Chapter 4: Findings
4.2 RQ1: Academic and Non-Academic Factors that Influence Parental School Choice in
4.2.1 Value-Based Education
Many parents believe that value-based education plays a key role in the development of their children. Moral education was highly rated by parents. Many participants often reported that value-based education was the most important factor that influenced their selection of these schools. The parents conceived moral education at a young age as highly influential to the lifespan of children. In addition, some participants equally prioritized moral and academic education and noted both as very important.
Moral education was for me in the first place. He will finish school, but then he still has life. (P1, Participant 1)
I knew these traditions and wanted my children to continue these traditions, [accept] these values. That stood in first place. (P6, Participant 6)
I did not want my child to be educated, but rather not be rude or egoistical. (P7) Parents from both boarding schools noted that lyceums provide education specific to boys and specific to girls. It was apparent that some of the participating parents thought that boarding school could meet their child’s specific gender-related needs. Interestingly, some parents believed that boys should generally be educated by men, and girls should generally be educated by women.
Me as a woman could not give him this male education (P2)
An up-bringing in a women’s collective and the installation of female values played important role (P6)
32 In addition, some participants stated that moral education is very important for society in general. Some parents voiced the idea that a lack of moral education could be a threat to the environment. Parents thought that while a person might be well-educated, it does not mean that their behavior is superb.
Moral education is very important for girls, because they are our future mothers and will teach their children (P 7)
The presence of knowledge in itself does not form a full-fledged personality.
History knows many examples of when capable, talented, and highly educated people, due to their weak upbringing, got themselves into unpleasant stories, to put it mildly. A highly educated and at the same time ill–mannered person is a threat to society. That is why one of the most important factors is the upbringing of a person, a person with high moral qualities. (P 8)
Parental conceptions of value-based education were also tightly connected with respect for the opposite gender as a child quality. Some parents chose boarding schools because they hoped that their children would attain certain values. For example,
Respect for elders, respect for the opposite [female] gender—that is what I wanted to see in my child (P7)
I wanted my boy to be purposeful and independent in the future (P3) To sum, value-based education is an important factor for school selection identified by participants. Parents believe that it can influence their child’s future life in general. It was also found that educating children according to their gender peculiarities is important to parents. Parents also revealed that they believed that moral education influenced not only individual students but society as a whole.
33 4.2.2 Individual/Personal Approach
Most of the parents highlighted the personal approach that exists in boarding-schools. Parents associate it with small class sizes and a larger proportion of teachers and educators. Teachers also spoke of the overall small number of students in such boarding schools, i.e., ranging between approximately 250-300 students.
From the parents’ point of view, classroom teachers are not able to deal with a huge number of students. One participant from Kazan city underlines this perspective.
In our previous school there were 2,200 children. There were 14 parallels of 30 children. No one knew my child: who she is or where she comes from. I didn't know other parents, I didn't know any other children. [However] There were only 80 teachers for the whole school [boarding school], which is extremely, extremely small. And here, let's compare women’s lyceums. Yes, there are about 290
children studying here. And this is almost 10 times fewer [the number of students]. (P5)
Concerns about school size was also an issue for parents in Almetyevsk city, despite the fact that the city is much smaller. Here, Parent 1 speaks of her experience of
The school, where we studied in the new district, by the way, is crowded,
especially the new district. In general, we had more than a thousand students, and it is as if this leads to the fact that the school becomes just a kind of robot, like a
“shepherd”, that just “herds” children. (P1)
From another participating parent’s point of view, one of the reasons why the
individual approach is not as strong in common daily schools in Tatarstan is that teachers are
34 overworked. The parent thought that they had no time to deal with every child and improve upon their strengths and other features. The parents desired a more personal approach from their children’s teachers.
He [teacher in common daily schools] doesn't have time. He works from 8 a.m.
till 2 p.m., yes. He just has no time to concentrate specifically on the ability, on the strengths of the personality of this particular child. (P4)
Another participant noted that in boarding schools, children get more attention because of the additional presence of educators in dormitories and mentoring programs. The educators organize different events for whole classes and activities for smaller groups. The students in senior classes are involved in the education process and help to solve the problems of younger students.
