery is not provided, which indicates poor service. All paintings are aimed at collectors and ordinary customers. Almost most of the paintings sold are not handmade, such as the sale of modular paintings. If you compare with my store, our store provides paintings exclusively handmade and in a short time.

Table 1

Revenue 2018 2019 2020

1 oil paintings

1 018

260 2 036520 3 054 780

2 paintings made by felt-tip pen 890 040 1 780 080 2 670 120 Total

1 908

300 3 816 600 5 724 900

1 costs (ADM) 678 000 678 000 678 000

2 salary

1 200

000 1 200 000 1 200 000

3 the cost of producing oil paintings 378 300 756 600 1 134 900 4

the cost of production of marker

pictures 270 000 540 000 810 000


2 526

300 3 174 600 3 822 900

Expected profit -618000 642 000 1 902 000

If you focus on prices, in Kazakhstan the pictures are much cheaper than in Europe.

This in turn is due to the fact that abroad there are more collectors, that is, to sell


paintings abroad, more profitable than we have. The ability to sell in abroad, through the creation of the site, or the design of ads for the sale of paintings on online platforms.

Paintings can be sent in a short time through the courier service. Ordinary online stores charge a certain amount for delivery even within the country, our store will send pictures for free in Kazakhstan.


1. Article By L. R. Zolotareva 2010 " Development of art and art-pedagogical education in Kazakhstan»

2. A single program to support small and medium-sized businesses.


3. "Christie" - auction house 4. { http://www.christies.com/}


УДК 373.61 Kurmangaleyeva Dana – student of KSMU Scientific director – senior teacher D.E.Dzhakupova

Many dream of their own business, but only few create companies and only a little part of them are able to run it. The reason of this problem is that while starting the business, most of the people think of the creating a business plan and the start-up capital, which are very important, but still are not enough for success. First thing people have to care about - is their own personal characteristics and abilities. For instance, resoluteness, creativity, courage, resourcefulness, dedication and many others.

Nowadays the scientists and economists give another needed quality for every entrepreneur - emotional intelligence or emotional quotient. In this article the definition of emotional quotient will be given and the connection between entrepreneurship and emotional quotient will be considered.

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to a person’s ability to perceive his own emotions and control feelings for effective problem solving.

Interest in emotional intelligence arose at the beginning of the 20th century due to the inability of the classical IQ tests (IQ) to explain the peculiarities of motivation and behavior of people. However, even the ancient Greeks thought about emotional intelligence, believing that a wise man is one who is able to unite the mind, logic and emotions. Despite the fact that it was two and a half thousand years ago, the question of human emotions remained the same.

Back in 1870, Charles Darwin made an attempt to study human emotions through external manifestations in the book On the Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. The concept of emotional intelligence (or EQ for short) in its modern sense emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1920, American psychologist Edward Thorndike first introduced the concept of social intelligence as a person’s ability to act rationally in relationships with people. In 1983, Howard Gardener proposed the theory


of multiple intelligences, dividing the intellect into internal (his own emotions) and interpersonal (emotions of those around him). Journalist Daniel Goleman popularized the concept by publishing the book Emotional Intelligence in 2015.

So, people study the emotional intelligence since ancient times till our days:

According to the results of the research "Traits of emotional intelligence": High emotional intelligence has a positive effect on performance; Women with high emotional intelligence are more satisfied with their appearance; People with high emotional intelligence are able to more clearly identify emotions through facial expressions; Students with a high level of emotional intelligence miss fewer classes at school for disrespectful reasons [1].

Regarding to the role of the emotional quotient on business and companies, employers pay attention to the fact that high mental abilities are not always the criteria that determines the success of a man at work. For example, they hire a person with a wide track record and a high IQ, but he turns out to be a tyrant, unable to get along with the team.

Entrepreneurship is the major source of employment, economic growth, innovation, promotion of products and service quality, competition, and economical flexibility of today’s society [2]. Entrepreneurship is defined as “the process of recognising and pursuing opportunities with regard to alienable and inalienable resources currently controlled with a view to value creation”. Entrepreneurship is about people, their choices and actions in starting, taking over or running a business, or their involvement in a company’s strategic decision-making.

EI affects entrepreneurial behavior in two ways: the first is through the self- evaluation of emotional efficacy – employees with high self-perceived EI may exhibit high tolerance to stress and environmental stressors; the second concerns individuals with high EI, who tend to have higher affectivity, informing proactive and creative dispositions and so facilitating entrepreneurial behavior [3].

