Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Zhumagulov M.I. Doctor of Laws, Member of the Supreme Court Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan,. The welcome letter of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Tokayev was reported to the forum.
B. Baiganatova
Electronic source] - Available at: (accessed. Electronic source] Available at: /decl_conv/conventions/damage.shtml;
International Legal and National Legal Aspects of Tourism Activity: Legal Support for Tourism in the Republic of
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Tourist Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2001). 406 “On approval of the concept of development of the tourism sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2023”.
The standard of fair and equitable treatment in the new environment
These uncertainties have been taken into account in recent formulations of FET under the BITs and MITs. In this regard, this article aims to provide an analysis of the approaches recently incorporated into BITs and MITs. This part highlights the main stages in the FET development and issues at each stage.
The article discusses two prevalent approaches in recent treaty practice: the EU and US approaches. The article uses doctrinal methodology for legal research from the perspective of historical, comparative and empirical analysis. The research under this article is text-based and, where applicable, supported by the results of empirical studies.
Analysis of historical development
The EU approach focuses in particular on the determination of the FET content and the boundary between investment protection and the right to regulate. The authors have made this clear by incorporating the right of states to regulate for public purposes into the investment protection provisions of the treaties that include the FET. The term for the right to regulate does not have an established meaning in international investment law.
Compared to NAFTA, the US Model BIT 2005 included an explicit formulation of the FET and MST equation. There is an opinion that the advantage of MST is that MST prevents an expansive interpretation of FET and helps to preserve the right to regulate [7]. Arbitration practice on MST dates back to 1926. The Neer decision and NAFTA arbitration awards contributed to the development of MST.
When deciding the MST violation, tribunals refer to previous decisions of other tribunals. For example, the discussion has been conducted in the interpretation of FET under the Energy Charter Treaty.
Вексель как инструмент борьбы с дефицитом валютной ликвидности и мера интеграции в рамках региональных
M. Sarsembayev
This article states that the introduction of promissory notes will contribute to the development of local and regional debt markets, as a promissory note is a financial document that acts as a method of short-term investment of available funds. The author of the article points out that promissory notes should be classified as highly liquid investment instruments, as reliable promissory notes can be easily discounted (changed in price) or resold. The article proves that the bond market denominated in the national currencies of the countries of the region becomes more attractive due to the following factors.
The article provides another argument in favor of a bill guarantee: the urgency shown in it has a positive effect on the stability of the investment climate in the region and the bill market itself. The author pays great attention to the justification of the need to unify the circulation of invoices, the minimum and maximum designation of bills of exchange, as well as the justification of tax exemptions for the circulation of invoices. The theoretical provisions of the draft law are related to the financial legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the draft legislation of its member states, including the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Osobennostiveksel`nogoobrascheniya v Belarus [Features of the circulation of accounts in Belarus], Bulletin of the Association of Belarusian Banks. Lesnikova [Trade book of a Hanseatic merchant from the beginning of the XV. centuries. Introductory article by M.
Об эффективности судебного контроля за производством следственных действий
Но в то же время с точки зрения возможностей ограничения враждебного характера сторон ученые согласны с позицией Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации, изложенной в Положении № 124-О «Об отказе в принятии терр. рассмотрение жалобы гражданина Власова Валерия Александровича о нарушении его конституционных прав положениями статей 115 и 165 УПК РФ», согласно которому установлен порядок судебного рассмотрения обращения общественности Прокурор, следователь или дознаватель с согласия прокурора, указанного в статьях 115 и 165 УПК РФ, произвести следственное действие, ограничивающее конституционные права и свободы участников уголовного процесса, является управлением , связано с решением промежуточных задач уголовного процесса. 12 Постановление Пленума Верховного Суда РФ о практике рассмотрения судами ходатайств о производстве следственных действий, связанных с ограничением конституционных прав граждан (ст. 165 УПК РФ)». Наиболее объективными аргументами в пользу реализации предполагаемого правового механизма являются повышение эффективности предварительного расследования, предотвращение возможных злоупотреблений и применение положений ч. 5 ст.
