The basis of strategic planning technology is the result of a comprehensive analysis of the situation in the company, its industry and related industries. Elaboration of the main indicators of the national economic plan (the pace and structure of the social industry).
UDC 336.144.2
Each machine that performed specific operations in the production of the finished product was a specific production unit. The very structure of the production process and the relationships based on it in the process of functional activity are constantly changing.
56.21 УДК 338.242
Even the former developing countries, with the development of small and medium enterprises, have made a great economic breakthrough. Small businesses in these countries are now a middle class, which serves as a basis for the stable development of the economy.
IRSTI 55.01.11 UDC 33.338.45
TLEUBERDIYEVA, 1 c.e.s., senior teacher
According to expert estimates, the share of imports in the domestic consumption of the machine building market is about 75%. At the same time, there are a number of problematic issues in the development of the industry.
УДК 338.45
For the national economy, digitization is associated with the modernization of larger industries, the development of management mechanisms of technological integration. An important condition of economic growth is the use of technological integration mechanisms with the participation of the industrial and scientific capital of the participants of the Eurasian Economic Union.
УДК 336.719
Well-formulated objectives of investment opportunities should meet requirements such as alignment with the main objective, result orientation, measurability, clarity, coherence and flexibility. Predicting the need for the total amount of investment resources is to determine the amount of financial resources required for the implementation of investment projects.
ӘӨЖ 330.322:352/354
Currently, the tasks of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the development of the effective economy in the social direction, finding its place in the world, ensuring economic independence, achieving high-level labor productivity, using high technology in the national structure. economy, increasing people's livelihood, forming a mixed economy, supporting different owners, realizing a law-based partnership in market centers. To date, an accurate assessment of the investment situation, the attraction of domestic and foreign resources in the conditions of sustainable development of the country's economy plays an important role in its effective use, as well as shows our investment activity in the world arena .
ӘӨЖ 330.1
An effective investment model is an important factor in the sustainable development of the economic system. The article also describes the current state of the investment potential of Kazakhstan's economy.
УДК 338.121
The article discusses the current investment policy for the development of the recreational sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of specially protected natural areas in the Pavlodar region. The object of research is investment activity in the recreational sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the example of specially protected natural areas of the Pavlodar region.
UDC 330
ONYUSHEVA, 1 PhD, Associate Professor,
Y. TING, 2
Always connected via mobile – The ubiquity of smartphones and the rise of always-on, fast data connections means marketers are no longer limited by time or location when it comes to reaching potential customers. Expecting continuous dialogue in customer relationships – The old way of marketing was a one-way street.

ӘӨЖ 338.43
The analysis of the consumption of basic food products in Kazakhstan concluded that the average per capita consumption of the product meets the minimum standards, but differs significantly from the medical standards. Thus, consumption of the most important food products not only reached medical standards, but also approached their consumption in 1990.
УДК 330.3:656.02:631.1
The author of the study proposes the development of scientific and practical recommendations and the rationale for making decisions on the establishment and rational location of grain logistics centers with the corresponding production capacity and infrastructure in the regions of the country by developing a mechanism for sustainable development of rural areas, as well as the implementation of the export potential of the country's regions through the formation of rational supply chains. Realization of the proposed ideas, proposals and scientific approach will make it possible to create an independent organized channel for grain distribution on the export market with optimization of distribution costs on the Kazakh market, which will increase the interest of commodity producers in increasing grain production and improving its quality, reducing production costs and increase competitiveness on the foreign market.
UDC 327: 159
The methodology defines the procedure for conducting a marketing research for the long-term scientific and technological forecast of the development of the market of the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of economic integration by means of predictive research. In the Republic, meat production has traditionally been considered one of the main directions in agriculture.
УДК 338.24
В связи с этим ТОО «Данон Беркут» рекомендуется внедрить в свою продуктовую линейку кумыс, что, по предварительным данным, повысит потребительский спрос и увеличит продажи продукции компании. В связи с этим предлагаем ТОО «Данон Беркут» модернизировать свой сайт, добавив вкладки «онлайн продажи/доставка продукции».
