8) Collective letter
The teacher distributes a sheet of paper to all students, and they, in turn, should write their names at the end of each sheet. The students sit in a circle and pass these sheets of paper in a circle. When receiving a sheet, each student must write a message to the person whose name is written at the bottom of the sheet, after which the students fold this message and pass it on to the next person; thereby the students get the opportunity to communicate in the lesson. The effectiveness of interpersonal communication increases if people correctly understand and evaluate themselves and others, can look at themselves from the outside, through the eyes of a partner in joint activities [11, p. 13].
In the educational process, various exercises and tasks can be used and their diversity allows the teacher to develop a variety of skills and abilities of students, for example, such as creativity and also affects the improvement of professional skills. The teacher has the right to choose educational technologies that open up the opportunity to use innovations and preserve the best traditions [12].
Before choosing a specific task, the teacher takes into account many aspects of the lesson, such as the special characteristic and age qualities of the students, as well as the features regarding the lesson itself.
This affects the interest and effectiveness of students in obtaining knowledge, their activity, as well as in the end result.
After carrying out various methods of reflection in practice, an empirical method was carried out, that is, an observation method, which was based on an assessment from 1 to 5 point scale. A special observational commission was selected, which evaluated the students on the following points in two stages (a lesson without reflection and a lesson using reflection methods):
1) Student‘s activity in class.
2) Expressing opinion.
3) Entering into communication with other students.
4) Confidence in speaking English.
5) Active use of English vocabulary.
Research results. The following diagram (Figure 2) shows the results of an observation experiment in practice of the conducted English lessons for the 7th grade. Results are shown based on the total average received for each item in the class. In total, 25 students took part in the observation. The results show that at the first grade, the questions we are considering do not exceed 100 points, of which the lowest level is shown by communication with other students. The highest result of the first assessment carried out is active participation in the educational process. However, this is considered a small result given the overall average. At the second stage, with the use of various communicative reflective methods, the effectiveness of the students increased, and also the majority of the students were able to express their opinions freely in the second language.
Figure 2 – Research assessments according to use of reflective methods
Discussion of the research results. As a result of using interactive method such as reflection, students get the opportunity to improve and develop their speaking skills; also they can express their opinions, analyse and make decisions in a foreign language.
The use of the reflection method in particular affects the improvement of the following skills:
1) Individual responsibility. Pupils performing the analysis take full responsibility for the final result, for their statements, as well as for their choice. They should be able to reason their decisions and express thoughts freely.
2) Ability to make a decision. Pupils must make decisions quickly and effectively, not only for themselves, but also working in groups. This aspect must be performed regardless of the difficulty and variety of situations.
3) Competitiveness. In the process of completing tasks, students must work to improve their results, which develops competitiveness, and also allows them to work quickly [13, p. 25].
This helps to make conclusion that interactive methods can be used to develop conversational skills.
Using interactive methods in the classroom considered effective for students to interact with each other and in groups, be active and their mental activity increases, also they learn to share their thoughts.
Teacher during the lesson is only responsible for creating a comfortable environment for the implementation of reflective activities and interactive methods, mentoring, the coordination of rules and tasks. These methods allow the student to evaluate their actions, thoughts, their results, find their place in life and make the right choice in the profession [14].
As a result of the analysis, the formation of the following skills among students was also revealed:
1) assessment of personal behaviour and actions in the educational process;
2) the ability to actively connect with other students using communication skills;
3) analysis and use of personal qualities for effective communication activities;
4) the use of non-verbal forms of communication and its assessment.
Conclusion. This research is very informative and useful in the field of education and in teaching methodology, since many aspects of the use of interactive methods have not yet been disclosed. This material will serve as a theoretical basis for further research of reflective techniques in the field of communication. And also, the results obtained can be actively used in practice in teaching students the English language.
The choice of a particular method of reflection depends on the purpose of the lesson, as well as many other factors, such as age and psychological characteristics of students, lesson topics, technical support and much more. Making interaction process in the classroom means interaction of its participants through the use of the necessary and available tools and methods. All participants of the class participate in group or dialogue in a variety of ways. All the opportunities that give and create interactive methods aimed at developing the ability of participating students to think independently and solve problems. Reflection performs an extremely essential function in a humanistic sense: to be a means of personality development, familiarizing a person with culture [15, p. 26].
The results of the research show that such a method in a foreign language lesson can make the lesson more effective and interesting, but the choice lies with the teacher himself. In the process of using interactive methods, various radar materials can be used, such as cards, score sheets, graphs and drawings. These opportunities help improve student performance. An unusual format for conducting reflection helps to show interest among students. The results of research and practical training allow teachers to make interactive activities between students, improve their skills, as well as can be used by foreign language teachers in foreign language classes.
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