• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

Хабаршысы Bulletin Вестник - Enu


Academic year: 2023

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В качестве примера для отслеживания вышеуказанных тенденций мы использовали авторитетный зарубежный академический журнал «Central Asian Survey», в котором обычно публикуются передовые идеи, концепции и результаты новейших исследований; следовательно, представленный в нем обзор работ может претендовать на репрезентативность научной отрасли в целом. Тенденции западных исследований истории Центральной Азии: на примере журнала Central Asian Survey // Вестник ЕНУ им.


Жоғарыда аталған тенденцияларды ұстанудың мысалы ретінде беделді шетелдік академиялық журнал «Central Asian Survey» пайдаланылды, онда, әдетте, озық идеялар, тұжырымдамалар мен соңғы зерттеулердің нәтижелері, сондай-ақ ұсынылған жұмыстарға шолулар жарияланады. . ХІХ ғасырдағы қазақ даласындағы Ресей империялық саясаты контекстіндегі Приставство институтының рөлі, Орталық Азия шолуы, 2014 ж.

The processes of adaptation of Koreans in Kazakhstan at the end of the XIX-XXth centuries

Сауалнама нәтижесі

Сауалнама жауаптарының пайыздық көрсеткіші

  • Menkouski

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan Historical traces of the Great Silk Road in national consciousness. Keywords: Soviet Union; Russian Federation; "Soviet Nostalgia"; "image of the USSR"; socialism; memory policy; memory culture.

Алтын ордалық дәстүрлі тарихнаманың қалыптасуы мен ерекшеліктері

S. Nogaibayeva

The article deals with the historical thought and tradition of oral history of the Golden Horde period and traditional historiography. It analyzes the relationship and characteristics of steppe oral history and the tradition of written history, and takes into account the nature, peculiarities of formation and continuity of the historiography of the Golden Horde (narrative traditions, history writing). The specificity of the formation of the historical tradition of the Golden Horde is determined by studying the nature and relations between the oral historical narrative tradition and the written culture in the steppe.

The works of Utemish Khadzhi and Abulgazi Bahadur Khan can be considered a true embodiment of the oral historical tradition, which was formed and developed in the era of the Golden Horde. The traditional historiography of the Golden Horde is also characterized by works of written culture alongside examples of oral history or folklore. It is clear that the written historical tradition of the traditional historiography of the Golden Horde was in accordance with the Turkish-Muslim written tradition which was widespread at the time but was formed mainly under the influence of the oral history tradition.

It should be noted that the specificity of the historiographical tradition of the Golden Horde is determined by the inclusion in the historiography of the history of individual clans, biographies of local saints and famous characters narrated by legends. Features of historical reality, characteristic of the eastern Desht-i-Kipchak 13-15 century, are most clearly manifested in the traditional oral historiography of the Golden Horde compared to classical written sources.

Ертіс өңірінің киелі кеңістігі: тарихи жады мен ұлттық бірегейлік

Мәшһүр-Жүсіп Көпейұлы кесенесі (1858—1931)

Хазірет Ғабдыл-Уахит

Сурет 3. Қараман абыз зираты, орналасқан жері Мұрынталға барар жолда

The article is devoted to the issues of the revival of historical memory and national identity, and the study of holy places in the Irtysh region. The main purpose of the article is to provide information about holy places that have been forgotten due to the former Soviet totalitarian system. As a result of the atheistic policy of the authoritarian government, the traditional spiritual system of the Kazakh people was destroyed, the names of saints were ignored, shrines were closed and national identity was in danger of disappearing.

Therefore, during the political processes, in order to preserve the ethnic identity and national self-confidence of the Kazakh people, in the conditions of the proclaimed ideological setting for the construction of a single "Soviet nation", they were trampled. We believe that restoring the memory of the time when the historical thread was broken, reviving the past is a reality that arises from the demands of time. The article comprehensively analyzes the historical and cultural role of sacred buildings of the Irtysh region.

Therefore, the process of artificial elimination of this phenomenon will not bring anything good in the everyday life of Kazakhs. In this article, on the basis of ideological, ethnographic and toponymic data, the authors locate the sacred places of the Irtysh region and show their historical and cultural significance.

Қазақстан және Германия арасындағы

1999 жылғы санақ қорытындыларына сәйкес,

Economic relations and political integration as an impulse of the new age is a model for all states of the modern world. Reciprocity and tolerance, as a manifestation of the culture of relations between people, are the characteristic features of Kazakh-German relations. A significant part of the contact between Kazakhstan and Germany in the cultural field is linked to the German diaspora in Kazakhstan.

