• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

хабаршы - Библиотека аль-Фараби


Academic year: 2023

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However, there is some ambiguity in Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In our opinion, Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption (2015) should also include restrictions on the joint performance of state duties in relation to another category of persons-relatives (not related to the category of close relatives). ) (Table 1). 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AND CURRENT ISSUES OF THE COURT SYSTEM.

This article reveals some theoretical and practical problems regarding the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of this article is to reveal the process of improving the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The subject of the research is the activities of the judicial authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Конституция Республики Казахстан предусматривает, что правосудие осуществляется только судом (пункт 1 статьи 75 Конституции Республики Казахстан). Сегодня много критики направлено в адрес деятельности судов Республики Казахстан. Административно-процессуальный кодекс Республики Казахстан (2020 г.) // https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/. Правовая система Республики Казахстан: проблемы и решения.

Table 1 – Proposals for improving anti- corruption legislation Legal acts  Definition
Table 1 – Proposals for improving anti- corruption legislation Legal acts Definition




In the context of the pandemic, the state canceled annual inspections of businessmen's activities, imposing a moratorium. This requires the restoration of the situation, they have the right to submit a request for compensation, suppression of illegal activity. The administrative method of civil rights protection includes the administrative protection of the person whose rights have been violated.

The analysis method was used in the formulation of the proposed new Kazakh laws, during the independent development, as well as in the formulation of proposals for the development and adoption in the new circumstances. We do not mean only the formal equality of the law and the understanding of it as the general and necessary form of freedom in the social relations of the people, but the law as the universal justice. It is very important to add the new definition - the powerful obligation of the law (positive law) in the specified time and in fixed social space (Kozhukhar 2018: 7).

Procedural methods of protection are the implementation of the legally established powers of the judicial authorities in the form of issuing acts aimed at establishing. The development objectives of this important sector of the economy cannot be limited to making profits. It is impossible to clearly define the legal status of an individual entrepreneur in terms of rights and obligations, because an individual entrepreneur remains a citizen, with constitutional rights and obligations.

The contract must not contradict, nor must it determine the consequences of breaching the contract. The right of a business entity to, at its own discretion, build a management model of internal economic processes based only on the requirements of applicable legislation; An appeal to the court begins with the preparation and filing of a lawsuit, which describes the essence of the dispute and its part.

In case of disagreement with the decision, one of the parties or both sides can appeal against the decision to the cassation or appeal bodies. Elektronnyj resurs [Some procedural problems of protection of subjective rights and interests of commercial organizations] // Regulation of the protection of subjective rights in the fundamental principles of civil legislation.






This article discusses the legal regulation of environmental digitalization in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author examines the current state of the environmental problem, digital environmental security and digital ecosystems in the implementation of available technologies. The theoretical significance of the scientific article is explained by the fact that its results supplement the theoretical concepts of environmental law with new scientific data and results.

Бұл жұмыстың ғылыми жаңалығы экологиялық ақпаратты цифрландыру мәселелерін зерттеу Қазақстан Республикасының экологиялық қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз етуге бағытталған құқықтық, экономикалық, ұйымдастырушылық және техникалық шаралар кешенін қарастыруында, сондай-ақ киберконференцияларды қамтамасыз ету болып табылады. экологиялық ақпарат саласындағы қауіпсіздік. 2019 жылы Францияда жүргізілген және Халықаралық ауа райы форумы (IWF) (https://www.imf.org) жариялаған зерттеулер респонденттердің тек 40%-ы цифрлық және климаттық өзгерістер арасындағы тығыз байланысты білетінін көрсетті. Айта кету керек, бағдарлама осы елде адамдардың, қоғамның және мемлекеттің барлық қажеттіліктерін ескере отырып, ақпараттық кеңістік құруға арналған (https://www.imf.org).

Правовое обеспечение доступа к официальной информации: диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. http://www.dslib.net/admin-pravo/pravovoe-obespechenie-dostupa-k-oficialnoj-informacii.html. 2013). Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора философии (PhD)] Алматы 2018. www.kaznu.kz/content/files/pages. Фрэнк Диана, Саймон Торранс Определение вашей цифровой экосистемы: первый шаг в машинной трансформации // https://. www.tcs.com/perspectives/articles/defining-your-digital-ecosystem-the-first-step-in-a-machine-first-transformation. 2019) Цифровизация в сфере экологической безопасности: административно-правовые аспекты.