Ahmetoglu et al. have studied the connection between EI and entrepreneurial behavior and success in the work “Understanding the relationship between individual differences in Trait Emotional Intelligence and entrepreneurship” [4]. The results have shown that EI correlates significantly with most entrepreneurial outcomes they examined, that is, entrepreneurial behavior to generate income, corporate entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity during school/college, and entrepreneurship through innovation/invention.

Even though little is known about the truth behind entrepreneurial success, it has not previously been explored from emotions’ perspective. However, emotional intelligence abilities affect the perceptions of being an effective entrepreneur as well as the intention of undertaking an entrepreneurial path. It may also have relevant implications for those individuals that in today’s environment, pushed by the impermeability of the labor market, choose to create new work by setting up a new business. Having the capabilities in one’s own efficiency is positively related to the intention to become entrepreneur.

The assessment and awareness of our self-perception of being or not effective in the role as entrepreneur and the ability to recognize, regulate, and use the emotions might prove decisive factors and may be a competitive advantage in determining the success of the entrepreneurial path and processes.


References 1. https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-40716336

2. Hisrich, R., Langan-Fox, J., & Grant, S. (2007). Entrepreneurship research and practice. A call to action for psychology. American Psychologist, 62, 575-589. doi:

http:// dx.doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.62.6.575

3. Zampetaskis, L.A., Beldekos, P., & Moustakis, V.S. (2009). “Day-to-day”

entrepreneurship within organizations: The role of the trait emotional intelligence and perceived organizational support. European Management Journal, 27, 165-175. doi:

http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2008.08.003

4. Ahmetoglu, G., Leutner, F., & Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2011). EQ-nomics:

Understanding the relationship between individual differences in Trait Emotional Intelligence and entrepreneurship. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 1028- 1033. doi: http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2011.08.016


УДК 338.486.1.02(574) Kuznetsova Inar - student of KSMU Scientific director – senior teacher D.E.Dzhakupova

The concepts of “entrepreneurship” and “entrepreneur” have a long history. For the first time in the economic literature, the term “entrepreneurship” appeared in the General Dictionary of Commerce, published in Paris in 1723, and was interpreted as

“taking on obligations for the production or construction of an object”. As a scientific term, the concept of “entrepreneurship” began to be used in the works of the French economist Richard Cantillon in the 18th century. In the future, with the development of society, economic thought about the scientific understanding of entrepreneurship developed, various theories and concepts of this category were created. At the present stage of development of the economy and society, entrepreneurial activity is an integral part of most business structures. Tourism is no exception, up to the recognition of its economic phenomenon of the century. The consumer of tourism services is a tourist. As a consumer of the tourist product, it is a tourist destination. At the United Nations Conference on International Tourism in Rome in 1963, the definition of the concept

“tourist” was adopted. Today, tourist activity, relying on the legislative base, relates to entrepreneurial activity, which is regulated by the civil code. The purpose of this article is to find out where citizens of Kazakhstan prefer to travel and how many citizens of Kazakhstan choose holidays within their own country.

According to the data of the Border Guard Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2017 the number of Kazakhs going abroad amounted to 10.26 million people *, which is 5.2% more than a year earlier (9.76 million people). The peak of overseas trips over the past five years was in 2015, then the


number of residents of Kazakhstan who went abroad reached 11.3 million.

The fall in the population’s income in foreign currency greatly influenced the preferences of Kazakhstan’s people: trips to foreign countries are in demand less and less. So, in 2012, 1.23 million Kazakhstanis left for non-CIS countries, and in 2016 their number dropped to 796.65 thousand people (by 35.3%). citizens leaving in 2016 traditionally popular was Lake Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan). In addition to Kyrgyzstan, one can name Uzbekistan, Russia, Azerbaijan and, of course, Georgia. The resorts of Georgia have already managed to win the hearts of our compatriots. If we talk about foreign countries, then in 2016 2016 India, China, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Malaysia, and a number of Western European countries were popular destinations with tourists. Domestic tourism is not lagging behind, it has become more affordable than vacation abroad. According to official statistics, the number of tourists served on the territory of the republic reached 6.83 million people, of which 5.28 million stayed in hotels of various types, 288.15 thousand people had a rest in sanatoriums and 1.26 thousand tourists visited specially protected natural territories. In the aggregate, the number of domestic tourists in 2013–2017 increased by 52.2%.

