Dissolution of zinc electrode in hydrochloric acid with polarizing alternating current // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.-2016.-Vol. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician, D. Shertayeva N.T.- Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Baitursynova str.
Kerimbayeva K.Z.- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, State Pedagogical University of South Kazakhstan, str. Baitursynova.
Synthesis of octochlorosubstituted cobalt(II) and copper(II) complexes with phthalocyanine
Fig.3 - Combined spectrum of CuPcCl8 and CoPcCl8 compounds in the range from 500 to 1800 cm-1 A detailed assignment of the bands of valence and deformation vibrations in the IR spectra of unsubstituted phthalocyanine complexes of cobalt(II), copper( II) obtained by solid phase synthesis was done by us in (fig.3) [5]. The IR spectra of chlorine-substituted metallophthalocyanine complexes of the same metals in the same oxidation states obtained in the presence of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene have slight differences, since the IR spectra of substituted metallophthalocyanines consist of bands attached to the phthalocyanine part of the molecule and bonds of chloride ions. Due to the fact that these bands partially overlap, the interpretation of the spectra was carried out on the basis of a comparative analysis with the spectra of chloro-substituted methylphthalocyanines and their unsubstituted metallophthalocyanines.
In the spectra of synthesized compounds in the region of 1650-1500 cm-1 there are bands of valence vibrations of C-C-benzene rings, the interpretation of spectra in the region of 1400-750 cm-1 is complicated due to the overlap of bands that related to both the vibrations of phthalcyanine fragments and fragments of chloride ions.
CoPcCl 8
Пиридинмен өңдеудің соңғы кезеңінен кейін физика-химиялық әдістермен өнімнің құрамындағы қоспалар, соның ішінде цианур қышқылы, мочевина ыдырауы жойылатынын анықтадық және көміртегі, сутегі, азоттың элементтік талдауының нәтижелері анықталды. орындалды. thermovomtypflashea 1112 анализаторында жойылғаны анықталды. KBr таблеткаларында УК-спектрофотометрде жазылған Nicolet IR-200, күкірт қышқылындағы октахлорметалл фтаоцианин ерітінділерінің УК-спектрлері Varian UV-VIS/Nir спектрометрінде тіркелді. IK-spektry kompleksov elementov triadiy zheleza i med s phthalocyaninom, Вестник ЕҰУ им.Л.Н.Гумилева [Темір мен мыс үштік элементтерінің фталоцианинмен комплекстерінің ИҚ спектрлері, Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы.
Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Honorary Head of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, L.N.
Изучение dft анализа различных форм глютамина
34;Investigation of methods for quantum chemical calculation and EPR spectroscopy of the electronic structural and coordination properties of different forms of glutamine."// Universum: chemistry and biology R. Prediction of the enthalpies of sublimation of cyclic derivatives of urea using the model of molecular electrostatic potential // Journal of Physical Chemistry For glutamine, the MEP was calculated using the DFT/B3LYP program, the basis set 6-311G++(d,p) and the surface of the molecular electrostatic potential was constructed.
Keywords: density functional theory, zwitterion, molecule, charge, structure, quantum chemical calculations, molecular electrostatic potential.
Обзор: Извлечение металлов платиновой группы из каталитических конвертеров
- Физико-химические методы описания катализаторов
Mechanism of recovery of platinum group metals from catalytic converters in used car exhaust systems // Resources, conservation and recycling. Sonoelectrochemistry - hydrodynamic cavitation method for recycling platinum group metals from spent automotive catalysts // Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. Exploration of platinum group minerals (PGM) from Pindos chromites (Greece) using hydroseparation concentrates // Minerals Engineering.
The effect of using different comminution procedures on the flotation of Platinum-Group Minerals // Minerals Engineering. Recovery of platinum group metals from spent catalysts using ferric chloride vapor treatment // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science. Magnetic Concentration of Platinum Group Metals from Catalyst Waste Using Iron Deposit Pretreatment // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science.
Metal smelting and collection method for recycling platinum group metals from waste catalysts: a mini review // Waste Management and Research. A system for the production and accumulation of biological cyanide and the recovery of platinum group metals from used car catalysts with biogenic cyanide. Recovery of platinum group metals from spent catalysts using electroless nickel plating and magnetic separation // Materials Transactions.
Recovery of platinum group metals from spent catalyst leaching solutions using tailor-made resins // Minerals. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan Review: Extraction of platinum group metals from catalysts. Platinum group metals (PGM) are widely used in the catalytic industry due to their excellent physical and chemical properties (high temperature stability, high catalyst activity, high heat resistance, high corrosion resistance).
This review presents an analysis of methods for the recovery of platinum group metals from spent catalysts and their advantages and disadvantages.
Территориальная организация экотуризма в парадигме устойчивого развития (на примере Ивановского района)
Perception of overtourism in selected European destinations in terms of visitor age and in the context of Sustainable tourism. Participation in ecotourism education, gender and place of residence as determinants of attitudes towards sustainable tourism. Galai Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
The purpose of the study is the territory of the Ivanovo district, a characteristic feature of which is the presence of significant natural, historical and cultural potential for the development of ecological, cultural and other friendly types of tourism. Tourism zoning of the area was carried out with the definition of specialization and reference tourist centers of each zone. Oficial'nyj sajt OON Celi v oblasti ustojchivogo razvitiya [Official website of the UN Sustainable Development Goals] Available at: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ru/sustainable-development- goals/.
