We do not attempt to detract from the importance of the (affective component) attitudes, recognizing that it is the individual characteristics of the teacher, identified through patterns formed as a result of the interaction between people in different situations, that are responsible for the teacher's behavior. for showing concern, building trust and closeness, sensitivity and respect for students' opinions (Hanssen, 2017: 9). Providing a report on the strengths, weaknesses, possible revisions and possible applications of the course module. Restorative justice is essentially a victim-centered response to crime.
The time content of the restoration is divided into a macro and micro double track structure. The recovery covers all aspects of the crime, and even extends to the release stage. Therefore, the advocates of restorative justice in the past shifted the concept of crime from "breaking the rules".
Restorative justice increases the victim's interest in the recovery process to meet the victim's specific demands. Restorative justice strengthens the role of community as a bond and restores community more directly. On the Restorative Choice and Path Innovation of Community Correction - Taking the Implementation of the.
Clark wrote about the prospect of the development of information services (Clark 1957), and in the 50s the American economist F.
2 Institute of Economics Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Almaty. OF THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL CHALLENGES OF THE PRESENT TIME. The purpose of research in the article is the process of ensuring the economic security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of increasing the technological competitiveness of the economy.
At the first stage, the mechanism of legal protection of the economic security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions was studied. Law "On Forensic Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan", Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan - introduction and procedures in cases of administrative violations and criminal cases;.
And ultimately, patent activity is declining, which directly affects the level of the country's economic security. AR14872048: Development of measures to ensure the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the legislative field. 790 "On approval of the state planning system of the Republic of Kazakhstan" [Electronic resource]]// URL:http://adilet.zan.kz./rus/docs/.
The article is devoted to revealing the role of elections in the life of the state and society. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the people are the only source of state power. The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which introduced a proportional representative electoral system for the first time, created conditions for political parties to participate in the state.
Nowadays, political parties are given priority in the elections for the president, the deputies of the Mazhilis and the maslikhats. As important as elections are for the development of the state and society, there. Naturally, most guarantees of voting rights are regulated and controlled by the electoral law.
In the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the constitutional legislation of the republic contains certain guarantees of voting rights and freedoms of citizens, public associations. This law provides a wide range of guarantees of voting rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Legal protection of land resources from degradation under conditions of global warming and climate change. All over the world there is a decline in fertile soils and the rate of land degradation is increasing. It is clear that the system of protection of land resources and environment requires decisive measures to maintain fertility.
The purpose of this article is to propose changes in the legal protection of terrestrial resources based on an ecological approach. Therefore, the work provides a detailed analysis of the causes of land degradation, both in the world and in Kazakhstan, and environmental legislation is considered through the prism of improving soil quality and increasing fertility on a long-term basis. The Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the countries where environmental problems are quite acute, but have not yet found an adequate solution at different levels of government.
In the process of writing a scientific article, a complex of methodological approaches and methods of scientific knowledge was used, including ecosystem, information, statistical data analysis, quantitative and qualitative data methods, content analysis and others. Legal norms can only partially affect the change in the ecological situation, in situations where the land is considered as a resource, but not as part of the natural system, of which humanity is also a part. The Environmental Code requires consolidation of the principles of economic promotion of land users in reducing pollution and land degradation, ensuring soil fertility and preserving biodiversity.
В центре внимания исследования находятся восстановление земель и устойчивое управление земельными ресурсами (https://doi.org/10.3390/land9010028). Кэтлин Херманс, Роберт Маклеман (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust) отмечают, что засуха является основным фактором деградации земель, что, в свою очередь, отрицательно влияет на зависимое от ресурсов сельское население и потенциально приводит к потере средств к существованию и последующему миграция из пострадавших территорий. В последние годы Казахстан стал активно участвовать в деятельности ЮНЕП и в 2016 году ратифицировал Парижское климатическое соглашение 2015 года. http://docs.cntd.ru/document активно разрабатывает подходы по обеспечению устойчивого развития, улучшению экологическое законодательство, основанное на целесообразности и реальной возможности использования потенциала международных организаций и мирового опыта для решения собственных экологических проблем.
UN-Habitat-GLTN Land and Conflict Scoping and Status Study: Towards UN System Wide Engagement in the United Nations Human Settlements Program at Scale (2016). Potential synergies between existing multilateral environmental agreements in the implementation of land use, land use change and forestry activities Environ // Sci. Potential synergies between existing multilateral environmental agreements in the implementation of land use, land use change and forestry activities Environment.
29, to be carried out only intentionally (knowingly) or on purpose, as specified in the Health Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and as a crime under Part 2 of Art. Domestic violence should be highlighted in the context of statistics on violent crimes.
Rivman, to interpret it in the context of the characteristics of the behavior of victims in the family. Commentary on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Prevention of Domestic Violence" https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/. The reason is the nature of the relationship between the victim and the criminal.
The survey results show that the victimization of the population has noticeably increased in recent years. In addition to the fact of the crime, the questions related to the circumstances surrounding its commission. It also indicates that the fear of crime increases as the size of the residential area increases.

The initiation of liability of the notary of Turkey under Article 162 of the Notary Law is not related to fault. To resolve issues of dispute, subjects, participants must reach a compromise in order to meet the requirements for each other. The power position assumes that one party's interests are suppressed because of the other party's power advantage.
Often, the issuance of a court decision does not mean a valid resolution of the conflict, but on the contrary, it can provoke its escalation. The legal position operates where there is an application of the law in court, arbitration or arbitral tribunal, any instructions, regulations, rules. Given that the distances are set in relation to the personal location of the parties, online mediation will provide or offer electronic proximity to the parties rather than putting a distance between the parties.
Thus, the existence of parties in different countries as the subject of international child abduction disputes is geographical, and the distance can be eliminated with the contribution of online communication tools. Currently, the geographical distance between the countries where customers are located is increasing decisively, seeing that even those who are skeptical about the contribution of online communication tools are in some cases taking a step back92. Since the adoption of the Law on Mediation in Legal Disputes No. Thus, mediation, which is common in the context of alternative dispute resolution, is sometimes an additional adjective depending on the nature of dispute resolution.
Another point of view related to this is that, as the main purpose and best practice of alternative dispute resolution methods, the absence of law and order creates the possibility of decommunization, especially the will of the parties, allowing more disputes to be resolved. between the parties without increasing attendance and disagreement, and without increasing the burden of the court (Pekcanıtez 2015). Procedural activities are therefore provided for in accordance with Article 3/1 of the Mediation Act. By considering a common interest, the negotiations carry out the necessary communication to achieve the maximum benefit at the request of the stakeholders through the persons representing the parties.
Continuation of values in business relationships and relationships between the parties involved in other relationships. It is an important development that some statements about the operation of the online mediation process are included in the guidance. The mechanism of legal protection of the economic security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context.