• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ


5.6. Construction Schedule

5.6.3. Final Gantt Chart


B-Site Preparation 22 days 12 34 12 34 0


Installation 63 days 34 97 34 97 0

D- Fitting of the Steel 65 days 97 162 230 295 133

E- Concrete Pouring of the Floors


days 107 295 107 295 0

F-Construction of the

Roof 31 days 295 326 295 326 0

G-Windows and Doors

Installation 30 days 326 356 326 356 0

H-Exterior Sheathing

Installation 50 days 356 406 446 496 90

I-Plumbing Installation 65 days 356 421 371 436 15

J-Electricity Installation 50 days 356 406 356 406 0

K-Elevator Installation 30 days 406 436 406 436 0

L-Heating Pipes and

Ventilation Installation 55 days 356 411 381 436 25

M-Finishing Works

inside the building 72 days 496 568 496 568 0

N-Internal Masonry

Work 60 days 436 496 436 496 0


Construction 56 days 496 552 507 563 11

P-Finishing of the

Whole Project 5 day 552 557 563 568 11

Now with the proper data, we can find critical path of the project and calculate its duration. Thus, Critical Path of the Project is A, B, C, E, F, G, J, K, N, M and the duration of the project is 568 days.


Table 5. 8. ES and EF of all activities, sub-activities and work packages

Activity Duration ES EF

Site Investigation Total- 12 days 05/01/17 05/12/17

Surveying 5 days 05/01/17 05/05/17

Soil Analysis 7 days 05/06/17 05/12/17

Site Preparation Total-22 days 05/13/17 06/01/17

Temporary Power Installation 2 days 05/13/17 05/14/17

Temporary Water Supply Installation 2 days 05/13/17 05/14/17

Temporary Fence Construction 2 days 05/13/17 05/14/17

Temporary PCC Construction 1 day 05/13/17 05/13/17

Site Cleaning and Grub 5 days 05/15/17 05/19/17

Rough Grading of the Site 10 days 05/18/17 05/27/17

Final Grading of the Site 5 days 05/28/17 06/01/17

Temporary Fire Protection System Installation 5 days 05/28/17 06/01/17 Foundation Installation Total-63 days 06/02/17 08/03/17

Drilling of holes 10 days 06/02/17 06/11/17

Hole preparation 3 days 06/12/17 06/14/17

Driving of pile foundation 30 days 06/15/17 07/14/17

Formation of fence for Cap pouring 2 days 07/15/17 07/16/17 Pouring and Curing of the concrete 18 days 07/17/17 08/03/17 Fitting of the Steel Total-65 days 08/04/17 10/07/17 Building of Columns and Beams for

1st,2nd,3rd floors 10 days 08/04/17 08/13/17

Building of Columns and Beams for

4th,5th,6th floors 15 days 08/14/17 08/28/17

Building of Columns and Beams for

7th,8th,9th floors 20days 08/29/17 09/18/17

Building of Columns and Beams for

10th,11th,12th floors 20 days 09/19/17 10/07/17

Concrete Pouring of the Floors Total-188 days 08/14/17 02/17/18 1. 1st,2nd,3rd floor Pouring Total-35 days 08/14/17 09/17/17

124 1.1 Formation of the fence for the 1st.2nd and

3rd floors 10 days 08/14/17 08/23/17

1.2 Rebar and utilities installation for the

1st,2nd and 3rd floors 10 days 08/24/17 09/02/17

1.3 Pouring and Curing of the 1st,2nd and 3rd

floors 15 days 09/03/17 09/17/17

2. 4th,5th,6th floor Pouring Total-40 days 09/18/17 10/27/17 2.1 Formation of the fence for the 4th,5th and

6th floors 10 days 09/18/17 09/27/17

2.2 Rebar and utilities installation for the

4th,5th and 6th floors 12 days 09/28/17 10/9/17

2.3 Pouring and Curing of the 4th,5th and 6th

floors 18 days 10/10/17 10/27/17

3 7th,8th,9th floor Pouring Total-45 days 10/28/17 12/11/17 3.1 Formation of the fence for the 7th,8th,9th

floors 10 days 10/28/17 11/06/17

3.2 Rebar and utilities installation for the

7th,8th,9th floor 12 days 11/07/17 11/18/17

3.3 Pouring and Curing of the 7th,8th,9th

floors 23 days 11/19/17 12/11/17

4.10th,11th,12th floor Pouring Total-50 days 12/12/17 01/30/18 4.1 Formation of the fence for the

10th,11th,12th floors 10 days 12/12/17 12/21/17

4.2 Rebar and utilities installation for the

10th,11th,12th floors 15 days 12/22/17 01/05/18

4.3 Pouring and Curing of the 10th, 11th, 12th

floors 25 days 01/06/18 01/30/18

5. Pouring and Curing of the Roof 18 days 01/31/18 02/17/18 Exterior Sheathing Installation 50 days 04/20/18 06/08/18 Internal Mansonry Work Total- 60 days 07/09/18 09/06/18

Gesso of the Walls 50 days 07/09/18 08/27/18

Tiling of the restrooms, kitchen 25 days 07/09/18 08/02/18

Painting of the Walls 60 days 07/09/18 09/06/18


Floors and Ceilings Installation 60 days 07/09/18 09/06/18 Construction of the Roof Total-31 days 02/18/18 03/20/18