The classroom teacher [in the boarding-school], she pays more attention than in ordinary schools. Secondly, there are educators, and thirdly, there are, how to say, here are high school students, as educators, what are they called, Bashkans, yes.
They treat them [their junior classmates] like their sisters, they help them cope with some teenage problems (P 5)
Additionally, participants underline the focus of boarding schools, and especially of teachers and educators, on individual approaches to learning and the development process.
The parents noted that staff do not single out someone, so everyone has an opportunity to speak out and participate in every event. Also, parents thought that teachers and educators in boarding schools were more likely to detect any peculiarities or unexpected behaviors of students and share it with the parents. This element was seen in both boarding schools sampled.
35 Here they are trying to reveal their personality to him. Such an individual
approach. For everyone. They ask everyone in a personal way. (P3)
During parent-teacher interviews, I can come to every teacher, and they will tell you [about your child’s performance and behavior] in detail (P6)
Our educator came to our house, we talked to him for 4 or 5 hours, he asked about everything, he was really interested in son’s development. (P2)
One of the reasons why parents decided to leave their previous schools and choose boarding schools was the individual approach. There are two main driving factors that were determined by parents: the overcrowdedness of common daily schools and concentration of boarding schools on the upbringing process of each student.
4.2.3 Qualities of Teachers and Their Relations toward Students
The apparent higher frequency of interactions between students and teachers in the boarding schools was highly valued by participating parents. Some parents even placed this as the most important factor for why they chose to enroll their children in the boarding schools.
The number one [reason] is human qualities [of teachers]. (P2)
Teachers play a big role, I have heard that moral education and teachers are strong in that lyceum. (P 3)
Moreover, according to participants, it is the teachers who are responsible for the atmosphere in the school.
Teachers make the family environment, support students (P 4)
36 On the opening day, I saw teachers who worked with soul. I can tell when someone
“works for a tick” [less altruistic reasons]. (P 6)
According to participants, the unique features of the teachers are one of key factors considered when choosing boarding schools for their children.
4.2.4 Academic Quality
One of the purposes that influenced parents to enroll in the local boarding schools was academic qualities of boarding schools. Some of the participants mentioned that this criterion was the most important. One of the reasons why parents decided to leave their previous school was the low levels of knowledge.
The gymnasium [where I used to enroll my child] did not provide that level of knowledge that we expected. [However], in the current lyceum, Math and English classes are streamed by ability levels. (P1)
The moral education and academic results stay in the first place for us. Maybe academic education is even more important. (P3)
The first criteria [for me] was academic quality. His aim was to study outside of Tatarstan. He said “I do not want to study in Tatarstan. I need a good academic education. (P2)
The level of worldview and thinking is high here. (P6)
Some participants thought that their child’s upbringing should primarily be based on home experiences. They believed that school should only support this and that the main aim of the lyceum boarding school is to provide academic knowledge.
37 The main purpose of the school is [to provide] an educational function; an
additional purpose is the upbringing of the individual. The upbringing of a child primarily takes place in the family, not at school. Thus, the first important factor is a high level of education. (P8)
For some participants the main factor for selecting boarding schools was the focus on academic achievements. They noted that in comparison with common schools, boarding schools provide a higher level of academic education. However, it should be noted that some parents did not mention academic quality as a factor of school choosing to enroll their children in the boarding schools.
4.2.5 Surrounding/Selection
The school environment that children spend their time in is of major concern for parents. This factor was mentioned almost in every parental interview. The parents believed that the surroundings have an important influence on pupils. Participating parents also believed that a competitive environment was also beneficial.
I want a healthy environment for my child. He can be not on the top [according to grades], the middleman, but it is better to be the weakest among the strongest. (P 1)
I knew the husbands of my friends. They worked as teachers in the lyceum, and I understood that I wanted my child to study in that atmosphere. So my child was like them. (P3)
To find the right environment for my child is my primary issue. (P2)
38 A negative atmosphere was one of the reasons why children had to leave the school that they studied earlier. Parents believed that they should fence their children off from environments that have a bad influence.
