• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

ADAPTATION moderate 65,4 +4,6 22 ▲2

1) AFFORDABILITY good 78,0 -3,4 49 ▲2

1.1) Change in average food costs weak 46,0 -13,0 97 ↔ 1.2) Proportion of population under

very good 99,8 +0,1 =12 ↔

Series Score bar

chart Score Δ Ran

k Δ

1.3) Inequality-adjusted income index good 73,6 +0,4 23 ▼2

1.4) Agricultural trade good 76,0 -2,3 =18 ▲18

1.5) Food safety net programmes very good 100,0 0 =1 ↔

2) AVAILABILITY moderate 67,2 +6,0 =23 ▲26

2.1) Access to agricultural inputs moderate 67,1 0 =34 ▼6 2.2) Agricultural research and

development good 77,0 -3,3 7 ▼1

2.3) Farm infrastructure moderate 58,9 -4,7 =52 ▼21

2.4) Volatility of agricultural

production good 78,2 +13,6 =45 ▲26

2.5) Food loss good 75,7 +2,8 =62 ▲10

2.6) Supply chain infrastructure weak 50,8 -5,6 51 ▼10

2.7) Sufficiency of supply very good 86,8 0 =24 ▲1

2.8) Political and social barriers to

access weak 54,5 -9,5 =62 ▼16

2.9) Food security and access policy

commitments weak 52,5 +52,5 =27 ▲43

3) QUALITY AND SAFETY good 76,3 -3,0 =32

3.1) Dietary diversity moderate 69,7 +1,3 6 ▲3

3.2) Nutritional standards moderate 61,3 -27,4 =52 ▼28

3.3) Micronutrient availability good 71,1 0 54 ↔

3.4) Protein quality very good 85,9 -4,1 35 ▼3

3.5) Food safety very good 92,8 +15,5 =46 ▲22


ADAPTATION moderate 65,4 +4,6 22 ▲2

4.1) Exposure good 70,6 0 46 ↔

4.2) Water very weak 36,2 0 =57 ▲1

4.3) Land weak 53,1 +0,1 88 ▼1

4.4) Oceans, rivers and lakes weak 44,3 0 =47 ↔

4.5) Political commitment to

adaptation very good 85,5 +23,9 21 ▲13

4.6) Disaster risk management very good 100,0 0 =1 ↔

Δ = change in score / rank, 2022 compared with 2019

▲ = Rank improved ▼ = Rank deteriorated ↔ = No change in rank

Rank out of 113 countries where 1=best. '=' denotes tie in rank.

Source: Global Food Security Index 2022

Table 5 Performance of Kazakhstan for the entire index period (2012-2022)

Source: Global Food Security Index 2022

Table 7 Level of self-sufficiency in socially significant food products in Kazakhstan

No. Socially significant food product 2019 2020 2021

1 Flour 205% 225% 199%

2 Bread, cakes and confectionery, bakery products 97% 96% 95%

3 Macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar flour products 108% 117% 124%

4 Eggs 106% 100% 99%

5 Buckweat 103% 109% 111%

6 Rice 172% 191% 177%

7 Sugar 45% 22% 42%

8 Sunflower oil 91% 102% 98%

9 Butter 90% 83% 98%

No. Socially significant food product 2019 2020 2021

10 Meat and poultry, edible offal 86% 86% 88%


12 Liquid processed milk and cream 103% 102% 101%

13 Fermented yoghurt, milk and cream 89% 89% 89%

14 Cheese and cottage cheese 59% 54% 56%

15 Potatoes 106% 108% 103%

16 Carrots 97% 97% 93%

17 Onions 97% 95% 89%

18 Cabbage 97% 98% 89%

19 Salt 270% 233% 234%

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from Bureau of national statistics of the Agency for strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Table 8 Price change of socially significant food products in Kazakhstan, tenge/kg (if otherwise not stated)

No .

Socially significant food


2019 2020 2021 Change

2019-20 Change

2020-21 CAGR 2019-21 1 Wheat flour of the

1st grade 146 176 182 20% 4% 12%


Wheat bread from flour of the 1st grade

139 151 159 9% 5% 7%

3 Macaroni 271 316 352 17% 11% 14%

4 Eggs 1 category,

ten 266 304 384 15% 26% 20%

5 Buckwheat 255 377 481 48% 28% 37%

6 Rice, polished 354 375 367 6% -2% 2%

7 Sugar 228 214 276 -6% 29% 10%

8 Sunflower oil, liter 433 461 707 6% 53% 28%

9 Butter, unsalted 2 227 2 570 2 792 15% 9% 12%

No .

