• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ


ӘОЖ 1802:378.147 А-50

Бұл мақалада студенттерді теориялық тұрғыдан оқытудағы академиялық ҽдістемені қолданудың бейіндік маңыздылығы баяндалады. Бакалавр - студенттер кҿбінесе теорияны меңгерудің академиялық ҽдістемесін оқытпайтын мектеп табалдырығынан тура жоғарғы оқу орындарына (ЖОО) түсуіне байланысты, олардың кейбірі институттың алғашқы семестрлерінде оқытылатын пҽндердің бейіндік теориясына тиісті кҿңіл бҿлмейді.

Осы орайда соңғы жылдардағы студенттерді даярлау деңгейінің ҿзгеру мҽселесі, яғни кҽсіби ҿмірдегі теорияның маңыздылығын бакалавр-студенттерге жеткізу үшін оқытушылардың дҽріске дайындық мҽселелерін бейіндік негізде реттеудің бағыттары жарық кҿрген. В данной статье рассматривается важность использования академического подхода для профильного обучения студентов теории. В виду того, что студенты – бакалавры часто поступают в вузы прямо из школ, где они не обучались использованию академического подхода по профили теории, некоторые из них не проявляют должного интереса к теории внешней профилизации, которая преподается в первых

семестрах в институте.

В статье освящен вопрос изменения уровня подготовки студентов в последние годы, и как преподаватели должны регулировать вопросы подготовки к профильным занятиям, для того чтобы показать студентам – бакалаврам важность теорий в их профессиональной жизни. The evolving global and hemispheric events have brought new challenges and new opportunities to the dynamic process of human, social and economic development in every part of the world. In charting its way forward, the World Community has placed people at the centre of its agenda.

The Community has also resolved to strengthen its institutions so that they are well equipped to function effectively in the increasingly competitive global economy. Good governance and democracy will remain the hallmarks of our political, social and economic development. These are some of the elements of the vision of Kazakhstani government as our community seeks to participate fully in the hemisphere and in the wider international community.

We have to show the students that the international community is sharing this vision with us, a

vision that places priority on the human potential, on many people – on all our people. This is in keeping with the focus of providing external policy of our country. In this case the education for international relations students is on trial according to constantly changes occurred in external policy of any country.

Education itself nowadays is gradually changing. Google has changed the way we all study.

Just a few years ago, the only option to find articles or any other publication was through good

libraries and brochures. Information used to take too long to get to other places, especially to other countries.

Nowadays, distance is no longer a problem. Books can get anywhere in the world within a couple of days and articles can be published and seen simultaneously by anyone everywhere in the world. Good researches can be done from home at such a rapid speed. In order to teach the young generation the new aspects of any subject, we have to change the approaches by which we are going

to provide information. We have to analyse how technology has changed education, the new kind of demands from the students and the necessity of teachers to adjust to new kinds of pedagogies and metolologies in order to make classes more attractive to the new generations.

The focus will be the necessity of teaching well theories to International Relations BA students. After explaining why it is so important to teach theories, we will go on to some suggestions of approaches for the new teaching, such as the use of comparative technology. The change in both education and students Identifies as a general complaint from students at all levels of education that classes are boring and they can no longer stand the traditional way of teaching.

Students complain about the distance between theory and practise, about keep listening to a teacher for hours and about the kind of use of technology in education. Most educational institutes have good technological equipment, such as data shows, computers and teleconference equipments. Nevertheless, the way of teaching remains mostly the same. The new media was incorporated only marginally. Although school remains the main certifier and organiser of education, pupils have got the opportunity of learning from many other sources. One can easily learn how to manage any computer program from a video in Youtube rather than by reading the tutorial. It is impossible to deny teaching and learning is challenged as they have never been before. Education has become much more complex [1, 142].

Online education is a reality more common each day. Without questioning the quality of such

programs, the fact is that it is possible to have a BA degree by attending video-conference lectures, on-line classes and guidances. The students need to attend classes only occasionally and usually for tests.

Traditionalists would say it is not worth comparing both systems. However it is necessary to recognise that student's demands are no longer the same. People are used to on-time information, to computer presentations and to worldwide interaction. The question teachers and professors must ask nowadays is how to bring students' attention to class once again. A joint work between methodology and pedagogy on each area of science has to be developed. Classroom must be a place to incite students to think. Teachers now have to have a new approach and make use of technology to bring students' interest back to classroom. That the new

―infra-structure must serve changes on the teachers' behaviour, changing from being a ―nanny‖, who gives them everything ready, chewed, to help them, on the other hand, on organising the informative chaos, on the management of the contradictions of values and visions of the world, meanwhile, on the other hand, the teacher incites the student, ―upsets‖ him, deinstalls him, incites him for changes

and not to remain settled on the first synthesis‖ [4].

