Жабық мекеме қызметкерлерінің психикалық жағдайының сипаттамасы Акажанова А.Т., Нурдавлетова З.Н. Түзеу мекемелері қызметкерлерінің психикалық жағдайының сипаттамасы. психология ғылымдарының докторы, әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық жалпы және қолданбалы психология кафедрасының профессоры. Бұл жеке тұлғаның эмоционалдық интеллектінің дамуының негізі ретінде бірлескен іс-әрекетке жаттықтыру дегенді білдіреді.
The relationship of temperament type with the level of situational, personal anxiety and the manifestation of personality conflict. Based on the decision of the Committee for Control in the sphere of education and science (order №433-3 ж dated June 26, 2003) the Bulletin of the Kazak Abai National Pedagogical University, the series "Psychology" is included in the list of issues for the publication of basic scientific sciences . psychological sciences dissertation results. Among male civil servants, the most common is the average level of psychological education in professional communication and the identical level of psychological competence in professional communication.
The majority of female civil servants have a high degree of psychological literacy as well as psychological competence in professional communication. Only female civil servants' orientation in professional communication correlates with the acmeological invariants of personality professionalism in business communication.
Среди государственных служащих-мужчин доминирует средний уровень (46,9%) психологической компетентности в профессиональном общении (эти различия статистически значимы по критерию 2 при р ≤ 0,05), а среди государственных служащих-женщин преобладает высокий уровень (44,1) %. ) психологическая компетентность в профессиональном общении (эти различия статистически значимы по критерию 2 при р ≤ 0,05).
The concepts of motivation and professionalism are clarified, taking into account the professional and personal characteristics of the research subject. The results of the comparison showed that their professional motivation has a great influence on the activities of young professionals. The article considers the use of educational games in the right direction, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychological development of preschool children.
Based on the research work carried out by psychologists and teachers, the importance of play in the child's life was shown. As one of the consequences of the pandemic high infection rate around the world, many companies switched to remote work. The purpose of the study is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of remote work in the scientific literature, also using questionnaires.
From the psychological perspective of the individual, working from home provides freedom in many ways. We can clarify in the article which factors influence the formation of professionally important skills of students within the walls of the university. This article explores the characteristics and importance of emotional intelligence development in military personnel.
This article examines emotional intelligence and its relationship to leadership, one of the most striking and unusual phenomena in modern psychological science. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the development of the emotional intelligence of the individual. The scientific article also considers the formation of meaning in the learning process as the basis for the development of the emotional intelligence of the individual.
The paper analyzes the essence of the concept of "emotional intelligence", considers its structural components. The study presents the conditions and the main stages of the formation of emotional intelligence of the individual. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE TYPE OF TEMPERAMENT WITH THE LEVEL OF SITUATION, PERSONAL ANXIETY AND THE MANIFESTATION.
The article deals with the connection of indicators of psychoticism with such personal characteristics as temperament and anxiety of the individual. The professionalism of the high school teacher consists in the effective implementation of the system of professional knowledge and skills. The article discusses the features of the development of professional and personal qualities of university teachers.
In the course of the research, testing was carried out among 93 respondents aged 16 to 22 years.
Состояние участников до тренингов
Состояние участников после тренингов
Баланс зависит от жизненной позиции р=0,0489 (активный>пассивный), от чувствительности р=0,0461 (прикосновение<нет), от способа реагирования р=0,0309 (выбрасывать эмоции-7, глотать-6,7, принимать-5,3), от общения навыки р=0,0078 (коммуникативные>нет).
Состояние до и после тренингов
Nietbaeva Gulmira Bekenovna – PhD in Pedagogy and Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Tolegenova Akmaral Serikovna – 2nd year graduate student in "Pedagogy and Psychology", Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abai. Tazhibayev Talgat Bekzhursinovich – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
Izat Meruert Magauyakyzy – master of educational sciences, professor at the Kazakh National University named after Abay. Nurdavletova Zfuresh Nursiatovna – 2nd year master student at the Department of Education of Social Sciences (Psychology), Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Berdalyyeva Akilgek Sairambekovna – 2nd year master student of the Department of General and Applied Psychology at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Abisheva Elmira Dauletovna – candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Nariman a –2nd year Masters student in the Department of Education of Social Sciences (Psychology), Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Toktakulinov Adylzhan Anvarovich – 2nd year master's student, specialty "Psychology" of the Kazakh national University named after Abai.
Tlenchieva Nurzhamal – Acting Associate Professor, Department of General and Applied Psychology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Al-Farabi of Kazakh National University. Mukusheva Kanshaiym Muratovna – second year master's student, Department of General and Applied Psychology, Kazakh National University Al-Farabi. Tazhibayev Talgat Bekzhursinovich - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kazak Abai National Pedagogical University.
Tashimova Fatima Sagymbekovna – associate professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Mazitova Dana Erikovna – is a 2nd-year master's student in the specialty 7M03117 of the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Kulzhabayeva Symbat Farkhatovna - master's student of the 2nd year of the specialty "Psychology" of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.