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ШІЛДЕ – ТАМЫЗ 2018 ж.

ИЮЛЬ – АВГУСТ 2018 г.






Б а с р е д а к т о р ҚР ҰҒА құрметті мүшесі

Балықбаев Т.О.

Р е д а к ц и я а л қ а с ы:

экон. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Баймұратов У.Б.; тарих ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Байпақов К.М.; филос. ғ.докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Есім Г.Е.; фил. ғ. докторы,, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Қирабаев С.С.; эк. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Қошанов А.К.;

эк.ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Нəрібаев К.Н. (бас редактордың орынбасары); филос.

ғ.докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Нысанбаев А.Н.; заң ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Сəбікенов С.Н.; заң ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Сүлейменов М.К.; эк. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академигі Сатыбалдин С.С.; тарих ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академик Əбжанов Х.М.;

тарих ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Əбусеитова М.Х.; тарих ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академик Байтанаев Б.А.; филол. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Жақып Б.А.; фил. ғ.

докторы, проф., академик НАН РК Қалижанов У.К.; филол. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академик Қамзабекұлы Д.; тарих ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академик Қожамжарова Д.П.; тарих ғ. док- торы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА академик Қойгелдиев М.К.; фил. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Құрманбайұлы Ш.; тарих ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Таймағанбетов Ж.К.; социол.

ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Шəукенова З.К.; фил. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА корр.

мүшесі Дербісəлі А.; саяси. ғ. докторы, проф., Бижанов А.К., тарих ғ. докторы, проф., Кабульдинов З.Е.; фил. ғ. докторы, проф., ҚР ҰҒА корр мүшесі Қажыбек Е.З.

Р е д а к ц и я к е ң е с і:

Молдова Республикасының ҰҒА академигі Белостечник Г. (Молдова); Əзірбайжан ҰҒА академигі Велиханлы Н. (Азербайджан); Тəжікстан ҰҒА академигі Назаров Т.Н. (Тəжікстан);

Молдова Республикасының ҰҒА академигі Рошка А. (Молдова); Молдова Республикасының ҰҒА академигі Руснак Г. (Молдова); Əзірбайжан ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Мурадов Ш. (Əзірбайжан);

Əзірбайжан ҰҒА корр. мүшесі Сафарова З. (Əзірбайжан); э. ғ. д., проф. Василенко В.Н.

(Украина); заң ғ. докт., проф. Устименко В.А. (Украина)

«Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясының Хабарлары. Қоғамдық жəне гуманитар- лық ғылымдар сериясы». ISSN 2224-5294

Меншіктенуші: «Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық ғылым академиясы» РҚБ (Алматы қ.)

Қазақстан республикасының Мəдениет пен ақпарат министрлігінің Ақпарат жəне мұрағат комитетінде 30.04.2010 ж. берілген № 10894-Ж мерзімдік басылым тіркеуіне қойылу туралы куəлік

Мерзімділігі: жылына 6 рет.

Тиражы: 500 дана.

Редакцияның мекенжайы: 050010, Алматы қ., Шевченко көш., 28, 219 бөл., 220, тел.: 272-13-19, 272-13-18, http://nauka-nanrk.kz. social-human.kz

© Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық ғылым академиясы, 2018 Типографияның мекенжайы: «Аруна» ЖК, Алматы қ., Муратбаева көш., 75.


Г л а в н ы й р е д а к т о р Почетный член НАН РК

Т.О. Балыкбаев

Р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я:

докт. экон. н., проф., академик НАН РК У.Б. Баймуратов; докт. ист. н., проф., академик НАН РК К.М. Байпаков; докт. филос. н., проф., академик НАН РК Г.Е. Есим; докт. фил. н., проф., академик НАН РК С.С. Кирабаев; докт. экон. н., проф., академик НАН РК А.К. Кошанов; докт.

экон. н., проф., академик НАН РК К.Н. Нарибаев (заместитель главного редактора); докт. филос. н., проф., академик НАН РК А.Н. Нысанбаев; докт. юр. н., проф., академик НАН РК С.Н. Саби- кенов; докт. юр. н., проф., академик НАН РК М.К. Сулейменов; докт. экон. н., проф., академик НАН РК С.С. Сатубалдин; докт. ист. н., проф., академик НАН РК Х.М. Абжанов; докт. ист. н., проф., чл.-корр. НАН РК М.Х. Абусеитова; докт. ист. н., проф., академик НАН РК Б.А. Бай- танаев; докт. фил. н., проф., чл.-корр. НАН РК Б.А. Жакып; докт. фиолол. н., проф., академик НАН РК У.К. Калижанов; докт. фил. н., проф., академик НАН РК Д. Камзабекулы; докт. ист. н., проф., академик НАН РК Д.П. Кожамжарова; докт. ист. н., проф., академик НАН РК М.К. Кой- гельдиев; докт. филол. н., проф., чл.-корр. НАН РК Ш. Курманбайулы; докт. ист. н., проф., чл.- корр. НАН РК Ж.К. Таймаганбетов; докт. социол. н., проф., чл.-корр. НАН РК З.К. Шаукенова;

д. филол. н., проф., чл.-корр. НАН РК А. Дербисали; доктор политических наук, проф., Бижанов А.К.;

доктор ист. наук, проф., Кабульдинов З.Е.; доктор филол. н., проф., член-корр. НАН РК Қажыбек Е.З.

Р е д а к ц и о н н ы й с о в е т

академик НАН Республики Молдова Г. Белостечник (Молдова); академик НАН Азербайджанской Республики Н. Велиханлы (Азербайджан); академик НАН Республики Таджикистан Т.Н. Назаров (Таджикистан); академик НАН Республики Молдова А. Рошка (Молдова); академик НАН Республики Молдова Г. Руснак (Молдова); чл.-корр. НАН Азербайджанской Республики Ш.

