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Просмотр «Том 4 № 58 (2016): серия " Филологические науки”» | Вестник Серия «Филологические науки»


Academic year: 2023

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The theoretical basis of the proposed theory of a conceptual metaphor, as one of the directions of cognitive linguistics, developed by J. Thus, the idea of ​​a metaphor for the linguistic phenomenon that reflects the process of knowing the world is the foundation of the theory. of a conceptual metaphor. Thus, in a broad sense, kinesics predicts the movement of body members, providing a variety of gestures.

Phraseological units and phraseological combinations reflect the people's centuries-long history, features of culture, life and traditions. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University PhD student; professor LANGUAGE IMAGE OF THE WORLD THROUGH THE PRISM OF TURKISH AND. The suffix is ​​found in many languages ​​of the world: Turkish, Finno-Ugric, Ibero-Caucasian and other language groups, including European languages.

Общность: в казахском и узбекском языках сонорный смычный

В узбекском языке оно выступает аналитически как нг и обозначается в нынешнем алфавите двумя буквами нг (тонг — «заря»;.

Различие: существенной разницы нет. В турецком языке в начале слов встречается очень редко

Общность: в казахском, турецком и узбекском языках переднеязычный сонорный, дрожающий

The article addresses the problem of language and culture as components of a linguistic personality. The role of language in the description of a nation's cultural values ​​is also discussed. Despite the late formation of the source in Kazakh linguistics, cognitive views and principles are the works of A.Baytursynuly.

The article also referred to the linguist's contribution to the formation of sciences such as cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics. Kazakh drama came under the influence of intense socio-economic, cultural, aesthetic, ethical development of the steppe in the early twentieth century. The newspaper notes that in the early 20s of the last century, more than thirty Kazakh dramatic works were created.

The development of vocabulary is determined not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively by the comparative study. The article analyzes the problem of the definition of "competence" in the structure of knowledge about the language.


But in the last decade in the scientific style of the Russian language, the words of the conversation and colloquial vocabulary and jargon lexicon began to gain. THE IDENTITY OF THE AUTHOR OF THE XXI CENTURY IN THE KAZAKH NOVEL GENRE AND LITERARY PROBLEMS OF THE LITERARY - ARTISTIC PROCESS. The article deals with the author's identity analysis of the XXI century in accordance with the literary - artistic process of the Kazakh novel.

The relationship between the author's identity and the creative process, the direction of the development of the art genre in the modern world and artistic features are discussed in Aldan Smail's novel "The Man from Hell". The literary tradition and the development of the novel from the perspective of today, the world's literary experience and a new research, the learning of historical themes in art style, the author's unique style, the author's position in the description of the literary text are discussed. . The artistic value of lyricism in prose, which plays a particularly important role in the description of a person's mental state in the novel "The Man from Hell", is analyzed by the author.

And the unified creative leitmotif of the novel is a historical tragedy, the tragedy of a psychologist, the categories of life and death, the author - the hero, the hero - the narrator. Key words: literary process, author's identity, author-hero, hero-narrator, conditions of literary art, innovative research, poetry in prose. This article discusses the history of the creation of fairy tales, their various literary publications, types of classification, types and age groups.

Examples of fairy tales for children and adults about flora and fauna, about various events in the life of Anatolians, etc. Also, the material presented in the study of the role of Turkish researchers XIV-XV centuries in the preservation of primary sources in the field of oral folk art fairy Anatolia conducted a historical analysis of the literature of Turkish and foreign writers and poets in the writings of which there are a variety of fairy tales and legends of the Anatolian Turks. The article emphasizes the role of Anatolian folk tales in the education and development of the younger generation, their influence on the formation of personality.

Along with it in the article the priority direction is given to the story as a genre.


Genre features of folklore history, his totality, systematized ways, similarity and features from other prosaic genres, are dealt with in this article. Artistic text, literary process, literary trend, genre lifestyle, genre features, compositional world, time and space, are systematized in the article, system event and persons, reason and psychology, style, reasons for compositional structure, genetic enterprise. . Similarity and difference between story and short story, story and novel given in studies were shown.


This article deals with the content of literary theory and tasks for literary teaching in upper secondary school. The didactic aims and tasks of the literary genre and its types are studies that refer to the content of the teaching. The article examines the issues of artistry in the literary works of the famous Kazakh writer Oralkhan Bokey.

The main features of his stories, significant creative influence, skill of the author in the development of Kazakh psychological prose are analyzed in detail in this article. The authors of the article distinguished certain characteristics of his prose based on this data. Mammadov Khankishi Bakhtiyar oglu - Doctor of philological sciences, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University COMPARATIVE RESEARCH OF THE GENRE OF "BILMEJE" (PUZZLE) IN AZERBAIJANI.

