One of the automated systems that it has made in the Kazakh National Art Academy named after T.Zhurgenov. In the art academy using computer technology has collected the experience of creative games in various themes. Therefore, the issue of finding new methods is important for the development of students' sensitivity to art in the teaching of decorative and applied arts.
The formation of an essence of education is the second condition for developing a sensitivity to art. Develop methods of developing sensitivity to art through the devices of the decorative and applied arts. It made a brief historical analysis of the development of this issue from ancient times to the present.
One of the main teacher's indicators of proficiency - the development of best practices in methodology and scientific discoveries. Digital painting based on the creative abilities of special school students will determine the possibility of formation;.
МРНТИ 18.07.31
1 Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Art, Culture and Sports KazNPU of Abay, Almaty, Kazakhstan Development of interactive methods for teaching in the format of group work on visual arts. This system provides for the division of the content of the teaching material into parts and the subsequent development of each of them. Arousing interest in the subject, using the means that would support him, is one of the main tasks of the teacher.
The article deals with the questions about the capabilities of figurative art in the context of the conceptual field of a teacher's art pedagogic activity. Art therapy is not always a treatment (in the medical sense), says one of the authors of publications on this topic, Y. The importance of art in the education of a young generation was highly appreciated by such great philosophers and educators of the past as Aristotle, YES.
In this context, the point of view of the famous German philosopher I is important. The revised content-related features of the art pedagogy and art therapy concepts help to adequately reflect the essential feature of art pedagogy activity of a figurative arts. teacher in the context of issues solved by the figurative arts. In light of the above and the analysis of the specified scientific sources, we would like to express our understanding of art pedagogical activity of a figurative art teacher.
For example, the working methods and techniques described in the article of the figurative art teacher Y.N.
МРНТИ 14.35.07
This article is devoted to the study of the dance heritage of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The article presents a lexical and academic type of study and interpretation of popular and classical variants of this dance. We study this problem aimed to learn and educate, as a spectator, and with the correct perception of the popular culture of the Caucasus.
To reveal the relevance of this topic, to carry out and lead to more rational methods of study, to introduce the history, research findings, which are described in this article, demonstrate the importance and awareness of cultural figures and cultural workers. Is the theme reflecting the history of development of choreographic culture relevant in a multicultural and multinational region, which North Caucasus. The information and facts in this article were the result of performances at parades, seminars.
The article describes the essence of pedagogical creativity and pedagogical activity as the basis of the educational process of the educational system. The creative process of the teacher is connected with the creative process of the educated and with the creative process of the entire collective. Pedagogical creativity requires the ability of the teacher to immediately arouse creative self-confidence in himself and children, to carry out the creative process of pedagogical communication.
The professional specialty of pedagogical work is that it does not have a complete algorithm, although there is some consistency of the techniques and skills used. Pedagogical activity is the process of solving an innumerable number of pedagogical tasks, depending on a common final goal - the formation of a person's personality, his worldview, beliefs, conscience, behavior. The content and organization of pedagogical work can be properly assessed only by determining the level of the teacher's creative attitude towards his activities, which reflects the degree of his ability to achieve his goals.
МРНТИ 14.09.27
В этом же году было открыто очное музыкально-педагогическое отделение, которое в 1970 году было реорганизовано в самостоятельный музыкально-педагогический факультет [1, с. 1 преподаватель Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, г. Алматы, Казахстан Развитие музыкального вкуса средствами искусства кюй. В данной статье автор рассматривает развитие музыкального вкуса посредством искусства кюи.
The concept of "taste", "musical taste" is explored, as well as the taste is not only considered a classical product, but it is also the difference between good and bad. During the lesson on practicing the topic "the kyuis is dedicated to nature" with the middle class school participants there was a discussion of Kurmangaze and Tattimbetecomposings.
Ең бастысы, М.Әуезовтің «Әнге құмар, күйге құмар баланың – жаны сұлу өмірге ғашық болып өседі» [1, б. 127]. Мақалада келтірілген әуендер тізбесі «Он мың әуеннің атын ақтару арқылы зерделі тыңдарман қазақ ұлтының терең тарихымен таныса алады» [15, шамамен. 60].
