Sydykov Ye.B., Doctor of Historical Sc., professor, academician, Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, L.N. Documentary films from the twenties and thirties about the dynamics of the socio-cultural space of the Kazakh ASSR. After the destruction of the Dzungars, the Kazakh Khanate and the Qing Dynasty established official diplomatic relations and trade between two sides began to develop.
Оңтүстік өңірдегі балалар денсаулығын сақтау жүйесінің тарихы
Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan History of the child healthcare system in the southern region. Trends in the historiography of healthcare in the Southern region are actually part of the research object. Documentaries about the Kazakh ASSR have not yet been included in the systematic field of historical research of the early Soviet period.
Ежелгі және ортағасырлардағы Cырдария, Талас және Жетісу өңіріндегі қалалардың тарихи-географиясы туралы
Чжуи Чуаньмин 芴 传 «. Ūly Tañ äuletınîñ Batys önır estelıkterın »taldau, tusındıru [" Көнбатыш Төбәкләр Тан Династиясенең Бөек Язмасы "анализы һәм аңлатмасы] 大唐 西域 记 校 注. Ūly Tañ äuletınıñ Batys öğır estelıkterın »oquğa tömöshı 大唐 西域 记 读 读 [" Көнбатыш төбәкләрнең Тан династиясенең бөек язмасы "ны уку өчен ярдәмче]].
Свой и чужой» в мифопоэтическом мире тюрков
МРНТИ 03.20
Детские дома в Центральном Казахстане в 1954-1964 гг
Объектом исследования данной статьи являются детские дома, расположенные на территории Центрального Казахстана в 1954-1964 годах, объектом исследования является история их создания, функционирования и государственная политика, направленная на регулирование работы детских домов. В его публикации отражены особенности работы детских домов Узбекистана в советский период, подтвержденные детскими домами Центрального Казахстана в 1954-1964 годах. В первом докладе описываются исключительно положительные стороны жизни студентов; в документе спустя четыре года отражены сведения о полуразрушенных детских домах Центрального Казахстана в 1954-1964 годах.
На неоднократные обращения в областной потребсоюз о поставках заказов на масло и молоко был получен ответ, что областному потребсоюзу даны указания о поставках масла и молока в детские дома Центрального Казахстана в 1954-1964 годах. В 1954 году углубленного медицинского осмотра воспитанников специальной медицинской комиссией не проводилось, воспитанники были осмотрены только один раз в 1954 году и только у стоматолога и врача-отоларинголога. Особенностью является его заявление, адресованное руководителю Карагандинской областной организации товарищу Клевцуру: «Прошу вас снести мои детские дома в Центральном Казахстане в 1954-1964 годах.
Social security of children from orphanages in the South Urals in the second half of the 1930s. Sovetskoe detstvo v 1945 – seredine 1950-kh gg.: gosudarstvennye proekty i provintsialnye prakti: na materials Molotovskoi oblasti [Soviet childhood 1945 – mid 1950s:. state projects and regional practices: based on the material of the Molotov region]. Proceedings of the VI International Student Scientific Conference "Student Scientific Forum"] Available at:
Saktaganova Zauresh Galimzhanovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Center for Ethnocultural and Historical-Anthropological Research, E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
Қазақ репатриациясы ұғымы турасында: сипаттамасы, түрі және ерекшелігі
Oralmandardyn auyzekі soileu tіlі erekshelіkterі [Features of the spoken language of repatriates]: dissertation abstract for the degree of the Candidate of Philological Sciences. Social'naya adaptaciya etnicheskih repatriantov v sovremennom kazahstanskom obshchestve (sociologicheskij analiz) [Social adaptation of ethnic repatriates in modern Kazakh society (sociological analysis)]: thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Social Sciences. Konstitucionno-pravovoj status oralmanov v Respublike Kazahstan [Constitutional and legal status of oralmans in the Republic of Kazakhstan]: thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Legal Sciences.
Государственное регулирование процесса возвращения репатриантов на историческую родину (теоретико-правовое исследование): диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата юридических наук. Научные основы мероприятий, направленных на обеспечение эколого-гигиенической адаптации мигрантов-оралманов к условиям Южно-Казахстанской области. или Казахстан. доктора медицинских наук. Отандастардын (оралмандардын) оралуйн кукыктык реттеудин озекті маселелері мен болашагы: салыстырмалы-кукыктык зерттеу: диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора философских наук.
Механизм экономической интеграции оралманов в казахское общество: диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата экономических наук. Шыгыс Казахстангы этникалык репатрианттар: кунделікти тарихы: диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора философии. Педагогические условия подготовки оралманов к успешной адаптации для обучения в Казахстане: диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата педагогических наук.
Shurshitbay B. Kazak baspasozіndegі oralmandar maselesі: tarihi taldau The problem of oralmans in the Kazakh press: a dissertation on historical analysis for the degree of the candidate of historical sciences.
