The nature of language and the culture of its development have long been a problem. 1Institute for Humanistic Research and Indigenous Studies of the North Siberian Branch of the RAS. The article is devoted to the identification and description of the methods of transfer and adaptation of Russian and international borrowing recorded in Yakut bilingual terminological dictionaries.
The research material was obtained by sampling from terminological dictionaries published in the 1990s and early 2000s. The author focuses on the transfer of foreign language expressions at the expense of the internal resources of the Yakut language: the equivalent. The article also classified mythoponyms based on thoughts about the origin of the world from various literary works.
The article is devoted to the linguistic statistical study of the linguistic peculiarities of life and traditions in Kazakh folklore. Thus we can see that folklore can be a means of demonstrating the mentality of the people.
МРНТИ 37.378
В течение 25-30 лет ученый также постоянно занимался вопросами культуры речи, ею было написано множество справочников и словарей на тему пунктуации и орфографии, образцов правильного произношения. В статье анализируются взгляды одной из выдающихся личностей казахского языкознания, академика Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан, доктора филологических наук, профессора, заслуженного деятеля науки Республики Казахстан, лауреат государственной премии Республики Казахстан и премии имени Ш. В неустанных поисках Рабига Сатигалиевна занялась изучением абайского языка, она проанализировала роль великого поэта в развитии письменного литературного языка в новом направлении и его вклад в национальную художественную традицию, она также изучила творчество поэта. языковая личность комплексно, проанализировал наследие тюркологии и искусства.
For 25-30 years, the scientist has been constantly studying the issues of speech culture, she has written many manuals and dictionaries on the topic of punctuation and. The article talks about language norms, their types, sizes and conditions for understanding the language norm in the modern country according to. Key words: speech culture, language norm, conditions of language norm, internal structural laws of language.
1997 жылы «Орденс магт», 2001 жылы «Тілдік норма және оның қалыптасуы» атты монографиясы жарық көрді.
МРНТИ 16.21.49
The importance of the study is due to the specificity of the considered term system. This article discusses the development of the economic terminological system of German loanwords from the English language. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity of the Kazakh linguist R.
The problem of the development of the problem of Kazakh literary language and culture of the Kazakh. The article is devoted to the problem of formulas of the linguistic personality, as the leading factor in the introduction of the scientific paradigm, which enables professional development of the craftsmanship. Syzdyk an elite type of grain culture to pay and one of the most prominent students of the Kazakh language.
In addition, the results of the program must be post-edited by one or more people. The results of the program work according to the principle that is accurately presented in the given article. The article describes the experience of using innovative techniques in each stage of the three-stage model: challenge, reflection, reflection.
The article provides an analysis of the views of researchers since the XIX century who made the classification of Turkic languages at the scientific level.
МРНТИ 16.21.47
The article analyzes various predictions and opinions regarding the appearance of the name "Mangistau". The works of local and foreign researchers in the field of general onomastics, toponymy and etymology were taken as the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. This study is a lexical look at the concept of "horse" in the direction of the semantic-cognitive approach among Turkic languages.
The semantic features of the lexical expressions of the concept are reflected in the cognitive model of consciousness of Turkish peoples. Although knowledge of the Kazakh language has been one of the most historically studied disciplines for a long time, the vocabulary of words in the lexical fund has not been determined. In the article, these principles were retained in the analysis of the etymology of names.
The article provides a historical overview of the development of the creolization of the text, focusing on the advertising text. Especially studied in detail the development of the advertising text realizowanego in Kazakhstan with specific examples. In this article, we will talk about word formation marking in the national corpus of the Kazakh language, as well as what practical possibilities we can offer users of the corpus through word formation marking.
There are some phenomena that cause conflicts between word formation and morphology of the Kazakh language. The word-forming notation of the national corpus of the Kazakh language has shortcomings and does not give one hundred percent accuracy of the analysis. The results of the program are developed according to the principle described in the article.
The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of numerative phraseology in Kazakh languages. The semantic layers of the words used in the Kazakh language determine the cognitive, operational characteristics. In the article, data on the study of monuments written in the ancient Kipchak language were formed based on the opinion of scientists.
The ethnocultural character of the linguistic elements found in the language of the written monuments is proven on the basis of linguistic data. Adequate lexical parallels with modern languages of the Kipchak group, including the Kazakh language, both in form and meaning, were discovered in the dictionary of written archives.
Көне қыпшақ ауызекі сөйлеу тілінде жазылған ескерткіштер
Көне қыпшақ жазба ескерткіштері
Values results and methods of organization of independent work carried out by students on the subject in higher educational institutions are considered in the article based on real practice. The level of development of education is the level of social development. In this regard, the article discusses the importance of independent work in self-development, self-education and self-improvement of students. According to the author, optimally organized independent work increases conscious activity, high educational and professional motivation of students as an educational process.