Ob uverjdenii Koncepcii postroeniya i razvitiya apparatno-programmnogo kompleksa "Bezopasnyi gorod" Rasporyajenie Pravitel'stva RF ot N 2446-r [On approval of the concept of construction and development of the hardware and software complex "Safe City" Order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 2446-r] http ://www.consultant.ru/. 2009) Dizain sredy svojvaestnogo obucheniya [Designing Ubiquitous Learning Environments]– 124 р. Statutory provision of access to official information. dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences].- М. http://www.dslib.net/admin-pravo/pravovoe-obespechenie-dostupa-k-oficialnoj-informacii.html. Adopted at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction] http://www.consultant.ru/.

Gazagystan Respublikasynyň kanuny (2017) Gazagystan Respublikasynyň hökümetiniň "Sanly Gazagystan" döwlet maksatnamasynyň tassyklanmagy baradaky dekabr aýyndaky karary] https://online.zakon.kz. Gazagystan Respublikasynyň kanuny (2021) Gazagystan Respublikasynyň Daşky gurşaw kodeksi [Gazagystan Respublikasynyň Daşky gurşaw kodeksi] // https://online.zakon.kz/. Sanly ykdysadyýetiň hukuk kadalarynyň esaslary [Sanly ykdysadyýetiň hukuk kadalarynyň esaslary] http: //. 2020).






In fact, the extremely high profitability of illegal drug deals and deals means the steady growth of the illegal drug market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Order of the Acting Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated February 24, 2016 No. However, compliance with all the conditions stipulated in the law does not mean the unconditional termination of the criminal case.

Concluding the criminal case with the aim of reconciling the parties is a right and not a duty of the court. Key words: private prosecutor, trial, defendant, case of private prosecution, judge, sentence, Institute of conciliation of the parties. The judge also finds out who, in the person's opinion, should be called to court as defense witnesses, for which the signature is obtained.

The Institute for Private Prosecution has undergone changes related to the removal of the court from the function of criminal prosecution. Unfortunately, national law does not define the meaning of the institution for reconciliation of the parties. The author believes that the expression in criminal procedural law of the provision 'the judge shall take measures to reconcile the victim with the person against whom a complaint has been made'.

When the counter-accusations are consolidated in a proceeding, the court determines the order of appearance of the participants in the court debate. Gambling addiction is recognized as one of the most pressing problems among adolescents and adults. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Gambling Business" dated January 12, 2007 No.

15 of the Act "on gaming activities" on participation in games and (or) betting by persons under the age of 21 and persons who are restricted from participating in games and (or) betting. It is proposed to introduce gradation of fines, depending on the status of the organiser. To consolidate the responsibility of the state and the family for the observance of the legitimate interests of children and young people in the field of information.

All conditions have been created for monitoring the administration of customer clubs (providing documents, video surveillance, keeping registration logs).




After completing the risk analysis, the existing risks in the system and the control mechanisms are identified. The scope of risk management is determined by the needs and expectations of the entity. In the process of risk analysis, the probability of occurrence of the risk is determined.

Risk reduction: risks are identified by reviewing the risks according to the risks identified as a result of the risk assessment. Risk transfer: As a result of risk assessment, a decision can be made to insure or transfer part or all of the risk to a third party (risk transfer). In this way, all stakeholders can be informed about each phase of the risk management and thus they can contribute.

Risk monitoring and review: This is one of the important stages of information security risk management. Continuation of risk management activities by periodically repeating the specified period (California County Best Practices Information Security Program. Risk = (threat to information ratio) ×. of risk and will assist the analysis team of risk to establish a sequence.

It also covers the risk measured on the basis of the risk assessment and the financial preventive measures to be taken. When deciding on the level of risk, we make decisions based on the probability and impact of the risk. The risk value is measured by the level of exposure to the gaps and hazards reflected in each piece of information obtained from the risk analysis.

Risk assessment: is the value of the criterion comparing the probable risk with the given risk to determine the significance of the risk. Elimination of risk: elimination of the risk reflected in the information as a result of the implementation of additional control mechanisms and measures.


Table 1 – Proposals for improving anti- corruption legislation Legal acts  Definition

Ақпарат көздері


Атаулы мақсатқа қол жеткізу бірқатар міндеттерді шешу жолымен қамтамасыз етіледі, олардың ішінде: адам ресурстарын қалыптастыру және дамыту, адам ресурстарының бәсекеге қабілеттілігін