Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. in Legal Sciences, Assoc.Prof. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Russia) Krystian Complak Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Kazakhstan) Murat Tumay PhD (Turkey). Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof. Kazakhstan) Tomas Davulis Doctor of Legal Sciences, Prof.
Owner: republican state enterprise in the role of economic conduct "Eurasian National University L.N.Gumilov" Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Registered with the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the question of the subjects of the procedural decision on the suspension of the criminal case for non-rehabilitation reasons. On the issue of decriminalization of certain criminal acts under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
International legal regulation of the effect of renewable energy sources on the protection of the atmosphere against energy pollution.
B. Baktybekov
Қазақстан Республикасындағы құқықтық мемлекеттің және конституциялық процестің қалыптасуы.] (ҚазСЛА, Алматы р.). Axiologicheskiye osobennosti transformationnogo konstitutsionalizma v Kazakhstane [Қазақстандағы трансформациялық конституционализмнің аксиологиялық ерекшеліктері] // Құқық және мемлекет. III курс PhD докторанты, Қазақ инновациялық гуманитарлық-заң университеті, мемлекеттік құқықтық пәндер кафедрасы, Қазақстан, Семей қ., Абай көшесі, 94.
Аспирант 3 курса Казахского гуманитарно-юридического инновационного университета, ул. Абая, 94, г. Семей, Казахстан. 2 Конституция Республики Казахстан (принята на республиканском референдуме 30 августа 1995 года) (с изменениями и дополнениями от года).
B. Zhumamuratova
1 Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan. The competences of political parties for participating in elections according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been analyzed and the perspectives of increasing the role of political parties in the electoral process have been determined.
The adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995 involved a fundamental renewal of electoral legislation. The order of financing is determined by the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the moment, according to the National Register of Business Identification Numbers in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 7 political parties are registered: 1.
7] Elections to the lower house of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016 showed a further stable development of party building. 91 [On ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 28, 2005 No. There is also a comparative analysis of the system of sanctions used by juvenile convicts in the light of the new Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
S. Dzhumashev
Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 3, 2014 with amendments and additions dated July 12, 2018]. Acting Chairman of the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan. At the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies, Astana, Kazakhstan.
On the issue of decriminalization of certain criminal acts under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors of the article consider the issues of decriminalization of official criminal acts and criminal acts in the field of economic activity in the light of the ongoing work on the humanization of legislation. Keywords: Decriminalization, criminal punishment, criminal policy, criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, official offenses, humanization, economic crime.
О Концепции правой политики Республики Казахстан на период 2010-2020 годов [Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от август. О концепции правовой политики в Республике Казахстан на период с 2010 по 2020 годы. Третья модернизация Казахстана: глобальная конкурентоспособность: 31 января 2017 г.
18 Official release of Amir Dokka Umarov's statement on the Declaration of the Caucasus Emirate (full transcript of the video published on November 20, 2007). 4 Ugolovnyy kodeks Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 3 iyulya 2014 goda № 226-V [Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 3, 2014 no. Commentaries on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan / edited by Doctor of Law, Professor Borchashvili I. Š.].
The object of mercenary as a subject of criminal analysis // Real problems of legal sciences: material of the Intern. Available at: ugolovnuyu-otvetst-uchastie-inostrannyih-konfliktah-252291/. sud'ya Bylkylova G.D.) [The judgment of the Saryarka District Court No.
ХҒТАР 10.77.11
A. Orsaev
- Kiryushina
In the prevention of illegal behavior of the children, the leading role is given to parents. 1 Qazaqstan Respwblïkasınıñ Qılmıstıq kodeksi (qoldanıstağı redakcïyası The Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (effective. There was no clear position on the place of the presumptions in civil procedural law.
In the event that the defendant rebuts the presumption, the proof must be presented last. In the introduction to the article, the value of real estate in public circulation is disclosed, the need for mandatory state registration of rights to real estate is justified. The Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the basic legal act that regulates the issues of securing rights to real estate.
This article of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan received further specification in a special legal act. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate» dated July 26, 2007 No. 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation received further specification in a special legal act.