МРНТИ 18.17.13
Однажды Николай Константинович прочитал «Повесть о царе Салтане», и когда он закончил, Надя показала ему 36 иллюстраций, которые ей удалось создать за это время. Широкую известность получили иллюстрации Надин к «Войне и миру, Мастеру и Маргарите, Маленькому принцу», произведениям Пушкина и мифам Древней Греции. И - без всякого перехода - новый цикл: веселые, остроумные рисунки, которые "завершают" "Приключения Чиполлино" (по словам Нади, последняя страница книги никогда не означает конца), и это так необычно и интересно[2 ] .
Это «Отказ от исповеди», произведение, поразившее меня своей ясностью и глубиной мысли, казалось бы, невероятными для двенадцатилетней девочки. Надя назвала его «Цикл героинь» и не расставалась с этой темой, год за годом обогащая ее образами своих близких, вызывавшими восхищение женщин. После того как Надя получила двойку по литературе: учительница не смогла согласиться с ее интерпретацией «Войны и мира», согласно которой главным героем оказывается Пьер Безухов.
И без преувеличения можно сказать, что семьдесят пять рисунков выставки неожиданно и по-новому раскрыли перед зрителем сложные характеры «Войны и мира». Надя также трогательно и мудро прочитала последние страницы романа: образ Наташи в композиции «Наташа Ростова — счастливая мать» трогает своей искренностью. В квартире Пушкина в Ленинграде, на Мойке, Надя целыми днями рисовала этюды на тему «Пушкин с семьей».
Они не требуют доказательств своей оригинальности..» Надя Рушева ни в чем не подражала поэту, она не стилизует свои рисунки «под Пушкина», как это случилось. Здесь были представлены работы из трех больших серий – с первых листов. от старинных тем, захвативших детское воображение, до «Пушкинианы» и композиций на темы романа Михаила Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита». При ее таланте «мигновенной» мобилизации всех жизненных впечатлений это, конечно, необходимо только при первом порыве. заставить чистый лист бумаги говорить.
Все это — шаги к ее самому зрелому и серьезному произведению, к «Мастеру и Маргарите», где так причудливо переплетаются житейский план книги, ее фантазия и историческая линия.
7:001.12 МРНТИ18.09
The art at the XXI century is by creating both, art language and image used the achievements and results of the XX century's art. Post-modern art differs by a high level of development of the art consciousness related to the characteristics on era of attitude details. Theoretical justification of the art directions' development and also their future prospects of modern art definitely depends on the degree of discussion and study of the researchers.
1 master of the easel graphics department of the "Kazakhstan National Academy of Arts" named after T. This article contains a historical review from the first day of the first book in the republic as a genre of artistic book graphics. In Kazakhstan, book graphics have been published since 1918, the article contains scientific evidence from 1930 showing the book that was considered the formative period of Kazakh book graphics.
Formation and development of the publication of the book was the main and first task in the development of culture, education and science in the entire republic. The article reveals not only the content of the book, but also how it affected its quality and decoration. 1Master of the 1st course, specialty 6M010700 - Fine arts and drawing, Institute of Art, Culture and Sports, KazNPU named after Abay.
2 PhD, Associate Professor of Theory and Techniques of the Visual and Decorative Arts, Institute of Art, Culture and Sports, KazNPU named after Abay. The article provides an overview of the traditional centers of Chinese porcelain, presented in a number of provinces. The article focuses on the technology of production and coloring of traditional Chinese porcelain products.
The article examines Tengrian cultural patterns in the fine arts of Kazakhstan in the 21st century. In the opinion of the authors, Tengrism helps to understand the way to strengthen the cultural identity of modern Kazakhstan. Being aware of the scope of the search of the contemporary visual arts in Kazakhstan, we limit our research field to the last sixteen years from 2000 to 2016.
МРНТИ 15.31.31