House 74 b).
In order to implement the No. 105 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 3, 2015 “On the establishment of the
“Burabai damu” limited liability partnership, by the No. 494 decree of the Committee of April 14, 2015 there created the “Burabai damu” limited liability partnership with absolute participation of the state and transferred Republican property in payment of the authorized capital of the created partnership.
No. 30 acceptance and delivery act of the June 6, 2015, rights of the ownership and use of the state shares of “Burabai damu” LLP are transferred to the Office of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Pursuant to the No. 21 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated
January 27, 2014 “On acceptance of the offer of the company “Republican Television and Radio Corporation “Kazakhstan” to transfer 7595 ordinary shares of the “Kazteleradio” JSC from private property to the republic ownership under the contract of donation”.
Currently, 7595 ordinary shares of the
“Kazteleradio” JSC passed to the Republican property under the contract of donation. The evaluation report of state-owned shares of “Kazteleradio” in the amount of 100% was transferred to “National ICT
Holding “Zerde” JSC and the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan for the relevant corporate procedures.
Pursuant to the No. 1177 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 6, 2014 “On some issues of republican ownership” the Committee stated the № 171 decree of February 12, 2015 “On some issues of republican property”, by which real estate assigned to state institutions “Center for Medicine accidents” and
“KazSeleZashita” of the Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the payment of shares of the “Ort Sondirushi” joint stock company.
Pursuant to the No. 1330 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 19, 2014 “On the issues of creating a non-
profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev”
(hereinafter – No. 1330 Resolution) the following measures have been adopted:
In accordance with paragraph 1 of the No. 1330 Resolution by №19 Decree of the Committee of January 12, 2015 “On the establishment of a non- profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev” there founded a non-profit joint stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after
K. I. Satpayev” (hereinafter - the “KazNRTU” NPJSC), which was registered in the judiciary bodies in January 14, 2015.
In accordance with paragraph 3 of the №1330 Resolution by the No. 257 decree of the Committee of March 11, 2015 “On some issues of joint stock companies “National Scientific and Technological Holding “Parasat”, “Scientific and technological center “Parasat”, “Science Center”, “National Center of seismological observations and research” and the “Seismological Experimental and Methodical Expedition” limited liability partnership, the “National Science and Technology Holding “Parasat” JSC (hereinafter - “Parasat” JSC) was reorganized by division into joint-stock companies “Scientific and technological center “Parasat” (hereinafter - “STC”
JSC), “Science Center” and the “National Centre of seismological observations and research” (hereinafter – “NCSOandR” JSC). These companies are registered in judicial authorities on March 30, 2015.
At the same time, the authorized capital of the
“NCSOandR” JSC is formed taking into account the market value of the 100% state share ownership of the
“Seismological Experimental-Methodical Expedition”
LLP transferred to the “NCSOandR” JSC pursuant to subparagraph 2) of the paragraph 7 of the No. 1330 Resolution.
In accordance with paragraph 5 of the No. 1330 Resolution by the № 261 decree of the Committee of March 11, 2015 “On the establishment of joint- stock company “Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev” Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management
“Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev” the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was transformed into joint-stock company “Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev” (hereinafter -
“KazNTU” JSC), which was registered in the bodies of Justice March on 30, 2015.
According to subparagraphs 1), 2) and 3) of paragraph 6 of the No. 1330 Resolution in all joint- stock companies established by the Committee, the Committee’s decrees approved the Statutes and elected persons authorized for the state registration of authorized shares, the implementation of financial and economic activities and representation of companies to the third parties until the establishment of management authorities.
In addition, we inform that the assessment of state-owned shares of established companies (“NTC”
JSC, “Science Center”, “NCSOandR” JSC and “KazNTU”
JSC) completed and in accordance with the orders of the Committee:
- 100% state-owned shares of “NTC” JSC and
“NCSOandR” JSC transferred as payment for the shares of the “KazNRTU” NPJSC;
- “KazNRTU” NPJSC was reorganized through affiliation of “Science Center” JSC and “KazNTU” JSC.
