Церварикс® одобрен для применения у девочек и женщин в возрасте 9 лет и старше для профилактики рака шейки матки, вызванного ВПЧ типов 16 и 18. Гардасил одобрен для применения у женщин для профилактики рака шейки матки и некоторых типов рака вульвы и влагалища. рак, вызванный типами ВПЧ 16 и 18, а также для использования у мужчин и женщин для предотвращения анального рака и анальных новообразований, вызванных типами ВПЧ 16 и 18.
Efficacy of human papillomavirus (HPV)-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine against cervical infection and precancer caused by oncogenic HPV types (PATRICIA): final analysis of a double-blind, randomized study in young women. Cost-effectiveness analysis of bivalent versus quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in Taiwan.
The aim of the study was to conduct a pharmacoeconomic analysis of registered vaccines against HPV. Comorbidity GDE and hypothyroidism appear plausible changes of functional activity of the brain, which is one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of progression of metabolic and chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.
При исследовании психоэмоциональной сферы по шкале PHQ-9 средний балл в первой группе был на 28% выше, чем во второй группе (Р<0,01).
Экстрапирамидный дефицит, выявленный в результате явления диашиза, усугублял легкие двигательные расстройства после инсульта и был связан с гемодинамическими и структурными изменениями в головном мозге. Для реализации стратегии поиска использовались следующие термины: бесплодие, вспомогательные репродуктивные технологии, экстракорпоральное оплодотворение, живорождение, эффективность. Более того, развитие ВРТ сыграло важную роль в Великобритании, где был успешно достигнут первый результат ЭКО-ЭТ, что, возможно, способствовало относительно высокой популярности ВРТ [9].
Commission Directive 2006/86/EC of 24 October 2006 implementing Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards traceability requirements, notification of serious side effects and events and certain technical requirements for coding, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells // Den Europæiske Union Tidende 2006:L294/32.
Алматы (GPNC) 2001-2011 жылдар кезеңіне қауіп факторларын, босану уақытын, қан жоғалту көлемін, перинаталдық өлімді анықтау, қолжетімді техникалық қолдауы бар оңтайлы босану тактикасын әзірлеу. GPNC кезінде плацентаның алдын алу, кесарь тілігі жиілігінің артуы 2001-2011 жылдар аралығында ЖЖИ 2,9 есе өсуін алдын ала анықтайды, ЖЖЖ жиілігі г.Нәтижелері мен талқылауы: Плацентаның бөлінуі кезіндегі туылу жиілігін өлшеу. Алматы қаласы 2001 және 2011 жылдары плацента превиациясымен босану жиілігінің 0,4%-дан 0,7%-ға дейін, кесар тілігі операциясы Алматы қаласында 15,0%-дан 22,6%-ға дейін, ҚПНО осы көрсеткіштердің сәйкесінше 2001 жылы 1,2%-ды құрады. %-дан 1,7%-ға дейін, кесар тілігі операциясы.
One of the reasons for the massive impending obstetric hemorrhage is true placenta accreta (TPA).
The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of placenta previa in Almaty and in Almaty City Perinatal Center (CPNC), maternal and perinatal mortality rates, factors affecting the incidence of placenta previa. Material for the investigation: records and reports of maternity hospitals and Almaty City Perinatal Center (CPNC) for the period 2001-2011. Conclusions: The high rate of maternal mortality and perinatal mortality in placenta previa indicates the need for a significant improvement in the quality of the organization of medical care in the maternity institutions of the city.
Reducing the incidence of abortions, cesarean sections, multiple fetuses with assisted reproduction technologies remain the main preventive factors in reducing the incidence of such a severe pregnancy complication as placenta previa.
Мерзімінен бұрын босану плацента алдындағы негізгі проблема болып қала береді, оның жүктілік кезіндегі қан кетумен үйлесуі перинаталдық өлімнің жоғары деңгейімен байланысты, ол 2001-2011 жылдардағы нәтижелер бойынша PNO бойынша 78,3% құрады. Акушерлік қан кету Қазақстандағы ана өлімінің негізгі себептерінің бірі болып қала береді, екінші орында. Бұл көрсеткіштің артуы түсік жасату, кесар тілігі, көп жүктіліктің жоғары деңгейімен түсіндіріледі.
Premature births continue to be a major problem in placenta previa, which in combination with blood loss during pregnancy causes a high rate of perinatal mortality, which according to the results was 78.3% in CPNC.
12 Deressa W, Azazh A: Attitudes of medical students at Addis Ababa University towards medical practice and migration, Ethiopia. Actuality: A doctor's medical activity makes specific demands on the level of psychological and physical fitness of young people for the upcoming activity. Materials and methods: The study involved 120 students from ordinary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums in Almaty and the Almaty region.
In the study of personality types among students of grades 9 and 11 who chose the career of a doctor, they consist mainly of entrepreneurial and social personality type, respectively 23.8% and 21.5%, then the artistic one (18.4%) and the lowest one. the percentage consists of students who belong to the intellectual personality type (4.5%).
