• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ

DOC dspace.enu.kz


Academic year: 2023

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Computer calculations have shown the great efficiency of calculations based on Newton-Euler's equations, than on the basis of Lagranzh's equations of the second kind. The biggest advantage of the given technology is the possibility of saving sharp fuel during flight on distant space objects in a boundless vacuum, first of all on the natural companion of the Earth - on the Moon.


Second order systems

Likewise, if T2 is negative, then the system converges to the equilibrium point (4) which appears (becomes stable). If T1 is positive, then the equilibrium point (3) appears (becomes stable) and the equilibrium point (4) becomes unstable (disappears) and vice versa, if T1 is negative, then the equilibrium point (4) appears (becomes stable) and the equilibrium point (3). ) becomes unstable (disappears).

Canonical controllable form (CCF). This form is important if we would like to affect to the last term of characteristic polynomial a n which corresponds to

Итак, почему специальная теория относительности Эйнштейна лишила Человечества возможности освоения Вселенной

Поскольку для получения тяги необходимо выбросить «рабочее тело» (без этого движение ракеты просто невозможно), то «рабочее тело». Не надо быть «слепым», чтобы понять, что электрическая волна – это оружие совершенно иного качества, когда «зарядом» для ее уничтожения будет сама цель, инициатором которого является указанное излучение. .

Суть эффекта и постановка проблемы

  • Алгоритм синтеза САУ
  • Модель объекта управления
  • Структура регулятора
  • Архитектура интеллектуальных роботов
  • Технологии ИИ для интегральных роботов

В этом случае для задания подгруппы P1, определяющей ограничения на управляемые процессы xi t, воспользуемся принципом гарантированной динамики. Ввиду того, что постоянные времени Tc и T0 всегда положительны, условия устойчивости не выполняются ни при каких kp, kc и k0 (последняя строка в системе неравенств (4)). В статье Тилека Нурахмета и Даны Каримтайкызы Сатыбалдиной «Предложен метод проектирования системы управления технологическим процессом сушки».

The method is based on the approach that allows to set the control layer in a class of three-parametric structurally stable maps along the lines of the 'dovetail' catastrophe and to explore the potential of robust stability in an area of ​​uncertain parameters of nature to an extreme. the control factory. The results of computer simulation experiments on the model of a robust, stable control system of the drought technological process are obtained. In the article by Turatbek Tursunbekovich Omorov and Gulanda Anarbekovna Kozhekova, “Synthesis of cybernetic automatic systems using a reference model” is considered by multidimensional dynamical systems as an automatic control problem.

Джолдошева «Динамическое проектирование исполнительного устройства для нестационарных робастных систем» разработан новый подход к синтезу систем управления линейными нестационарными многомерными объектами на основе принципа гарантированной динамики [1]. Для проектирования и анализа механических систем (например, различных кинематических цепей) в составе программного комплекса MatLab имеется пакет SimMechanics – расширение модуля физического моделирования Simulink. В статье Салтанат Тохтарханкызы Садыковой «Моделирование интегрированного робота на Matlab» пишет студентка специальности «Автоматизация и управление» заведующего кафедрой системного анализа и управления физико-технического факультета Евразийского национального университета при руководством профессора Аубакира Д.А.

Соединительное звено со резцовой коронкой

Момент инерции соединительного звена относительно координатных осей системы BXcYcZc можно получить, выразив матричное равенство (16) через проекции соответствующих величин на оси координат системы BXcYcZc. В уравнении (19) xs,ys,zs – проекции направленного отрезка BSc на ось базовой системы координат; axс,ayс,azс – проекции ускорений acs от центра масс соединительного звена на ось базовой системы координат (13). Если центр захвата C является началом системы координат C

При интенсивности движения 500 транспортных единиц в час концентрация угарного газа на открытом пространстве на расстоянии 30-40 м от автодороги снижается в три раза и достигает нормы. Компания Crown Central Asia совместно с учеными Казахского национального аграрного университета реализует проект в рамках государственной программы создания сети пастбищ - Создание пастбища с развитой инфраструктурой на 8640 голов молодняка крупного рогатого скота на мясо. производительность по производству конкурентоспособной, экспортно-ориентированной «мраморной» говядины. Модель откормочной площадки с развитой инфраструктурой, предлагаемая компанией Crown Central Asia, представляет собой специализированное предприятие по выращиванию и откорму молодняка казахской белоголовой породы для производства мяса до достижения им живой массы 450-500 кг в возрасте 18 месяцев.

Быков живой массой 450-500 кг, достигших убойного состояния, отправляют на бойню партиями по 117 голов (с учетом убоя в процессе выращивания и откорма) в сутки в течение трех суток.

Годовой выход продукции (говядины)

The first column of the table above shows inputs that are taken into account in the management process. The third column shows the presence or absence of the issues in the listed entries, which are described in detail below. Periodic changes of river water levels, both due to natural climate and artificial causes (for example, manipulation of river channels and water retention in artificial water basins), repeat the phenomenon of flooding and drying lake systems that negatively affect the conditions of the major rivers. habitats of natural and water birds.

As a result of this situation, lakes in KSNR are experiencing difficult conditions, such as significant drops in water levels in reservoirs that suffocated fish, and flooding that deteriorated the nests of colonial birds. At the end of winter, the ice melted and produced a greater amount of water. Some hydrochemical research must be done to obtain the knowledge to predict the future ecological status of the lakes.

Since there is no effective control over hunting and fishing activities at the local level, this situation led to the deprivation of local communities who are supposed to have special rights to exploit the resource to some extent.


