Рисунок 1 Каналы привлечения трафика на сайт
1. Purpose and planning
Basic steps can be summarized as follows:
1. Purpose and planning:
– Definition of objects of benchmarking;
– Determination of the type of benchmarking;
– Develop a plan of implementation;
– Identification of resources.
2. Data collection and verification:
– Coordination of the collection and verification methods;
– A comparison of the data obtained.
3. Analysis of the results:
– Assessment of the dynamics of levels of performance;
– The provision of information in tabular and graphical forms for analysis and search of inconsistencies in the performance of facilities.
4. Reporting:
– Description of the results of benchmarking energy efficiency, including the best hands-on experience.
Benchmarking of the energy efficiency can be used as an element in the Deming cycle - PDCA “Plan-Do- Check-Act”, which is the basis of the energy management organization. Benchmarking of the energy efficiency allows to set the difference in specific energy consumption and to assess the gap between the company and the comparison company standard. Benchmarking allows selecting the most effective methods of evaluating, developing and implementing new ideas in the field of energy efficiency.
The introduction of the concept of benchmarking in Kazakhstan should be implemented with the help of public-private partnership. A necessary condition for improving energy efficiency of the economy in terms of public-private partnership is to develop energy-efficient infrastructure. Energy-efficient infrastructure is a combination of the country organizations of various activities, as well as material objects and civil engineering, manufacturing and servicing needed to improve energy efficiency economy. The main elements of energy- efficient infrastructure, as follows:
– Engineering infrastructure facilities and equipment, contributing to reduce energy consumption;
– Training and retraining of specialists dealing with different aspects of energy efficiency, and organizations engaged in these activities.
Implementation of the model public-private partnership will allow achieving the following results:
– withdrawal of the company from the crisis due to the introduction of energy efficient technologies and as a result, reduce operating costs and negative impacts on the environment;
– improving the quality of customer services.
The possibility of achieving economic efficiency of the project implementation can comprehensively assess the following indicators:
1. Social efficiency:
– The volume of services per capita;
– Affordability;
– The quality and timeliness of services.
2. Commercial efficiency. Evaluation of commercial effectiveness is based on a financial model of the project and the calculation of the standard indicators of economic efficiency of the investment project.
3. Budget effectiveness: the proportion of the budget in finance expenditures, the share of budget financing in investment costs, the payback period of budgetary expenditures, efficiency of investment budget expenditures.
Public-private partnership based on the concept of benchmarking can be one of the mechanisms to attract private investment in cost-effective energy efficiency measures. Energy performance contracting (EPC) is one of form of partnership from the view of energy saving. Implementing energy performance contracts are concluded between energy service companies and customers energy-saving measures.
Furthermore, this form of public-private partnership has advantages:
– by energy consumers do not require prior “investment”;
иННОВАЦиЯЛЫҚ эКОНОМиКА innovative economy
– part of the risk to achieve the necessary economies undertakes specialized energy service company which has the necessary expertise and implementing projects;
– the costs of the project shall be reimbursed payments, which are made from the resulting cost savings to pay for energy resources.
Despite the apparent complexity of the problems of the organization of energy saving, alternative indigenous energy efficiency is not. Price and administrative factors will put pressure on the existing legislation and lead to its improvement.
Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that this benchmarking allows you to select the most effective methods of evaluating, developing and implementing new ideas in the field of energy efficiency. In the context of the Republic of Kazakhstan improvements in energy efficiency of the economy by sectors is possible in the preparation of the objective assessment of the data on this issue in both the production and the consumer sector. It solves the problem of the energy audit, which must be carried out properly and in compliance with international standards.
Building an optimal balanced audit system is possible on the basis of benchmarking, which allows you to not "reinvent the wheel" and spend the time, labor and financial costs, and to use already existing, proven methods and technologies. This question is relevant not only for Kazakhstan, as the research shows, among Western scholars is very little generic technologies and evaluation criteria, which are able to give an objective and realistic picture of the situation. In any case, diagnosis allows you to find the most appropriate and reasonable technologies that will truly and really work [15-17].
Unfortunately, today the energy audit did not in real use among domestic producers, even though it can save significant funds for energy that is becoming increasingly important in a significant rise in price of energy and stringent conditions for the transition to the principles of the green economy. It is possible that benchmarking is able to generate and offer objective and effective measures to change the situation.
For the promotion of energy conservation and energy efficiency in the Republic of Kazakhstan there was adopted the Law "On energy saving and energy efficiency", as well as were made some changes in the legal acts. The expected result is the reducing of the energy intensity of gross domestic product of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the efficient use of energy resources. Increasing energy efficiency will benefit the environment. Accordingly, the reduction of fuel consumption will reduce emissions and improve the environment.