From the methodological aspect, more than inciting, any teacher has got to help students to organize the information they have available, so students can understand them. And ―Understand is organise, systematise, compare, evaluate, contextualise‖ [4]. He keeps on by saying that a second pedagogic

dimension is to question and to create a tension on the understanding students had on the previous step.

More than organising, a teacher must help students to surpass their knowledge. Disorganising instigate students, and, by doing so, it brings their attention to looking for new information that might help them to understand a bit more the problems given them by the teacher. The use of external policy issues as an explanation of dynamic changes According to some experts, external policy is pulse of state‘s policy. In order to explain what is external policy we can have two moments in education, and they can be both used alternately or combined.

They can be used to organise or to disorganise the knowledge. One can use a video in the classroom to confirm a theory or a specific point of view which has been worked already, or to incite new topics, ideas, positions, perspectives or values. The use of videos and other popular culture would help to bring the academia to the world people live in. It exists because of the community and for the community. In order to comprehend the difficult nature of external policy of countries it is important to study foreign affairs and global issues among states within the international system, including the roles of states, inter-governmental organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and multinational corporations (MNCs). It is both an academic and public policy field, and can be either positive or normative as it both seeks to analyze as well as formulate the foreign policy of particular states. It is often considered a branch of political science (especially after 1998 UNESCO nomenclature), but an important sector of academia prefer to treat it as an interdisciplinary field of study.

In this case it is important to note that students must study also the psychological factors in international relations which come from the understanding that a state is not a 'black box' as proposed by realism, and that there may be other influences on foreign policy decisions. Examining

the role of personalities in the decision making process can have some explanatory power, as can the role of misperception between various actors.

A prominent application of sub-unit level psychological factors in international relations is the concept of Groupthink, another is the propensity of policymakers to think in terms of analogies. The Importance of Theory to the International Relations field According to some experts, ―we acknowledge that theory, even if it transforms the perceptions or concepts, if not put to practise won't change reality‖. This claim, brought from the critical theory, has its validation if one supposes theories can change reality. It is not the purpose of this article to discuss it, nor is it to support or deny the claims of the critical theories. But it can be brought from this statement that theory without a visual concept to practise is nothing.

The argument here is to show precisely all students must know theories in order to be able to understand and analyse reality. International Relations, just as any other social science, is subject to the illusion that practise can be diverted from theory. Anybody can be put in a position and be asked to perform a given task. Some might do it, but just the ones with real knowledge of the theoretical implications will do it well. So the most important aspect at teaching International Relations is to bring students' attention to theory.

And, to do so, new pedagogic approaches should be used in order to enchant the generation.

The use of multimedia to teach International Relations Theory Theory is extremely necessary for the good development of future practitioners. There is no cognitive analysis without theory and, to be recognised as a ―serious‖ science, International Relations must have theories more and more developed and studied. [5].

The problem raised is that not all pupils are interested in studying theory. Those pupils will either quit the course for not finding a cognitive practise to work with or will be less prepared practitioners. What can teachers do? The first part of this paper has tried to show the importance of teachers understanding the new demands brought by their students. Technology has made it very easy to bring new assets to class and new experiences and interest might be born from that. On that sense, teachers have got to look for a new way of bringing students' attention to theory. Students might be asked to theoretically analyse three different films by using theories of International Relations. At first, there might be a fear that students would just be in class to watch the film and after that they would not take part on the discussions.

The whole idea of the course is to bring students' attention to the study of theories by usage of mass media, and they might be more interested in theories after the experiment.

Films, the open lectures, the use of multimedia resources can help students visualise what they have read on the literature. By doing so, theory becomes a little closer to real life for them. The exercise here is to help them to think abstractly and see theory outside the books. One can explain the anarchical environment of the system by using a billiard board as an example or can simply show a short film with a group of children without any adults nearby disputing who commands the group.

Films can be a good source of theoretical analysis because, even though some of them are simply not real, a parallel to reality can be done, so pupils can identify both what the suppositions for each film theories would expect and how that situation would probably be dealt in real life. The secret is to look for films that

can exemplify a given theory or concept or even help them arise questions to later be theoretically analysed.

The use of new media is just another tool in trying to bring pupils' attention to the association between theory and practise. Being theories a milestone for International Relations studies and being students not the same they were before the technological boom, teachers are asked now much more than a couple of years ago. They shall be more than instructors, but also tools on the hands of the students to show them how theory and practise are much closer to them than what they think.


1.Moran J. M. To change the form to teach and to learn with technologies. 2004.

2.Clark G. A Farewell to Alms. 2007.

3.Creative and Inventive Thinking. Available: http://virtualinquiry.com/scientist/creative.htm.

4.On-line education is a reality more common each day http: // www.bolashak.kz 5.The use of multimedia to teach International Relations Theory: http://www.bilim.kz

In document ТАРАЗ МЕМЛЕКЕТТІК (бет 53-57)