Health organization the Republic of Kazakhstan
T.K. Rahypbekov, Zh.B. Bazarbek, M.V. Goremykina, S.S. Kyrykbaeva
Efficiency screening examinations the East Kazakhstan population within the framework of reforming of public health system of the Republic of Kazakhstan on program «Salamatty Kazakhstan»
А.К. Sitkazinov
Actual aspects of primary medical sanitary care 9
Zh. Ibraeva, Z.A. Hismetova
Realization of screening programms in kazakhstan at the present stage 12
L.K. Karazhanova, D.A. Mukanova, Zh.U. Kusegenova, A.M. Zhanbolatova
Acute kidney injury. Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment 14
L.K. Karazhanova, A.A. Chinybaeva, M.A. Kapakova
Role of cholter ECG monitoring in the diagnosis of genetic syndromes (channelopathies) with the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias
Л.М. Пивина, А.С. Керимкулова
Разработка методов прогнозирования, ранней диагностики, лечения и профилактики болезней системы кровообращения среди лиц, подвергшихся радиационному воздействию
A.S. Kerimkulova, A.M. Markabayeva, A.E. Nurzhanova, N.F. Zhumurbaeva, M.K. Adiyeva, B.K. Kurmangazhina, N.S. Slyamhanova
Detection of hypertension in outpatient settings
L.M. Pivina, A.S. Kerimkulova, G.B. Batenova
Nonmedicamentous correction of dyslipidemia as important factor in prevention of atherosclerosis and its complications
L.I. Pavlova, K.S. Kaliyekova, E.K. Ozhmuhametova, M.I. Sherstobitova
Contractility of heart muscle: role of adenosine 28
A.S. Kerimkulova, A.M. Markabayeva, A.E. Nurzhanova, N.F. Zhumurbaeva, M.K. Adiyeva, B.K. Kurmangazhina
Feeding of the metabolic syndrome
B.H. Musabaeva, K.B. Murzagulova, L.K. Oraszhanova, A.N. Sabitova
Nano-particles of metals in medicine and pharmacy 33
E.O. Massalimov, M.K. Syzdykbayev, M.T. Aubakirov, R.Ch. Salambayev, B.A. Isakhanova, A.D. Zharkimbayeva, A.D. Mukasheva, S.D. Meiramgazy, Zh.K. Kanapiyanov
To the organization of treatment of newborns with esophageal atresia
А.О. Myssayev, Т.А. Bulegenov, E.E. Shershnev, N.V. Izotova, R.V. Lagno
Tool for determination of medical and social status of drivers in road safety campaign 39 G. Ilderbayeva, A. Argynbekova, O. Ilderbayev, D. Uzbekov
Features of immune response in rats at different ages of gamma-irradiation 42 K.S. Igembaeva, R.S. Igembaeva, N.K. Selihanova, О.А. Gorkovenko, А.А. Izmailova,
N.V. Sushko, L.I. Zhunuskaliyeva
The results of supporting phase of therapy the sick persons with first revealed tuberculosis of lungs
K.S. Igembaeva, R.S. Igembaeva, O.A. Gorkovenko, R.C. Bihiaynova, N.K. Selihanova, L.I. Zhunuskaliyeva, A.A. Izmailova, D.M. Kadyrbaeva
Efficiency of complex therapy at the treatment of sick persons with multiresistant tuberculosis in dots- plus mode
S.M. Adilgozhina, M.S. Adilgozhina, M.K. Isadilova, Zh.T. Sabitov
Effectiveness of drug "Mometoх" in psoriasis 47
А. Mergentay
Analysis of the microbial landscape of multi-hospital 49
E.M. Smail, I.L. Kadysheva, B.D. Dautkanova
Epidemiological and bacteriological characteristics of salmonellosis in Almaty (according to the I.
