and Certification (KazInSt)”, “Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology (KazInMetr) of the Committee of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan – into 2 RSEs (“Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification (KazInSt)”, “Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology (KazInMetr) of the Committee of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- 2 RSEs (“Information and Analytical Centre of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Specialized gravimetric company”) of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan – into 2 RSEs (“Information and Analytical Centre of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Specialized gravimetric company”) of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- 3 RSEs (“State Technical Service”, “Citizen Service Center”, “Centre of Analysis and Information”) of the Agency of Communication and Information of the RK – into 3 RSEs (“State Technical Service”, “Citizen Service Center”, “Centre of Analysis and Information”) of the Committee of communication, informatizaon and information of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- 2 RSEs (“Infracos”, “Research Center “Gharysh- Ecology”) of the National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan – into 2 RSEs (“Infracos”,
“Research Center “Gharysh-Ecology”) of the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- 8 RSGEs (“Semey enterprise of waterways”, “East Kazakhstan enterprise of waterways”, “Pavlodar enterprise of waterways”, “Ural enterprise of waterways”, “Atyrau enterprise of waterways”, “Ili enterprise of waterways”, “Balkhash enterprise of waterways”, “Shipping Register of Kazakhstan”) of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan – into 8 RSGEs (“Semey enterprise of waterways”, “East Kazakhstan enterprise of waterways”, “Pavlodar enterprise of waterways”,
“Ural enterprise of waterways”, “Atyrau enterprise of waterways”, “Ili enterprise of waterways”, “Balkhash enterprise of waterways”, “Shipping Register of Kazakhstan”) of the Committee of Transport of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the RK;
- “Central paramilitary headquarters of the professional emergency services” RSE of the Committee of State Control over Emergency
Situations and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan - into the «Central paramilitary headquarters of the professional emergency services” RSE of the Committee of Industrial Development and Safety of the Ministry of Investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- 2 RSEs (“Kazakh National Agrarian University”
and “West-Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan”) of the Ministry of Education and Science – into 2 RSEs (“Kazakh National Agrarian University” and “West-Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan”) of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 10 RSGEs (“Kazakh base of aviation forest protection and maintenance of forestry”, “Kazakh Forest Inventory Enterprise”, “Ohotzooprom”
PO”, “Atyrau sturgeon hatchery”, “Maybalyksky fish hatchery”, “Petropavlovsk fish hatchery”,
“Kamyshlybashsky fish hatchery”, “Kapshagai spawning and rearing farm”, “Ural-Atyrau sturgeon hatchery” and “Kazakh production and acclimatization station”) and 2 RSEs (“Zhasyl Aimak” and “Kazakh State Design and Research Institute for Forestry Designing (Kazgiproleskhoz)”) of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan – into 10 RSGEs (“Kazakh base of aviation forest protection and maintenance of forestry”, “Kazakh Forest Inventory Enterprise”,
“Ohotzooprom” PO”, “Atyrau sturgeon hatchery”,
“Maybalyksky fish hatchery”, “Petropavlovsk fish hatchery”, “Kamyshlybashsky fish hatchery”,
“Kapshagai spawning and rearing farm”, “Ural-Atyrau sturgeon hatchery” and “Kazakh production and acclimatization station”) and 2 RSEs (“Zhasyl Aimak”
and “Kazakh State Design and Research Institute for Forestry Designing (Kazgiproleskhoz)”) of the Committee of Forestry and Fauna of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- “Kazvodhoz” RSE of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RK - into the “Kazvodhoz” RSE of the Committee of Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RK;
on the elimination of:
- 5 public institutions - training centers (Department of Internal Affairs of Aktobe, Atyrau, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and North-Kazakhstan regions) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RK;
In addition, there is a work on the implementation of the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the resolutions of the Goverment of the Republic of Kazakhstan on further improving the system of government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
adopted in 2014:
1. No. 883 Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 6, 2014 “On measures on further improving the system of government of the Republic of Kazakhstan”:
On the abolition of:
1) the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Fighting with Economic and Corruption Crimes (Financial Police);
2) the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Civil Service Affairs.
2. No. 933 Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 15, 2014 “On the departments of the central executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan”:
On the abolition of:
1) the Committee on Culture and the Arts of the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan.
The work on the implementation of resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted in 20132014 continues.
