МРНТИ 06.81.55 УДК 330.567.223
University "Narhoz", Almaty, Kazakhstan e-mail: [email protected]
Annotation. The article analyzes the Internet marketing tools, which are useful for companies operating in the industrial market. The basic tools of Internet marketing for industrial enterprises are selected. It is recommended to build on the effectiveness of communications based on the study of the behavior of the target customers of the company in the process of purchase (methods of searching for client’s relevant inquiries, the number of proposals considered, significant criteria for evaluating alternatives, motives for choosing a proposal, etc.).
Speaking about the industrial market, it is necessary to take into account the technological capabilities of Internet marketing tools that allow you to solve various marketing problems. In this regard, the article demonstrates the advantages of using Internet marketing tools for all market participants: sellers, buyers and for both parties simultaneously. This information will allow you to correctly select, conduct a combination of Internet marketing tools and get the maximum effect from the integration of these tools into the offline marketing communications program.
Keywords: Internet marketing, Internet promotion, industrial marketing, innovative product, internet marketing tools
Introduction. To date, advertising on the Internet is not an additional tool, but a necessity.
The rapid development of Internet advertising is primarily due to the expansion of the scale of the use of the Internet. It should be noted that in 2007, the cost of Internet marketing in Kazakhstan amounted to 4.3 million dollars, then in 2017 costs were already 12.8 million dollars[1].
Communications emerging both in the B2C market, which is the most active segment of the advertising market, and in the B2B market are the connections and relationships between market actors in the process of their activity. The marketing policy of communications in industrial enterprises consists of such basic means of influencing a clearly defined market or specific part of it: advertising, promotion, popularization, participation in exhibitions, formation of public opinion, business correspondence, advertising and the Internet[2].
The most effective ways to market innovative products in the industrial market are direct sales and sales through the Internet. This situation is due to the fact that the buyer is a business person, who, as a rule, has very little time to find information about suppliers and the products he needs. Therefore, when there is a certain need for a product or service, people of this type are increasingly resorting to the search for information on the Internet, which greatly shortens the time of search and comparison of suppliers that meet the buyer's primary requirements for this type of product.
Research methods. The following research methods were used in the article: analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization methods, classification method, economic and statistical methods.
Results and discussion.Features of promoting innovative products in the industrial market are the availability of a large number of specialized professional publications that can be shown to potential partners through the Internet. Thus, you can place information about the main characteristics of the product, options for cooperation, prices and other conditions. In these conditions, the role of the company's reputation increases.
In this case, potential partners will take into account feedback on the company, publications in the press, media reviews and other public data that can be found on the Internet. Therefore, creating an image in the network is one of the most important sections of advertising on the Internet.
After all, in the industrial market, the volume of orders in money equivalent significantly exceeds the volume of orders in the consumer market, so the potential client needs much more time to familiarize himself with the company and conclude an agreement.
Thus, customers conduct a kind of industrial reconnaissance (monitoring of suppliers). That's why the main emphasis is on branding, PR and personal sales, and only then on advertising and sales promotion. Advertising in the industrial market has a number of features arising from the specifics of the market itself:
1. There are fewer buyers on the market of manufactured goods and services. Especially this factor is increasing in the field of innovative products. This limits the choice of ways to promote in general, and advertising media in particular. There are ways of promotion that allow information to be differentiated to the target audience: specialized press, exhibitions, Internet advertising, souvenir and print advertising.
2. When deciding to purchase, buyers of industrial goods (services) are more guided by rational motives than emotional or psychological ones. This factor most affects the content of advertising. The original creative and beautiful slogan should not displace the content of an advertising message or event. They should only first attract attention to themselves on the general background and prove the rationality of the acquisition.
3. The decision to buy is taken by people with different social status. It can be, as the owner, and the hired worker. The motives of buying in them, although mostly rational and yet different. For the owner it is, first of all, the economic benefit of business, for the employee can play a role of personal benefit, recognition and confirmation of his status.
4. The buyer of industrial goods and services, like no one else, wishes to have long-term, permanent and confidential partnerships with his suppliers. He is not interested in the novelty of the form, he is interested in content and price. The main criterion for selection is convenient, constant and understandable delivery conditions and, most importantly, trust in the supplier.
