• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

Хабаршысы Bulletin Вестник


Academic year: 2023

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Kara Abdulvahap Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rrof. Turkey) Kozybayev Sagymbai Doctor of Historical Sciences, Рrof. Kazakhstan) Lebedeva Tatiana Doctor of Philology, Рrof. Kazakhstan) Takhan Serik Doctor of Historical Sciences, Рrof. Kazakhstan) Toktagazin Muratbek Candidate of Philology, Assoc. The concept of media personality image formation in the modern QMS format.

Analysis of the impact of information in a digital environment on a person with media psychological methods. The article classifies the levels of information interaction and communication of media space subjects in the most developed countries of the world. Based on these results, the authors propose implementation to improve the efficiency of the communication functions of the authorities, increasing the role of 'transparency of state bodies'.

The areas of modernization of the state's information design, inclusion of Internet resources in the social and political climate, the quality of civil society activity are analyzed in this research. The conclusions on the objectivity of transformation of mass communication, liberalization of the professions with consensus and consultative participation of public institutions in decision-making procedures. Doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of the Science Center «Otyrar bibliary» at L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Satpayev str.

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Academician of Academy of Social Sciences of Kazakhstan, Kurmangazy str., 29, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

A. Nurtazina

Formirovaniye informatsionnoy politiki Respubliki Kazakhstan [Vorming van die inligtingsbeleid van die Republiek van Kazakstan]. Gosudarstvennaya informatsionnaya politika Respubliki Kazakhstan v usloviyakh informatizatsii [Staatsinligtingbeleid van die Republiek van Kazakstan in terme van informatisering]. Gosudarstvennaya informatsionnaya politika v sovremennykh [Staatsinligtingsbeleid in moderne toestande] usloviyakh.

Уақыт өте келе «Қазақстан Республикасындағы отбасы және гендерлік саясаттың 2030 жылға дейінгі тұжырымдамасы» № 2030 Жарлығымен бекітілді. Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің 2016 жылғы 6 желтоқсандағы 384 қаулысы [13]. Ауыл басшыларының 18 пайызы, аудан басшыларының 12 пайызы, мұғалімдердің 73 пайызы, дәрігерлер мен медицина қызметкерлерінің 87 пайызы әйелдер. 2017 жылдың қорытындысы бойынша Дүниежүзілік экономикалық форумның Гендерлік даму индексі бойынша Қазақстан гендерлік алшақтық бойынша 144 елдің арасында 52-ші орынға ие болды.

Қазақстан журналистикасы Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің 2016 жылғы 6 желтоқсандағы «Қазақстан Республикасындағы 2030 жылға дейінгі отбасы және гендерлік саясат» жобасын және Қазақстан Республикасы Үкіметінің 2003 жылғы 7 қарашадағы жобасын басшылыққа ала отырып, «Қазақстан Республикасындағы гендерлік саясат», гендерлік саясат тұжырымдамасы, түсінуге бағытталған шараларды күшейту қажет.


Qazaqstan Respwblïkası Prezïdentiniñ 2016 jılğı 6 jeltoqsandağı Jarlığı [2030 елга кадәр Казахстан Республикасында гаилә һәм гендер сәясәте концепциясе. Ел саен] Казахстан Республикасы спорт төрләре. El жагерги гендерлик sayasattıñ bağıtı durıs [Илдәге гендер сәясәтенең юнәлеше дөрес] // Абай кз.

Altın alqalı» analar qatarı artıp keledi [The number of mothers «Altyn Alkaly» is growing] // South Kazakhstan. Doctor of Philology, Doctor of Philosophy in Journalism, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Journalism, Khoja Akhmed Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, V.



Дұрыс баптау

Бұрыс баптау

Теріс баптау

Биipнeшe мультимедиалык купалдан даыйндалған aқпаpat бip-бipin толыгпып otыpatыnы anık. 1 Principles of multimedia journalism. The paper presents the analysis of the development of modern multimedia texts against the background of integrative processes in the field of mass media, which caused radical changes in all the components and processes of this field. The characteristics of the multimedia text and the modern characteristics of the communicative process in integrated communications are determined by the transformation of information distribution channels, the conditions of content operation, changes in the roles played by the sender and receiver, etc.

Получается, что такие радикальные преобразования приводят к SEO как в параметрах медиатекста, так и в матрице коммуникативного акта. Абырой Менеджмент: Управление репутацией и PR», карьерный дипломат, PR-менеджер, деятель медиаиндустрии Куат Домбай в интервью популярному таблоиду размышляет о своем понимании работы над имиджем и сутью репутации. Концепция формирования имиджа медийной личности в современном формате GMS.