Мурадов (Азербайджан), член-корр. НАН Азербайджанской Республики З.Сафарова (Азер- байджан); д. э. н., проф. В.Н. Василенко (Украина); д.ю.н., проф. В.А. Устименко (Украина)

Известия Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан. Серия общественных и гумани- тарных наук. ISSN 2224-5294

Cобственник: РОО «Национальная академия наук Республики Казахстан» (г. Алматы)

Свидетельство о постановке на учет периодического печатного издания в Комитете информации и архивов

Министерства культуры и информации Республики Казахстан № 10894-Ж, выданное 30.04.2010 г.

Периодичность 6 раз в год Тираж: 500 экземпляров

Адрес редакции: 050010, г. Алматы, ул. Шевченко, 28, ком. 219, 220, тел. 272-13-19, 272-13-18, www:nauka-nanrk.kz / social-human.kz

© Национальная академия наук Республики Казахстан, 2018 г.

Адрес типографии: ИП «Аруна», г. Алматы, ул. Муратбаева, 75


C h i e f E d i t o r Honorary member of NAS RK

Balykbayev T.O

E d i t o r i a l b o a r d:

Doctor of economics, prof, academician of NAS RK Baimuratov U.B.; doctor of history, prof, academician of NAS RK Baipakov K.M.; doctor of philosophy, prof, academician of NAS RK Esim G.E.;

doctor of philology, prof, academician of NAS RK Kirabayev S.S.; doctor of economics, prof, academician of NAS RK Koshanov A.K.; doctor of economics, prof, academician of NAS RK Naribayev K.N. (deputy editor-in-chief); doctor of philosophy, prof, academician of NAS RK Nyssanbayev A.N.;

doctor of law, prof, academician of NAS RK Sabikenov S.N.; doctor of law, prof, academician of NAS RK Suleymenov M.K.; doctor of economy, prof, academician of NAS RK Satybaldin S.S.; doctor of history, prof, academician of NAS RK Abzhanov H.M; doctor of history, prof, corresponding member of NAS RK Abuseitova M.H.; doctor of history, prof, academician of NAS RK Baitanaev B.A.; doctor of philology, prof, corresponding member of NAS RK Zhakyp B.A.; doctor of philology, prof, academician of NAS RK Kalizhanov U.K.; doctor of philology, prof, academician of NAS RK Hamzabekuly D.;

doctor of history, prof, academician of NAS RK Kozhamzharova D.P.; doctor of history, prof, academician of NAS RK Koigeldiev M.K.; doctor of philology, prof, corresponding member of NAS RK Kurmanbaiuly Sh.; doctor of history, prof, academician of NAS RK Taimaganbetov J.K.; doctor of sociology, prof, corresponding member of NAS RK Shaukenova Z.K.; doctor of philology, prof, corresponding member of NAS RK Derbisali A.; doctor of political science, prof Bizhanov A.K; doctor of History, prof Kabuldinov Z.E.; doctor of philology, prof, corresponding member of NAS RK Kazhybek E.Z.

E d i t o r i a l s t a f f:

Academician NAS Republic of Moldova Belostechnik.G (Moldova); Academician NAS Republic of Azerbaijan Velikhanli N. (Azerbaijan); Academician NAS Republic of Tajikistan Nazarov T.N.

(Tajikistan); Academician NAS Republic of Moldova Roshka A. (Moldova) Academician NAS Republic of Moldova Rusnak G. (Moldova); Corresponding member of the NAS Republic of Azerbaijan Muradov Sh.

(Azerbaijan); Corresponding member of the NAS Republic of Azerbaijan Safarova Z. (Azerbaijan);

Associate professor of Economics Vasilenko V.N. (Ukraine), Associate professor of Law Ustimenko V.A.


News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Social and Humanities. ISSN 2224-5294

Owner: RPA "National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Almaty)

The certificate of registration of a periodic printed publication in the Committee of information and archives of the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan N 10894-Ж, issued 30.04.2010

Periodicity: 6 times a year Circulation: 500 copies

Editorial address: 28, Shevchenko str., of. 219, 220, Almaty, 050010, tel. 272-13-19, 272-13-18, www:nauka-nanrk.kz / social-human.kz

© National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018 Address of printing house: ST "Aruna", 75, Muratbayev str, Almaty




ISSN 2224-5294

Volume 4, Number 320 (2018), 5 – 14

UDC 379.85

R.S. Bespayeva1, R.O. Bugubayeva1, Manuel F. Grela2

1Karaganda Ecоnоmic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Kazakhstan;

2University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The way to an innovative Kazakhstan has already been defined and has its own directions and guidelines. The conducted researches have shown that the construction of a model of a knowledge-based economy requires new and new corrections of the country's innovation course, as well as its clear legislative support. This article summarizes the accumulated theoretical and methodological foundations for researching innovations in the global tourism industry and identifies ways to improve the efficiency of tourism development on the basis of innovative marketing technologies, the main of which are: the organization of advertising campaigns;

implementation of e-business; logistics services for consumers of tourism services on the basis of the introduction of innovative advertising and information and communication technologies; reengineering of business processes through interaction of a tourist enterprise, market and consumers; The application of the concept of geomarketing in the field of tourism.

Key words: tourist industry, tourism services, innovative marketing technologies.

Introduction. The actualization of the issue of innovation research in the tourism industry is connected with the rapid growth of competition in the world tourist market in the early 21st century and the consideration by the scientific community of innovations as the main source of increasing competitiveness in the tourist market. At the same time, the interrelation between innovation and competitiveness is manifested at three levels: macroeconomic (interrelation of state innovation policy and international competitiveness of the national economy), mesaseconomic (dependence of competitiveness of the national tourist product and tourism industry on the effectiveness of the innovative component of the national tourism policy) and microeconomic (increasing the competitiveness of a tourist enterprise based on the application of innovation) .