В исследование включено 40 пациентов (26 мужчин, 14 женщин) с ХСН II-III ФК по NYHA, находившихся на стационарном лечении. В контрольной группе Таблица 1 - Клиническая характеристика групп больных ХСН II-III ФК в зависимости от назначенного медикаментозного лечения.
Report of the American Society of Echocardiography Committee on Nomenclature and Standards in Two-dimensional Echocardiography //Circulation. The inclusion criteria were: outpatients and hospital patients of both sexes aged 45-70 years; patients with chronic heart failure of II-III NYHA functional class and with ejection fraction less than 45% and a stable clinical picture of the disease; absence of drugs that affect the metabolism of the myocardium for 3 months before the start of treatment. The following significant differences in clinical indicators have been noted for patients with CHF of II – III NYHA functional class while taking LAIBOTEN ("Harbin Laiboten Pharmaceutical Co., LTD"): reduction of clinical manifestations of chronic heart failure on a scale SHOKS; Better Quality of Life for Minnesota Questionnaire; a significant decrease in the rate of maladaptive myocardial remodeling.
A dominant effect of LAIBOTENA on a significant increase in key indicators of quality of life was also observed.
THE USE OF CHONDROXIDE DRUGS IN THE COMPLEX THERAPY OF PATIENTS WITH SYSTEMIC CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug "Chondroxide" in the complex therapy of patients with systemic diseases of the connective tissue. The level of pain could be assessed as moderate in 8 patients and severe in the rest of the patients.
The use of the drug plays an important role in the complex therapy of osteoarthritis of the knee.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment took place according to the generally accepted valid criteria for the evaluation of the treatment by the doctor and the patient. Results and discussion: The Lequesne index was used to analyze the level of functional ability of the knee and hip joints. After the completion of the course, pain and stiffness were re-evaluated: a reduced average pain score on the VAS was determined, the values of the Lequesne index were significantly reduced by 2 points.
На основании этих жалоб в преобладающей клинике выделяют два основных синдрома: эпигастральный болевой синдром (язвенная форма по Римским критериям II) и постпрандиальный дистресс-синдром (дискинетическая форма по Римским критериям II).
Так, симптомы гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни (ГЭРБ) встречаются у 7-20% больных ФД, а синдрома раздраженного кишечника (СРК) - у 8-50% больных. Азия и Тихий океан Таиланд, Чиангмай, 2010 г. 11 Qi Zhu Последние данные об итоприде при лечении функциональной диспепсии у китайских пациентов; Заседание регионального консультативного совета Ганатона, Таиланд. Статья посвящена вопросам диагностики функциональной диспепсии, возникающей вследствие нарушений процессов двигательной активности в желудочно-кишечном тракте.
Current issues of pathogenesis, differential diagnosis of dyspeptic symptoms of functional and organic genesis are discussed; current approaches to therapy are described.
In the article, an algorithm for the manipulation of the removal of fragments of endodontic instruments from the root canal of a tooth is proposed, providing for the following conditions: analysis of the position of an endodontic fragment using X-rays, visiography, in 3D system; removal of the fragment must be carried out taking into account its location in the root canal of a tooth; the expansion of the root canal of a tooth must be two or more times greater than the diameter of the fragment that is in the root canal of a tooth; the retrieval tool must have a diameter greater than the retrievable. The proposed method of removing fragments of endodontic instruments showed high efficiency in the treatment of complicated caries of teeth, especially teeth with curved root canals, which improves the quality of dentistry.
Research objective: to determine the risk factors for the occurrence of dental caries in the inhabitants of Almaty. Results and discussion: The interview took place at Orbita Dent and Versailles dental clinics. Conclusions: Taking into account the research results, it is widely revealed and recognized that the probability of developing dental caries is high for the population of Almaty.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COMBINATION TREATMENT OF CHRONIC REPEATING STOMATITIS USING THE PREPARATION GEPON. An important medical and social problem is to develop new effective methods of treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis. As a component of pathogenetic therapy, the immunomodulatory preparation Gepon was prescribed in the form of ointments applied to the surface of aphthous lesions of the oral mucosa.
Conclusions: The application of the Gepon preparation in the combined treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis significantly promotes epithelialization of the mucosa, reduces hyperemia and edema of the oral mucosa and reduces any painful sensations.
В данном случае мы выбрали универсальную мультиопаковую реставрационную систему на основе нанотехнологий Filtek™ Ultimate от 3M ESPE. Во второй визит у нас была так называемая «быстрая реставрация» с использованием временного протезного композитного материала (Protemp™ . 4, 3M ESPE). Наша работа показывает, что основную роль в закрытии диастемы играет правильный выбор реставрационной системы и анализ оптических и физических характеристик; в нашем случае композитный материал Filtek™ Ulimate стал неотъемлемой частью успеха лечения (рис. 1).
Жүргізілген жұмыс қалпына келтіру жүйесін дұрыс таңдау және оның оптикалық және физикалық қасиеттерін талдау диастеманы жабуда шешуші рөл атқаратынын көрсетті, ал біздің жағдайда сәтті емдеудің ажырамас бөлігі Filtek™ Ulimate композиті болып табылады. материал.
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