• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

Л.н. Еурази Î Хабаршысы Вестник Bulletin


Academic year: 2023

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Concept of the Migration Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for http://adilet.zan.kz/kaz/. Population migration / Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Impact of the pandemic on the improvement of the electoral system and electoral legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The impact of the pandemic on the improvement of the electoral system and electoral legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The role of political parties in the election of deputies to the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Қоғамды цифрландыру және ақпараттандыру конституциялық құндылықтарды өзгертудің

Мырзахметов атындағы Көкшетау университеті, Көкшетау, Қазақстан (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). Қолда бар ақпаратқа сәйкес, 2021 жылдың 4 сәуірінде Қазақстандағы KZ-CERT компьютерлік инциденттерге әрекет ету қызметі Facebook әлеуметтік желісіндегі 3 миллионнан астам қазақстандық қолданушының деректері бұзылғанын анықтады, деп хабарлады Мемлекеттік техникалық қызмет (STS). ) inbusiness.kz. Интерфаксқа сілтеме жасап. Кіру режимі: https://inbusiness.kz/ru/last/hakery-pohitili-lichnye-dannye-bolee-3-mln-kazahstanskih-polzovatelej-seti-facebook (қаралған күні.

Қазақстан Республикасы Заңының Қазақстан Республикасының Конституциясына сәйкестігін тексеру арқылы» Қазақстан Республикасы Конституциялық Кеңесінің 2017 жылғы 9 наурыздағы № 1 қаулысымен [Электрондық ресурс] // - Қол жеткізу режимі: https : //adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs /S Қайта қаралған күні: .. Қазақстан Республикасынан тысқары жерге тұрақты тұруға кету үшін құжаттарды ресімдеу қағидаларының 7-тармағының 3) тармақшасының Конституцияға сәйкестігін тексеру туралы. Қазақстан Республикасы Конституциялық Кеңесінің Қарағанды ​​облысы Теміртау қалалық сотының ұсынуы бойынша Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 2012 жылғы 28 наурыздағы № 361 қаулысымен бекітілген Қазақстан Республикасының шекарасы Қазақстан Республикасы Конституциялық Кеңесінің 2016 ж. 14 желтоқсандағы № 1 [Электрондық ресурс] // – Қол жеткізу режимі: https://. Кіру режимі: https://inbusiness.kz/ru/last/hakery-pohitili-lichnye-dannye-bolee-3-mln-kazahstanskih-polzovatelej- seti-facebook (. Elektrondyq ресурсына кіру] // – Қатынас режимі: https : / /adilet.zan.kz/.«Алматы қаласы Алатау ауданы бойынша «Тұрғын үй Қатынастары туралы» Қазақстан Республикасының 107-бабының 8) Конституциясына сәйкестігін тексеру туралы» Конституциялық Кеңестің № 1 нормативтік қаулысы. Қазақстан Республикасы үшін 2020 жылғы 21 шілдедегі [Электрондық ресурс ] // – Қол жеткізу жағдайы: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/S қолжетімді.

Gazagystan Respublikasynyň konstitusiýasyna "Gazagystan Respublikasynyň konstitusiýasy, Gazagystan Respublikasynyň konstitusiýasyna laýyk gelýändigi barlanylmaly" No. belgili karar. Gazagystan Respublikasynyň Konstitusiýa Geňeşiniň 2017-nji ýylyň 9-njy martyndaky 1 sebiti, 2-nji karary bilen tassyklandy. Kazakandy respublikasynyň hökümetiniň 2012-nji ýylyň 28-nji martyndaky 361-nji bölümi, Kazakandy respublikasynyň daşary ýurt ýaşaýyş kodeksi baradaky Kazakandy respublikasynyň resmi düzgünleriniň 7-nji maddasy 3) Kazakandy respublikasynyň tor konstitusiýasy 14-nji iýun, 2016.

International legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence in the health care sector

If privacy and autonomy are not guaranteed, limitation of the ability to exercise results. According to the German Medical Devices Act (Medizinproduktegesetz - MPG) as well as the upcoming European Medical Device Regulations (MDR), the intended purpose of the software is critical. However, the manufacturer defines the intended use, so there is some freedom based on the functional design of the application [2].

At the end of June 2021, the WHO warned of the negative consequences of using artificial intelligence in medicine if its development, introduction and use are not based on ethical principles and the protection of human rights. In this Communication, the Commission launched a European initiative on artificial intelligence, which aims, among other things, to provide an appropriate ethical and legal framework, for example by establishing the European Union for Artificial Intelligence and developing guidelines for the ethics of artificial intelligence. In this communication, the Commission also emphasizes that the entire European Union (EU) should strive to increase (public and private) investments in artificial intelligence to at least EUR 20 billion by the end of 2020. Subparagraph a) 22 clause IV of chapter IV Decree of the President of Russia of the Federation dated October 10, 2019 N 490 "On the development of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation" states that the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the social sphere contributes to the creation of conditions for improving the standard of living of the population, including by improving the quality of health services (including preventive examinations, diagnostics based on image analysis, predicting the onset and development of diseases, choosing optimal doses of drugs, reducing the risk of pandemics, automation and precision of surgical interventions). interventions) [7].

Studies have shown that the international legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence in medicine is still in the process of being formed.