It is necessary to note the insufficient scientific level of theoretical and methodological research of innovations in the tourism industry and, as a result, the multiplicity of methodological approaches to the problems of innovative development in tourism.

In Kazakhstan, national and regional innovation systems have been created with a network of technopolis, technology parks, technological business incubators, innovative clusters are being formed, national development institutions are operating, including JSC «National Agency for Technological Development», National Innovation Fund, etc. To coordinate their work, the Concept of Innovative Development of Kazakhstan was developed, state strategies and industrial innovation s program. Their main provisions are aligned with the requirements of Strategy-2050 and are systematically reflected in the State Strategic Program «Kazakhstan-2030». The contours of the national model of innovative development of Kazakhstan are formalized in the form of a knowledge-based economy model with the support of human capital. Priority directions are the development of innovative projects and commercialization of technologies, large-scale attraction of direct investments into the economy, especially foreign ones. To implement a knowledge-based model, you need to have not only the


appropriate technologies, but also innovative resources. Human capital, of course, is the main resource of the innovative economy. It's time to more clearly differentiate the concept of «human capital» and all that is behind it. It is very important to form a new layer of modern engineers and engineers, but together with them, workers of a new warehouse are needed - with a technical mindset, without which development and implementation of innovative projects is impossible. In addition, we need innovative managers who must perfectly know the information on the markets, know what resources are needed, where to attract investments, where to send the output, etc. It is important to clarify the competencies necessary for the needs of modern production and determine the target orders for training of innovative workers and managers [1].

The market (innovative) model of the country's economy is based directly on the use of new scientific results and their technological introduction into production, which provides an increase in the gross domestic product (GDP), mainly due to the development and implementation of knowledge- intensive products and services. The main goal of this development model is the improvement of the system for determining priority directions for the development of science and technology, the mechanisms for their implementation and the mobilization of financial and logistical resources to ensure the set goals.

In the article we considered priority areas: development of the tourist industry, tourist business, which is one of the most dynamic and profitable among all branches of the world economy.

Theoretical and methodological approaches. The conceptual basis was the work of foreign researchers: P. Drucker [2], M. Porter [3], J. Schumpeter [4]. These authors have considered in detail the problems of innovation as a socio-economic phenomenon. Special attention should be paid to such authors as S.M. Hall, E. Paget, F. Dimanche, & J.-P. Mounet. Various aspects related to this area were considered even more numerous literatures A.-M. Hjalager. For example, over the past decade, contributions have been made to research networks and clusters in the field of tourism innovation M. Novelli, B. Schmitz, &

T. Spencer, innovation systems in tourism SM. Hall, A.M. Williams, the emergence of new tourist products D. Edwards, I. Martinac, G. Miller, innovation in tourism and internationalization A.M.

Williams, G. Shaw, the application of new IT technologies, communications and management in the tourist activities of Moscardo, as well as the recently transboundary regional innovation systems and the impact of tourism on promoting the innovative processes of A.Weidenfeld. However, despite the growing interest in empirical research in the field of innovation, no model has been developed for the innovative behavior of firms in the field of tourism [5]. These issues have not yet been studied in the domestic economic science.

A certain contribution to the study of the development of innovations in tourism was made by domestic researchers: A. Aldasheva, S.R. Erdavletov, G.K. Kaliyeva, A.Zh. Saduov, O.B. Mazbaeva, Z.R.

Karbetova, Sh.R. Karbetova, S.K. Suraganova, A.T. Tleuberdinova.

According to statistics of the World Tourism Organization, tourism accounts for 10% of the world's gross product, 7% of total investment, and 5% of all tax revenue. At the present stage of development of tourist activity, it is essential to increase the efficiency of tourism development on the basis of innovative marketing technologies, which will contribute to the creation of a competitive tourist product.

Research in marketing services refers to the third quarter of the twentieth century. To date, there are dozens of research groups in universities and universities abroad, studying management and marketing services. Marketing services, problems of the marketing concept are considered in the works of domestic and foreign researchers and practitioners: F. Kotler, K.L. Keller, Т.А. Primak, A.M. Kostyuchenko, E.V.

Innovators, etc. In the studies of these authors, a thorough analysis of the essence and problems of marketing of tourist services was carried out. Thus, in the work of N.E. Kudla marketing tourism services is defined as a set of activities related to the definition and development of a tourist product, as well as its promotion in accordance with the psychological and social factors that must be taken into account to meet the needs of individuals and groups of people in recreation, entertainment, by providing them with housing, transportation means, food, leisure and so on. Marketing in the field of tourism is a system for studying the tourist market, a comprehensive impact on the buyer, his requests with the aim of providing the maximum quality to the tourist product and making profit by the tourist firm [6].

The purpose and objectives of the article. Summarize the accumulated theoretical and methodological foundations of innovation research in the global tourism industry and identify ways to increase the efficiency of tourism development on the basis of innovative marketing technologies.


Statement of the main material of the study.

Conceptual differences in the study of innovation among the world scientific community raise the issue of determining innovation as a socio-economic phenomenon, as well as highlighting the distinctive characteristics of this phenomenon (Table 1) and the features of innovations specific to research in the global tourism industry.

Table 1 - Distinctive characteristics of innovation as a socio-economic phenomenon

Characteristic Description of the characteristic Researchers

Radicality Qualitatively new level of functioning of innovative system in comparison with outdated

J. Schumuter Assimilation The need to introduce and master innovation in order to obtain a

qualitatively new result

Cyclicity Innovation in the development process goes through 4 stages of the life cycle

Gonçalo G. Aleixo and Alexandra B.