Roof Drains Installation 4 days 02/18/18 02/21/18

Pouring and Curing of the roof fill 7 days 02/22/18 02/28/18

Finishing Work of the Roof 20 days 03/01/18 03/20/18

Windows and Doors Installation 30 days 03/21/18 04/19/18

Windows Installation 30 days 03/21/18 04/19/18

Interior Doors Installation 20 days 03/31/18 04/19/18

Main Entrance Installation 10 days 03/21/18 03/30/18

Elevators Installation Total-30 days 06/09/18 07/08/18 Installation of the elevator equipment inside

the pit 25 days 06/09/18 07/03/18

Installation of the elevator doors on each floor 10 days 06/24/18 07/03/18

Elevator Testing and Setting 5 days 07/04/18 07/08/18

Plumbing Installation Total-65 days 04/20/18 06/23/18 Installation of the pipes and valves including

seqge and fire hoses 60 days 04/20/18 06/18/18

Plumbing Testing and Setting 5 days 06/19/18 06/23/18

Electricity Installation Total-50 days 04/20/18 06/08/18 Setting of the wires and installation of

transformers 30 days 04/20/18 05/19/18

Installation of sockets and lamps 20 days 05/20/18 06/08/18 Installation of electrical devices like air

conditioning 30 days 05/10/18 06/08/18

Heating Pipes and Ventilation Installation Total-55 days 04/20/18 06/13/18

Installation of the pipes 40 days 04/20/18 05/29/18

Construction of drywall walls covering the

pipes 10 days 05/30/18 06/08/18

Setting of ventilation equipment 20 days 05/20/18 06/08/18

Testing and Fitting 5 days 06/09/18 06/13/18

Finishing Works inside the Building Total-72 days 09/06/18 11/16/18

Finishing of residual trim work 20 days 09/06/18 09/25/18

Rough Cleaning of the Building 7 days 09/26/18 10/02/18


Final Cleaning of the Building 15 days 10/03/18 10/17/18

Furniture Installation 30 days 10/18/18 11/16/18

Landscape Construction Total-56 days 09/06/18 10/31/18

1. Site Cleaning 5 days 09/06/18 09/10/18

2. Compaction of the Soil around the building 10 days 09/10/18 09/19/18

3. Fence Construction Total-29 days 09/10/18 10/08/18

3.1 Remove of temporary Fence around the

hotel area 1 day 09/10/18 09/10/18

3.2 Excavation of the Soil for Fence

Fundament 1 day 09/11/18 09/11/18

3.3 Pouring and Curing of Fence Fundament 7 days 09/12/18 09/18/18 3.4 Construction of the fence from the brick 15 days 09/19/18 10/03/18

3.5 Gate Installation 5 days 10/04/18 10/08/18

4. PCC Installation, Special booth constructed

on the factory 1 day 10/08/18 10/08/18

5. Fountain Installation Total-12 days 10/08/18 10/19/18

5.1 Plumbing Installation Total-1 day 10/08/18 10/08/18

5.1.1 Excavation of the Soil for Fence Fundament

1 day

5.1.2 Pipes Installation

5.1.3 Pipes Burying

5.2 Construction of the fountain structure Total-11 days 10/09/18 10/19/18 5.2.1 Excavation of the Soil for Fence

Fundament 1 day

5.2.2 Formation of fence for fountain walls

pouring 1 day

5.2.3 Installation of rebar and pipes 1 day

5.2.4 Pouring and Curing of fountain 7 days

5.2.5 Sheathing of the fountain surface by

decorative rock 1 day

5.3 Testing and Setting 1 day 10/19/18 10/19/18

6. Pavers Path Construction Total-22 days 10/08/18 10/29/18 6.1Construction of paths borders Total-10days 10/08/18 10/17/18


6.1.1 Excavation of Soil 1 day

6.1.2 Formation of fence for borders pouring 2 days

6.1.3 Pouring and Curing of Borders 7 days

6.2 Soil Grading 2 days 10/18/18 10/19/18

6.3Construction of Pathways from the pavers 10 days 10/20/18 10/29/18

7. Asphalt Covering Total-12 days 10/19/18 10/30/18

7.1 Soil Compaction,Accurate Grading 7 days 10/19/18 10/25/18

7.2 Pavement Construction 5 days 10/26/18 10/30/18

8. Barriers,Car Signs and Speed Bumps

Installation 1 day 10/31/18 10/31/18

9. Drawing of Street Parking 1 day 10/31/18 10/31/18

10. Lamp Posts Installation Total-12 days 10/08/18 10/19/18 10.1 Lamp Posts Electricity Installation Total-1 day 10/08/18 10/08/18 10.1.1 Soil Excavation

1 day

10.1.2 Cables Installation

10.1.3 Cables Burying

10.2 Lamp Posts Construction Total-11 days 10/09/18 10/19/18

10.2.1 Soil Excavation 1 day

10.2.2 Piers Installation 1 day

10.2.3 Pouring and Curing of Lamps Posts

Fundament 7 days

10.2.4 Lamps Post fitting 2 days

Finishing Works of the whole Project Total-5 days 11/01/18 11/05/18 Remove of Temporary Power Supply, Water

Supply and PCC Construction 2 days 11/01/18 11/02/18

Outside Area Cleaning 5 days 11/01/18 11/05/18

This table and the Gantt Chart assumes that the start of project is 05.01.2018 (1st of May).