Современный уровень развития рынка труда в сфере информатики характеризуется появлением новых профессиональных и постпрофессиональных компетенций, которыми должен обладать ученый-информатик. С целью определения важности и адекватности профессиональных, межличностных и коммуникативных навыков специалистов по информатике в рамках данного исследования мы провели анкетирование среди преподавателей и студентов специальностей информатики. На основании информации диаграммы 1 «Основные профессиональные компетенции информатики (педагога)» можно сделать вывод, что среди основных профессиональных компетенций информатики актуальны следующие.
На данном этапе были определены релевантные/важные и нерелевантные/неактуальные компетенции ИТ-специалиста, так как не все компетенции, по результатам опроса, превысили пороговый уровень релевантности/важности в 50 баллов. Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме психолого-педагогической адаптации студентов-репатриантов в целостном педагогическом процессе вуза. Анализируется зарубежный и отечественный опыт организации процесса психолого-педагогической адаптации студентов-репатриантов.
The problem of adaptation of repatriated students in the context of integration and internationalization of Kazakh universities in psychological and pedagogical sciences is still not sufficiently addressed. The problem of the adaptation process of students returning to university is of scientific and practical importance due to its social significance. Issues of social and psychological adjustment of personality were studied in research by Z.
Инновации в образовании
Білім беру саласындағы инновациялар Innovations in education
- Вебинар-инструктаж. Знакомство и диагностика (определение стартовых знаний
- Применение научных методов. Вы- ступление на студенческой конференции
- Алгоритм написания научных работ
- Представление научных результа- тов: письменный/устный научный моно-
C is the number of neighbors of the word whose vector is needed to define (window size). The neuron of the word selected for search is equal to 1. 3) In a neural network, all weights are set between 0 and 1. yc,j – probability of occurrence of the neighbor of word j in context c.
If the j-word in the c-context is a neighbor of the c-context, tc,j is equal to 1. To calculate the accuracy of the system, a new word is between the different words in subsection 1 of Section 90 posted. For example, to determine the lexical combinations of words, all the words of the Constitution must be in the dictionary.
However, the lexical combinations of the words of these vectors can be influenced by the words before and after them. Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology Resources and Tools for the Digital Humanities (LT4DH).
![Figure 1. Block diagram of the project As shown in Figure 1, the system begins](https://thumb-ap.123doks.com/thumbv2/azdokorg/10883584.0/28.892.279.657.150.454/figure-1-block-diagram-project-shown-figure-begins.webp)
Қолданбалы психология және психотерапия Прикладная психология и психотерапия
Applied psychology and psychotherapy
Электронный ресурс]: URL: https://www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/paperbook/new-thinking-about-children/. Электронный ресурс]: URL: https://www.litres.ru/adel-faber/eleyn-mazlish/kak-govorit-chtoby-deti-slushali-i-kak-slushat-chtoby-deti-govorili-4/chitat- online/ (дата обращения. Электронный ресурс): URL: https://www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/paperbook/new-thinking-about-children/ (данные обращения.
Elektronnyj resurs]: URL: https://www.litres.ru/adel-faber/eleyn-mazlish/kak-govorit-chtoby-deti-slushali-i-kak- slushat-chtoby-deti-govorili-4/chitat- online/ (data obrashcheniya. Elektronnyj resurs): URL: https://avidreaders.ru/book/ty-mozhesh-bolshe-chem-ty-dumaesh.html (data obrashcheniya. And no one teaches adults to be parents, all upbringing comes down to the principle of «As I was brought up, so am I». The accelerated pace of progress has led to the rapid development of the child (the child, who is not yet able to speak, can use the telephone).
В исследовании приняли участие 50 иностранных студентов; для сравнения также были взяты 50 студентов русского отделения. Прикладная психология и психотерапия Статья посвящена анализу барьеров межэтнического общения в студенческой среде.
Dinamika razvitiya sub»ektnosti studentov i uchebnyh gruppe na razlichnyh etapah obucheniya v vuze //Social'naya psihologiya i obshchestvo. Study of the ability to stress resistance of foreign and Kazakh students (on the example of the Karaganda Medical University). The article deals with stress as a physiological reaction in a person that occurs when the body reacts to the extreme demands of the environment.