Tenera Processivity The process of creating a qualitatively new way of functioning of the


Profitability Extraction of additional profit by increasing labor productivity, reducing

production costs, producing a product with unique characteristics P. Drucker Market demand The opportunity to gain competitive advantages in the market M. Porter.

The basis for the accumulation of a number of achievements

Innovation is based more on the accumulation of minor improvements and achievements than on a single technological breakthrough

Civilization of development trends

Civilized changes (the transition of mankind from the collection of fruits and hunting to the agrarian, industrial, post-industrial stages, and in the 21st century to the knowledge economy) enable us to achieve sustainable development trends through innovative technologies

E. Toffler, H. Toffler, A.King, B. Schneider, V.Poskrobko, R.Tiborovski Source – data [7]

Specificity of the development and introduction of innovations in the world tourism industry is associated with a number of distinctive characteristics of tourism and tourist products as objects of innovation:

 immateriality (the client cannot independently study the physical characteristics of the tourist product before making a decision to purchase);

 impossibility of getting a tourist product in the property;

 impossibility to use tourist product either as an object of fixed assets or as a negotiable asset;

 simultaneous production and consumption of tourist products;

 the human factor (a lot of people are involved in the process of rendering tourist services: staff, clients, other tourists and local residents);

 the inconsistency of quality and the complexity of managing it in the sphere of tourism;

 multi-component (tourist product consists of several individual services, the quality of which affects the perception of the trip as a whole);

 seasonality (fluctuations in demand and prices for individual services);

 inelasticity of supply of suppliers (transport companies, accommodation and food cannot accept more guests than they have available seats for a specific date).

Given these features, it can be concluded that innovation in tourism is a qualitatively new way of producing a tourist product, its implementation or creative action on the tourist market, which aims to attract a tourist, satisfy his needs and at the same time bring income to the tourist organization.

The study of innovations in tourism is a relatively new field of research. For the first time this direction appeared as a separate sphere of research of innovative problems in the 1980s, which is connected with the rapid development of the world tourist market and the need to comprehend the changes that are taking place. In the 2000's innovations in tourism have been at the center of attention of the scientific community due to the fact that the world tourism industry has become the third largest after the petrochemical and engineering industries and the first in the service sector. It is possible to single out the following features of research of innovative development of the world tourism industry:


 domination of research of technological and marketing innovations;

 applied nature of ongoing research;

 a narrow focus of research within the individual components of the tourism industry: food enterprises, transportation, accommodation facilities, etc.);

 client-oriented (most of the studies are commissioned by transnational corporations, international hotel chains and international organizations);

 domination of the process approach [7].

Over the past decades, a significant amount of research has been accumulated in the global tourism and hospitality industry. The following main directions of studying innovative problems in tourism can be singled out: general theoretical provisions of innovative activity in tourism, evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation in tourism, innovations in ensuring the sustainability of tourism development, marketing innovations in tourism, the interrelation of innovations and competitiveness, innovations in specialized fields of activity (hotel business, SPA industry, transport, information technologies, etc.). A brief review of the main scientific achievements of foreign researchers on the directions is given in table 2.

Table 2 - Brief review of foreign scientific achievements in the study of innovations in tourism (in directions)

Researchers Country Main results Years

General theoretical provisions of innovation in tourism

A.-M. Hjalager Denmark A classification of innovations in tourism has been developed:

food, process, managerial and institutional

1997 An innovative model for tourism has been developed [8] 2002 M. Ottenbacher New Zealand Innovative determinants in the tourism industry are selected:

market choice, personnel management strategy, market susceptibility, etc. [9]


Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation in tourism Siguaw, Simpson, &

Enz, 2006

J.A. Siguaw, P.M.

Simpson, C.A. Enz

USA A conceptual model of what innovation is and how it is implemented in the service sector has been developed. The methods of evaluation of innovation in hospitality. [10]


M. Ottenbacher New Zealand The measurement of the economic effect from the introduction of innovations in tourism was carried out on the basis of a three- dimensional model: market, financial and reflexive indicators of the development of the consumer and the personnel of the organization


Lori J. Sipe, Mark R.


USA A comprehensive methodology for assessing the effect of introducing innovations in the work of a tourist enterprise [11]

2009 Marketing innovations in tourism

J. Sundbo Sweden The notion of innovation marketing is introduced, the interrelation between the results of the enterprise's economic activity and its innovation activity is grounded [12]


D. Buhalis United Kingdom The notion of e-tourism (e-tourism) and reasoned reality for the promotion and creation of tourism projects based on social media, online resources and mobile applications [13]


E. Martinez-Ros Spain Two types of innovations are distinguished: radical and gradual.

The innovative potential of participants in the value added chain in tourism is considered [14]


Q. Wu Hong Kong The necessity of using dynamic pricing as a basis for management of tourist demand is grounded. [15]


In a competitive market environment, each firm uses certain marketing tools to successfully operate, meet market demand and achieve profitability. The marketing system is a complex system that includes a wide range of programs to create, maintain and implement the company's most effective activity in the market. The target orientation of marketing depends on the type of company (tour operator, travel agent) and is based on a list of those problems that need to be addressed both in the short and long term.

For development of tourism in the republic a number of state programs and concepts were adopted. In the Concept for the Development of the Tourism Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2023 from June 30, 2017, six cultural and tourist clusters have been identified reflecting the tourist offer of


Kazakhstan. These are: «Astana is the heart of Eurasia», «Almaty is a free cultural zone of Kazakhstan»,

«Pearl of Altai», «Revival of the Great Silk Road», «Caspian Gates» and «Unity of Nature and Nomadic Culture». To effectively promote the image of the country and attract a large flow of tourists, it is planned to conduct a large-scale marketing and advertising campaign abroad and within the country.