165 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the need to implement the adversarial principle of parties in judicial control proceedings of the criminal process. The conclusion is supported that it is necessary to strengthen the control functions of the court due to a stricter explanation of the factual grounds for carrying out investigative actions that limit the constitutional rights of citizens. Razmyshleniya ob effektifnosti sudebnogo kontrolya za proizvodstvom sledstvennykh deystviy[Reflections on the effectiveness of judicial control over the production of investigative actions], Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta[Bulletin of the Tomsk State Administration.
Postanovleniye Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda RF ot N 1 (red. ot O praktike rassmotreniya sudami zhalob v poryadke stat'i 125 Ugolovno-protsessual'nogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii"[Beslutning fra Plenum for Den Russiske Føderations Højesteret i N 1) ændret den Om praksis for behandling af klager ved domstole i overensstemmelse med artikel 125 i Den Russiske Føderations strafferetsplejelov”], Rossiyskaya gazeta, 27, 2009. Hovedforfatteren, doktor i jura, professor, leder af afdelingen for Strafferetspleje og kriminalistik, F.M.
О современном правовом регулировании участия проку- рора в гражданском судопроизводстве
Республики Молдова
Это отразилось и в перечне гражданских дел, которые на современном этапе предусматривают участие прокурора в гражданском судопроизводстве. № 517 от 30 июня 2016 года], прокурор может предъявить иск о возмещении вреда, причиненного органам государственной власти преступлением, а также об отмене действий, причинивших вред, в случае прекращения уголовного преследования или при уголовное преследование не возбуждено на основании пунктов 4), 5) и 9) статьи 275 Уголовно-процессуального кодекса Республики Молдова. 71 ГПК РМ от 30 мая 2003 года указывает лишь на то, что истец участвует в рассмотрении гражданских дел в качестве участника судебного процесса, если он подал исковое заявление в суд. О современном правовом регулировании участия прокурора в гражданском судопроизводстве в Республике Молдова Резюме.
The article examines problematic issues of the modern legislation of the Republic of Moldova on the participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings. The author investigated the problems of the legal status of the prosecutor in the civil procedure taking into account his law enforcement function provided by the civil procedure legislation of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on the Prosecution and other legislative acts. The possibility of participation of a prosecutor in civil proceedings in the Republic of Moldova includes the presence of reasons and reasons provided by law.
Keywords: Legislation on the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office, civil proceedings, reasons for and justification of the prosecutor's participation in the civil process, the prosecutor's participation in the civil process, the prosecutor's claim (statement), the prosecutor's statement. with changes and additions from December Electronic resource] Available at: //https://online.zakon. Doctor of Laws, Department of Procedural Law, Faculty of Law, State University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova.
Способы публично-правовой и частноправовой защиты прав и законных интересов предпринимателей
Methods of public and private legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs Abstract. Protection of the rights and legal interests of entrepreneurs is carried out in ways that do not contradict the current legislation. At the same time, legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs is included in the scope of legal regulation of a number of branches of domestic legislation.
The protection of the property rights of entrepreneurs, as well as other subjects of civil law, is mainly carried out by civil law. The freedom of business activities is not unlimited, but at the same time, within the limits set by law, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs is guaranteed by an appropriate legal mechanism. Protection of civil rights: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference in the framework of annual civilist lectures.
Защита гражданских прав: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции в рамках ежегодных цивилистических чтений. Защита гражданских прав: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции в рамках ежегодных гражданских чтений.
Трудовая деятельность трудящихся-мигрантов и цифро- вых кочевников по законодательству государств-членов
L. Tomashevsky
Labor activity of migrant workers and digital nomads under the legislation of the EAEU member states Abstract. The author explains the concept of «digital nomad», as well as the new definitions of terms such as «immigrant worker» and «emigrant worker». The purpose of this article is to understand the main similarities and differences in approaches to the legal status of a migrant worker in individual member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, the specificity of the legal situation of digital nomads as a special type of migrant worker and the need to regulate these relationships in legislation on foreign labor migration. Trudopravovaya integrasiya gosudarstv-chlenov Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza: itogi i perspektivy [Labor law integration of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union: results and prospects], Vestnik SPbGU.
Гармонизация национального законодательства государств-членов ЕАЭС о миграции по причинам трудоустройства с международными договорами / Трудовое право в. России и за рубежом в России и за рубежом. Нет.