On the reorganization through converting into the RSGE:
- “National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Republican State Institution of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the RK - into the “National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Republican State Enterprise of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On the reorganization through the way of merger:
- 2 RSGEs (“National Center for the correction of hearing of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “National Center of experimental prosthetics”) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Kazakhstan - into the RSGE
“Scientific and Practical Center of social rehabilitation”
of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the RK;
- 16 RSGEs (“Real Estate Center of Astana city”,
“Real Estate Center of Almaty city”, “Real Estate Center of Almaty region”, “Real Estate Center of Aktyubinsk region”, “Real Estate Center of Atyrau region”, “Real Estate Center of the East Kazakhstan region”, “Real Estate Center of Zhambyl region”, “Real Estate Center of West-Kazakhstan region”, “Real Estate Center of Karaganda region”, “Real Estate Center of Kostanay region”, “Real Estate Center of Kyzylorda region”,
“Real Estate Center of Mangistau region”, “Real Estate Center of Pavlodar region”, “Real Estate Center of the North-Kazakhstan region”, “Real Estate Center of the South-Kazakhstan region”, “Real Estate Center of Akmola region”) of the Ministry of Justice of the
Republic of Kazakhstan - into the RSE on the right of economic management “Real Estate Center” of the Ministry of Justice;
On the reorganization by the way of affiliation:
- 2 RSEs (“Dining of economic management of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and
“Management of the operating of service housing of the Economic management of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan”) - into the RSE “Management of administrative buildings of the Economic Management of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- 16 Departments of Enforcement of Judicial Acts of the Ministry of Justice of the RK (Akmola region, Aktobe region, Almaty region, Atyrau region, East Kazakhstan region, Zhambyl region, West Kazakhstan region, Karaganda region, Kyzylorda region, Kostanay region, Mangistau region, Pavlodar region , North- Kazakhstan region, South Kazakhstan region, the city of Astana, the city of Almaty) through the affiliation - to the 16 Departments of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of the RK;
On renaming of the:
- 21 RSGEs (“Abay Opera House”, “Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov”,
“State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after M. Lermontov”, “Kazakh State Academic Theater for Children and Youth named after G. Musrepov”,
“State Academic Russian Theatre for Children and Youth. named after N. Sats”, “State Republican Uighur Theater of Musical Comedy named after Quddus Kuzhamyarov”, “State Republican Korean Theater of Musical Comedy”, “Republican German Drama Theatre”, “Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “ State Art Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteyev”, “State collection of unique stringed musical instruments”,
“Republican Book Museum”, “National Historical and Cultural Reserve “Ordabasy”, “State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum “Issyk”, “ State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum “Berel”, “Kazakh State Philharmonic Society named after Zhambyl”, “Kazakh State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Kurmangazy”, “State Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Saltanat”, “State Academic Dance Theatre of the Republic of Kazakhstan”,
“Classical Music Ensemble “Camerata of Kazakhstan”,
“State Chamber Orchestra “Ak zhauyn”) and the
“Kazrestavratsiya” RSE of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan – into 21 RSGE and
“Kazrestavratsiya” RSE of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- “National coordination and methodical center of
development of languages named after Shaysultan Shayakhmetov” RSGE of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan - into the “National coordination and methodical center of development of languages named after Shaysultan Shayakhmetov”
RSGE of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 2 RSEs (“Institute of Geophysical Research”,
“National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan”) of the Committee of Atomic Energy of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan – into 2 RSEs (“Institute of Geophysical Research”, “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan”) of the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan;
- “Scientific and Production Center of Land Cadastre”
RSE of the Committee on Land Management of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan - into the “Scientific and Production Center of Land Cadastre” RSE of the Committee for Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Land Management of the Ministry of National Economy of the RK;
On the elimination of:
- the “House of Friendship - the Centre for Interethnic Relations” RSI of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- the “National Center of Education Statistics and Evaluation” RSGE of the Ministry of Education and
Science with the transfer of property remaining after the satisfaction of creditors’ claims, as payment for the shares of the “Information-Analytical Center” JSC;
- «Training Center” SE of the Committee of criminally-executive system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- 16 Departments of State Architectural Construction Control and Licensing of the Committee of the Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana city, Almaty city, Akmola region, Aktobe region, Almaty region, Atyrau region; East Kazakhstan region, Zhambyl region, West Kazakhstan region, Karaganda region, Kostanay region, Kyzylorda region, Mangistau region, Pavlodar region, North- Kazakhstan region, South-Kazakhstan region) with the transfer of their functions and powers to the local executive bodies;
- 16 territorial land inspections of the Committee on Land Management of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (in the Akmola region, Aktobe region, Almaty city, Almaty region, the city of Astana, Atyrau region, Zhambyl region, Karaganda region, Kostanay region, Kyzylorda oblast; Mangistau region, South-Kazakhstan region, North-Kazakhstan region, Pavlodar region; East Kazakhstan region) with the transfer of their functions and powers to the local executive bodies.
Number of objects by property type
Plan on 01.07.2015
including Put up Sold At
Not put up
Total 344 326 183 143 18
Republican property 19 19 9 10 0
Municipal property 162 156 77 79 6
SEC 87 76 56 20 11
Holdings 76 75 41 34 1
2015 Plan
To be put up at the end of the year 168 objects