This work is based on a research of technologies and definition of the factors that influence the formation of positive image and the reputation of the media personality in the modern format of mass media. If the image is a difficult social and psychological formation, a complex multi-layered system that includes different sides of human life, and its formation depends not only on the person or the organization where he works, but also on a social environment, then the reputation is a component of image, public opinion about someone or something based on its qualities, advantages, shortcomings. The article analyzes the nature of the stages and breakthroughs characterized by historical and socio-economic criteria.

The mass media is constantly improving psychological tools to increase audience impact and ad revenue. The author concludes that the state and society must fight together against modern challenges in the information environment. It is shown that the increasing globalism of mass communication was instrumental in the formation of planetary consciousness.

Азыркы мезгилде массалык маалымат каражаттарынын ролу анын ар тараптуу чөйрөгө айландыруу деңгээлине чейин жогорулап, маданий коддор социалдык жана технологиялык ландшафттын глобалдык өзгөрүүлөрүнөн улам жаңы семантикалык конфигурацияларды алып жатканы айтылат. Мындан тышкары, Каспий банкынын видеолорунда (You Tube менен көрсөтүү) сюжеттерди колдонуунун мисалдары бар. Интернеттин казакстандык сегментинде маркетингде жомокторду колдонуунун реалдуу мисалдары келтирилген, анын ичинде Астанадагы балдар кафелеринин, Бурабайдагы эс алуу жайларынын, «Жеткиликтүү мыйзам» ассоциациясынын жарнактары.

In addition, examples of the use of storytelling are given in the video clip announcing Caspian Bank (screen with You Tube). Also, screenshots of advertising on social networks such as Instagram (Planet X, Borovoe Relax, Došpitoe pravo) are shown.


  • Ұсынылатын мақала көлемі (жекедеректер мен әдебиеттер тізімін қоса)
  • Мақала мәтінінің пішіні
  • Publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the field of journalism, publication of materials devoted to the scientific issues of the direction of historical, theoretical
  • An author who wishes to publish a paper in the journal must submit the paper in one hard copy (printed version), signed by the author, to the scientific publication office (at
  • The recommended volume of the paper (including metadata and references)
  • Text formatting requirements
  • Автору, желающему опубликовать статью в журнале, необходимо представить рукопись в твердой копии (распечатанном варианте) в одном экземпляре, подписанном ав-
  • Рекомендованный объем (включая метаданные и список литературы)
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The main purpose of the article is to demonstrate that national intelligentsia boldly criticized the land, language issues and openly protected the national interest. The article influences the Kazakh and foreign researchers to make a fresh statement of the Kazakh press's mission of 1928. Because in the Soviet times, all the research was written on the basis of the Communist Party.

It is also possible to reveal the ion pressure of the Soviet authorities on the population. Keywords: Kazakh press issues, Soviet ideology and Kazakh press, national issues in the Soviet Kazakh press, land issues in the Kazakh press, Kazakh language and Soviet politics, Kazakh press in the 1920s. Publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the field of journalism, publication of materials devoted to the scientific questions of the direction of historical, theoretical publication of materials devoted to the scientific questions of the direction of historical, theoretical and applied research in journalism, public relations, journalism, publishing.

Submission of contributions to the Office for Scientific Publications means the consent of the authors to the right of Publisher L.N. By submitting the text of the contribution for publication in the journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the absence of plagiarism and other forms of unauthorized use in the article, the correctness of the design of all borrowed text, tables, diagrams and illustrations. Content of metadata about the author (see Рассимду местул / Paper template) Initials and last name of the author(s) - center alignment, italic.

Full name of affiliation, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, you should put the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization). The main text of the paper should contain an introduction, the definition of goals and objectives, a review of works on the research topic, research methods, results / discussions conclusion / conclusions - line spacing - 1, point "main line" - 1 cm , justified order. Information about the financial support of the work is indicated on the first page in the form of a footnote.

A reference to a book in the main text of an article must be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (e.g. [1, 45 p.]). At the end of the paper, after the list of references, bibliographic information must be provided in Russian and English (if the paper is in the Kazakh language), in Kazakh and English (if the paper is in the Russian language), and in Russian and Kazakh. (if the contribution is in English). Experts provide a written review of the submitted paper with a reasoned conclusion on the possibility of its publication, on the need to send it for editing or (for) returning the paper.

Authors must send the proofreading of the paper within three days if it is decided to finalize the paper. Papers with positive reviews are submitted to the editors of the journal for discussion and approval for publication.

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