During the period under review, there has been an increase in hotel attendance by 59.6%

and natural reserves by 50.1%, while the popularity of sanatorium-resort organizations fell by 15.3%.

Also, to achieve our goal, a survey of 1200 people from different parts of the country was conducted. We asked them a number of questions about vacation planning this year and about tourism in Kazakhstan in general. 45 percent of respondents do not plan to go to the resorts. 5.6 percent of Kazakhstanis are planning to rest in Turkey, 3.2 percent in Issyk-Kul. The number of people wishing to relax on the serene European resorts remained almost unchanged compared to last year - 3 percent. . A third of Kazakhstanis (33 percent) plan to have a rest this summer at local resorts. The list of popular domestic tourism sites is headed by Borovoye, Saryagash and Alakol. 43 percent of respondents consider important for the future of the country to protect and support the existing resorts of Kazakhstan, 39 percent - it is necessary to create new world-class resorts, such as Kok-Zhailau, and attract tourists.

The issue of creating a ski resort "Kok-Zhailau" is a complex and actively discussed in society. About 13 percent of respondents agree with the construction opponents, and 6.4 percent of them believe that the construction of such resorts in the tracts is harmful to the environment of Kazakhstan, and 6.8 percent consider the large material costs of their creation unjustified.

In general, recently the citizens of Kazakhstan prefer to rest more and more within their own country. Kazakhstan in the field of tourism is developing in the same areas as other countries. Currently, there are structural changes in the preferences of tourists.

There is a transition to more active forms of recreation with elements of sports, while this is just the beginning trend. Recently, we have noticed that the second high season is steadily standing out - this is winter time: December-February. In addition, the demand for educational tours is increasing.



1. Toksanov A.N. Bases of business activity, Astana: PRINT-S, 2016, 480 2. Tourism of Kazakhstan 2012–2017: Stat. set of works, Astana,

3. The official site according to the Republic of Kazakhstan, [ER]. Access mode:


4. Yerzhanova S.K. of Karaganda University, Ser. Economy, 2017, 4 (64), p. 72–78.


УДК 336(574) Қадыров А. - ҚММУ студенті Ғылыми жетекші - э.ғ.к., доцент Сабыржан А.

Қаржы жүйесі - белгілі бір қоғамдық-экономикалық формация шеңберінде өмір сүретін қаржы мекемелерінің жиынтығы; тар мағынада алғанда — мемлекеттің қаржы мекемелері жүйесі, яғни өзара байланысты салалар (кәсіпорын, сақтандыру қаржысы мен мемлекеттік қаржы) мен буындардың (қаржы мекемелерінің, салық жүйесінің құрылымдык бөлімшелері, т.б.) жиынтығы. Әрбір ірі салалардың ішінде буындар болады, оның үстіне қаржы қатынастары субъект қызметінін сипатына қарай топтастырылады.

Қазақстан Республикасынын қаржы жүйесі бюджет жүйесінен, бюджеттен тыс қорлардан, түрлі меншік нысанындағы кәсіпорындардың қаржысынан, қаржы институттарынан (қаржы қызметін жүзеге асырушы, реттеуші ұйымдар, мекемелер, қаржы министрлігі, қазынашылық, ұлттық банк, салық инспекциясы, салық полициясы (қаржы полициясы), кор валюта биржалары, қаржы-несие мекемелері) және қаржы үдерістерінің барысына қажетті шарттар жасайтын қаржы құралдары тұрады. Қаржы жүйесінің тұрақтылығы мен орнықты дамуы ұлттық экономика дамуының қажетті шарты болып табылады.

«Қаржы жүйесі» ұғымы тиісті ақша қаражаттарының қорын құру және пайдалану негізіндегі қатынастардың жиынтығын, сондай-ақ, осы қатынастарды ұйымдастыратын органдарды қамтиды. Кейде бұл ұғым тар мағынада мемлекеттің қаржы мекемелерінің жиынтығы ретінде қолданылады, бірақ бұл анық емес.

