• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

Gathering data concerning environmental situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In document GREEN MARKETING (бет 97-105)

Committee for Environmental and Nature Management Issues of the Lower House of Parliament, the organization made a public environmental apraisal of the draft of a Forestry Code (2003).

3. Ecological and environmental education.

Since 1995, the organization has been publishing the «Green Salvation»

Bulletin, its supplement in English «Green Salvation» Herald comes out from 2000.

The thematic issues deal with environmental legislation and protection of human rights, ecological education, development of national parks and other socioecological problems. There are special courses and teaching manuals for students. Over 30 publications in Russian, Kazakh and English languages have been issued up to date.

Green Salvation collaborates with Kazakhstan and foreign media, participates in TV and radio programs, and organizes exhibitions.

In 2002, a video program of the organization emerged. Such films as «Legacy of the Nuclear Age», «The Riches of Nature—In Whose Hands?», «Passengers in Forgotten Way Stations», «Canyon», «The Earth Does Not Belong to Man…» et al were shot. Several of them were awarded prizes at international festivals, kept in the Central State Archives of Films, Photographs and Sound Recordings of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

There is a discussion club «Green Lens» from 2007.

In 2002, it launched a website in Russian and English.

4. Environmental actions.

Green Salvation actively takes part in actions directed on preservation of integrity of ecosystem of protected natural territories. The organization is collaborating with the Ile-Alatau State National Nature Park administration. There is a constant video monitoring on its territory. Together with the environmental club

«Berendei» ( Kapchagai), summer environmental schools were organized in the park.

The organization took an active part in anti-nuclear campaign against plans to import and bury radioactive waste from other countries in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2009 it has successfully carried out an action against construction of high voltage power lines on territories of the Charynsky State National Park and Altyn-Emel National Park. It took part in the international campaigns: International Right To Know, Publish What You Pay and Caspian Revenue Watch.

The organization actively monitors projects of development banks and activities of of transnational corporations, influencing the environment.

5. Gathering data concerning environmental situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


In the electronic database, library and video collection of the organization there are various documentary, reference and teaching materials. They are used by activists of nongovernmental organizations, specialists, instructors, students and schoolchildren.

The Ecological Society Green Salvation calls for cooperation for the sake of the Earth!


050000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Shagabutdinova Street 58, apt. 28 Phone: +7 (727) 234-17-60, 253-62-56

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.greensalvation.org

Republican public association “PosadiDerevo.kz”

- public organization which main task is preservation and improvement of vegetation of the country.

The association deals with environment protection, teaching population to be environmentally responsible. The organization gives talks on meaning of the environment with school kids, conducts actions to plant and care of trees for all comers. RPA “PosadiDerevo.kz” often acts as an organizer and coorganizer of various events directed on development of the country in environmental, cultural and social spheres. The organization actively participates in a public life of the city and unites people who care about the destiny of the planet. At present there are branches of "PosadiDerevo.kz" in such cities as Almaty, Astana and Karaganda.

Ecoobraz -

promotes sustainable development of the Republic Kazakhstan through drawing up and implementing respective educational programs. The organization was created in 1995 as part of Karaganda EcoCenter. In February, 1998 Public association the Center of Coordination and Information on ecological education “EcoObraz" (Eco image) is registered in the Department of Justice of the Karaganda region. Since 2006 EcoObraz is Associated members of the Foundation for Environmental Education (www.fee-international.org)

The short description of projects is given below.

SPARE (School project on application of resources and energy). It was created by the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature (Norges Naturvernforbund) in 1996 and in several years it spread to dozens countries of the world (Norway, Scotland, Finland, the Baltic countries, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine).

SPARE appeared in Kazakhstan in 2000, and two organizations became coordinators of this project in the republic: Public association Karaganda

«EcoCenter» and Public association «EcoObraz».

All participants of the School Project for Application for Resourses and Energy (SPARE), and this is thousands of girls and boys worldwide, tell about its urgency and practical importance. SPARE does not simply form environmental culture and


outlook of school kids, it helps them to get practical results here and now.

Participants of SPARE investigate power consumption at school and at home, analyze it, look for actual ways to save it and whenever possible, introduce them in practice, that, certainly, substantially strengthens educational function of the project.

Kids realize a close relation between domestic power consumption and environmental problems due to the received knowledge and experience.

According to the teachers participating in the project, the given project has successfully complemented the school syllabus of ecology, physics, valueology and biology, has united inquisitive children in circles and groups. The absence of rigid frameworks in the project allowed educators to use various forms and methods of training that made work under the project more interesting. SPARE does not simply give to kids new knowledge, it provokes interest to scientific researches and practical application of this knowledge in them. Besides, both teachers and students note such rather important fact as collaboration of schools participating in the project which stimulates schools to achieve more and more, let them feel that «we are not alone in it.»