Socially significant food


2019 2020 2021 Change

2019-20 Change

2020-21 CAGR 2019-21

10 Beef with bones 1 666 1 896 2 160 14% 14% 14%

11 Chicken legs 788 825 864 5% 5% 5%

12 Pasteurized milk

2.5%, liter 233 253 251 8% 0% 4%

13 Buttermilk 2.5%,

liter 274 288 283 5% -2% 2%

14 Cottage cheese, 5-

9% 1 571 1 644 1 568 5% -5% 0%

15 Potato 97 117 147 20% 26% 23%

16 Carrot 116 116 170 -1% 47% 21%

17 Onion 106 94 95 -12% 1% -6%

18 White cabbage 125 93 103 -25% 10% -9%

19 Salt, except extra 52 52 54 0% 3% 2%

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from Bureau of national statistics of the Agency for strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Table 9 Survey questions and answers Question 1



Choose your gender:

Male Female Question 2






What age category do you belong to?

18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 More 40

Question 3





Choose your marital status:

Widow/widower Married Divorced Single

Question 4






How many children do you have?

0 1 2 3 More than 4

Question 5













10% 10%

3% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

What city or region do you live in?

Question 6

Employed/private business



On maternity leave

Retired people

Other 75%

5% 5% 4% 3% 9%

Choose your employment?

Question 7

Private sector

Quasi-public sector

Public sector

International company

Not applicable

30% 23% 22%

9% 16%

If you are employed, in what field do you work?

Question 8




During COVID-19, did you have any sources of income?


No (there were no sources of income during and before the pandemic)

No (lost job during the pandemic)

Question 9



Have you experienced any restrictions with physical movement to stores to purchase groceries during the COVID-19 pandemic?

No Yes

Question 10



Have you experienced a shortage of food items in stores during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yes No Question 11

Did your family have any problems getting enough food during the pandemic?

Yes No

Question 12



Has the cost of food products increased in your region during the pandemic?

Yes No

Question 13



Have you reduced your food intake by reducing the portion of food or the number of meals due to the effects of the pandemic?

Yes No

Question 14



Has your diet changed in the direction of deterioration due to the replacement of food with cheaper alternatives?

No Yes

Question 15



Has the quality and safety of food changed during the pandemic?

Yes No

Subsidie s for 2019

1) reimbursement of part of the expenses incurred by the subject of the agro- industrial complex when making investments;

2) subsidizing within the framework of guaranteeing and insuring loans of subjects of the agro-industrial complex;

3) subsidizing the interest rate on credit and leasing obligations as part of the direction of financial rehabilitation of subjects of the agro-industrial complex;

4) subsidizing interest rates for lending, as well as leasing for the purchase of farm animals, machinery and technological equipment;

5) subsidizing procurement organizations in the agro-industrial complex of the amount of value added tax paid to the budget, within the limits of the calculated value added tax.

Subsidie s for 2020

1) reimbursement of part of the expenses incurred by the subject of the agro- industrial complex when making investments;

2) subsidizing within the framework of guaranteeing and insuring loans of subjects of the agro-industrial complex;

3) subsidizing the interest rate on credit and leasing obligations as part of the direction of financial rehabilitation of subjects of the agro-industrial complex;

4) subsidizing interest rates for lending, as well as leasing for the purchase of farm animals, machinery and technological equipment;

5) subsidizing procurement organizations in the agro-industrial complex of the amount of value added tax paid to the budget, within the limits of the calculated value added tax;

6) subsidizing coupon payments on bonds;

7) subsidizing the development of livestock breeding, increasing the productivity and quality of livestock products;

8) subsidizing the cost of pesticides, bioagents (entomophages) intended for treatment against harmful and especially dangerous pests with numbers above the economic threshold of harmfulness and quarantine objects;

9) subsidizing the development of seed production;

10) compensation to individuals and legal entities for the costs of planting and growing destroyed fruit and berry crops infected with fire blight;

11) subsidizing the production of priority crops;

12) subsidizing the cost of fertilizers (except for organic ones).

Subsidie s for 2021

1) reimbursement of part of the expenses incurred by the subject of the agro- industrial complex when making investments;

2) subsidies within the framework of guaranteeing and insuring loans of subjects of the agro-industrial complex;

3) subsidizing the interest rate on credit and leasing obligations as part of the direction of financial rehabilitation of subjects of the agro-industrial complex;

4) subsidizing interest rates for lending, as well as leasing for the purchase of farm animals, machinery and technological equipment;

5) subsidizing coupon payments on bonds;

6) subsidizing the cost of pesticides, bioagents (entomophages) intended for treatment against harmful and especially dangerous pests with numbers above the economic threshold of harmfulness and quarantine objects;

7) subsidizing the development of seed production;

8) compensation to individuals and legal entities for the costs of planting and growing destroyed fruit and berry crops infected with fire blight;

9) subsidizing the cost of fertilizers (except for organic ones).

Subsidie 1) subsidizing the development of livestock breeding, increasing the