Жоғарыда көрсетілген ұғымның анықтамасына қаржының мәндік сипаттамасынан туындайтын қаржы жүйесінің сыныпталуының қағидалық моделі, оның-қоғамдық-экономикалық үрдістегі орны берілген. Осы критерийге сәйкес қаржы жүйесі үш бөлімнен тұрады:

1)қаржы қатынастарының жиынтығы;

2)ақша-қаражат қорларының жиынтығы;

3)басқарудың қаржылық аппараты.

Қаржыдағы функционалдық сыныптамаға сәйкес, салық, бюджет, сыртқы экономикалық қатынастар, қаржыны жоспарлау, бақылау және басқаларды функционалдық жүйеастылар деп атауға болады.


Қаржы жүйесінің сыныптамасында функционалдық критерийден басқа қаржы жүйесін звенолар бойынша шектеуге мүмкіндік беретін қаржы субъектілерінің нышаны бойынша мемлекет қаржысы, шаруашылық жүргізуші субъектілердің қаржысы, халық қаржысы деп жіктеуге болады. Сыныпқа байланысты болып келетін звенолар қаржы қатынастары, қаржы қорлары, басқару аппараты тәрізді элементтерден тұрады. Қасиеттерін осылай жүйелендіру қаржы жүйесіне интеграциялық сипат береді.

Қаржы жүйесінің жекелеген құрамдас бөліктерінің орны мен рөлі әрқилы болып келеді. Бастапқы элемент басқа элементтер жүйесінде жетекші орынға ие болып келеді. Өйткені оның ролі звенолар мен элементтер жүйесінде басты орында болып келеді. Бұл – ең алдымен, мемлекеттік бюджет түрінде берілген мемлекеттік қаржылар.

Қаржы жүйесі бірлігінің қағидаты орталық қаржы органдары арқылы мемлекеттің жүргізіп отырған бірыңғай мақсаттармен алдын ала айқындалып отырады. Қаржылардың барлық буындарын басқару бірыңғай негізгі заңнамалық және нормативтік актілерге негізделеді. Қаржы жүйесінің бірлігі қаржы ресурстарының басты көздерінің ортақтастығында (бірлігінде), олардың қозғалысының өзара байланыстығында, қажетті қаржылық көмек көрсету үшін қаражаттарды аймақтар, салалар арасында қайта бөлуде болып отыр. Қаржы жүйесі бірлігінің қағидаты экономиканы басқарудың барлық деңгейлерінде жасалатын қаржы жоспарлары мен байланыстардың өзара үйлесу жүйесінде өзінің нақтылы көрінісін табады.

Қаржы жүйесінің жеке құрамды элементтерінің функциялық арналымының қағидаты қаржының әр буыны өз міндеттерін шешіп отыратындығынан көрінеді.

Оған айырықша қаржы аппараты сәйкес келеді. Мемлекеттік бюджеттің ресурстарын құрып, пайдалану жөніндегі жұмысты ұйымдастыруды республиканың Қаржы министрлігі мен Ұлттық экономика министрлігі жүзеге асырады.

Қазіргі кезде қаржы жүйесі терең өзгерістерге ұшырап, қайта құрылуда.

Қаржы жүйесін қайта құрудың басты міндеті оның Қазақстанның әлеуметтік- экономикалық дамуын тұрақтадырып, одан әрі тездетуге ықпал етуді күшейту, ұлттық табыстың үздіксіз өсуін қамтамасыз ету, өндірістің барлық буындарында шаруашылық-коммерциялық есепті нығайту болып табылады.

Нарықтық қатынастарға көшу барысында қаржы жүйесінің ролі мен маңызы шұғыл артады. Қаржы-несие нарықтық мехенизмдердің неғұлрым тиімді жұмыс істейтін секторларының біріне айналыу тиіс.

Қаржы және ең алдымен бюджет жүйесі жалпы ішкі өнімнің өсуіне және оның басты бөлігі – ұлттық табысқа, макро- және микроэкономика кәсіпорындарының, фирмаларының және салаларының дамуына және халықтың көптеген жігінің хал- ахуалына айтарлықтай ықпал жасайды.

Қоғамда істің жайы қаржы ахуалымен анықталады, сондықтан тұрақтану мен дамудың бағдарламасы бірінші кезекте экономиканың тиімділігін арттыру жөніндегі жалпыэкономикалық шараларды іске асыруды қарастыруы тиіс. Бұл шаралардың қатарыннда – өндірістік қатынастарды жетілдіру, экономиканы