SPARE objective - make kids environmentally conscious and draw attention of the public to problems of energy use, saving of energy and power resources, preservation of the environment. SPARE is much more, than just an ordinary school program. The project not just gives to kids knowledge about energy and its interrelation with environment, it creates motivation for saving of resources and energy, teach skills of environmentally stable and safe life style, involves school kids in useful activity on energy and resource saving, stimulates interest in them to scientific researches and practical application of the knowledge, received at school. It is rather important as today's school kids tomorrow will become specialists making decisions. As schoolchildren from many countries take part in SPARE project there is presence effect and feeling of active participation in an important business of international importance.

Climate saving

Climate change problem - one of the most acute global environmental problems demanding to take quick and urgent measures. One of such measures is growing understanding of the population and, in particular, of school kids and youth, the reasons and consequences of climate change, and also methods of easing of these consequences.

PA “EcoObraz" has carried out, is carrying out and plans to continue projects in the area of spreading knowledge and technologies, helping to stop climate change processes.

Actions carried out within the limits of projects allow improving knowledge, skills and means available to teachers and allowing them to train in an efficient way the present and future generations of schoolchildren energy use and climate change problems. The teachers having such knowledge and skills teach issues of climate change and greenhouse effect more effectively. Youth becomes more interested in environment problems; the rising generation is supplied with an appropriate,


interesting and modern material. Schoolchildren are encouraged to be more active in global environmental issues.

Among projects already carried out in this area – “Design and introduction of educational materials on climate change in the State and Russian languages in secondary schools of Atyrau and Mangystau oblasts", funded by the Program of Small Grants of the Global Environmental Fund and carried out in partnership with the the Regional Ecological Center of the Central Asia, “Save energy – save climate"

(supported by JP Morgan and Landrover). The rest of current projects of the organization more or less deal with climate change issues as well.


– program of environmental management and certification and training for sustainable development for schools. Its comprehensive approach based on participation and involvement and combination of teaching and actions makes the program an ideal way for schools to embark on a meaningful path towards improving the environment in both the school and the local community while at the same time having a life-long positive impact on the lives of young people, their families, local authorities etc. (part of program definition on its international site www.eco- schools.org)

The Eco-Schools program in Kazakhstan is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the RK.

Having become the participant of the program, the school will receive: special teaching and auxiliary materials regarding how to take part in the program, international certificate of the participant of the program, information and moral assistance from the National Operator of the program.

How is the program run at school? To become successful and receive an international award of the program – the Green Flag and the certificate, it is necessary to take 7 steps. 7 steps – 7 elements of the program – include Eco-Committee formation, carrying out an environmental review of the school, drawing up and implementation of an action plan, monitoring of its execution, introducing in curricula sustainable development issues, involvement of community and formulation and introduction of the Eco Code of the School.

It is necessary for a school to be registered to take part in the program. It is possible to address concerning registration or program implementation at school to the National Operator of the Eco-Schools program in the Republic of Kazakhstan by the electronic address: [email protected] or by phone (7212) 91-10-79.

After registration a school will receive a package of documents with explanations and advices how to run the program at school as well as the international certificate of participation.

National Operator of the Eco-Schools program in the Republic of Kazakhstan Maria Zhirkova and team of PA «EcoObraz»


Eco-Schools program partners in the RK

- Field Studies Council Environmental Education www.field-studies-council.org - Norges Naturvernforbund www.naturvern.no

- The GEF Small Grants Program gefsgp.un.kz

- Karaganda Regional Ecological Museum www.ecomuseum.kz

- Regional Ecological Center of the Central Asia (Almaty, Kazakhstan) www.carec.kz

- PCF «Lutchik nadezhdy» (Ray of Hope)

Public charitable foundation dedicated to give assistance to handicapped children and families where they are brought up «LUTCHIK NADEZHDY»

(Kazakhstan, Karaganda)

- Public association “Otrazhenie" (Reflection) (Temirtau, Kazakhstan)

The organizations - members of SPARE network

 The Azerbaijan Youth Movement (Baku, Azerbaijan)

 NGO Eco-club ''Tapan'' (Ark) (Yerevan, Armenia)

 CRCT "GUTTA-CLUB" (Chisinau, Moldova)

 IPA “Ecoproject Partnership" (Minsk, Belarus) spare- belarus.by, www.ecoproject.by

 Environmental association "Za Zemiata" (Sofia, Bulgaria) www.sparebulgaria.com, www.zazemiata.org

 Sustainable Development Union «Ecovision/Ecokhedva»(Тбилиси, Грузия) www.ecovision.ge

 Environmental movement BIOM (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) www.biom.org.kg

 "Proaktiva" (Skopje, Macedonia) www.proaktiva.org.mk

 IPYEO "Friends of Baltics" (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) www.baltfriends.ru

 Environmental Organization “Little Earth" (Dushanbe, Tajikistan) www.seu.ru/members/fe/

 ADEK (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

 Eco-club «Eremurus» (Kyiv, Ukraine) www.eremurus.org

Photocompetition «Miracles of the Caspian Biodiversity»

- stage of the School Caspian Biodiversity Project – directed on increase of school kids’ awareness in Atyrau and Makat about local species of animals and plants and expansion of educational tools of teachers of the region concerning biodiversity.