According to the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC), Kazakhstan has a relatively high level of public investment in tourism (46th among 140 countries). However, marketing activities to attract tourists in general remain ineffective (102nd place among 140 countries).

At the same time, Kazakhstan significantly improved its indicators on price competitiveness in the sphere of tourism (from 73 places in 2013 to 8 places in 2016).

Table 3 - Number of visitors for entry and exit tourism, people

Years Показатели

Number of visitors for outbound tourism

Number of visitors to inbound tourism

Serviced by visitors to places of accommodation

Of the total number of tourists

non-residents residents

2012 9 065 579 6 163 204 3 026 227 519 222 2 507 005

2013 10 143 710 6 841 085 3 307 752 586 038 2 721 714

2014 10 449 972 6 332 734 3 804 447 679 018 3 125 429

2015 11 302 476 6 430 158 3 802 225 692 213 3 110 012

2016 9 755 593 6 509 390 4 217 782 722 515 3 495 267

Source data [16]

As can be seen from the table, the number of visitors for outbound tourism that traveled abroad increased by 7.6% in 2012-2016; foreign citizens who visited Kazakhstan - by 6.1% of tourists; the visitors served by the places of accommodation of Kazakhstan - by 39.4%.

One of the theorists of modern management, Peter Drucker, defined the marketing goal: «The goal of marketing is to make sales permanent. The goal is to know and understand customers so well that the product or service is suitable for them and sold themselves» [17]. This means that advertising and promotion of goods and services should be part of a system whose work is aimed at meeting the needs of customers. Advertising and promotion will achieve maximum efficiency in the event that the needs and interests of customers are first determined, and then the goods and services available to them will be offered.

Marketing in the tourism industry is designed to identify the needs of tourists, create attractive tourist services for them, to acquaint potential tourists with the tourist products available to them, inform them about the place where these services can be purchased. As the practice of marketing activities of leading tourist firms in the world has shown, it is advisable to follow the standard sequence of seven marketing events that have been called the «Seven P Tourist Product» [18]: product (product), planning (planning), place, people (people), prices (prices), promotions (promotion), process (process).

Of particular importance is the problem of developing and using innovative potential, especially for the tourist industry, where the human factor - the manager, the tour operator, the tourist services worker, is important, which is due to the need to solve strategic tasks at the micro- and macro- level. At the same time, both technical development and innovation potential will contribute to the strengthening of the innovative nature of tourism activities, the formation of a special innovation sphere with its specific features and subjects.

Considering the tourist industry, it should be noted that the representation of the population about the best types of recreation are changing, as is the fashion for prestigious recreation places. In the last century, very popular and prestigious resorts were Nice, Baden-Baden, where you could meet the whole color of European society. And nowadays Nice is known mainly as a health resort and is not a prestigious vacation spot, which it was in those days.

A travel company must constantly monitor all changes occurring in the tourist products market, have time to react to each of them: lagging behind more capable and prudent faces the consumer's distrust of the travel company, can lead not only to loss of customers, but also to a drop in the overall image of the tourist companies, that is, to the loss of a significant part of potential and regular customers.


In conditions of growing competition on the international tourist market, the global trend towards strengthening the role of the state in providing tourism development, the domestic tourist product is becoming less attractive and competitive. The sphere of tourism in the state is not able to ensure the full implementation of economic, social and environmental functions, does not contribute to the preservation of the environment and cultural heritage, filling budgets of all levels, creating jobs, increasing the share of services in the GDP structure in January-June 2017, the share of tourism in The GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 1.6%, or over 346.5 billion tenge [16].

In 2016, the export of tourist services, that is, residents' income from the stay of foreign citizens in Kazakhstan, amounted to $ 1.5 billion, which is 1% higher than in 2015.

Table 4 - Export of tourist services in Kazakhstan

mln. USD 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Growth

2015-2016 Proportion, %

Total 1 347,2 1 522,0 1 467,3 1 533,6 1 548,5 1,0% 100%

Business 127,2 141,3 143,8 143,5 161,5 12,6% 10,4%

Personal 1 220,0 1 380,7 1 323,5 1 390,2 1 387,1 - 0,2% 89,6%

Source data [19]

In the structure of export of tourist services, as seen in the diagram below, other personal trips prevail, that is, expenses of foreign citizens, the purpose of the trip, to which Kazakhstan was not education or treatment, 89.3% of exports or 1.4 billion dollars . The second most profitable article is «business travel», exports for this item in 2016 amounted to 161.5 million US dollars, which is 12.6% higher than in 2015.

Expenditures of non-residents of Kazakhstan related to education amounted to $ 4.1 million (share in exports - 0.3%). The income received from foreign citizens related to treatment increased 1.8 times, amounting to 0.8 million US dollars. Peak exports for this item were in 2008 at $ 3.8 million.

Рисунок 1 – Structure of export of tourist services, mln. USD [16]

Imports of tourism services totaled $ 1.7 billion in 2016, down 16.2% or $ 321.2 million compared to 2015, mainly due to a decrease in imports under «other personal travel» and «personal travel in connection with treatment».

The largest share in the import of tourism services, i.e. the largest volume of expenses of Kazakhstan citizens traveling abroad, accounted for personal trips not related to treatment or education – 87% of imports or $ 1.4 billion. USA. Training-related travel is the second largest importer of tourism services, $ 8.4 million or $ 139.3 million. USA. Business travel imports accounted for 3.5 per cent or $ 58.4 million. USA.