No. 4 Acceptance and delivery act of July 1, 2015 transferred the rights of ownership and use of the state-owned shareholding of the “KazNRTU” NJSC to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Pursuant to the No. 126 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 11, 2015 “On the establishment of the “Kazakh National Academy of Choreography” non-profit joint-stock company” by the No. 498 decree of the Committee of April 14, 2015 “On the establishment of the “Kazakh National Academy of Choreography”
non-profit joint-stock company” there founded the “Kazakh national Academy of Choreography”
non-profit joint-stock company with 100% state participation.
No. 27 Acceptance and delivery certificate of April 27, 2015, transferred the rights of ownership and use of the state-owned shareholding of the “Kazakh National Academy of Choreography” NPJSC to the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Pursuant to the No. 478 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 24, 2015 “On adoption of the package of shares of the JSC “Housing and communal services development Fund” from private property to the republic ownership by contract of donation”, by the No. 847 decree of the Committee of June 25, 2015 “Some issues on the “Housing and communal services development Fund” JSC” parcel of shares of the “Housing and communal services development Fund” JSC transferred to the state property in the amount of 100%.
No. 39 Acceptance and delivery act of June 30, 2015 transferred the rights of ownership and use of the state-owned shareholding of the “Housing and communal services development Fund” JSC to the Committee for Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Land Management of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In order to implement the No. 363 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 27 April, 2015 “On some issues on joint stock company “Kazakh
Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshbaev” the Committee has assessed the state-owned shareholding of the company
“Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshbaev” in the amount of 35% of transferred as payment for the shares of the “National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” JSC (hereinafter - the Fund), and now the report is directed to the Fund for the relevant corporate procedures.
State monitoring of the property
Within the plan of the state monitoring of the property in 2015 the list of facilities subject to a core comprehensive survey in 2015 has been approved.
The list includes 26 objects, consisting in the List of objects of industries of strategic importance, in respect of which there is a state monitoring of the property, approved by the No. 810 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 30, 2004, and taking into account the scope of their affiliated persons 51 objects are subject to survey.
Also in accordance with the objectives, the implementation of this monitoring plan formed and approved the structure of 14 working groups for the state monitoring of the property. The working groups developed and approved the monitoring programs.
In May 2015, there carried out electronic public procurement of consulting services for the state property monitoring in the economic sectors of strategic importance for the 6 lots (26 facilities with affiliates - 51 objects). As the result of contest, six contracts on public procurement were concluded with the winners.
The Contract on public procurement of services for the introduction of information into the Electronic database for monitoring the state property in 2015 was concluded.
Monitoring the effectiveness of state property management
In order to organize the monitoring of state property according to the No. 1546 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2012 “On approval of rules for monitoring the effectiveness of management of state property, including state-owned enterprises and legal entities with the state participation”
(hereinafter – No. 1546 Resolution) in February this year an interdepartmental commission with the participation of interested state bodies on the development of terms of reference for monitoring the effectiveness of state property management was established No. 192 decree of the Chairman of the
Committee of February 19, 2015) and a meeting of the Commission with the participation of interested state bodies was held.
February 28, 2015 pursuant to the No. 1546 Resolution and the Annual plan of the government procurement of goods, works and services for 2015 there was the announcement of the electronic contest of public procurement of consulting services for the monitoring of state property entities for 15 lots (38 objects), totaling 89 931,9 th. tenge.
According to the results of the contest in April this year 15 contracts with independent consulting companies on 38 monitoring objects totaling 57 316,6 th. tenge have been concluded.
Postcrisis recovery program (recovery of competitive enterprises)
According to the Post-crisis recovery program (recovery of competitive enterprises), approved by the No. 225 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 4, 2011 (hereinafter - the Program) monitoring the implementation of the rehabilitation plans (recovery plans) of the program participants is held annually during the whole term of the rehabilitation plan (recovery plan) starting from the second year of its implementation.
In the current year there carried out monitoring of 38 companies - Program participants. Monitoring carried out in two stages.