I devoted my life to the party, and it turned against me (a serious challenge in Kemel Tokayev’s creative path)
Graduated from the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakhstan State University named after S.M. This is confirmed by the director of the Kazakh secondary school of the city of Shymkent K. Military instructors recommended a Kazakh boy for the post of squad leader of the 226th Infantry Division.
The commander of the section of automatic riflemen, sergeant Kemel Tokayev, was previously awarded medals. The history of Kemel Tokayev's creative activity is the history of the introduction, consolidation and development of a new direction in the literature of Kazakhstan during the Soviet period. However, the young writer's first step in artistic terms still required many improvements.
Archival documents from the personal file of the Union of Writers of the Kazakh SSR (CGA RK, 1778: 3). The plot of the book is extremely interesting, most importantly: original and not banal (CGA RK, 1038: 91). And also in the memoirs of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the date of publication of the story is stated as 1978.
Despite the persecution for personal reasons, Kemel Tokayev appreciated the enormous contribution to the development of the Kazakh SSR.
Көшпенділер мәдениеті және серілік дәстүр (XIX ғасыр мен XX ғасырдың басы)
Көшпелілер мәдениеті мен рыцарьлық дәстүр (ХІХ-ХХ ғасыр басындағы әнші-ақындар тағдыры және өнер адамдарының отаршылдық саясатқа қарсы әрекеттері) // Хабаршы Л.Н. 19 ғасырдың екінші жартысы мен 20 ғасырдың басында Қазақстанның батыс өңірінде, соның ішінде Маңғыстау даласында, Жеті қайық» 19 ғасыр мен 20 ғасырдың бірінші ширегіндегі рельефтерге қарасақ, сериализм деген сөз қазаққа ғана тән.
This rich spiritual, cultural and literary heritage of the Kazakh people testifies to the fact that this people is a long-standing ancient tribe, a follower of bagzi nomads rooted from the depths of centuries. After all, the future of the country is necessary for the development of the future of this nation, to radiate in the minds of generations, to blend the essence of youth, national psychology with the sacred heritage of the ancestors, that is, identity and morality. And today it is one of the most important things for the spirituality of the Kazakh people.
We believe that it is urgent to popularize the heritage and works of our historical figures, who are scattered every time on the steppe, who have a strong memory, who gave their lives for the future of the nation, and thus educate future youth in the national direction. For this reason, it is worth popularizing the propaganda of the words of our sages and poets, instilling them in the minds of the young as much as possible, combining them with traditions and upbringing from the cradle. Therefore, the goal is to combine the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people, which differ from other ethnic groups, with their culture.
The article analyzes the culture, art, multifaceted artists of the Kazakh people as a unique artistic phenomenon, discusses examples of traditional art of nomadic culture, the general and distinctive manifestations of which reflect the historical path of the Kazakh people.
Қазақ дүниетанымындағы кеңістік пен уақыт түсініктерінің қалыптасуы
The problem of space and time in philosophy was considered one of the generally important problems, regardless of which historical period, regardless of which civilizational structures they entered. The article identifies the problems of space and time that occupy a particular historical and philosophical place in the content structure of the Kazakh worldview and the understanding is presented in terms of the typical characteristics through the analysis of these categories. It also addresses the directions of the forms of space and time in the nomadic civilization and traditional Kazakh culture.
The concepts of space and time in the worldview of the Kazakh people are clearly explained with various examples, and the everyday use of the categories of space and time in the national vision of the Kazakh people is given. The presented article aims to reveal the main dynamics of time and space in the worldview of the Kazakh people (time, past, world, nomadic tradition, life, etc.). The existence of special views of Kazakh thinkers, characteristic of space and time, is the essence of the research problem.
Specific examples show that the Kazakh people had their own temporal and spatial dimensions and they gave a philosophical analysis. The article analyzes the characteristics of comparison and identification in the use of the categories of space and time. The place of the categories of space and time as the basis of the nomadic life of the Kazakh people is determined.
The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the use and specificity of the categories of space and time in the Kazakh worldview are explained by various examples, and the role and meaning in the development of humanity are revealed from a philosophical point of view.
Междисциплинарный подход в современных исследованиях памяти
The article discusses the philosophical meaning of the concept of gender and offers an associative model. Later, the gender problem was studied more extensively in the philosophy of the Middle Ages and viewed on the basis of religious concepts. In contemporary Kazakh society, the issue of gender is among the most pressing in state policy.
Historical-philosophical and philosophical-anthropological research into gender issues is of great importance today. The task of examining the concept of gender in the philosophical worldview of the Kazakh people has not yet been fully solved, which is why Y.E. In the history of world philosophy, reflections on the gender problem are different and are characterized by the originality of the thinking of the thinkers of each period.
The capital city in the Kazakh worldview is about preserving national identity and origins. The ancient ideas cultivated by the Kazakh mentality must be examined through the prism of modern reality. The issue of gender is one of the main directions of the country's development and its comprehensive modernization.
In the countries of the modern period, the study of gender issues is at several stages, and researchers are very interested in this topic.
Оңтүстік корейлік кинематография: «жұмсақ күш»
Хангіл жазу жүйесінде жазылған