The School Caspian Biodiversity Project and Photocompetition «Miracles of the Caspian Biodiversity» are organized and carried out by Public association

«EcoObraz» in partnership with The Field Studies Council Environmental Education at financial and information support of Agip KCO.


Young reporters for the environment/YRE - program of the the Foundation for Environmental Education, which associated member PA “EcoObraz" has been since 2006.

Program goals:

 increase pupils’ initiative in own education;

 give an idea about the professional world;

 develop skills of collection and processing of information;

 promote understanding of necessity of a sustainable development and an active civic stand;

 establish new relations between pupils and teachers.

Young Reporters for the Environment program is

 international network of cub reporters;

 more than 500 schools from 17 countries of Europe and Africa;

 media coverage of environmental issues;

 search for solution of global and local environmental problems;

 youth’s awareness of one's role in global environmental processes;

 pupils’ ability to affect environmental condition of their region.

In Kazakhstan Young reporters for the enviromnent program has been run by Public association “EcoObraz" throughout more than 2 years.

For this time project participants made over 15 journalistic investigations and as result, more than 15 articles dealing with environment were published.

There are educational seminars and trainings on basics of journalism for participants of the project several times per month.

YRE in Kazakhstan:

38 schoolchildren from 11 schools of Karaganda and Karaganda oblast participated in the program;

3 articles were published in the international edition «YRE Book 2008»

Young Reporters for the Environment take part in publication of the youth environmental magazine “Ya i Zemlya” (I & Earth). In the magazine there is a special item where YRE articles are published.

At the end of school year the young reporters, the most active participants of the program, are awarded honorary diplomas and gifts.

«Learning About Forests»

At present the project is in the pipeline in Kazakhstan. One can learn how the project is run around the world at the site Learning About Forests.http://www.leaf- international.org/

Youth environmental magazine «Ya i Zemlya»

This magazine meant to increase the level of young people’s awareness – very important part of civil society - concerning ecology, a sustainable development and access to environmental information.

Magazine pages deal with environmental situation in the world and Kazakhstan, acquaint with results of researches of Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE),


and inform, how one can participate in solution of global and regional environmental problems.

The magazine is created with participation of young people and for young men!

«AGE» (Another Generation for the Environment) training center - youth organization formed using facilities of the Center of Ecological Education


The purpose of volunteers of the center – informing the population on existing environmental problems and a role of every person in their solution by means of various measures: actions, seminars and campaigns.

The TC’s structure includes young people with an active civic stand, wishing to improve environmental condition.

Volunteers of the center by means of interesting actions involve the population in process of preservation of the environment; teach at household level to make actions which will favourably influence region ecology.

The AGE cooperates with large environmental organizations of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.



for the International Crisis Conference participant countries

developed on the results of the panel session “Sustainable Energy Strategy for Future

Kazakhstan up to 2050”

VII Astana Economic Forum

Astana, Kazakhstan 22-23 May 2013

Recommendation 1: “Green growth” National Strategies development

To develop regional and national strategies of the transition to a green economy for “green growth” accelerating we encourage basing on the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio +20 “The future we want” outcome document and Sustainable Energy for All UN Initiative.

Almost all countries in the world have contributed to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio +20 outcome document. This gives hope that the global energy and environmental problems will be solved by considering this document, and we offer while “green economy” national, regional and global programs developing to focus today on the outcome document of Rio +20.

Sustainable Energy for All Initiative was launched by the UN Secretary General with the goals of poverty and beggary eradication through providing by 2030 access to everyone on the planet to the basic minimum level of energy services; twice increasing the global energy efficiency, and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy balance.

The Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the transition to a green economy was approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Decree (May 30, 2013 Ν» 577). Achievement of the indicators are envisaged according to which the Concept, i.e. to increase the share of alternative and renewable electricity in the total country energy balance up to 50% by 2050; to reduce the energy intensity of GDP until 10% by 2015 and till 25% by 2020 comparing to the baseline in 2008.

We recommend to the participating countries of the International Crisis Conference while formulating actions in national, regional and national programs of green growth to focus on Global Agenda, developed by the High-level Group to implement Sustainable Energy for All UN Initiative taking into account national and regional specificities.

We also call for the financial resources provision to the developing countries to achieve the Initiative’s objectives with a cost-effective basis.


Recommendation 2: Active participation in the Future Energy EXPO-2017

In document GREEN MARKETING (бет 97-105)