At the first stage of a comprehensive and systematic monitoring of the implementation of the rehabilitation plans (recovery plans) of the Program participants in May public procurement of consulting services through the electronic tender was conducted (12 lots, including 25 participants of the Program).
At the second stage of monitoring, the implementation of the rehabilitation plans (recovery plans) of the Program participants in June and July public procurement of consulting services through the electronic tender was conducted (11 lots, including 13 Program participants).
Reports on the results of the first phase of monitoring will be presented in the III quarter of this year
Trust management
As of January 1, 2015, the Committee central apparatus controlled 10 contracts of trust management of republican property objects.
In accordance with the № 17-5 protocol
instructions given at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. T. Sultanov
“On the optimization of organizations owned by the Republic” of May 15, 2014 there is a work on the transfer of property complex “Zhezkazganredmet”
RSE in trust management.
The tender for the transfer to the trust management of the property complex “Zhezkazganredmet” RSE of February 25, 2015 was not held due to the submission of only application. As a result of the re-tender on March 18, 2015 the winner was the “RONSON-2000”
LLP, the № 2/5 Contract on the transfer of property complex RSE on the right of economic management
“Zhezkazganredmet” of the Committee of Industrial Development and Industrial Safety Ministry Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan was concluded on March 26, 2015 in trust management for five years with a repurchase option.
In the manner prescribed by the Rules of the transfer of state property to trust management, approved by No. 17 decree of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 16, 2015, in trust management without the right to repurchase, without a tender were transferred the following state shareholdings:
- state-owned shareholding of the “National Company “KazAvtoZhol” JSC in the amount of 100%
of the total number of shares in accordance with the No. 2/2 contract of January 29, 2015 was transferred to “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” JSC;
- state-owned shareholding of the “Information- analytical center of oil and gas” JSC in the amount of 49% (forty-nine percent) of the total number of shares in accordance with the № 2/11 contact of May 21, 2015 was transferred to the association of legal entities “KAZENERGY”;
- state-owned shareholding of the “National Agency for Export and Investment “KAZNEX INVEST”
JSC in the amount of 49% (forty-nine percent) of the total number of shares in accordance with the No.
2/12 contract of June 25th, 2015 was transferred to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”.
Thus, as of July 1, 2015 there are 14 trust management contracts.
In accordance with the Annual plan of the state purchases of goods, works and services of the SPPC for 2015 in March this year there held the Competition on electronic public procurement services on assess of the implementation of commitments on 5 contracts of trust management in the amount of 5 017.6 th. tenge.
In accordance with the Committee’s Working
Plan for 2015, approved by the No. 16 decree of the Chairman of the Committee of January 9, 2015, in order to carry out control over the execution of trustees contractual commitments on the objects of the republican property transferred in trust, by the Interdepartmental Commission on hearing reports of trustees on the performance of obligations under agreements (contracts) to manage the Republican property objects at the end of 2014 had heard reports of trustees following the Republican property objects: “Sultan-EMMK” JSC, “ICBC “Khorgos” JSC, the state property in the form of a complex “Trade center
“Karaotkel” RSE DPA of the RK, part of the road “Astana- Schuchinsk”, “West Kazakhstan Electricity Distribution Company” JSC, “Holding “Kasіpkor” NJSC. During the hearing, there were also presented reports of independent consultants involved by the Committee.
According to the results of the Commission’s work consulting firms’ work was recognized as satisfactory, and reports of the trustees were taken into account.
The reporting period reviewed the following projects for public-private partnership received for approval:
- a draft decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of rules for determining the initial value of fixed assets obtained by the concessionaire (successor or a legal entity, specifically created exclusively by the concessionaire to implement the concession agreement) from the concession provider of the agreement, as well as the cost, reducing cost balances of concessionaire groups during the transmission of fixed assets by concessionaire to the concession provider at the termination of the concession agreement”.
- a draft resolution of the Government of the RK on approval of the Supplementary Agreement on amending the Concession agreement on the construction and operation of inter-regional power transmission line “North Kazakhstan - Aktobe region”
in terms of the extension of the concession period up to 2030.