Некоторые вопросы трудового договора в Российской Федерации

Исполнительный правовой акт представляет собой письменный документ, имеющий определенное содержание и форму (ст. 57, 67 ТК РФ, п. 36 ч. 1 ст. 1 ТК РК). Как форма реализации права работника распоряжаться своей трудоспособностью (ст. 21 ТК РФ) и права работодателя использовать зависимый труд работника в своих интересах, под контролем и управлением им (ст. 22 и 56 ТК РФ, п. 36 ч. 1 ст. 1, ст. 24 ТК РК). Ярославский государственный университет имени Демидова, Ярославль, Россия Некоторые вопросы трудового договора в Российской Федерации.

This article analyzes the diversity of the understanding of the employment contract mainly based on the legislation and the scientific doctrine of Russia and Kazakhstan. The article highlights the following types of understanding of the phenomenon considered as the main institution of labor law, an agreement between an employee and an employer, a model of labor law relations, a legal implementation document, a form of realization of the employee's right to dispose of their labor abilities and the employer's the right to use the employee's independent work in his own interest, under his own control and management. It was concluded that the characteristics of the employment contract (personal, organizational and property) are subject to assessment together, but the most important is the organizational and (or) financial dependence of the employee on the employer.

Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Labor and Financial Law, P.G.

Предмет доказывания по делам о восстановлении на работе


The article analyzes some peculiarities of the subject of justification and the required evidence that the court should examine when considering cases of reinstatement in the workplace due to an employer's illegal dismissal of an employee. Based on the analysis of the legal positions of the Supreme Court, the author determines it for a correct, complete, objective and comprehensive consideration of the category of labor disputes. In the legislation, it is necessary to clearly indicate the circumstances that are subject to proof in case of termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer for each of the grounds for termination of the employment contract, which are provided for in the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The article proposes to amend the legislative resolution of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October. On some questions concerning the application of the courts in connection with the settlement of industrial disputes» and to specify some provisions on evidence and evidence therein. separate section. Dokazatel’stva i dokazyvanie v grazhdanskom processe» [Materials from the regional seminar «Judicial practice of application of the law. Problemy dokazatel’stv i dokazyvanija, voznikajushhie pri razreshenii trudovyh sporov [Problems of evidence and evidence arising in the resolution of labor disputes], Innovacii.

Виды доказательств по трудовым спорам в суде ЮТупы доказательств по трудовым спорам на электронном ресурсе Курч Ю.

Некоторые вопросы защиты информационных прав работника

M. Syrlybaeva

With the development of digital technologies, the problem of protecting an employee's information rights is of particular importance. In most countries, the right to the protection of information rights is considered fundamental because, in accordance with the European approach, it derives from the right to the protection of privacy. At the international and supranational level, there is a distinction between personal data protection in general and data protection in automated processing, it is the latter that is subject to increasingly detailed regulation.

The article discusses some issues related to the legal mediation of the circulation and protection of workers' information rights in the context of widespread informatization and digitalization. The article discusses provisions for the protection of information rights of employees in Kazakhstan and some other countries. There are examined activities of the competent authority for the protection of personal data, and gaps in the legal regulation of the protection of information rights in the article.

The author of the article also gave some conclusions in the field of protecting employees' work information.

Некоторые аспекты уголовно-процессуальной политики в противодействии терроризму и экстремизму

N. Mergembayeva

of the Republic of Kazakhstan to be completed, namely jurisdiction and jurisdiction over crimes related to terrorism and extremism. The author examines the effectiveness of criminal procedural acts from the beginning of the pre-trial investigation to the court's decision on these categories of criminal acts. The article examines the main reasons for the ineffectiveness of internal affairs authorities and economic investigation services in the detection, prevention, pre-criminal investigation and disclosure of crimes related to terrorism and extremism, using statistical and logical methods.

In this regard, as well as to ensure national security, we believe that the criminal procedure policy in this direction requires more effective and efficient measures. Speech at the meeting of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Amendments and Additions to some legislative Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on further improvement of the public administration system» dated 07.11.14 No.

Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Electronic resource].

Факторы, влияющие на рост числа жертв мошенничества и финансовых пирамид, и методы противодействия им


It created a real threat to the material well-being of citizens and the economic development of the country. The author identifies such pressing problems as the low level of financial literacy, the high percentage of the population living below the poverty line, the incorrect calculation of the average income and the definition of the subsistence minimum. As a result of the analysis of the current situation, the article presents statistical data, normative legal acts and the experience of foreign countries with developed economies as possible ways of solving the mentioned problems.

Keywords: financial pyramids, fraud, financial literacy, welfare level of the population, statistics, average income, standard of living. Available at: https://www.inform.kz/ru/kasym-zhomart-tokaev-povestka-novogo-kazahstana- nacelena-na-povyshenie-blagosostoyaniya-grazhdan_a3888183 (accessible. Available at: https://liter.kz/ 13686-kazahstantsy-proedayut-svoi-dohody-i-givut-ot-zarplaty-do-zarplaty-eksperty/.

Head of Department for Interaction with the Commission for Constitutional Legislation, Judiciary and Law Enforcement Agencies, 4, Mangilik El str., Astana, Kazakhstan.


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Ақпарат көздері