161,5 1387,1

Business Personal

Other personal trips 1 382,10

in connection with training


in connection with treatment



Table 5 - Import of tourist services in Kazakhstan

mln. USD 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Growth


Proportion, %

Total 1 685,5 1 843,3 1 932,0 1 979,0 1 657,8 -16,2% 100%

Business 93,8 49,3 50,4 56,7 58,4 3,1% 3,5%

Personal 1 591,8 1 794,0 1 881,6 1 922,3 1 599,4 -16,8% 96,5%

in connection with training

10,7 9,7 10,7 35,1 17,7 -49,7% 1,1%

In connection with treatment

37,6 63,1 73,3 140,9 139,3 -1,1% 8,4%

Other personal trips

1 543,4 1 721,3 1 797,7 1 746,3 1 442,4 -17,4% 87,0%

Source data [19]

In the context of countries, the largest amount of money was spent on trips of Kazakhstanis, committed for personal, non-business purposes to Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The data of the three countries account for 72% of all imports of tourism services in Kazakhstan.

One of the central elements of the marketing activities of tourist firms is «conducting advertising campaigns. Advertising in tourism acts as a form of indirect communication between a tourist product and a consumer. It has a significant psychological and socio-cultural impact on consumers of services, encouraging them to one or another action. However, civilized advertising is not the manipulation of public opinion, but the formation of actual needs aimed at the self-development of a person» [6].

According to scientists, «the formation of an innovative economy involves the creation of such institutional conditions under which innovations are the main source of maximizing the individual income of the owner» [6]. The development of the modern economy is becoming more dependent on the effective generation, dissemination and application of innovations. In the course of evolution, based on innovative concepts of economic development, a theoretical presentation of economic processes under cyclic changes was made, the role of innovations as sources of growth and causes of economic imbalance was revealed, and the foundations for forecasting real processes were formed. With the introduction of the concept of

«innovative potential» into the theory and practice, the essence of most of the concepts (J. Shumpeter's innovation theory, J. Forrester's capital theory of capital accumulation, R. Solow's neoclassical theory of macroeconomic growth, S. Hicks equilibrium growth theory, effective growth theory U. Sharp, the theory of long-term development of S. Glazyev, the concept of large cycles N. Kondratieff).

New approaches to business organization, concentration processes in the sphere of tourism make it necessary to systematize advanced approaches to the marketing activities of tourist enterprises.

Information and innovation technologies, modern business tools provide support for marketing by providing information on innovations necessary for making marketing decisions, directions for using marketing information in tourism; means of advertising on the Internet; a new interpretation of the concept of «electronic business» and its main components (e-marketing, e-commerce), which are more detailed in view of industry specificity.

The need to use powerful tools and management methods in the conditions of competition stipulates the application of the most progressive, radical and universal method - business process reengineering with the use of the integrative nature of tools for supporting reengineering, where the interaction between the business processes of the tourist enterprise, the market and consumers is important.

Rigid competition in the tourist services market forces managers to maximally apply new technologies, use new opportunities to meet the needs of target consumers that are constantly changing, and attract the unreached segment of potential customers at this point in time.

To attract potential customers, constant work is carried out on new services and technologies. Non- standard approaches, novelty of innovative advertising technology attract consumers. Innovative advertising is based on the use of modern technical support, the latest computer technologies and non- standard ways of presenting information in promotions. One of the new marketing innovations is the use of interactive tables, ultra-modern interactive projections, new generation TVs, and the latest computer technologies [20]. Interactive table is a revolutionary multi-touch computer that allows you to interact with digital content in simple and easy ways without the use of additional equipment. It gives an


opportunity to present a tourist enterprise, to familiarize with a virtual tour, which is an excellent marketing course for attracting tourists to tourist establishments, as it allows you to transfer a three- dimensional image of hotel rooms, surrounding spaces, restaurants and lounges, to inspect them, rotating the picture 360 degrees, rooms in another, to appreciate their coziness and style. At business meetings, the

"interactive table" can be transformed into a collective work area for negotiations, planning, dynamic task modeling, document viewing, presentations, diagrams and graphs. Such a decision actively involves clients in working activities, saves considerable time, helps to effectively and efficiently visualize research results, provide necessary information, and this is an additional image of the company.

One of the new innovative marketing technologies in the sphere of tourism is the use of geomarketing and methods of tourism development in various concepts of marketing in tourism. The basis of these concepts is the provision that all activities of the tourist organization take place on the basis of constant monitoring of market conditions and is based on reliable knowledge of the preferences and needs of potential buyers, their evaluation and consideration of possible future changes. The financial basis for such integration is the production of only those tourist products and services that are necessary and popular with tourists.

One of the new innovative marketing technologies in the sphere of tourism is the use of geomarketing and methods of tourism development in various concepts of marketing in tourism. The basis of these concepts is the provision that all activities of the tourist organization take place on the basis of constant monitoring of market conditions and is based on reliable knowledge of the preferences and needs of potential buyers, their evaluation and consideration of possible future changes. The financial basis for such integration is the production of only those tourist products and services that are necessary and popular with tourists.

Conclusions and prospects for further development. Quality tourism product and successful marketing programs, as emphasized in the training materials, begin with the definition of needs and requests of consumers, comprehensive planning, collection, analysis of data needed in the marketing situation in which the tourist company is located. Marketing research specialists carry out a whole range of services, which include such activities as studying the potential of the tourist market and the market share of tourist companies, assessing the level of consumer satisfaction and buying behavior; research of the tourist product, methods and strategies of pricing, distribution and promotion of the tourist product.

Thus, the development of tourism in Kazakhstan requires modernization through the introduction of innovations both in the production of tourism services and products, and in the management process at all levels of the economic system. For successful transition to an innovative way of development it is necessary to take into account the revealed features of innovative activity in the sphere of tourism.

Conceptual measures to increase the effectiveness of tourism development on the basis of innovative marketing technologies in tourism should be:

 promotion of Kazakhstan as a tourist destination in the world and domestic market;

 stimulating the development of small and medium-sized businesses in all areas relevant to tourism;

 attraction of investments for the implementation of innovative projects in the field of tourism, as well as for the construction and restoration of tourist infrastructure facilities;

 development of transport accessibility and improvement of the quality of transport services provided.

