• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ






topic, where each teacher implements the tasks of this day on a specific educational material in his own way.

Planning plot days involves not only the topic, but also methodological instructions for their conduct, on the basis of which teachers develop their own plot- scenario of the day for all lessons in their groups in the context of a general topic. It is very important that the themes of the plot days are close and understandable to students, awaken in them creative activity, bring up positive personality traits and help to acquire new knowledge.

All this is playful moments, the atricalization and at the same time a productive way of learning. Another feature of the semantic-plot day is a single rhythm and an energetic, emotionally intense pace of lessons throughout the educational institution.

The didactic core of plot lessons is the activities of the students themselves.

Plot-based teaching «revitalizes» the learning activities of students in any lesson [2]. It's no secret that for many students a foreign language is a boring, dry science, consisting of many phonetic rules and actions. This science requires students to develop many thought processes: memory, attention, imagination, as well as volitional qualities.

One of the priority tasks in the semantic and subject teaching of a student is the formation of grammatically correct, phonetically clear speech and, of course, the development of a rich vocabulary. The most important indicator that is taken into account when identifying the readiness of a student to study in a higher educational institution is correct speech. It is she who is the key to successful mastering of literacy and reading.

Over time, students become familiar with semantic plot learning. She teaches transformation into images of objects, animals, plot actions. The student can show himself as a movie character, musician and theater actor; in the group's premises «to swim», «to play a scene from the film», «to be like skiing». Students develop the basics of a role-playing game. The game begins to acquire an expanded character, several tasks are connected in it with a single meaning: vocabulary increases, sound and coherent dialogical, monologue speech develops. Independence, purposefulness of their actions is formed. The student makes the first discoveries, experiences moments of inspiration, his imagination, fantasy develops in the game, and, therefore, the soil is created for the formation of an initiative, inquisitive personality. The root of game activity is learning, during which students acquire the necessary knowledge, abilities, and skills [3].

Semantic plot learning develops language, and language organizes play. While playing, the student learns, and not one teaching is unthinkable without the help of the main teacher - the language. The game is the strongest stimulus for the manifestation of student independence in the field of speech formation. The word in the game helps the student to reveal his thoughts and feelings, to understand the feelings of the partner, to coordinate his actions with him.

So, in the interests of the student's speech development, it is necessary:

- to provide students with a social speech environment corresponding to the interests of their age;


- gradually expand and update their social ties;

- provide students with the opportunity to often hear speech and speak with them, accompany with speech all kinds of student services and in every possible way stimulate him to be active in speech;

- use in speech development means that promote hearing, speech apparatus, the development of coherent speech of the student;

- to use the game as a means of the greatest development of speech, where semantic and plot learning is the foundation on which further language acquisition is built [4].

At the present stage of education, semantic-plot technologies are very popular with teachers, especially in the development of speech. The choice of these technologies is based on the fact that at an older age, the plot is the leading activity.

Thanks to the use of semantic-plot teaching in the work on the development of students' speech, the learning process becomes more entertaining and interesting, therefore, more effective. Functions that semantic-plot training performs: entertaining, diagnostic, communicative, therapeutic, self-realization function, correction function, socialization function.

Semantic-plot learning includes: didactic plot, theatrical games, plot techniques for memorizing poems, semantic techniques for the development of sound culture of speech, exercises for the pronunciation of hissing sounds. Let's take a closer look at each category of games.

Didactic plot. They are the main type of training that the teacher uses in the work on the development of speech. A didactic plot is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching students, and a means of comprehensive formation of speech abilities. There are several types of didactic games:

games with visual material, word games, games with objects, board games, special lexical exercises.

Most of the tasks of students' speech development are realized through theatrical play. Theatrical games are divided into two main groups - directorial semantic-plot games - dramatization. Accordingly, the student himself comes up with an image using a complex of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. Verbal means of expression primarily include speech, and non-verbal gestures, facial expressions and pantomime. There are several types of dramatization:

- imitation of images of animals, people, heroes of literary works, role-based dialogues based on the text, dramatization of a literary work, staging a performance based on any work;

- improvisations, in which the plot is played out without preliminary preparation.

Subject and plot didactic pictures are used to compose descriptive semantic stories. Useful visual material for description in student groups - drawings, as well as photographs. Students make up a connected narrative story based on large plot pictures, as well as a series of pictures with the same characters. At all age stages, the key to success is the understanding by students of the general content of the picture. In addition, the student needs to establish connections between objects, characters. A short introductory conversation helps to understand the assignment. To learn how to

compose a story, it is recommended to use a series of plot pictures that meet the following requirements:

- the series must include 4 pictures, connected by the same plot;

- plot pictures included in the series must be in color, and the image on them must be clear;

- the content of a series of plot pictures should be accessible and interesting to students, and also related to the surrounding reality.

Thus, when learning to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, students develop the ability to develop a storyline, come up with a name for a story in accordance with the content, combine individual sentences and parts of a statement into a narrative text [5]. When learning to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, the student talks about the content of each plot picture from the series, linking them into one story. They also learn to tell in a certain sequence, logically connecting one event with another, master the structure of the narrative, in which there is a beginning, middle, end.

Depending on the theater used, the type of director's game is determined accordingly. A clear pronunciation of phrases and tongue twisters develops the sound culture of speech. Students pronounce phrases by changing the strength of their voice, i.e. quietly, louder, loudly; and changing intonation: surprised, questioning, frightened.

The cyclicity that takes place in the didactic game is absent in the role-playing game. Also, to increase the level of speech development of students, various forms and methods of involvement in the pedagogical process were used: consultations, providing visual material on the development of speech skills (moving folders, memos, methodological literature).

Summarizing what has been said, we emphasize that the integration of various creative manifestations of students in the context of subject learning at the university allows them to ensure their wider and more full-blooded development, to expand the general cognitive base (world perception, thinking, imagination, speech). Semantic- plot teaching is interdisciplinary, integrated, is a means of organizing the theatrical educational activities of students, forms their stable interest in learning, relieves tension, stiffness inherent in many students, helps to form speech abilities.

Reference List

1. Brown, H.D. Teaching by principles; An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. – New York: Person Education, 2001. – 268 p.

2. Harmer, J. How to Teach English. - England: Pearson Education limited, 2001.

– 99 p.

3. Cameron, L. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. – 40 p.

4. Plopski, A.D. Semantic-plot teaching. – London: Science, 2015. – 87 p.

5. Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. - London: Oxford University Press, 2005. – 35 p.