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Басылым 1 (131) ВЕСТНИК


Academic year: 2023

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Scope of the journal: coverage of current problems in technical, economic, natural and human sciences. Studies of the effect of barley flour on the processes occurring during the production of acidophilic dough have been carried out. The mathematical model was determined on the basis of the characteristics obtained experimentally through the "fuel pressure - steam in the boiler" channel.

The dynamics of the change in steam pressure in a steam boiler is simulated in the simulation environment Matlab (Simulink). INVESTIGATION OF THE DEPENDENCE OF THE INTERNAL BREAKING PRESSURE IN A FIRE HOSE ON THE GEOMETRIC DENSITIES OF THE WARP AND THE. As a result of the studies, the pattern of reducing the disruptive pressure of a fire hose with an increase in the geometric densities of the warp and weft on a reinforcing frame of a pressure fire hose was experimentally established.

During the design of new fire hoses, it is important to take into account the significant dependence of the destructive pressure on the geometric density in the warp and weft of a reinforcing frame. It is important, both from a scientific and practical point of view, to investigate the dependence of the strength of PFH (Pressure Fire Beams) on a number of parameters of their woven reinforcing frame [1,2]. The revealed pattern of fire hose destructive pressure decrease with increasing geometric density in warp and PFH woven reinforcing frame fabric can be explained as follows.

With the increase of the geometric densities on the warp and weft L0 and LУ of the woven reinforcing frame of the PFH, the areas of these strips increase, and, as a result, the loads falling on the considered wire segments increase. Thus, the increase in the geometric densities on the warp and the weft of the woven reinforcing frame of the latex PFH leads to a decrease in the disruptive pressure, i.e. And conversely, the decrease in the geometric densities on the warp and the weft of the woven reinforcing frame of the fire hose leads to an increase in the disturbing pressure, i.e.

A similar conclusion was drawn by the author of [4], but a different formula was used to confirm it, characterizing the dependence of the disruptive pressure in the PFH on the woven parameters of its reinforcing frame. It is important to take into account the significant dependence of the disruptive pressure on the geometric densities of the warp and the weft of the woven reinforcement frame when designing new fire hoses. Now let's make recommendations on the optimal choice of the geometric densities on the warp and the weft for the PFH of BEREG PA with a diameter of 77 mm.

However, we consider it appropriate to maintain a certain margin of the disturbing pressure, and therefore we recommend the value of the geometric density of the shoot – 2.7 mm. Our recommendation is valid if all other parameters of the woven reinforcement frame remain unchanged. As a result of the study, it was found that the disturbance pressure of the PFH depends significantly on the geometric densities of the warp and weft of the woven reinforcement frame (with the increase of the geometric densities, the calculated disturbance pressure of the PFH decreases, and conversely, the perturbing pressure increases with the decrease in the geometric densities).

It is a titrimetric method based on the neutralization of the carboxyl groups of monoamino dicarboxylic proteins with a solution of sodium hydroxide.

Figure  1  –  The  dependence  of  the  disruptive  pressure  value  p разр  on  the  geometric  density  on  the  warp  L O of  the  woven reinforcing frame of the latex PFHwith a diameter of 77 mm
Figure 1 – The dependence of the disruptive pressure value p разр on the geometric density on the warp L O of the woven reinforcing frame of the latex PFHwith a diameter of 77 mm

Extracting of casein

The refractometer contains a monochromatic light source 1, housing 2, a working chamber 3 with a test medium, a main interferometer made according to the Michelson scheme, which consists of a beam splitter 4, a mirror in the form of an angle reflector 5, a retroreflector 6 and a mirror in the form of an angular reflector 7 in a non-working shoulder, an auxiliary interferometer made according to the Michelson scheme, which consists of a beam splitter element 8, a rectangular reflector 9, mirrors 10 and 11 [5].

Qualitative reaction to protein

In the common case where the surface charge determining ions are H+/OH−, the net surface charge is affected by the pH of the liquid in which the solid is immersed. Biological proteins consist of zwitterionic amino acid compounds; the net charge of these proteins can be positive or negative depending on the pH of the environment. The specific pI of the target protein can be used to model the process around, and the compound can then be purified from the rest of the mixture.

For this purification process, buffers with different pH values ​​can be used to change the pH value of the environment. At high pH values, the net charge of most proteins is negative, where they bind to the positively charged matrix in anion exchangers. When the environment has a pH equal to the pI of the protein, the net charge is zero and the protein is not bound to any exchangers and can therefore be eluted.

Some improvements in methodology (especially in the determination of pK values ​​for modified amino acids) have also been proposed. Recently, a database of isoelectric points for all proteins predicted using most available methods has also been developed. During our work we compared the content of casein in cow's milk, goat's milk and three other types of pasteurized milk.

The study of the casein protein content of milk at different pH values, the following tasks determine the isoelectric point (IET) of proteins. The rice shows the dependence of the relative viscosity of casein on the pH value of the aqueous phase. A decrease in the casein content of milk leads to an increase in the coagulation time under the influence of the enzyme, to a deterioration in the quality of the casein lump, to an increase in the loss of nutrients during the processing of coagulated, and to a decrease in the intensity of biochemical processes.

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPETENCE-ACTIVITY APPROACH TO THE TEACHING OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (LEVEL B2). 1 «Almaty Technological University» JSC, Almaty, Kazakhstan,) Email: [email protected]. The article is devoted to the implementation of the competency activity approach in teaching the discipline "Russian language" to students of all specialties of the Almaty Technological University. The article reveals the concept of the “competency activity approach”, which is taken as the basis for the training strategy, as well as the specifics of key competencies.

The author presents a typology of educational tasks, built taking into account the type of speech activity and the aspect of language, intended to produce linguistic facts at all levels of the language system. The author notes that the development of didactic material and lessons implemented by the competence-activity approach ensures the readiness of students to expand their knowledge in the field of professional disciplines by conducting research activities on professional issues using sources in the Russian language. both in print and electronic versions.

Table 1. Yield of casein in different kinds of milk
Table 1. Yield of casein in different kinds of milk


Figure  1  –  The  dependence  of  the  disruptive  pressure  value  p разр  on  the  geometric  density  on  the  warp  L O of  the  woven reinforcing frame of the latex PFHwith a diameter of 77 mm
Figure  2  –  The dependence  of  the  disruptive  pressure  value  p break   on the  geometric  density  on  the  weft  L у   of  the  woven reinforcing frame of the latex PFH with a diameter of 77 mm
Table 1. Yield of casein in different kinds of milk
Figure 2. Isoelectric points of proteins

Ақпарат көздері


On solvability of a boundary value problem for the Poisson equation with the boundary operator of a fractional order// Boundary value problems.. Jarad F., Ugurlu E., Abdeljawad T.,

24 Results of the comprehensive study in newborn babies with congenital phenylketonuria Subsequently, studies were carried out on the content of pathological metabolites of