Gellan-ofloxacin complex formation was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, zeta-potential, and thermogravimetric analysis. Gellan-ofloxacin complex thin films, gelated in 0.3 wt.% of CaCl2, were used to study the release kinetics of ofloxacin in distilled water and phosphate buffer. After the formation of the gellan-ofloxacin complex with a certain composition, the excess of drug molecules significantly increases the conductivity and decreases the pH of the system.
In the case of the gelan-ofloxacin complex (2:1 mol/mol), the decomposition peaks of the individual components (gelan and ofloxacin) completely disappear, which indicates the weight loss of the complex at 338 and 379 °C. This is associated with the formation of the gelan-ofloxacin complex as a single compound. The behavior of the gelan-ofloxacin system we studied is also similar to the results of the above authors.
Effect of food processing method on heavy metals
Өңдеу әдісінің тамақ өнімдеріндегі ауыр
Влияние способа обработки пищевых продуктов на
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license (
Effect of food processing method on heavy metals content
In examined samples of Solanum tuberosum, the highest concentration of lead was determined in cooked sample according to Figure 2. Among the differently processed samples of Solanum tuberosum, the lowest concentration of lead was determined in baked sample, which was 1.4 times lower than in cooked sample. sample. The highest concentration of lead was determined in Allium cepa samples compared to other metals.
Steamed and sous-vide samples of Allium cepa had the highest lead concentration of 66 mg/kg.
E. Diyarov et al
- Conclusion
The HRI values of zinc, copper and manganese were lower than 1 for all investigated samples, which indicates the absence of health risk for humans. A high concentration of lead among heavy metals was found in all investigated samples. The highest lead HRI value was calculated for cooked Solanum tuberosum, and the lowest value for fried, which means that the choice of food processing method can negligibly reduce exposure to lead.
The work was supported by a project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Influence of application of mineral fertilizers on the ability to accumulate radionuclides and heavy metals in root crops". Macroelements and heavy metals in energy crops grown on contaminated soil under different fertilization - case studies on autumn harvest // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Heavy metals in cereals and legumes: Health implications in Bangladesh // Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Assessment of heavy metals in foods and estimates of dietary intake of adults // African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development. Heavy metal pollution and health risk assessment for children near a large Cu smelter in central China // Science of The Total Environment. Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil using mycorrhized and non-mycorrhized Helichrysum italicum (Roth) Don // Land degradation and development.
Source allocation and health risk assessment of heavy metals in soil for a municipality in Jiangsu Province, China. Spatial distribution of heavy metals in crops in a wastewater irrigation area and health risk assessment.
- Introduction
- Result and Discussion
- O. Belyankova et al
Separation and purification of the substances was carried out by recrystallization from appropriate solvents. Growth parameters including root length, shoot length and germination rate were determined after 4 and 9 days. The synthesis of 1-propargyl-1-(2-methyl-3-oxo-3-(p-tolyl) propyl)-piperidin-1-ium bromide (Figure 1) was carried out from the free base obtained [7] of tolperisone . hydrochloride by N-alkylation at room temperature and with ultrasound activation (Table 1).
The isolated yield of both methods shows almost identical results; However, the response speed of the ultrasonic activation method is 28 times faster. During the assessment of the growth stimulating activity of the synthesized ionic compound, the effect of seed germination was studied on the 10 genotypes of sweet sorghum and growth parameters such as root length, shoot length, seed germination (after 4 days). and germination capacity (after 9 days) were determined. The mean value of the results on the effect of sweet sorghum seed germination, including standard deviation (SD), is shown in Tables 2-4.
The data of the gemmogenesis (Table 2) and the rhizogenesis (Table 3) show that samples with low concentration (0.001% solution) demonstrated the higher intensity for tested genotypes than control samples. This research was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grants No. AP08857345 and AP08857516). Assessment of genetic diversity and relatedness among a collection of American sweet sorghum germplasm BY ssr markers.
Potential of sweet sorghum in India and Iran for alcohol and sweetener production // First International Sweet Sorghum Conference, China. 3 Somani RB, Almodares A, Pandrangi RB, Sepahi A (1997) Potential of sweet sorghum in India and Iran for alcohol and sweetener production.
Kinetic parameters of thermal destruction of the
Инертті ортада акрил қышқылымен
Кинетические параметры термической
Kinetic parameters of thermal destruction of the copolymer of polyethylene glycol fumarate with acrylic acid in inert medium.
Kinetic parameters of thermal destruction of the copolymer of polyethylene glycol fumarate with acrylic acid in inert medium
Results and Discussion
Copolymers of unsaturated polyether resins with hydrophobic monomers having the spatially connected structure are different with thermal stability in a wide temperature range and are widely described in the literature [14,15]. In the result of studies, it was found that the composition of unsaturated polyether and monomers used to connect significantly affects the thermal stability of copolymerization products, the presence of aliphatic inclusions in copolymer decreases the thermal resistance. Increasing the degree of unsaturation of polyether resin as well as increasing polyether resin content compared to monomer leads to increase in thermal stability of copolymers.