Practical measures to increase the efficiency of tourism development on the basis of innovative marketing technologies in tourism should be: dissemination of the practice of introducing modern technologies in the field of culture and tourism, in particular, virtual tours and walks, panoramic images, 3d and 4d travel, virtual and real reconstructions events, virtual interactive maps with a 3D image, multimedia projects, etc. – al these are modern technologies that are used to ensure the availability of cultural and tourist products for all consumer segments.

The most important technologies are acquired when used for:

 assistance to people with disabilities, for their social and cultural adaptation, ensuring inclusion in tourism;

 population with low or insufficient payment capacity, to ensure the sublimated demand for tourist trips or expand the geography of tourist interest, as well as the formation of a sustainable consumer interest in the presence of deferred demand for tourist services;


 the formation of an indirect channel for promotion and dissemination of information on cultural and tourist sites showing the country, expanding the possibility of presence in the Internet and Smart spaces;

 influence on such a consumer segment as «innovators» who have progressive views, modern thinking, high consumer and consumer activity, who want and can buy new tourist products;

 formation of the image of the country, clusters in the international market.


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Р.С. Беспаева1, Р.О. Бугубаева1, Мануэль Ф. Грела2

1Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюза, Казахстан;

2Университет Сантьяго де Компостела, Испания


Аннотация. Путь к инновационному Казахстану уже определен и имеет свои направления и ориентиры.

Проведенные исследования показали, что построение модели наукоемкой экономики требует все новых и новых корректировок инновационного курса страны, а также его четкого законодательного обеспечения. В данной статье обобщены накопленные теоретические и методологические основы исследования инноваций в мировой индустрии туризма и определены пути по повышению эффективности развития сферы туризма на


основе инновационных маркетинговых технологий, основными из которых являются: организация рекламных кампаний; осуществление электронной коммерческой деятельности; логистическое обслуживание потребителей туристских услуг на основе внедрения инновационных рекламных и информационно-коммуникационных технологий; реинжиниринг бизнес-процессов путем взаимодействия туристского предприятия, рынка и потребителей; применение концепции геомаркетинга в сфере туризма.

Ключевые слова: туристская отрасль, туристские услуги, инновационные маркетинговые технологии



Аннотация. Инновациялық Қазақстанға жетудің жолы əлдеқашан анықталған жəне өзінің бағыты-бағдары бар.

Жүргізілген зерттеулер көрсеткендей ғылымды қажетсінетін экономика моделін құру елдің барлық жаңа жəне жаңа түзетілген инновациялық курсын, сондай-ақ оның айқын заңнамалық қамтамасыз етілуін талап етеді. Бұл мақалада əлемдік туризм индустриясындағы жаңашылдықты зерттеу барысында жинақталған теориялық жəне əдіснамалық негіздемелер жалпылама түрде алынды жəне инновациялық маркетингтік технологиялар, негізгілері мыналар болып табылатын: жарнамалық кампанияларды ұйымдастыру; электрондық коммерциялық қызметтерді жүзеге асыру;

инновациялық жарнамалық жəне ақпараттық коммуникациялық технологияларды енгізудің арқасында туристік қызметті тұтынушыларға логистикалық қызмет көрсету; туристік кəсіпорындар, нарық жəне тұтынушылардың өзара əрекеттесу жолымен бизнес-үрдістерге реинжиниринг жасау; туризм саласында геомаркетинг тұжырымдасын қолдану негізінде туризм саласын дамыту тиімділігінің арттыру жолдары айқындалды.

Түйін сөздер: туризм саласы, туристік қызметтер, инновациялық маркетингтік технологиялар.

Information about authors:

BespayevaRosa Sansyzbaevna - PhD Chair of Management and Innovation;

Bugubayeva Roza Olzhabaevna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and State Local Administration;

Manuel Fernandez Grela - PhD, Professor of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) (Spain), Deputy Director of the Institute of Research and Development of Galicia (IDEGA).




ISSN 2224-5294

Volume 4, Number 320 (2018), 15 – 20

UDC 33:2964

Vilena Seitova 1, Gulzhan Issatayeva 2, Roland Giese3 (1University of Turan, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

2South Kazakstan State Pedagogical University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan;

3University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Germany) (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected])



Abstract. The aim of this article is to study effective reformism: strategies that implement innovative networks to create changes in their environment in order to create a more favorable context for the implementation and long-term implementation of their innovative projects. Using an approach based on case studies, effective reform efforts are analyzed on the trajectory of technological innovation associated with the introduction of a new poultry system and an organizational innovation trajectory concerning new ways of cooperation between individual farms to achieve economies of scale. The results confirm the idea, arising from the point of view of complexity in innovation systems in agriculture, that the interaction between innovation networks and their environment is only limited to a limited extent.

Key words: agricultural innovation systems, innovation management in agriculture, methodological approaches of agricultural innovation systems.

1. Introduction

The modeling of agricultural innovation systems (AIS) has become an increasingly applied framework for analyzing technological, economic and institutional changes in agriculture. In the AIS approach, innovation is seen as the result of a process of networking and interactive learning among a heterogeneous set of participants, such as farmers, in-coming industries, processors, traders, researchers, producers, government officials and civil society organizations. The AIS approach emphasizes that agricultural innovations are not only new technologies, but also institutional changes; it requires alternative ways of organizing, for example, markets, labor, land use and benefit sharing.

Given the interaction between heterogeneous entities associated with several aspects of agricultural innovation, it was noted that AIS can be considered as complex adaptive systems (CAS). They are defined as self-organizing systems "whose properties can not be analyzed by studying its components separately [1], formed by many agents of different types, where each determines its strategy, reacts to the actions of other agents and changes in the environment and tries to change the surrounding environment in ways that correspond to its goals ". Elsewhere, this environment is referred to as the "social and technical regime"

and efforts to change it in favor of the implementation and long-term implementation of innovations were called "effective reformism" [2].