- concession proposal on the project “Construction and operation of an encircling railway line bypassing the Almaty station railway junction” on route Zhetygen station - Kazybek-Beck station.
- the materials of the Commission on concessions in relation to the objects of the republican property, on considering the issue on admission to the second stage of the competition of the concession project
“Construction and operation of the auto-road “Big Almaty Ring Auto-Road (BARAD)”.
Stateowned enterprises
As of July 1, 2015, there are 244 national state- owned enterprises, including 108 - on the right of operational management (RSGE) and 136 - on the right of economic management (RSE) in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For the 1st half of 2015 the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan made the following decisions:
on the establishment of:
- the Republican State Government Enterprise
“Issyk State dendrology park” of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK with the transfer of its property remaining after liquidation of the “Forest nurseries” JSC;
on the reorganization of:
by converting into RSE:
- “The Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS” SE of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan - into the RSE “The Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- “The Republican Center for Blood” RSGE of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan - into the RSE “Republican Center for Blood” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- “The Republican Clinical Hospital for disabled of the World War II” RSGE of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan - into the RSE “Republican Clinical Hospital for Disabled of the World War II” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
by the merging:
- 2 RSEs (“Atyrau regional center of sanitary and epidemiological expertise” and “Mangistau regional center of sanitary and epidemiological expertise”) and 18 RSGEs (Akmola, Aktobe, Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanay, Kyzylorda, Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan regional centers of sanitary and epidemiological expertise, the Center of sanitary and epidemiological expertise of Almaty, Center of sanitary and epidemiological expertise in Astana, Uralsk city disinfection station, Petropavlovsk city disinfection station, Almaty city disinfection station, Shymkent city disinfection station) of the Committee on Consumer Protection of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the merger - into the RSE “National center of expertise”
of the Committee on Consumer Protection of the
Ministry of National Economy of the RK;
- 3 RSGEs (“Pavlodar enterprise of waterways”,
“East Kazakhstan enterprise of waterways” and
“Semey enterprise of waterways”) of the Committee of Transport of the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan - into the RSGE “Irtysh enterprise of waterways” of the Committee of Transport of the Ministry for Investment and the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2 RSGEs (“Kokshetau forest breeding center” and
“Almaty forest breeding center”) of the Ministry of Agriculture - into the RSE “National forest breeding center” of the Committee of Forestry and Fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture;
by affiliation:
- RSGE “Ural enterprise of waterways” of the Ministry of Transport of the Committee for Investment and Development of the RK - into the RSGE “Atyrau enterprise of waterways” of the Ministry of Transport of the Committee for Investment and Development of the RK;
on renaming:
- 4 RSGEs (“Almaty Music College named after P.
Tchaikovsky”, “Almaty Choreographic School named after A. Seleznev”, “Republican variety-circus college named after Zh. Elebekov”, “Almaty college of arts and crafts named after O. Tansykbaev”) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – into 4 RSGEs (“Almaty Music College named after P.
Tchaikovsky”, “Almaty Choreographic School named after A. Seleznev”, “Republican variety-circus college named after Zh Elebekov”, “Almaty college of arts and crafts named after O. Tansykbaev”) of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 19 RSGEs (“Republican school of high sports on water and applied sports”, “Republican sports college”,
“Center of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation”,
“Management staff of national teams and sports reserve”, “Olympic Training Center”, “Anti-doping Laboratory of athletes”, “Olympic Training Center”
in Astana, “Olympic Training Center” in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, “Republican school of high sports in mass sports”, “Olympic Boxing Training Center”,
“Olympic Training Center by types of fight”, “Olympic Cycling Training Center”, “Olympic Weightlifting Training Center”, “Olympic Training Center on the types of fire”, “Republican Children and Youth sports school in equestrian sports”, “Republican cycle track
“Sary-Arka”, “Olympic Training Center of modern pentathlon and water sports”, “Center of athletic training for disabled persons”, “Republican school of high winter sports “Alatau”) and “Fitness Center