I was depressed that my child was among these kinds [who behave badly] of students. I tried to explain to him, do not pay attention to them. But the discipline started to get worse. (P3)
Some participants explained why selection of children was one of the major criteria for school selection. Parents underlined that merit-based selection positively influences the attitude not only of their children, but also of other parents of the school. Parents stated that the way of thinking can change.
It is very important that children are happy with the selected school. When children go to the [public] school nearby, parents have such an attitude that school is obliged to teach them. And children behave like this [poorly] with teachers. When your children go through a competition, through selection, they understand perfectly that they can be excluded from school at any time. (P6)
Selection creates healthy competition among boys. Also, parents start to respect each other. There are no unashamed parents. (P2)
Another parent described the advantage of the school environment created by selective enrollment by boarding schools. They believed that selection leads to a situation when only good students stay in the class, and they thought that this would positively influence class outcomes.
39 But when you see that most people do something good and enjoy it, you start to enjoy the good too. (P5)
The boarding school surroundings and its atmosphere were noted by parents as a crucial factor. Moreover, some parents attempted to remove their child from the negative influence of the child’s previous school.
4.2.6 Single-Gender Education
Parents also mentioned single-gender education as an important factor for choosing the boarding schools. There were many reasons why this criterion was important for parents.
Participants thought that single-gender education positively influences the teaching and learning process. For example, one of the speakers noted that the growth of children happens in a different way. That is why, from one of the parent’s point of view, the strategy of
teaching should be differentiated.
Boys and girls develop differently, their needs and values are different. The boys need more of an atmosphere of competition, but it is not so important for girls. (P6) Another parent stated that in single-gender schools, the attention of children is
directed on learning, though in mixed-gender schools, pupils can be sidetracked.
Only boys study at this school [boarding school for boys], there are no girls. This approach leads, on the one hand, to the fact that the guys do not have any
unnecessary distractions [at school and during lessons]. They have the opportunity to adjust to the class faster and find like-minded people and friends based on common interests inherent exclusively to males. (P8)
In addition, another parent shared the opinion that the presentation of subject content should be presented according to the gender of the child. In their view, it is easier for male
40 teachers to explain content to male students and female teachers to explain content to female students:
According to gender, teachers know how to explain the material. Female teachers understand in what way to deliver the lesson [to female students]. (P6)
The psychology of boys and girls is different. With girls you behave in one way, with boys in another way. (P5)
Parents also believed that single-gender education helps to reveal the abilities of children. Some parents explained that boys can hesitate to show their abilities in front of girls and on the contrary girls can refrain from exhibiting certain skills when there are boys
My daughter could not go to choreography, she was scared, but now her self- esteem has risen. If there were boys [present], she would not go there [attend this class]. (P6)
As there are a lot of people who identify themselves as Muslims, single-gender education met the needs of these parents.
There are no [not a lot of] religious schools in our area, so this format suits us. It is very important for us. Our daughter puts on a headscarf, she feels comfortable there. (P5)
To sum up, single-gender education was considered positively by parents. The
participants noted gender-specific teaching strategies, conditions conducive to revealing their children’s abilities, and religious preferences as the main advantages of this format of
41 4.2.7 Accommodation and Nutrition
Parents from both cities underlined the importance of the dormitory and catering services provided in boarding schools. Accommodation was more crucial for parents from Kazan, because of the city size and the distance from home to school.
To drive from one part of the city through traffic jams [each day]—it is a torment.
Especially in winters. Also, I liked the format of the dormitory [and] the system of mentors. Mentors maintain order. (P6)
In addition, one of the participants from Almetyevsk, even if this city is small, noted this criterion as important, because of the location of the school.
The lyceum is located on the outskirts, so I could not drive him there everyday.
Nutrition was one of the least mentioned factors noted by parents. Only one participant said that it was one of the factors considered for selection
Also, nutrition is very important. I knew that there was very good nutrition here.
Overall, accommodation and nutrition appeared to not be the most prominent factors, but they could play an important role when considered in relation to other factors such as distance to school for some families and potentially less nutritious meal options in other alternate schools.