5. Changing the attitude of consumers to communications. According to Kim Larson, the international director of Google BrandLab, the vast majority of consumers have little trust in the
"official" communications of the company itself, and are more inclined to trust information from the same consumers or other independent experts. Kim remarks that instead of telling his story through video, it is necessary to invite users to participate in its creation [4]. Therefore, news sites, professional forums and social networks should be included in the communications channels of the industrial company, because news and any other information from these sources will be considered the most reliable and reliable. The company, of course, may face difficulties in managing these resources, because "there is no game according to the rules of the company", and it can only respond, object or confirm this or that information.
6. The rapid growth of the number of industrial companies that have their own website.
Commercial consumers of the Internet are the most growing destiny, therefore the presence of a website in a company is no longer an absolute competitive advantage, but rather, the absence of a site automatically excludes an enterprise from competition.
Against this background, the topic of promotion of the site itself becomes more and more relevant, so that among numerous companies it is possible to stand out and become an interesting and relevant professional resource. Therefore, the effective operation of the Internet site necessarily means its constant promotion and updates.
7. In industrial marketing, a good tool is optimization for search platforms, as well as prompt updating and updating of information on the site allows you to save on printing products.
8. Numerous possibilities, provides only the registration procedure on the site: conducting a customer survey, organizing a personalized e-mail database, taking into account and the wishes of a particular group of potential customers at low cost, using loyalty programs for registered users [3].
The presence of a corporate Internet site today is an indispensable condition for the successful development of business in the current conditions of the functioning of economic systems. The main goal of the corporate site is to provide visitors with information about the company, products, contact details and so on.
However, it is not enough just to have an Internet site to promote products on the B2B market. It is necessary that potential customers choose our site, rather than the site of competitors.
To promote their Internet sites, such methods of Internet marketing as E-mail marketing, contextual advertising, remarketing, SMM and others are used.
Modern E-mail marketing is a mailing of personalized e-mails that are sent to private e-mail addresses on the mailing list. Emails contain all the necessary information about the company, a link to the site and contact information, through which you can easily contact the manager of the company and find out all the necessary information in more detail.
The effectiveness of such companies is from 2 to 5% [4]. The result of such communication can be expressed both in increasing customer loyalty to the company, and in increasing new and repeat sales, that is, in other words - the content and return of customers [5]. Mailing by e-mail can be performed as soon as possible and allows to reach a large target audience.
Contextual advertising is one of the most popular methods of advertising, carried out on the Internet. Contextual advertising is an advertising banner or text ad on a web page, its appearance immediately makes it clear that this is advertising.
Such banners or ads are located, basically, under the header of the site, on the side panels of the web page or at the bottom. This type of advertising is different in that the content of the ad always coincides with the topic of the page [7]. Thus, advertising surfacing on the target audience, since it is hosted on topical websites pages.
Remarketing is a function that allows you to show ads to users who have previously visited the company's website. This can be done when they visit other sites on the Google Display Network or use the company's keywords when searching on Google. Remarketing allows you to contact the interested audience. With it, you can reach out to those users who left the company's website without making a purchase.
Table 1
Overview of the main tools of Internet marketing for industrial enterprises Tool The problem solved by the tool
The site of the company
• Inform about the company and products;
• To tell and demonstrate products;
• Inform about activities and major projects;
• Post and analyze customer feedback;
• To form, pay and track the order.
NewsSites • Inform about the activities of the company and its projects Searchenginepromo
• Demonstrate the company's website in TOP-5, TOP-10;
• Find a company faster Professionalforums • Track customer feedback;
• Track competitors;
• Collect information on future projects and possible orders;
• Communicate with partners;
• Recommend the company's products / solutions;
• Collect the most pressing questions and give answers to them E-mailNewsletter • Providepersonalinformation / suggestions;
Banneradvertising • Informaboutupcomingevents
• Translate the client to the site Socialnetworks
• Inform about upcoming events, special offers;
• Communicate with customers, create thematic groups;
• Collect feedback and suggestions.
Source: [6]
To increase the effectiveness of Internet marketing programs in industrial companies should pay attention not only to those tools that are most interesting and convenient for the company, but also those that are interesting to the consumer. Table 2 shows the advantages of individual Internet marketing tools from the position of the seller, the buyer, and both sides.