If we make a historical digression, Germans have lived throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan since the time of tsarist rule. The article examines the cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Germany through the example of the German diaspora in our country. The article presents a scientific analysis of the role and influence of the Germans of Kazakhstan in these relations.

Nemcy v Karagandinskoj oblasti (konec XIX – 90-e gg. XX veka) [Germans in the Karaganda region (late Germany's Political and Economic Interests in Kazakhstan and Central Asia: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Almaty, May 14, 2010)].

A policy of ‘dekulakization’ and deportations from the republic

In the Soviet period, dekulakization was explained as an extraordinary victory of the Soviet system within the ideology of the Communist Party. It includes many documents discovered in the state archives of the Kherson and Odesa regions of Ukraine and the state archive of Kyrgyzstan. Also, an economic book of 1944, kept in the self-government of the village of Vinogradovo, Kherson region, was examined.

One of the goals of this policy is a gradual re-education of 'kulaks' in the spirit of socialism”. In the 1960s, the Soviet government classified all information about oppressed individuals during the "Great Terror". The attitude of the state towards small farmers has changed over time and the general political situation in the country.

Prichiny i posledstvija [Repressive measures of the penal bodies of Kyrgyzstan in the 30s of the twentieth century. No. 4 "Special resetters in the history of cotton development in the Kherson region in the 30-40s of the 20th century".

Государственная политика Казахстана в космической отрасли: от реализации программ развития к

National Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International Outer Space Law // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The current global trends in the development of the industry are noted, which challenge the space industry in Kazakhstan.

Закон Республики Казахстан от 6 января 2012 года № 528-IV «О космической деятельности» Казахской ССР» ] Доступно по адресу: http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/. Постановление Правительства РК от 25 января 2005 года № 1513 «О развитии космической деятельности в Республике Казахстан на 2005-2007 годы».

1125 “On approval of the program for the development of space activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan for Available at: http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2021 “On the approval of the list of national projects”], Available at: https://akorda.kz/ru/ob-utverzhdenii-perechnya-nacionalnyh-proektov-1391918 [ in Russian], (accessible.

Музеефикация мечети: казахстанский дискурс публичных пространств

Аким области Е.Сагындыков перед установкой полумесяца на купол

Стенды, посвященные религиозным деятелям и разрушенным в советское время мечетям (фото М. Кикимбаева)

The analysis of the ideas of nonviolence can be observed in the political-philosophical views of I. The American priest and public figure Martin Luther King is a classic representative of the doctrine of nonviolence. In the Kazakh worldview, the essence of the concept of nonviolence is at the core of Kazakh existence.

Altayev analyzed the place and role of the phenomenon of nonviolence in the process of development. And the concept of struggle, considered from the point of view of the philosophy of non-violence, is fundamentally different from the principles of violence. Obviously, in the meantime, the values ​​of artificial civilization must be reconsidered from the point of view of the philosophy of non-violence.

However, the principle of non-violence should not be considered an absolute ideal when implementing the rules and goals of intercultural communication. Unfortunately, treating nonviolence as equivalent to indifference still remains one of the misconceptions held by the public.

Результаты социологического опроса,

  • B. Tlepbergen

The article analyzes the use of the podcast industry to create audio-narrative programs, including the development of historical, ethnographic and research areas in the podcast industry of Kazakhstan to expand the cultural interpretation of historical narratives. The results of scientific research of various periods of the history of Kazakhstan, known in academic circles but not so widespread among the population, can be presented in a more accessible form. The article describes the creation of an audio podcast dedicated to the life and activities of the Kazakh Khans.

We also believe that, by analogy with the example given in the article, there is an excellent opportunity to present the results of research related to the cultural studies of the Kazakh people, as well as folklore and painting of Kazakhstan, on a large spread widely, to cultural interpretation, collective and historical memory. Historical memory as a link between generations is more relevant today than ever, because the processes of globalization and Westernization that influence life in society in almost all countries of the world also include the gradual erasure of the boundaries of historical memory with entail. In this regard, one of the practical means in our opinion is the use of new media areas available in terms of technical application, of which the podcast industry is one.

Dostopno na: https://www.internethistorypodcast.com/2017/10/dave-winer-on-the-open-web- blogging-podcasting-and-more/#tabpanel6 (dostop. Tokayeva “Nezavisimost' prevyshe vsego”, Internet-versiya gazety “Kazakhstanskaya pravda” [Članek predsednika Republike Kazahstan K.-Zh.

Ақпарат көздері


Suleimenov Ibragim, Academician of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

NURKATOVA Lyazzat Tolegenovna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty,

– Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Astana Medical University, Member of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of

The known scientist, corresponding member of National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the doctor of historical sciences, professor, the Dean of Faculty of

Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Comparative-historical description of proverbs related to cow in the Kazakh and