There are several studies on the self-organizing nature of agricultural innovation systems and how this connects to effective reformism processes, but their analytical focus is often at a high level of aggregation, e.g. the macro-level of an entire country, and a very long time horizon, e.g. a change process that takes several decades. Examples are studies on zero-tillage innovation by Ekboir, Green Revolution developments in India [3]. Despite the usefulness of such analysis for understanding major forces in socio- technical change in agriculture, such a focus runs the risk of not fully grasping the activities of innovating


actors in the support of such change. The question this article therefore addresses is how forces at the micro level of individual innovation networks contribute to socio-technical change [4]. By yielding detailed insights on how actors interact with their environment across different scales in agricultural production systems and agri-food chains in their effort to innovate, we hope to contribute to building blocks for adaptive agricultural innovation policies that can deal with the unpredictability of innovation processes.

2. Innovation agency and structure

The interaction of AIS includes several types of interaction between subjects and their environment (for example, between human subjects and artifacts, ie, technologies), this article focuses on social interaction in innovation processes. This focuses attention on the relationship between the agency entities and the social structure described in Giddens' theory of structure formation. An agency is the ability to take action and change the situation in the course of events [5]. In the context of innovation, the

"innovation agency" is defined by the resources and competencies that the actor or organization has at its disposal for innovation. It also includes institutional functions, such as the norms and rules of actors, the so-called "pattern of innovation" that guides and legitimizes actions.

In self-organizing innovation systems, no actor can pursue his innovative goals, without taking into account other participants, due to the lack of sufficient forces and resources for this. In this perspective, participants interactively form a support network to achieve individual and collective goals and to obtain resources whose nature and source are unknown to ex-ante [6].

The idea of a support network involves an innovative network with voluntary membership, called

"innovative configurations" and "coalitions". This does not mean that the interests of partners in innovation networks are automatically aligned, as innovative networks are the arena of negotiations [7]. In addition, an innovative network in the sense of a support network is unstable: it may change over time in composition. Such innovative networks depend on many other peripheral actors in their institutional environment, whose participation may not be voluntary, but rather due to mutual interdependence. In Giddens' structuring theory, the actors and structures in which they are embedded have a dual connection, because "the structural properties of social systems are average and are the result of the practice that they recursively organize" [8]. This implies that the actors are conditioned by their surroundings, but by their actions they actively or passively change their environment, so that, in turn, it carries out another form of conditioning. In the study of innovative systems, this reflexive relationship between participants and their institutional environment, which actors can adapt, modify or supplement, was called interdependence [9].

Actors reflexively follow the actions and aspects of the environment in which they move, taking into account past, present and future events (Edwards, 2007), thereby striving to achieve their goals and reduce uncertainty in their achievement [10]. Often, the goals of innovative actors are embodied in more or less formulated visions that have an influential leadership, convincing, binding and undetectable softening function [11].

The latter is particularly important, since innovation provides many uncertainties to innovation actors.

These include, for example, the complementary acquisition of resources, the development of consumer demand, political and legislative inability or instability, and the behavior of network partners and competitors [12]. Although actors can consciously try to influence their institutional environment in order to reduce these uncertainties, they are always limited in their influence.

The unintended consequences of the agency's activities, as well as external events that lie outside the sphere of influence of the agents themselves, play an important role in limiting or training further actions.

Thus, they are an important source of structural change [13]. Innovations are influenced, for example, by consumer preferences, government policies and market factors at the regional, national and global levels [14]. From this review of the innovative agency it became clear that the formation of innovations involves the "sale of a good story" (for example, visions, discourse) that the right people (with conviction, trust, power) say, at the right time, in the right place and the right people (acquiring additional resources,


creating and capitalizing the momentum and using opportunity windows. Considering the fact that innovative actors must constantly respond to They, in turn, are active, following the ideas from the general management literature of CAS [15]. This means that the policy of innovation in agriculture should not aim to fully plan, monitor and manage the agricultural innovation system, but to manage the probability of events, I reduce the chances of achieving the desired results and reduce the likelihood of undesirable results [16]. Although the AIS approach proved its value as an analytical basis, it still needs to be transformed into an operational concept with policy options and targeted measures to improve the everyday innovation potential [17]. This study hopes to contribute to understanding micro-levels of innovation and, thus, will allow the development of adaptive innovation strategies that optimally support these micro development.

3. Methodology

The perspectives of both the participants in the innovation network and the institutional environment for restoring agent-structure interaction were analyzed. This analysis was supplemented by an analysis of a number of internal network documents (for example, meeting minutes) and external documents (for example, political documents and newspaper articles). In addition, this multiwire approach allows triangulation: a research methodology that prevents the risk of distortions in post-fact accounts, increasing internal reliability. We discuss two cases of innovative travel, in the social, ecological and economic sense, through technological and non-technological innovation. Non-technological innovation is increasingly seen as important for more socially sustainable agricultural systems, for example, through the reconfiguration of the value chain and new cooperation agreements between various farm and non- agricultural enterprises [18].

4. Re


Table 1 - Distinctive characteristics of innovation as a socio-economic phenomenon
Table 2 - Brief review of foreign scientific achievements in the study of innovations in tourism (in directions)
Table 3 - Number of visitors for entry and exit tourism, people
Table 4 - Export of tourist services in Kazakhstan

Ақпарат көздері


Dr., Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Babadoost-Kondri Mohammad, Prof., University of Illinois, USA; Yus Aniza Binti Yusof, Dr., University Putra, Malayzia; Hesseln Hayley Fawn,

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