УДК 332.12
In order to achieve this purpose, the article defines the concept of "innovation", provides an analysis of the indicators of innovative development of the city in the last 5 years, reveals existing problems and gives recommendations for solving these problems. . The results of the research can be used by the Akimat of Almaty city to improve the innovation policy.
УДК 338.24
В результате анализа можно сделать вывод, что самый высокий показатель удовлетворенности у пользователей торговой марки Beeline, а самый низкий у пользователей торговой марки Kcell. Респонденты отмечали, что переход от одной компании к другой связан с неудовлетворенностью качеством мобильной связи и завышением стоимости услуг или пакета услуг.
УДК 338
So, in developed countries, the contribution of the service sector to GDP is about 70%, in the world - about 60%. It should be noted that the structure and composition of the service sector is undergoing qualitative changes.
УДК 657. 351
This article shows the main directions of the analysis of labor resources, especially the analysis of employee turnover. Based on the results of this analysis, the direction of change or improvement of standards can be determined.
ӘӨЖ 330.34 (574)
The article deals with the development of the most important factors in the decline of the living standard of the population. In the current phase of post-crisis recovery of the global economy, they are becoming increasingly important.
УДК 331.5.024.54
The article deals with social, economic and institutional aspects of the development of gender relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article deals with the problems of the implementation of the state budget in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
УДК 336.1
A model of the impact of financial instruments on capital flow in Kazakhstan // Review of European Studies. It should be noted that the transformation of the market of financial instruments is not only accompanied by internal rearrangements, but also affects external integration processes.
УДК 342.073
To find ways to improve and build the capacity of local self-government, an analysis of the domestic and foreign legislative framework related to local self-government issues has been conducted. As a result of the research, problematic aspects of the formation of the Kazakhstani model of local self-government were revealed and recommendations for their solution were developed.
УДК 339.924
Согласно Концепции развития финансового сектора Казахстана до 2020 года, ожидается, что к 2020 году рынок исламского банкинга будет составлять не менее 3-5% рынка традиционных банковских услуг. Необходимо создать эффективную финансовую систему, связанную с реальным производственным процессом и гарантированно наличными средствами.
УДК 311.216; 336.717.6
During the operational activity, the value of long-term assets changes constantly, which affects the expenses, financial profit and competitiveness of the company. However, existing accounting indicators do not allow obtaining information about tangible long-term assets to make appropriate management decisions.
УДК 339.138
They enable a more comprehensive analysis of the banking market and its individual segments, as well as the offering and introduction of new banking products. The banking marketing complex, especially the development of a strategy for the appearance of credit institutions on the retail market, must be designed taking into account the needs of the modern consumer.
ӘӨЖ 657.421.3
Special methods of financial analysis can be used to assess the company's financial condition. The method of temporal (horizontal) analysis is, in fact, a comparison of each accounting position with the previous period and enables an assessment of the absolute and relative dynamics of various reasons for accounting reporting.
УДК 336.63
Для сравнения, средняя ставка по кредитам БВУ в пересчете на сельские кредиты в 2016 году, по данным Статистического бюллетеня Национального Банка Республики Казахстан, составила 10,1% (по краткосрочным кредитам - 13,1%, по долгосрочным кредитам - 9,1%). В рамках данной программы холдинг получил бюджетный кредит в размере 60 млрд тенге сроком до 20 декабря 2016 года.
УДК 336.719
The creditworthiness of the borrower depends on many factors, and it is not easy to evaluate and calculate each of them. Currently, in our opinion, a comprehensive approach to assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower as a whole is the most justified.
УДК 796/799:378
In 2012, when the goal was set at the university – to develop the alternative system for training tourism instructors among the university's students within the curriculum «Tourism». To achieve the goal, four tasks were performed: to analyze all state standard and legal documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating preparation, retraining and professional development of tourism instructors; to create necessary educational resources for the training of instructors; to recruit the qualified instructor structure for training cadets; to define a sequence of certification and registration at the state level for the trained experts.
IRSTI 06.39.41 UDC 379.832