The results of the thermogravimetric analysis showed that these copolymers are thermally resistant up to 250-300°С, and after this thermal destruction occurs, which proceeds in several steps. For the first time synthesized copolymers of polyglycolmaleanates with unsaturated carboxylic acids also have spatially linked structure [16,17], and it seemed interesting to study the influence of temperature on their behavior by thermogravimetry. As we see in Figure 1a, the increase in the composition of acrylic acid leads to the compensation of the onset of the decomposition of the copolymer in the area of higher temperatures.
This concept is illustrated more slowly with DTG curve (Figure 1b): thus the maximum rate of copolymer decomposition is shifted from 356 to 375ºС. The second phase of decomposition starts at the temperature of 265 ° С and ends at 480 ° С, with a lower proportion of acrylic acid.
Zh. Burkeev et al
The reaction model's dependence graph on the conversion rate has a profile reminiscent of an accelerating reaction (F1, D1, R3, etc.). The thermal decomposition of copolymer p-EGF:AA at different heating rates was studied, and it was shown that the growth of the latter shifts the initiation temperature of decomposition to a higher range. This research was funded by the Science Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. [BR10965249]).
The use of differential calculation methods for the destruction of copolymers of polyethylene glycol fumarate with acrylic acid // Bulletin of the University of Karahganda. Integral ways to calculate the destruction of copolymers of polyethylene glycol fumarate with acrylic acid // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Kinetics of thermal decomposition of unsaturated polyester resins with reduced flammability // Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
New Polyampholyte polymers based on polypropylene glycol fumarate with acrylic acid and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. Synthesis and investigation of copolymer properties based on poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate and methacrylic acid // Bulletin of the University of Karaganda. Constants and parameters of radical copolymerization of poly(ethylene glycol fumarate) with acrylic acid // Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan.
Determination of pre-exponential factors and of the mathematical functions f(α) or G(α) that describe the reaction mechanism in a model-free way // Thermochimica Acta – 2013. 17 Burkeev MZ, Kudaibergen GK, Tazhbayev YeM, Hranicek J , Burkeyeva GK , Sarsenbekova AZh (2019) Bulletin of the University of Karaganda.
Chemical composition and biological activity of Zosima
Химический состав и биологическая активность
Chemical composition and biological activity of Zosima absinthifolia (apiaceae)
In 2013, the composition of the essential oil of fruits was analyzed and it was found that the main components are octyl acetate (87.48%) and octyllocanoate. Some components such as α-pinene, n-octanol, germacrene-D, β-caryophyllene, octyl acetate and caryophyllene oxide were the main components of the essential oil at different stages of seed growth [20]. In addition, two components, zozimin and marmesine, were identified in the roots of the Absheron plant [33].
A study conducted in Iran demonstrated the antibacterial activity of three coumarin derivatives obtained from the fruits of the plant – imperatorin, aurapten and 7-preyloxycoumarin and essential oil [35]. A group of researchers found that the essential oil of the fruit has a strong antibacterial effect against Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus [35]. According to some studies, the methanolic extract of the fruit of the plant has significant antioxidant activity [39].
-coumarins derived from the plant's root - aegelinol and agacillin also have antifungal activity [21]. Composition of the essential oils of Zosima absinthifolia (Vent.) Link and Ferula elaeochytris Korovin from Turkey // Flavor and Fragrance Journal. Chemical composition, allelopathic and antimicrobial potentials of the essential oil of Zosima absinthifolia (Vent.) Link.
GC-MS analysis of compounds in essential oils of Zosima absinthifolia (Vent.) Link fruits // Real problems of science and technology Collection of scientific articles based on materials of the VI - International Scientific and Practical Conference. 25 Bahadir O, Gulcin CS, Hanefi O (2008) Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries.
Применение сорбентов на основе природного
Тұзды судан натрий мен калий иондарын алу
The use of natural zeolite and chamotte clay-based
Применение сорбентов на основе природного цеолита и шамотной глины для извлечения ионов натрия и калия из
- Введение
- Эксперимент
- Результаты и обсуждение
- СЭМ-изображения образцов: А) частицы природного цеолита (Ц) с плотными агломератами различной формы с некоторым пространством между ними (порами); Б) частицы исходной шамотной глины (ШГ) с чешуйчатой формой
- Результаты БЭТ Образцы Удельная площадь
- Катионообменная емкость исследуемых объектов
- Заключение
Определение адсорбционных свойств исследуемого материала проводили по отношению к ионам Na+ и K+ с использованием модельных растворов в статическом режиме при комнатной температуре: раствор NaCl, концентрация ионов натрия 50 мг/л; Раствор KCl, концентрация ионов калия 50 мг/л. Для проведения адсорбции ионов Na+ и K+ отбирали навеску сорбентов массой 0,5 г и помещали в химические пробирки объемом 50 мл. Анализ результатов, представленных в табл. 5, свидетельствует об относительно высоких сорбционных свойствах C и SH, обработанных хлоридом натрия, что, вероятно, связано с переходом исходных веществ в гомоионную форму Na.
В работе [27] тонкая пленка аморфного углерода использовалась для извлечения ионов Na+ из воды, что приводило к повышению степени извлечения ионов Na+. В [15] исследована экстракция ионов Na+ сорбентом на основе природного цеолита, обработанного раствором серной кислоты; степень извлечения составила 88%. Сорбент ГГ-Na-H характеризуется более высокой степенью извлечения ионов Na+ (Э, а сорбент ГВГ-Na эффективно связывает ионы К+ (Е = 76,28%) из модельных растворов.