Currently, the government of Kazakhstan is considering an action plan to improve state regulation in the field of energy services. It should include a set of activities on the preparation of model documentation, improving the legal framework, the development of state support for energy service contracts, improve the flexibility of requirements to them, the development of the system of financing energy services and others.
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1 "Ukaz Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 19 marta 2010 goda №958. Gosudarstvennaya programma forsirovannogo industrial'no-innovatsionnogo razvitiya Respubliki Kazakhstan na 2010-2014" (2010), available at: kazembassy.by/econom/industr_razvitie.htm (Accessed September, 10, 2015) (In Russian)
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4 "Zakon Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 13 yanvarya 2012 goda № 541-IV. Ob energosberezhenii i povyshenii energoeffektivnosti" (2012), available at: http://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=31112351 (Accessed September, 10, 2015) (In Russian)
5 Thollander P., Palm J. (2012), Improving energy efficiency in industrial energy systems - an interdisciplinary perspective on barriers, energy audits, energy management, policies and programs, Springer.
иННОВАЦиЯЛЫҚ эКОНОМиКА innovative economy
6 "A Guide to Energy Audits, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Portland Energy Conservation"
(2011), available at: http://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/pnnl-20956.pdf (Accessed June, 18, 2015)
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8 "Global Industrial Energy Efficiency Benchmarking" (2010), working paper, UNIDO, Vienna.
9 Phylipsen D., Blok K., Worrell E., de Beer J. (2002), "Benchmarking the energy efficiency of Dutch industry: an assessment of the expected effect on energy consumption and CO2 emissions", Energy Policy, Vol. 30, pp. 663-679. DOI: 10.1016/s0301-4215(02)00023-x
10 Neelis M., Ramirez A., Patel M. (2004), Physical Indicators as a Basis for Estimating Energy Efficiency Developments in the Dutch Industry, Utrecht University, Utrecht.
11 Neelis M., Patel M.K., Bach P.W., Haije W.G. (2005), Analysis of energy use and carbon losses in the chemical and refinery industries, Utrecht University, Utrecht.
12 Neelis M., Ramirez-Ramirez A., Patel M., Farla J., Boonenkamp P., Blok K. (2007), "Energy efficiency developments in the Dutch energy-intensive manufacturing industry, 1980-2003", Energy Policy, Vol. 35, pp.
6112-6131. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2007.06.014
13 Neelis M., Patel M., Blok K., Haije W., Bach P. (2007), "Approximation of theoretical energy saving potentials for the petrochemical industry using energy balances for 68 key processes", Energy, Vol. 32, pp.
1104-1123. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2006.08.005
14 Eikhammer V. (2013), "Obshchii obzor evropeiskogo i mirovogo opyta razrabotki i realizatsii politiki energosberezheniya i energoeffektivnosti v promyshlennosti. Seminar YuNIDO Gosudarstvennaya politika povysheniya energoeffektivnosti promyshlennosti" (2013), July 4, available at: http://www.unido.ru/upload/
files/s/seminar_04072013/eichhammer.pdf (Accessed September 10, 2015) (In Russian)
15 de Canio S.J. (1998), "The efficiency paradox: Bureaucratic and organizational barriers to profitable energy-saving investments", Energy Policy, Vol. 26 No. 5, pp. 441-454. DOI: 10.1016/s0301-4215(97)00152-3
16 de Groot H., Verhoef E., Nijkamp P. (2001), "Energy saving by firms: decision-making, barriers and policies", Energy Economics, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 717-740. DOI: 10.1016/s0140-9883(01)00083-4
17 Rohdin P., Thollander P. (2006), "Barriers to and driving forces for energy efficiency in the non- energy intensive manufacturing industry in Sweden", Energy, Vol. 31, No.12, pp. 1836–1844. DOI: 10.1016/j.
Бұл мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының жағдайы бойынша энерготиімділігін арттыру мақсатындағы бенчмаркинг бен энергоаудит байланыстарының мəселелері қарастырылып отыр. Со- нымен қатар тиімді энергоаудит жүйесін құру мақсатында бенчмаркингті қолданудың əдістемелік мəселелерінің аспектілері ашылды.
В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы взаимосвязи бенчмаркинга в области энергоаудита для повышения энергоэффективности в условиях Республики Казахстан. Также рассматриваются методо- логические аспекты возможности использования бенчмаркинга для построения эффективной системы энергоаудита.
Материал поступил в редакцию 22.07.2015
UDC 339.138: 004.77
JEL classification: M3: Marketing and Advertising