• Ешқандай Нәтиже Табылған Жоқ



Academic year: 2023



Толық мәтін

The research represents a case study and explores Germany's "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan regarding education and culture. Since no previous research has been carried out on this matter, the author tries to provide key information of the strategy by analyzing its functions, actors and the role of the German diaspora. In relation to the conceptual framework, the research is based on Joseph Nye's concept of "soft power" and its interconnection with "public diplomacy".

Furthermore, the research describes the role of the state, non-state actors and also the German diaspora and their cooperation in Kazakhstan. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their love, support and care, as my family is the most important source of motivation.


In other words, I want to understand the mechanism of Germany's "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan. The mentioned studies provide us with a general understanding of Germany's "soft power" and "public diplomacy". Furthermore, the existing literature does not reveal the role of the German diaspora in the "soft power" strategy.

The purpose of the textual analysis was to study Germany's "soft power" strategy in the educational and cultural fields. The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of the driving forces of Germany's "soft power".

Case-Studies Overview

It is also necessary to provide guidance to the DAAD to understand its scope. Based on the information available on the official website of DAAD Kazakhstan, I have created a chart with scholarships offered by DAAD in Kazakhstan: 75. The Goethe-Institut is a cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach.

77“History of the Goethe -Institut”, Goethe-Institut, accessed 12 November 2017, https://www.goethe.de/en/uun/org/ges.html. 84The graph is created by the researcher and is based on the information from the official website of the Goethe Institute. The Goethe Institute is also one of the key organizations promoting German language and culture with worldwide offices.

In addition to conducting German language courses, the language department of the Goethe-Institut Almaty organizes workshops and seminars for German language teachers, conducts numerous German language exams. The information center/library of the Goethe-Institut Almaty provides up-to-date information on German cultural, social and political life. The Goethe-Institut is one of the largest organizations promoting German culture and language worldwide.

The main objectives of the association are therefore the preservation of national identity, culture and German language. 98The following diagram illustrates the main directions and activities of the association, which are described on the official website:99. 99 The graph was created by a researcher, based on the information from the official website of the Association of Public Trade Unions of Kazakhstani Germans “Vozrozhdenie”, Elektronnoe Samoupravlenie Etnicheskih Nemcev.

Germany’s “Soft Power” Strategy in Kazakhstan and Worldwide Prestige…

In this subsection, I provide detailed information on the German "soft power" strategy and its characteristics. In other words, German cultural attitudes and educational policy are an analogy of "soft power". Representatives of the Federal Foreign Office used the term "soft power" only once in the period from 2012 to 2016.

In describing and talking about cultural relations and education policy, representatives of the German government refer to features of "soft power" and "public diplomacy". As my text analysis showed, the representatives of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs mostly mentioned principles of "soft power" and "public diplomacy" concepts regarding exchange programs and the role of alumni. The examples given show that although representatives of the Federal Foreign Office hardly directly use the "soft power".

Therefore, cultural relations and education policy are an analogy of the “soft power” concept, where public diplomacy is its instrument. Based on the above findings, it is necessary to analyze the German “cultural relations and education policy” as it is an analogy to “soft power”. None of the participants mentioned any document or strategy of the German “soft power” strategy in Kazakhstan.

German cultural relations and education policy can be seen as an analogy of the "soft power" strategy. The Federal Foreign Office understands the importance of the concept of "soft power", although it does not use the term directly. However, this does not mean that Germany does not promote a "soft power" strategy in the country.

Role of the German Diaspora in the “Soft Power” Strategy

Considering this, not all representatives of the Association (my respondents) clearly understand the concept of "soft power". Thus, none of my research participants from the Association and other organizations such as DAAD Kazakhstan and Goethe-Institut Kazakhstan identified the German diaspora as an active actor in promoting Germany's "soft power". However, representatives of DAAD Kazakhstan and the Goethe-Institut consider the German diaspora in Kazakhstan as one of the factors influencing the bilateral relations between Germany and Kazakhstan.

