Furthermore, in applying the constructivist approach, students must interact with other students. Overall, student responses indicate that they understood the purpose of the literature review in their research. The impact of the quality of teaching on the quality of human resources in the medical sector".
Based on the results of applying the methods, we have made the following conclusions. To investigate the predominance of a pedagogical orientation in the choice of the sphere of professional activity.
Педагогтердің мәдени құзыреттіліктің құрылымы туралы түсініктерінің деңгейі Зерттеуіміз үшін ең алдымен «көпмәдениетті қоғамдағы өмірге қатысты құзыреттер» және «өмір
The article gives a general overview of the state of dual education in Kazakhstan: coordination, enrollment, coverage of regions. The coverage of the main studies carried out in educational organizations allows to assess their contribution to the formation of the model of dual education in Kazakhstan. The given analysis of employers' questioning from the point of view of readiness for the organization of dual education in Kazakhstan showed the contradiction of opinions.
В 2019-2020 учебном году Экономический колледж Университета Нархоз под руководством Национального предпринимательского предприятия Республики Казахстан «Атамекен» внедрил в учебный процесс систему двойного образования по специальности «Информатика и программное обеспечение». из них сказали, что им «нужен универсальный специалист, а не узкого профиля», а один из участников спросил, можно ли увеличить практику в школе (без выплаты зарплаты). В то же время важными заинтересованными сторонами являются НПП «Атамекен», Фонд национального благосостояния «Самрук-Казына» и Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан.
Zhiyenbayeva N.B., Abdigapbarova U.M. The conceptual model of the communicative subject in the university education system of dual-oriented training American Scientific Journal г. Zhiyenbayeva N.B., Abdigapbarova U.M. The conceptual model of the communicative subject in the university educational system of dual-oriented training American Scientific Journal g. The article highlights the problem of introducing elements of dual education in the process of professional training of future teachers.
Германиядағы дуальды білім беру жағдайында болашақ мамандардың құзыреті ескеріледі. 34; «Мамандықтың төменгі деңгейі» жеке жүйенің қызметін нақты және толық ақпараттандыру үшін қолданылады, ол төменгі деңгейдің жеке құрамын біріктіру кезінде және жоғары деңгейді қосқанда қолданылады және тұтас құрылымды құру шарттарын анықтайды. жүйесі [5] . Грюнердің пікірінше, өзінің тарихи дамуы барысында кәсіптік мектеп негізгі міндетті шешу мақсатында төрт оқу орны ретінде құрылған: жоғары жалпы білім беру; тәрбиелік функцияға қамқорлық жасау; «мамандыққа қажетті» қосымша оқытуды қамтамасыз ету; «мамандық арқылы» оқытуды қамтамасыз ету.
Бірақ екінші жағынан, олар өз аймағының қажеттіліктеріне байланысты білім беру жүйесін «сұраныс-ұсыныс» бағытында қарастыра отырып, нарықтағы білім беру жағдайларының қалыптасуына әсер етеді. Білім беру «нәтиже» тұрғысынан білім беру процесіне назар аударады және субъективті-тұлғалық сәйкестіктің әмбебап нәтижесі ретінде білім берудің дәстүрлі когнитивтік бағытын атап көрсетеді. Жоғары оқу орындарында инженерлік-педагогикалық кадрларды даярлаудың дуальды жүйесін құру // ASTRA Salvensis.
Сотрудничество 1. Изучение литературы
Новые инновационные технологии 1. Стратегии критического мышления
The importance of the development of technical creativity of students in supplementary education is justified in the article based on the documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education. It is noted that the need of the educational system for motivated and qualified teachers, among other factors, confirms the importance of the problem of training the readiness of future teachers for the development of technical creativity of schoolchildren using distance learning technologies (DLT ). The problems of developing the digital competence of teachers are examined in the article.
The importance of this study in the regulatory documents approved in the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed, as well as the analysis of the development of digital competence of teachers in the studies of foreign and domestic scientists is given. Based on the study of scientific literature, an analysis of the current state of the mobile environment is made, experiences, perspectives and opportunities for the development and use of the educational resource of mobile learning are considered. The results of the survey conducted by students of Abai National Pedagogical University of Kazakhstan showed a positive attitude and attitude of students towards national values.
METHODOLOGY FOR APPLICATION OF AN EDUCATION PORTAL WITH BLOCKCHAIN ELEMENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE REPUBLIC. The relevance of the research is related to the need for a theoretical underpinning of the use of blockchain technology in the modern education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as this technology is new today and rather poorly researched from a scientific point of view. The aim of this study is to determine the methodology for applying blockchain technology in the modern education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the course of the study, an analysis of scientific sources was carried out on the subject of the investigated issue of the use of blockchain technology;. The practical significance of the study of the methodology for the use of an educational portal with blockchain elements lies in the fact that, on the basis of the described models, an approach to the use of blockchain technology in education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is determined is. , the degree of possible use of such models in higher education institutions was determined. An experimental evaluation of the benefits and costs of providing fertility information to adolescents and emerging adults // Human reproduction.
The Portal of Geriatrics Online Education: A 21st Century Resource for Teaching Geriatrics // Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. FORMATION OF THE SPIRITUAL WORLD VIEW OF STUDENTS OF THE SPECIALTY OF ARTS EDUCATION BASED ON ETHNO DESIGN. This article turns the problem of the formation of the spiritual worldview of students of the art education specialty on the basis of ethnodesign.
Worldview is a specific form of organization of human consciousness, which is based on the understanding of the world, which determines the model of behavior. Keywords: worldview, spiritual worldview, spiritual potential, design, ethnodesign, education, art education, understanding of the world, spirituality, knowledge.
The conditions for the formation of soft skills are a prosperous situation in the family, the organization of the educational process, digital competence, developed communication skills. Soft skills are one of the criteria for the effectiveness of one's academic and professional activities. The use of this information during the learning process at school can have a positive impact on the development of the student's personality in many ways.
During the experiment, we obtained data on the level of development of soft skills among high school students. The obtained data indicate the need to organize work on the development of soft skills. Conclusions are given on the peculiarities of the conditions for the development of soft skills in children of secondary school age.
Целью данного исследования является определение оптимальных психолого-педагогических условий для развития мягких навыков и реализация программы развития мягких навыков у старшеклассников.