Oficial'nyj sajt Departamenta po ekonomicheskim i social'nym voprosam OON [Official website of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs], Ustojchivoe razvitie [Sustainable Development]. Yazykah [The development of agro-ecotourism in the border regions on the example of the Brest and Grodno regions: a monograph in Russian. Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Geographical Ecology, Belarusian State University, Nezavisimost str.,4, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Geography of the World and Educational Technologies, Belarusian State University, Nezavisimost str., 4, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor of the Department of Geographical Ecology, Belarusian State University, Nezavisimost str., 4, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
4 K. Orazymbetova
Landscape forming factors of the Karkaraly low mountains ___________________________________________________________
Geosystems of the Karkaraly Low Mountains are located in the eastern part of the Kazakh Highlands in the Karkaraly District of the Karaganda Region. The area under study is located almost entirely in the dry steppe subzone of the steppe landscape-climate zone. The first geobotanical studies of the geosystems of the Karkaraly Mountains were carried out by A.Ya.
In the eastern part of the Highlands, much attention was paid to the study of the forest vegetation of the low mountains. With regard to the magmatic forms of the Upper Paleozoic, the modern terrain is directly inherited. The key areas were selected based on the geographical and indicative localization of the mapped ecosystems.
1 is located near the middle part of the Karkaralinka River, northeast of the town of Karkaraly. There are trees (elm, birch) in combination with bushes (hips, currants) at the foot of the hills. 4 is located on the territory of the middle part of the Zharly River near the village of Karbushevka.
The soil pH values of all key areas can be correlated as alkaline. During the reconstruction of the Karagaily Mining and Processing Plant, emissions from 46 sources of pollution (main activities of the concentrator) were taken into account.
Г.М. Атаева
Cезонная динамика биологической продуктивности основных ассоциаций степей Западного Казахстана
M. Ataeva
The work presents the results of the author's own research on the study of the seasonal dynamics of the biological productivity of the main associations of the complex steppes of Western Kazakhstan. Based on the results of the research, recommendations have been developed for the conservation of steppe ecosystems and the rational use of pastures during the growing season, including in years with different hydrothermal regimes. The biological productivity of vegetation, combined with climatic factors, has for centuries ensured the fertility of the soil of the steppe zone, the main breadbasket of agriculture and livestock farming.
Practical frontal plowing of the Kazakh steppe, more than 70%, contributed to the transformation of steppe vegetation on large areas. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii [Dynamics of the main communities of the desert-steppe complex of the Caspian Sea, biodiversity and biological resources of the Urals and neighboring territories. Assessment of the sustainability of the landscapes of the North Kazakhstan region on the impact of agriculture, NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of Geology and Technical Sciences.
Landscape-geochemical analysis of the basin of the Zhaiyk steppe zone, NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of geology and technical sciences. Natural recreational potential of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. Shakarima [Criteria for assessing the degree of transformation of steppe and desert vegetation, Bulletin of Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarima.
Assessment of the Southern Urals Recreation Potential for the Development of the Aktobe Tourism Industry, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites.
Особенности агрометеорологических условий в Туркестанской области
При коэффициенте вариации менее 17% ряд считается абсолютно однородным, при 17-33% - достаточно однородным, при 34-40% - недостаточно однородным, более 40% - неоднородным. Вегетационный период 2021 г. характеризовался очень высокими температурами воздуха (выше нормы), а в 2022 г. фоновая летняя температура также была выше нормы. Например, суточная максимальная температура воздуха выше 32°С неблагоприятна для культур с умеренным теплом (ранние яровые культуры), выше 37°С неблагоприятна для теплолюбивых культур.
В 2021 году количество теплых дней для среднетепловых культур составило от 59 до 86 дней, для теплолюбивых – от 13 до 41 дня. Коэффициенты вариации многолетних рядов коэффициента влажности К в пустынной зоне - 30 %, в горно-пустынной зоне - 26 %, в горно-полупустынной зоне - 26. Годы с удовлетворительными погодными условиями имеют повторяемость. в горно-полупустынной зоне - 20% (2 года из 10), в горно-пустынной зоне - 10% (1 год из 10).
The trends of changes in agrometeorological indicators in the Turkestan region for the period from 1991 to 2022 are analyzed. There is a tendency to increase the amounts of air temperature for the growing season, a tendency to decrease the amounts of precipitation for the growing season, a tendency to decrease the values of the moisture coefficient K and the drought index HTC. Such conditions mean an increase in the heat supply of the growing season, an increase in the number of hot days, a decrease in humidity and an increase in the dryness of the growing season.
Years with satisfactory weather conditions have a repeatability of 20% in the mountainous semi-desert zone and 10% in the mountainous desert zone. Years with adverse weather conditions have a repeatability of 100% in the desert zone, 90% in the mountainous desert zone, and 50% in the mountainous semi-desert zone.