23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Registration of Real Estate Rights" No. Unfortunately, in search of simplifying the registration procedure, the law does not provide rules for the application form. Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated February 24, 2015 No. 110 "On the adoption of rules for the systematic registration of real estate rights in the legal cadastre") [6].
61 of the Russian Law also provides for liability in case of technical errors (slip, typographical error, grammatical or arithmetic error or similar error) made by the rights registration authority when carrying out cadastral registration and (or) registration of state rights and resulting in discrepancies in the information in the USRRE [5]. We believe that the above-mentioned gaps and shortcomings of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate” of July.
Perspektivy razvitija grazhdanskogo zakonodatel’stva v svete Koncepcii pravovoj politiki Respubliki Kazahstan [Vooruitzichten op de ontwikkeling van het burgerlijk recht in het licht van het concept van juridisch beleid van de Republiek Kazachstan], jurist. Predprinimatel’skij kodeks kak orudie razvala pravovoj sistemy Kazahstana: [Over de kwestie van de adoptie van de ondernemerscode in de Republiek Kazachstan / Ondernemerscode als instrument voor de ineenstorting van het rechtssysteem van Kazachstan]: Sb. Yeshche raz k voprosu o sistematizatsii khozyaystvennogo (predprinimatel’skogo) zakonodatel’stva: mify i real’nosti Khozyaystvennogo kodeksa Oekraïne // Predprinimatel’skiy kodeks kak orudiye razvala pravovoy sistemy Kazachstana: Sb.
Again on the issue of systematization of economic (entrepreneurial) legislation: the myths and realities of the Economic Code of Ukraine // Entrepreneurial Code as a tool for the collapse of the legal system of Kazakhstan: Sat. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference in the framework of the annual civil lecture. Predprinimatel’skij kodeks pozvolit uchastie gosudarstva v sfere biznesa [Entrepreneurial code will allow the participation of the state in the field of business].
Doctoral student of the Department of Civil and Environmental Law of L.N.Gumilova Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan.
ҒТАМР 10.63.51
D. Akshalova
- Журналда мақала жариялаушы автор мақаланың қол қойылған бір дана қағаз нұсқасын Ғылыми басылымдар бөліміне (редакцияға, мекенжайы: 010008, Қазақстан республикасы,
- Мақаланың көлемі: 8 беттен 18 бетке дейінгі көлемде қабылданады;
- Мақала соңындағы әдебиеттер тізімінен кейін библиографиялық мәліметтер орыс және ағылшын тілінде (егер мақала қазақ тілінде жазылса), қазақ және ағылшын тілінде (егер
- Автору, желающему опубликовать статью в журнале необходимо представить рукопись в твердой копии (распечатанном варианте) в одном экземпляре, подписанном автором
- Объем статьи не должен превышать 18 страниц (от 6 страниц)
- Purpose of the journal. Publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the fields of Juridical sciences
- An author who wishes to publish an article in a journal must submit the article in hard copy (printed version) in one copy, signed by the author to the scientific publication office (at the
However, its production and use have a negative man-made impact on the state of the environment and especially on air pollution. Keywords: environmental protection, atmosphere protection, energy, air pollution, depletion and destruction of the ozone layer, renewable energy sources. Issues of States' Compliance with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987].
Current problems of modern international law: materials of the CWS of the International Congress «Blishenko lectures» in 3 parts]/ otv. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan Quality of higher education as a priority of the Bologna Process. The article covers the essence, main provisions and criteria of the Bologna Declaration, aimed at improving the quality of education.
The president's message is to reconcile the course of development with long-term goals. Submission of articles to the Scientific Publications Office signifies the consent of the author to the right of the publisher, L.N. Full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, you must place the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization) - centered alignment, italics.
Information about the financial support of the article is given on the first page in the form of a note. A reference to a book in the main text of an article must be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (eg [1, 45 p.]). At the end of the article, after the list of references, bibliographic information must be provided in Russian and English (if the article is in the Kazakh language), in Kazakh and English (if the article is in the Russian language), and in Russian and Kazakh. languages (if the article is in English).
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