Proceedings of the international online conference discuss current trends in hotel and restaurant business development in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. Examples of these systems are hand-held waiter terminals and kitchen ordering terminals. In the study, suggestions were proposed on what will be the expectations of customers from restaurants in the future in terms of new technologies.
Robotic technologies can be used at all stages from ordering the product to cooking and even serving. Discount offers in the Tourist Card can be used until the end of the current year in which the Card was purchased [3]. Today, the growth in the diversity of tourist destinations and an increase in the selection of tourist products can be attributed to the most inherent trends in the development of tourism.
Similar villages can be found in Kazakhstan and in the states of the former USSR and even abroad. Every little thing in the restaurant must be well thought out, there must be coherence throughout the institution's work. The boom in large supermarkets in the region begins when the average income of the population exceeds $ 300, fast food companies - $ 400.
It's no secret that one of the most pressing problems facing the restaurant business today is the problem of staffing. The hotel market is considered one of the most profitable businesses and attracts a lot of investment. Tourism, along with other factors, depends on the development of the hotel market, since it is the comfort in the room that ensures the comfort of the entire trip.
![Figure 1. Features of ethno-tourism in works of Ryan, C., & Aicken, M Note - compiled by the author in accordance with the source [6]](
Биометрические технологии для повышения безопасности и эффективности в гостиничных предприятиях
Keyless Entries - Управляемый смартфоном номер
Использование виртуальной реальности в гостиничных номерах
Использование «умных зеркал» в гостиничных номерах
Использование технологий Big Data для сравнения различных параметров и критериев при выборе средств размещения, питания и т.д
Общая экономика
First, we have to explore the tourist area and the shore of the lake itself. Draw a plan of the earth, in which dangerous and safe places will be clearly expressed for the construction of the hotel and the location of people in the area. Only one drawback is a bad road to the lake, but with the development of the project we want to eliminate this defect and build a new road.
Fourth, the infrastructure of the Shcherbakty district, and especially the village of Kyzyltan, will develop. The tourism industry is one of the most profitable sectors in the world, second only to the fuel and energy and military-industrial complexes. Therefore, the development of tourism is one of the main goals of the development of the economy of our country.
The tourism sub-industry with the most dynamic development, which brings multi-million profits on the scale of the national economies of many countries, is the hotel business. As part of tourism, the hotel business carries a great potential for the development of the state market. And the intensity of loading the number of rooms adequately determines the effectiveness of the local administration and tourism organizers.
Today, the hospitality industry is a strong system of the economy of the region or the tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy. The price of the timeshare depends on the characteristics of the season, as well as the length of stay. Particular importance will be given to the further development of the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana.
In this case, it is possible to list the cities and regions that make up the "main" 20% of the hotel business in Kazakhstan, according to the available indicators. One of the main directions of innovative technologies in the hotel business is the introduction of multimedia technologies, in particular reference books, brochures, catalogs. Official website of the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Прогнозирование спроса на производство
Анализ мотивированного
Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың Қазақстан халқына сөйлеген сөзінде: «Біз бәсекеге қабілеттілікті арттыру үшін экономикалық әлеуеті бар бәсекеге қабілетті экономикалық модельді таңдадық, ол қазақстандық кластерлер жүйесінің дамуын бастады» [1]. Жалпы, кен орнының дамуының екі түрлі себебі бар: «рахат үшін туризмнің» себептері және іскерлік туризмнің даму себептері. Зерттелетін мәселені егжей-тегжейлі талдау үшін біз Holiday Inn Almaty 4* қонақүйінің адалдық бағдарламасын таңдадық.
Каждый гость, который хотя бы раз останавливался в отеле, может стать участником программы лояльности отеля Holiday Inn Almaty 4*. Карта «Серебряная» выдается при выезде из отеля каждому новому гостю после заполнения анкеты и дает право при следующем заселении на скидку 5% на все услуги отеля Holiday Inn Almaty 4*. Таким образом, программа лояльности Holiday Inn Almaty 4* предлагает своим гостям исключительно материальные привилегии и является примером дисконтной программы с накопительными скидками.
Для определения уровня эффективности программы лояльности отеля Holiday Inn Almaty 4* был проведен опрос гостей, одной из целей которого было выявление наиболее важных привилегий в рамках программы лояльности. Чистая (неаудированная) прибыль «Эйр Астаны» за прошедший год составила 47,4 млн долларов США и увеличилась на 144% по сравнению с 2016 годом. В 2018 году мы продолжим свою деятельность в соответствии со стратегией развития компании и будем готовиться к улучшению экономической ситуации в стране, которую мы ожидаем к 2018 году».
Национальная авиакомпания «Эйр Астана» регулярно летает в Турцию, Германию, Китай, Южную Корею, Таиланд, Великобританию, Индию, ОАЭ, Нидерланды. 34; Пассажирский транспорт» при поддержке уполномоченного органа в сфере туризма с 2002 года реализуется первый этап проекта по организации специализированного поезда. Современные информационные технологии остаются основным драйвером экономического роста и условием модернизации различных сектора экономики.
It is obvious that different sectors and sectors of the economy are characterized by a different level of readiness for the challenges of the digital economy and the exploitation of the potential of digital technologies [2]. The specificity of the industry determines its ambivalence towards innovations in the field of IT. Hospitality representatives see new technologies and innovative IT solutions as an important competitive factor.