Ясухидэ Фукумото (Япония), д.п.н. Шуо-Хунг Чанг, (Тайвань), д.п.н., академик РАО А.Е. Зарегистрировано в Министерстве информации Республики Казахстан. полимерные композиционные материалы, облученные электронами. Эта статья посвящена области цилиндрических трехмерных гиперболических уравнений для изучения свойств трехмерных понятий гиперболического уравнения. Рассмотрены основные свойства линейных операторов и имеются свойства обратных операторов.
Поэтому важное место в теории линейных и нелинейных эллиптических уравнений занимает и третья категория вопросов. Вводится в работу новый класс о вырождающемся трехмерном гиперболическом уравнении, для которого в цилиндрической области просто разрешима задача Пуанкаре. S (3) где t – время; U1, U2 – компоненты средней скорости, а u1, u2 – соответственно компоненты пульсационной скорости потока по осям x1, x2 G; – отклонение плотности от некоторого ее среднего значения 0,.
Существование решение нелинейного интегрального уравнения Вольтерра- Винера-Хопфа
Заметим, что пространство C 0,T обозначает классическое банахово пространство, состоящее из вещественных функций, непрерывных на отрезке 0,T и . оснащен классической максимальной нормой. Ссылаясь на теорему 3, заключаем, что существует по крайней мере одно решение xx(t) уравнения (34) в пространстве BC(R), принадлежащем сфере B9 и имеющему конечную границу на бесконечности. Об одном интегральном уравнении, возникающем в теории дифракции// The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics.–Oxford, 1946.
Measures of non-compactness in the study of solutions of nonlinear differential and integral equations// Central European Journal of Mathematics, 2012.–Vol. Given the proof of the theorem for integral decision-making equations of the Volterra-Wiener-Hopf type existence. In the article, the issue of using economic and mathematical modeling tools in the field of marketing.
Of particular importance in marketing problems are game-theoretic methods for decision-making under uncertainty and risk. It also considers questions connected with the role of the history of mathematics in the development of human society under modern educational conditions.
In this article, using the properties of the definite integral, we proved the theorem of mean values. The paper presents the linear properties of the definite integral and the theorem on the integration of inequality. This article shows the characteristics of the asymptotes of the functions defined in the polar system.
Қарапайым дифференциалдық теңдеулердің үлкен класы, дәлірек айтсақ, үлкен туындыға қатысты шешілгенде бірінші ретті дифференциалдық теңдеулер жүйесіне әкелетін t уақыт түріндегі бір тәуелсіз айнымалысы бар теңдеулер y t F. t,y t0 [1] болады.
Фундаментальная система решений однородного возмущенного уравнения
Построение начальных функций. Рассмотрим функцию Коши [1]
W – определитель третьего порядка, полученный из W 1,2,3 – фундаментальной системы решений уравнения (4).
Построение решения краевой задачи. Справедлива следующая теорема
Определение величин граничных скачков. Для определения величин скачков введем следующее требование
Asymptotic estimates for the solution of the initial jump restoration problem// Journal of Applied Mathematics. In this paper we construct a general boundary value solution of the singularly perturbed problem for a third-order differential equation in the case with stable condition. Using the initial and boundary functions introduced, an analytical representation of the solution to the perturbed problem was found.
Asymptotic estimates of a boundary value solution of the problem have been established, formulas for boundary jumps, jump orders have been found. Limiting transition solution issues have been proven. of the perturbed problem in the solution of the unperturbed problem, the existence of the boundary jump phenomenon in aspiration the small parameter approaches zero. We give the weaknesses identified as: .in the program preferential preference to the general pedagogical issues of the organization of the educational process; insufficiently covered in the program the specifics of teaching mathematics in primary school;
It does not reveal the content of teaching mathematics subjects for high school students; not clearly defined "System Learning Objectives"; mixed text learning objectives, methodical recommendations and recommended exercises for achieving the goal. Keywords: mathematics in primary school, updated mathematics curriculum, system of learning objectives, content of the subject "Mathematics". In this paper, we consider a two-dimensional inverse problem for a hyperbolic equation to restore the source of more information about the solution of the direct problem.
The formulation of the immediate problem is given, where one of the primary conditions is the Dirac delta function. Keywords: hyperbolic equation, two-dimensional coefficient inverse problems, Gelfand-Leitan method, Fredholm equation of the first kind, the Landweber iteration, the Lavrentiev regularization method, the regulation parameter, Heaviside step function, Dirac delta function. In this paper, we consider the spectral adjustment option and recovery techniques of the second-order differential equation by its spectral function.
Solving this inverse problem reduces to solving a linear integral equation called the Gelfand-Levitan equation. For multidimensional implementations, attention should be paid to the approach to determining the coefficient of the wave equation found in M.I. Thus, for the solution of the direct problem in the class of generalized functions, we have the Goursat problem (1), (8), which defines the classical solution of problems (1), (2) and (3) (Figure 1).

Лемма 1. Позитивті экзистенциалды толық робинсондық теория жағдайы үйлесімді енгізілу қасиетінен шығады, керісінше орындалмайды
- Mathcad қолданбалы программа пакеті көмегімен электромагниттік еркін тербелістерді талдау
- Өшпейтін электрлік тербелістер бойынша жасалатын компьютерлік эксперименттер
The results of the existence of essential patterns of such fragments and their connection with its center. For the description of the extended destruction process, models are used taking into account the statistical nature of the lifetime. The variation of experimental data is explained by the existence for each material of the measure of stability.
In order to develop mental activity, it is necessary to teach students to use their knowledge and skills. According to the modern times, one of the ways of training and knowledge of students is to use modern devices. The paper provides an analysis of some issues of the theory and practice of heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous materials during physico-chemical transformations that occur in the process of structure formation.
Based on the fundamentals of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes [1-3], the following system of equations can be used for the mathematical description of the complicated heat and mass transfer processes that occur concurrently in capillary porous materials:. In real cases, these overlapping transfer processes can proceed in the same or opposite directions, and this determines the signs of the processes accordingly. Given the possibility of widespread use of AutoCAD applications, as well as the complexity of the development of intelligent systems.
And this article looked at the forms of the information interaction in the context of the development of information and education space. The socio-economic changes in modern society lead to a revision of the basic paradigm of higher pedagogical education. This article examines the problem of the development of professional competence of the future computer science teacher.
The main direction of the Academy is the program - the use of common standards and the solution of local and global networks for practical and theoretical training in the field of design. Examining the importance of scientific and practical research via teleconferencing in computer science training. The article deals with the problem of distribution of cryptographic keys based on position-independent polynomial number systems.
Әлеуметтік желілерді пайдалана отырып, білім беру үдерісіне қатысушылардың өзара әрекетін ұйымдастыру тәсілі. Бұл мақала шифрленген графиктердегі ең қысқа тізбекті құру алгоритмін талқылайды. Веб-беттерде Bézier кесінділері мен беттерін пайдалану дизайн шешімдерінің мүмкіндіктерін кеңейтеді және оларды аз орын алады.
Кателжо қиғаш пен қиғашты жасаудың қарапайым және тиімді әдісін ұсынады.