In the framework of the agreement, FMI (Germany) and the Association of Public Trade Unions of Kazakh Germans "Vozrozhdenie" regularly cooperate in the educational, cultural and social spheres.140. The Goethe-Institut promotes intercultural and interlinguistic exchange in the world on behalf of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”145. The Goethe Institute offers the representatives of the ethnic Germans to take the German language courses (one semester) in one of the German Language Centers in Kazakhstan.146.

Thereby there is support from the German diaspora in terms of providing educational opportunities, but not all organizations have projects specifically designed for the German diaspora in Kazakhstan. One of the participants of the Association mentioned that the Association of Public Trade Unions of Kazakh Germans "Vozrozhdenie" has close ties with the German Embassy, ​​as they participate in and visit common projects. For example, the German Embassy held an event organ music concert, and the representatives of the Association were guests there.

Based on the aforementioned findings, the hypothesis that Germany promotes its "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan in terms of education and culture because of the German diaspora is not entirely true. Thus, as mentioned, Germany promotes its "soft power" in Kazakhstan for reasons of maintaining its prestige, but not only because of the German diaspora. Even if Germany promotes its "soft power" because of the German diaspora, it is for supporting them with some educational and cultural projects.

Role of State and Non-State Actors in Germany’s “Soft Power” Strategy

The point is that the German ministries support both the DAAD and the Goethe-Institut. One of the participants from DAAD Kazakhstan mentioned that the German Embassy in Astana and the Consulate General of Thus, the Goethe-Institut and the German Academic Exchange Service are funded by the state, but not run by the state.

The same can be said for the Goethe-Institut and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). For example, as Amanda mentioned, there is no close connection between DAAD Astana and Goethe-Institut Astana. Considering the above, we can agree with the argument made by Auer and Srugies, that even though the Federal Foreign Office provides financial support to such non-state actors as the DAAD and the Goethe-Institut, it still lacks a strong network. between the actors, as each of them aims at their own directions.

As already mentioned, each organization has its own goals and direction, so the events organized by the DAAD Kazakhstan and the Goethe-Institut Kazakhstan differ. The DAAD promotes German education, while the Goethe-Institut Kazakhstan offers German language courses, provides information about Germany and its culture. It should also be noted that although both the DAAD Kazakhstan and the Goethe-Institut Kazakhstan rely on cultural communication, they have different activities as they pursue different goals.

In conclusion, the chapter showed that there is no strong network between non-state actors themselves, but the role of state actors like the German embassy is strong. Moreover, a characteristic of German actors involved in the promotion of "soft power" is that they hardly draw the line between state and non-state actors, as they are supported by various German ministries. State actors play a key role in cooperation, as cooperation between non-state actors is poor.


This research helps to see the mechanism of the German "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan in the field of education and culture. In other words, the thesis illustrates the key factors and features of the German "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan in the field of education and culture. Thus, future research could analyze Germany's “soft power” strategy, but focus on a particular aspect or characteristic.

Furthermore, in my research, I did not analyze the role of the Internet and social networks in Germany's "soft power" strategy. You are invited to participate in this research because I believe that your experience can contribute to a better understanding and recognition of the German strategy of "soft power" in Kazakhstan in the educational and cultural sphere. I want to know how Germany develops its "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan in the educational and cultural sphere and what are the main instruments of this strategy.

However, your participation in my research will help to contribute to the social sciences and to the understanding of Germany's "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan. You are invited to participate in this research because I believe that your experience can contribute to the better understanding of Germany's "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan in the educational and cultural spheres. I want to know how Germany implements its "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan in the field of education and culture and what are the main instruments of this strategy.

However, your participation will help to contribute to the social sciences and to the understanding of Germany's "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan. Study Title: Germany's "Soft Power" Strategy in Kazakhstan: Educational and Cultural Aspects Principal Investigator: Karina Matkarimova. I am doing research to understand Germany's "soft power" strategy in Kazakhstan with a focus on educational and cultural aspects.

There are no financial benefits, but your participation will help to better understand Germany's “soft power” strategy in Kazakhstan. Could you please tell me the directions of Germany's soft power strategy in Kazakhstan, and the role of education and culture in this strategy.

Ақпарат көздері


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