The article deals with the arguments and new views in the history of Kazakh literature according to the scientific concept in a problem of periodization of literary history in research of the scientific Turkologist B.Kenzhebayev. The scientist specifies that the development history of literature follows the history of the nation and is closely related to it. Based on that, also systematization of the concept in research of the scientist-Turkologist B. Kenzhebayev speaks a way of development of national literature.

The article discusses the mentorship of thought that were the main motives of the Muslim educational currents in the poet Syrdarya late XIX - early XX centuries. With the help of specific analysis, instructive and philosophical and cognitive features of lyrical poems of the poet have been revealed. This is the main feature of the Muslim educational course and this editorial analyzes extensively.

Key words: Muslim times the educational, didactic feature, erses build-up, tradition, classical literature of the East. There was a need to strengthen the family and the spiritual revival of the younger generation. The author's idea is the historical change in the rest of the national outlook, in the midst of the society that has become a mysterious force.


Feel the spirit of life at home, ethnographic and other details related to the world there is described the inner artistic world of a man. The dialogue at the beginning of the story between the wise aksakal with his rich inner world and the ambitious man who was proud of himself reveals the truth. For example, question-answer option, brainstorming, use of image, word and sentence completion, translation method, training method, picture teaching method, interview method, game method. This is due to the superiority of the anthropocentric scientific paradigm within which cognitive linguistics develops, which arose at the end of the twenty-first century.

This article attempts to discuss articles devoted to cognitive semantics of the parts of speech of the Russian language. IWS is one of the most peculiar types of study, which is organized on the basis of a model and work program of the subject studied according to the educational standards of the state. Independent work of the student – ​​ability to choose a theme, do research, draw a conclusion, gather all the information and be able to put these results into practice without the help of the teacher.

Projects can be divided into different types, depending on the quality of the knowledge provided in the project, the type of action, the number of students in the project. The Bespalko task system is very convenient for organizing the student's individual work. The article is dedicated to the role, education, qualification, spiritual wealth, demands of the teacher with the modern globalization of the world, which is discussed in the scientific works of AlashOrd intellectuals. Today we answer the question.

34; How should we work on the implementation of the educational principles of training?" We must educate and train the Kazakh child at the same time, if we want to form a national identity, each teacher must carefully study scientific works. - the legacy of Alash intellectuals and we make sure that every time we have to use in every daily lesson their teaching principles and methods. But some scientists and pedagogues believe that the methods used during the lesson depend on the purpose of education. it is so, the teacher plays an important role in the development of students' skills by identifying the training methods in the follow-up between the teacher and the student. Thus, each scientific teacher held a kind of principle in determining the teaching methods, where the content and purpose In this article, these questions are analyzed and proven through the scientific work of Alash intellectuals Tilenchieva - Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai university TEACHER MANAGEMENT CULTURE: STRUCTURE, LEVELS, CRITERIA Characterizing the essence of the teacher's administrative culture, share these aspects of its essential treatment: administrative culture as a value, as a process, as a result.

Management culture is based on the formation of the whole human experience, which is resistant to reflection, it is not formally expressed in the tradition of existing perception, practical skills.

Ақпарат көздері


- Fourth, the forced modernization model. The urgency and scientific need for a brief examination of these models of modern modernization is determined by the fact that

Автор полностью обосновал и получил на основе критического анализа состояние и тенденции правовой культуры Казахстана. Показывая тенденции правовой

Отмечая специфику методов воспитания правовой и политической культуры казахстанской молодежи, вместе с тем надо сказать, что это вовсе не означает

Болашақ мұғалімдер даярлайтын жоғары оқу орнында оқытушылардың математикалық анализ курсы арқылы студенттерге әдістемелік көзқарастарды қалыптастыра білу; студенттерге математикалық

Ishekeyev Kyrgyzstan, doctor of Philology, professor Zhan Dingzhing China, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Chan Din Lam Vietnam, doctor of Philology, professor

Төлеуханова3 1п.ғ.д., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің профессоры, Алматы қ., Қазақстан 2п.ғ.к., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің

Ғалым Ш.Сарыбаев «Қазақстан жеріндегі сөйленістермен қатар, белгілі бір тілдік жағдайда өзге аймақтарда, өзге тілдік ортада өзіндік жазбаша және ауызша да әдеби нормаларын

Kazakh National Pedagogical National University named after Abai BULLETIN «Bulletin KazNPU named after Abai» Series «Рhilological sciences» №268, 2019 Editor in chief