The scale and remoteness of many reserves (eg the shorelines of Lake Tengiz) make it almost impossible for management to enforce the rule of their protection to the proper extent. For example, hunting birds in the braids of Lake Tengiz and fishing in Lake Korgalzhyn are both illegal and require the cooperation of the visitors not to be involved in such illegal activities. Often, trespassers with high-performance equipment committed illegal hunting and fishing at the KSNR, leaving nothing of value to the local communities.

To some extent, it appeared necessary to offer special rights to local communities in order to exploit the resource around KSNR. Despite the need to improve the security system, local communities should be involved in maintaining the KSNR with the controlled special rights as a reward.


Another important aspect is the educational aspect; visitors must gain an advance in knowledge about the landscape and its functions. Previous research Chase (1983) concluded that the manager should consider the contribution of visitors when developing management programs. 2. Style of participation, described as the ways in which visitors choose to become involved with the recreational facilities offered.

There are macro-characteristics or macro-behavioral participation (trophy hunter, meat hunter, and equipment hunter) and micro-behavioral participation (how people travel on a wilderness trail, interact with each other, and react to certain environmental influences). However, until recently, there are only a small number of studies about the micro-behavior of participants (Mills, 1985). 3. Visitor Sense, described as how people participate based on their sense of the recreational opportunity prepared by management.

Even when empirical data on this aspect is less available, the manager should be able to predict general user response in order to develop suitable programs.

The inappropriateness of the service and the limited number of specially allocated areas of the territory for learning about nature. As a result, the potential tourist values ​​of the natural environment were not exposed to tourists. Organizing tourism activity is one of the key steps that management must take.

Despite the fact that having a tourism organizer is included in the management plan, the realization still has financing problems. However, despite some lack of facilities and organizations, it was indicated that most visitors were satisfied with what they experienced at KSNR. Therefore, in order to limit the use of the resources allocated to the reserve, as well as those that are subject to protection, it is necessary for one's own purposes to organize special committees with representatives on them.

However, although the management of recreational facilities would like to change the functions of the site, maintenance must be prioritized.

Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve’s (KSNR) service management section analysis

Furthermore, according to the confirmation of the Committee of Forest and Hunting Economy under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the management of KSNR plans to integrate the management of KSNR with the adjacent areas, including the provision of conservation typical and unique ecosystems and a biological variety. However, the occurrence of some problems in KSNR will not be solved without any stronger financial support, such as territory arrangement, organization of the protection, necessary buildings or facility development, staff payment and the purchase of necessary special equipment. KSNR has one qualified staff for this position, and it is not enough to serve all groups during peak seasons, especially since KSNR is almost a large area.

Service Management directly points to the purchase of facilities, services and related utilities to meet the user. Stronger financial support is required to develop some facilities, territory arrangement, organization of the protection, necessary buildings or facilities development, staff payment and purchase of necessary special equipment. Quantity problems are related to the working conditions in KSNR, while quality problems are related to the existing education system.

According to the KSNR management, changes to the landscape for the purpose of securing or restoring certain species are legally prohibited; therefore, other preventive activities should be arranged soon.

Recommendations Finance

Part of fines and money collected from damage caused by it is the result of violation of the legislation on specially protected areas;. Part of payments from companies, enterprises and organizations for pollution of territory and reserve objects, which are defined on the basis of an ecological-economic assessment of their impact on the surrounding environment. Targets and other voluntary payments by the companies, enterprises, organizations, including international both foreign and citizens.

It is necessary to introduce new forms of economic development of areas (free economic zones, zones of priority development, etc.) in order to direct the financial target of nature reserve of the enterprises, the organizations or in relation to individuals. Inclusion of reserve in the international Nature Protection campaigns, programs, the trade unions are more effective. To collect stimulus from entrants it is necessary to establish grants on training, encourage students with special grants.

It is necessary to increase the number of staff, especially for scientific personals and protection staff.

Задача рекреационного менеджмента в национальных заповедниках

Рекреационная политика в национальных заповедниках

Мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының ең ірі қорықтарының бірі болып табылатын Қорғалжын мемлекеттік табиғи қорығының жаһандық маңызы көрсетілген. Бұл мақалада ҚСНР аумағының орналасуы туралы ақпарат, аймақтағы биологиялық әртүрлілік пен экологиялық жағдайдың қысқаша сипаттамасы берілген. Ғылым мен инновациялық қаржыландыру деңгейінің төмендеуіне қоса, 2008 жылы ғылыми-техникалық қызметте жұмыс істейтіндердің жалпы саны 2004 жылмен салыстырғанда 9,1%-ға, ал ғылыми-зерттеу ұйымдарының саны 15%-дан астамға қысқарды.

2005 жылмен салыстырғанда 2008 жылы: ғылым мен инновацияны қаржыландыру деңгейі ЖІӨ 0,09%-ға, ғылыми ұйымдар 15%-ға және ғылыми зерттеушілер саны 9,1%-ға төмендеді.


Figure 1. “Integrators in series” structure.
Figure 2. Behavior of output of designed control system in the case of integrators in series at various T 2 .
Figure 3. Behavior of output of designed control system in the case of integrators in series at various T 1 .
Figure 9. Double pendulum with slope

Ақпарат көздері


In the studies of i placemaking, ii designing public places emphasizing on inclusive urban management and social planning strategies, iii plan- ning cities with more profound

Conclusions - creation of the laboratories and fish breeding in autonomous facilities will allow development of the innovative technologies for rearing, preservation, and replenishment