• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ


5. Discussion and Conclusion

Table 12. The relationship between expenditure and human resources inputs and objectives of the new product improvements.

New product improvements Innovation resources

Improvement of rejected products

number (T-1)_3

Improvement of non-compliant products number


Production cost improvement


Workforce 0.2388 0.2388 0.8969

So, we come back to validate both hypothesis # 1 and # 2 for inputs in R & D personnel and expenditures in R&D.

Here we have the workforce (r = 0.77; p = 0.11), and spending on information technology (r = 0.87; p = 0.05) which play a role in improving low and moderately the non-compliance of the new final product.

After we have external expenditure on research and development (r = 0.87; p = 0.05) spending on equipment (r = 0.87; p = 0.04) spending on advanced technologies (r = 0.87; p = 0.05) and spending on information technology (r = 0.91; p = 0.02), which affect strongly and significantly enough the low and medium improved time of production.

So, we come back to validate the hypothesis 3a for entries in equipment and materials.

Here we have the engineers in research and development (r = 0.80; p

= 0.10) and labor (r = 0,071; p = 0.17) associated positively and significantly enough to the average improvement cost of production.

We also return to validate assumptions #1 and #2 for inputs in R&D personnel and workforce.

On the other hand, we have focused on unfamiliar resources in the world of industry, namely, resources directly related to the innovation activity.

The resources or determinants chosen in this study were selected on the basis of the nature of the stages of the innovation process.

According to the previous studies [9], investments in R&D and ICT are mainly associated with design and prototyping phases.

This has been effectively validated for the first two stages of the innovation process. However, for the production stage, the performance of the new product was rather impacted by the workforce. This is very logical to the extent that the workforce has been well framed by the team leaders.

However, to complement the performance measure of the new product, our internal schema must be linked to an external schema where other measures are taken at post-launching stages.

In addition, internal performance is not simply a matter of improving the cost or quality objective but concerned with achieving efficiency in the new product.


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In document «Quality Management: (бет 35-38)