Table 2
Advantages and tools of Internet marketing for industrial enterprises and their customers
Users Benefits Tools
Buyers Immediate access to a lot of information about suppliers;
Access to a large number of suppliers;
Reduction in costs for managing purchases;
The ability to compare competing suppliers online
Searchengineoptimiz ation;
blogs Sellers Accesstonewcustomers;
Reducing the cost of finding new customers;
Reduction in costs for sales management;
The ability to create and manage a database of clients;
The exclusion of intermediaries who bear little value;
Improvement of communications in the distribution channels;
Reduction of communication costs in sales channels;
Creation of a transparent information structure that promotes the formation of its positive image and raises the level of confidence in it from other enterprises
Integration of online payment systems;
Integratedcorporatesy stems
Buyersand sellers
Stimulation to independent search of information, increases the efficiency of the transaction for the customer and reduces costs for the seller;
Open access around the clock;
Optimization of logistics, transparency of inventory, the ability to track the order;
Improving the relationship between the seller and the buyer;
The opportunity to establish and simplify the interaction of the customer with the supplier.
Integratedcorporates ystems;
Feedbackgeneration system
Источник: [7]
The conclusion. Coverage of consumers in the industrial market by Internet technologies in 2017 was 75%. For the industrial market, this is especially important, since the overwhelming majority of representatives of the business audience are increasingly focused on independent search for suppliers of the required goods and services, and primarily on the Internet. Therefore, the competent inclusion of online marketing tools can allow companies to significantly increase the awareness of potential customers about the company and its products, to form a primary interest in buying and to encourage possible cooperation.
It is worth noting that a significant dividend from Internet promotion an industrial company can achieve only by sharing its website and a set of additional tools to promote it for the target group of consumers and experts. In addition, modern effective marketing in the field of B2B also involves the integration of tools online and offline, because they serve customers and close the transaction, all the same, mostly employees of the company. Therefore, the expansion of the activity of an industrial company on the Internet must necessarily be accompanied by adequate organizational changes in the company.
However, the peculiarity of modern methodical approaches to the use of Internet technologies lies in the fact that theoretical and methodological developments in this field are considerably
behind practice. In addition, in the vast majority of works on this subject, the technical side of the issue prevails over marketing.
Together, in business, it is now very necessary not to "intuitively" choose the tools of Internet marketing, but some methodical approach that will step by step integrate the activities of an industrial company into the online environment. Therefore, the purpose of the research presented in the paper is practical in nature and consists in determining the significance of individual Internet marketing tools for industrial companies, the sequence of their implementation and their connection with other tools.
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7 Верлуп Е.В. Роль маркетинга партнерских отношений в становлении теории промышленного маркетинга / Е.В. Верлуп // Современные аспекты экономики. 2013 – №11 (195). С. 65-69.
«Нархоз» университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан e-mail: [email protected]
Түйін. Индустриалды нарықтағы инновациялық өнімді ілгерілететін тиімді интернет-маркетинг құралдарын әзірлеу және таңдау осы нарықта жұмыс жасайтын компания үшін, сондай-ақ оның клиенттері мен контрагенттері үшін көптеген артықшылықтарды береді. Компанияның интернет ортасынаи нтеграциясы қазіргі заманғы бизнес-трендтерге ғана емес, сондай-ақ кәсіптік ортада белгілі бір имиджді құру мен қолдаудың негізгі элементі болып табылады.
Түйінді сөздер: Интернет-маркетинг, Интернет-жылжыту, өндірістік маркетинг, инновациялық өнім, интернет-маркетинг құралдары.
Университет «Нархоз», Алматы, Казахстан e-mail: [email protected]
Резюме. Разработка и выбор эффективных инструментов интернет-маркетинга продвижения инновационной продукции на промышленном рынке обеспечивают широкий спектр преимуществ как для компании, работающей на этом рынке, так и для ее клиентов и контрагентов.
Интеграция компании в среду Интернет - это не только соответствие современным тенденциям бизнеса, но и ключевой элемент создания и поддержания определенного имиджа в профессиональной среде.
Ключевые слова: интернет-маркетинг, интернет-продвижение, промышленный маркетинг, инновационный продукт, инструменты интернет-маркетинга.
МРНТИ 45.01.11