The article deals with the problems of empathic skills of foreign students and Kazakh students of Karaganda Medical University. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of empathy in different cultures, the definitions of which cover a wide range of emotional states, including caring for others and the desire to help them; to experience emotions that correspond to the emotions of another person; to discern what the other person is thinking or feeling. Empathy can also be understood as a person's emotional response to another person's experiences, a response to another person's feelings, as well as empathy - one person's experience of the same emotional states that the other is experiencing, based on the identification of full. .
Білім берудің мәселелері мен келешегі Проблемы и перспективы образования
Problems and prospects of education
Psychological and pedagogical features of physical education of children with disabilities Sh.Balgimbekov1, K.Kushnazarova1, Sh.Bolatkyzy1. The article outlines the psychological and educational features of sports for children with disabilities. The authors describe features of the motor-mental development in children with vision, hearing, speech, musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders.
Requirements regarding the professional qualification of teachers of educational organizations in the field of adaptive physical education for working with children with special educational needs are proposed. Formirovanie kommunikativnoj kul'tury mladshih shkol'nikov in obrazovatel'nom process nachal'noj shkoly: https://nsportal.ru/nachalnaya-shkola/obshchepedagogicheskie-tekhnologii. One of the most topical issues in the field of upbringing and education is the creation of a communication culture of primary school children, as the goal of modern education is to raise a well-developed young generation that will actively establish itself in various social spheres.
The author defines the essence of the concept of «communicative culture», based on theoretically justified definitions of such basic concepts as» communication»,» culture «and»tolerance». The article presents the issues of research on characteristics and directions of formation of the communicative culture of primary school children, as well as describes the characteristics and components of the personality of students who have a communicative culture. The main idea of the need for properly organized educational work through a sufficient choice of methods and techniques in the formation of the communicative culture of younger students in the learning process is noted.
Glinka (Dnipro, Ukraine) The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of socio-cultural competence of elementary school students in the process of learning artistic culture, as well as one of the criteria of its multicomponent structure - the sign-symbolic interpretation of a literary work artistic. In the article, special attention is paid to the criticism of the approach to competence in education, the necessity of clarifying and limiting its theoretical evidence based on the specifics of the subjects of the educational cycle. One of the main competencies of a modern student is being observed, especially socio-cultural.
Artistic culture and art are considered among the most important for this competence. Organization of cultural and leisure activities of children of primary school age in the extra-curricular school time process. The article discusses the psychological and pedagogical features of the organization of cultural and leisure activities of primary school children in the extracurricular process of the school, which successfully affects the formation of personality in the social aspect.
Cultural and leisure activities are a particularly relevant condition for the comprehensive development of the personality; it largely depends on the interests and needs and allows you to show your abilities in your free time from the main activities. The author offers a meaningful description of the forms of carrying out cultural and recreational activities of younger students in the extracurricular process of the school.
Современные методики и технологии обучения Modern methods and technologies of teaching
Multi-level modular program of pedagogical support of socio-cultural development of adolescents in the interaction of family and school in cultural leisure activities // Pedagogy and Psychology p. 11] Mukhametzhanova AU, Ospanova AN, Kabdolova LE, Pedagogical conditions for the organization of the primary education process on the basis of the principles of action. On the basis of the updated educational program, issues of application of design technologies were discussed in biology lessons in the section "Biology of cells" on the method of spiral training.
The bottom line is that asking parents questions will increase interest in the topic. An analysis of the works of these scholars is carried out and some degrees of application are noted. In order to increase students' interest in the subject of biology, the specifics of the use of technology in project training are defined.
In the field of biology, phases of work aimed at further development and consolidation of data on the topic "Cell Biology" are defined. An effective way to find the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression. The article looks at teaching students how to find the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression.
Приведем несколько примеров нахождения суммы первых n членов арифметической прогрессии нестандартным методом. Современные методы и технологии обучения https://doi.org/10.6017/ihe Электронный ресурс]: URL: https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/ihe/. Теория и практика интернационализации университетов в контексте глобальных вызовов времени.
The article discusses the problems of Kazakhstan's integration into the global educational environment and one of the main trends of globalization - the internationalization of education. An overview is given of the factors and global trends, the main country approaches and concepts, the Strategy and the Internationalization Roadmap, the difference between them is indicated and the competitive advantages of Kazakhstan, which has the necessary quality of education, as well as the complexity and dynamics of the internationalization process are shown. The following is the main content of the project “Theory and practice of the internationalization of universities in the context of the global challenges of the time”, which covers all possible areas of activity in this field.