Zhаkenova MCID, Almaty)
F.G. Saifullina, S.K. Dukenova, A.K. Bekzhanova, N.M. Sapargaliyeva, B.B. Kuzhakhmetova
Viral encephalitis as a manifestation severe course of herpetic infection 52 A.A. Bekzhigitova
Dynamics of the incidence and causes of mortality of the Semipalatinsk region 55 A.K. Muhametkalieva
The analysis of work of chemical-toxicological branch of East Kazakhstan branch of «CFM» of MH RK for 2009-2011
M.T. Kopbaeva, L.Zh. Zhunusova, E.E. Sydykova, Sh.M. Kosdauletova
Clinical laboratory rationale treatment of periodontitis using a Vector-systems 61 A.A. Almagambetova, M.G. Raimova, R.M. Bayzhumanova, G.K. Altybayeva
Effectiveness of group therapy in neuropsychiatric disorders 64
Materials of the scientific and practical conference of young scientists of Semey State Medical University "Actual problems of modern medicine", dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
А.О. Aimagambetova
Аction of thrombolytic therapy on cytokine sт status of patients with acute myocardial infarction with st segment elevation
A.K. Akhmetbayeva, A.A. Yanchenko, A.B. Akhmetbayeva, A.T. Tokenbayeva, A.B. Rakhimbekov, N.M. Edilkanova, A.S. Zhabagina
Clinicoradiological appearance of stress fractures
A.K. Akhmetbayeva, A.A. Yanchenko, A.B. Rakhimbekov, K.V. Timofeeva
Diagnose pathology of brain organogenesis 73
A.K. Akhmetbayeva, A.A. Yanchenko, N.T. Masalimova, A.V. Rakhimbekov, Zh. Tursynkanova, A. Mukhamedova
Hysterosalpingography in intertility diagnostics
S.Ye. Bezzubenko
Implementation nauno-based technologies to optimize treatment stratedy with the inflammation of the appendix cecum
N.Ye. Glushkova
Factors affecting access to medical and social services of foreign students 83 M.V. Goremykina, O.P. Tsigengagel
Whether the doctor has legal protection? 86
M.A. Dauletyarova, G.Zh. Kaylyubayeva, A.S. Tlemisov, M. Tlemisova, D.G. Tusmagambetova, Zh.T. Alimbayeva
Assessment of the quality of perinatal care in Semey
A.A. Dyusupova
Central venous pressure during the infusion therapy of emergency conditions 89 A.A. Dyusupova, A.M. Dosbayeva, S.B. Amangeldinova, N.S. Zgotova, K.A. Seilkhanova,
V.T. Ahmetov, G.Zh. Akimbayeva
Infusion-transfusion therapy and assessment of the state of central and pulmonary hemodynamics
M.Zh. Yespenbetova, Zh.K. Zamanbekova, O.Yu. Yurkovskaya, Zh.M. Zhumanbayeva, A.M. Dosbayeva
Dyshormonal diseases of mammary cancer in women climacteric age on the background of thyroid pathology
Zh.O. Zhakiyanova, A.S. Kuderbayeva
Especially of endovideo diagnosis and assessment of microflora in patients with chronic middle ear purulent otits
A.K. Zhanatbekova
Molecular genetic basis of arterial hypertension 97
A.S. Zhunuspekova
Organization of school of arterial hypertension in Semey 100
Zh.K. Zamanbekova, M.Zh. Espenbetova, Zh.M. Zhumanbayeva, A.M. Dosbayeva, O.A. Yurkovskаyа
Phytotherapy in treatment of dishormonal hyperplasias of mammary cancer in women of reproductive age 102 A.M. Iskakova, M.V. Goremykina, S.S. Kyrykbaeva
The analysis of Semey population’s opinion study about the quality of ambulatory policlinic care rendering 104 K.U. Kembaeva, A.A. Altynbekova
Characteristics of industrial influense on groundwater 106
A.E. Kozhakhanova
Risks of factor at children with small weight category 109
Л.Г. Кожекенова
Концепция обеспечения качества кардиологической помощи 111
D.B. Kozubayeva, H.S. Zhetpisbayev, O.Z. Ilderbayev, N.K. Kudaybergenova
Affectivity of fitosubstantion activity to immunological state of organism addicted by combined activity of 6 Gr radiation and asbestos dust
N.K. Kudaybergenova, G.Zh. Abdrakhmanova
Experience of using of mometoks at the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis 115 N.K. Kudaybergenova, G.Zh. Abdrakhmanova, H.S. Zhetpisbayeva, D.B. Kozubayeva
Rolinoz in the treatment of allergic dermatosis 117
L.B. Kurmangaliyeva, G.D. Dovgal, A.E. Islyamova
Preventive and anti-epidemic measures in salmonellosis in Semey 118
L.B. Kurmangaliyeva, G.D. Dovgal, A.E. Islyamova
Epidemiology of salmonellosis in 2011, in the conditions in a Semey city 120 Z.A. Manambayeva, I.M. Imanbayeva, A.S. Rymbayeva, L.A. Pak
Immunity tissue factors in benign tumors of uterine body cancer 123
Z.A. Manambayeva, B.A. Apsalikov, K.T. Zhabagin, E.A. Ospanov, K.Zh. Kamzin
Results of preductal usage and radiotherapy at lung cancer 124
Z.A. Manambayeva, B.A. Apsalikov, E.A. Ospanov, A.Zh. Kazhitayev
Effectivity of bisphosphonate usage in bone metastasis’ of mammary gland tumor 125 Z.A. Manambayeva, M.A. Musulmanova, A. Baurzhan, K.B. Ospanova, A.M. Kazhitayev
Some changes of immune system in specific therapy of ovarian cancer 126 Z.A. Manambayeva, N.Yu. Karnakova, M.Zh. Bayzhumanov, L.A. Pak, A.S. Rymbayeva
Hemocoagulation changes in radiotherapy of uterine cervix cancer and systemic enzymopathy 128 T.M. Moldagaliyev, N.N. Ospanova
The pathopsychological analysis and objectification of mental infringements among the East
Kazakhstan area population, suffered from radiating influence as a result of nuclear weapon tests for Semey region
M.N. Musin, K.S. Kaliyekova
Ability of pirrole compounds usage in medical 132
D.S. Mussina, U.S. Samarova
Planned hospitalization on republican and regional levels within the framework of the assured volume of medical care
А.О. Myssayev, А.S. Musabekov, А.N. Raziev, S.М. Askarov
Analysis of first aid for the victims of road traffic accidents (preliminary results) 135 V.A. Novikova, K.Zh. Koyshybayeva, G.T. Kamasheva
Prevalence and clinical characteristics of frequent ill children of Semey city 138 M.T. Nurgazin, Z.A. Manambayeva, D.T. Raisov, M.A. Musulmanova, R.R. Tuktabayeva
Results of immune correction usage in complex therapy of diffuse mastopathy 139 S.K. Nurtazina, Sh.Ye. Tokanova, Z.Zh. Abdildina
The balanced diet of school students is a healthy generation of the country in the future 140 N.R. Rakhmetov, V.G. Lubyansky, E.M. Asylbekov, N.B. Omarov
Mini-invasive endosurgical methods of treatment of a perforative ulcer of duodenum 142 T.K. Rakhypbekov, N.M. Elisinova, A. Abeshova
The reasons of placing children in the orphanage and the period of stay there 143 T.K. Rakhypbekov, N.M. Elissinova, Yu.M. Semenova
The signs of ill-being in families of children of the orphanages 145
T.K. Rakhypbekov, А.M. Elissinova, Yu.M. Semenova
Analysis of primary disability due to nervous system diseases in children in the East Kazakhstan area for 2009-2010
U.S. Samarova, D.M. Bitebayeva
Influence of social factors on health of school students 149
M.N. Sandybayev, Z.A. Manambayevа, K.T. Zhabagin, A. Baurzhan, K.Zh. Kamzin
Morbidity of malignant tumors in Semey region of East Kazakhstan 151
S.Z. Tanatarov, A.S. Baysalbayeva, R.R. Tuktabayeva
Prevention of early postoperative infringements in patients with operated stomach and esophagus 152 S.Z. Tanatarov, A.S. Baysalbayeva, B.K. Kuanova, A.O. Sagnayeva
Activity of enzyme gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in prevention of hepatopathy with heptral at operations on stomach and esophagus
B.Zh. Toktabayeva, R.M. Kisina
Assessment of the formation level of professional competence of future nurses with higher education 155 B.Zh. Toktabayeva, A.M. Sharapiyeva
Social-hygienic characteristics of nurses Semey city 157
T.B. Tuleutayev, N.R. Rakhmetov, B Bizoldina, N. Espayev, K.Tsesko, N. Mustafin
Intensive therapy of calculous cholecystitis complicated mechanical obstruction 158 D.Ye. Uzbekov, O.Z. Ilderbayev, M.R. Madiyeva, S.E. Uzbekova
State of lipid peroxidation in immunocompetent organs of rats exposed to gamma-irradiation 159 M.M. Urazalin, Y.O. Kaiyrhanova, B.K. Rakhimzhanova, A.K. Orazbayeva
Dynamics of the incidence of sexually transmitted infections, in Semey city in 2002-2011 years 161 A.M. Urazalin, M.T. Nurgazin, K.T. Zhabagin, M.Zh. Baizhumanov, K.V. Timofeyeva,
K.B. Ospanova
Results of mammographic screening in 2011y
Z.A. Khismetova, K.D. Turlybekova
Problems of health of the student and factors influencing his formation 163 A.A. Chinybayeva, Zh.B. Sovetkhan
Prognostic significance in acute coronary syndrome 165
Dzhaksalykova Kulyash Kalikanovna. 50th anniversary 167