Hand book on the program module for bachelors of the educational program "6В05107- Biology"
This guide provides information on the modules and disciplines of the study program.
Module designation General education module
Discipline -HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN Semester(s) in which the
module is taught
Autumn and spring semesters of the first year of studies Person responsible for the
Ganizhamal Kushenova
Language Kazakh, Russian, English
Relation to curriculum For all bachelor programs, compulsory component, general education discipline, 1-2 semester of the first year of students Teaching methods lecture, seminar, self-study
Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)
30 hours of lectures, 15 hours of seminars, 105 hours of students’
self-study including examination preparation
Credit points 5
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
The purpose of the course „Modern history of Kazakhstan“ is to form a system of scientific views on the history of modern Kazakhstani society in the context of the world historical process.
Students know the main periods of the formation of an independent Kazakhstani statehood, phenomena and events of the historical past with the general paradigm of the world- historical development of human society through critical analysis.
Students know how to use the techniques of historical description and analysis of the causes and consequences of events in the modern history of Kazakhstan, to analyze the features and significance of the modern Kazakhstani model of development, to determine the practical potential of intercultural dialogue and respect for the spiritual heritage.
Students are able to propose possible solutions to modern problems based on an analysis of the historical past and reasoned information, to form their own civic position on the priorities of mutual understanding, tolerance and democratic values of modern society.
Content 1. Introduction to the course
2. Kazakhstan on the way to independence: stages of formation of the idea of a national state
3. Civil-political confrontation
4. Implementation of the Soviet model of nation-building 5. Contradictions and consequences of the Soviet reforms in
Kazakhstan in the second half of the twentieth century 6. «Perestroika» policy in Kazakhstan
7. Formation of the state structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
8. Kazakhstani model of economic development
9. Social modernization – the basis for the well-being of society 10. Ethno-demographic processes and strengthening of
interethnic harmony
11. Socio-political development prospects and spiritual modernization.
12. The policy of forming a new historical consciousness and worldview of the people of the Great Steppe
13. Kazakhstan – a state recognized by the modern world 14. N.A. Nazarbayev – a personality in history
15. Formation of the nation of a united future Exams and assessment formats one final oral exam (30 minutes)
Study and examination requirements
Students must have a final grade of 50% or higher to pass
Reading list Basic references
1. Ayagan B.G., Abzhanov Kh.M., Seliverstov S.V., Bekenova M.S. Sovremennaya istoriya Kazakhstana: Almaty: Raritet, 2010. – 432 s., 16 s.
2. Kan G.V. Istoriya Kazakhstana: Uchebnoye posobiye dlya vuzov. – Almaty, 2005.
3. Uly Dala tarikhy: uchebnoye posobiye / Kan G.V., Tugzhanov Ye.L. – Astana: Zhasyl Orda, 2015. – 328 str.
4. Momynova Sh.R. Kazakhstan: drevneyshaya, drevnyaya i srednevekovaya istoriya. V 2 tomakh. - Karaganda, 2003
Additional references
1. Nazarbayev N.A. «7 graney Velikoy stepi». – Astana, 2018 2. Nazarbayev N.A. «Era nezavisimosti». – Astana, 2017 3. Kazakstan tarikhy. 5 tomdyk. 1-5-tomdar. – Almaty., 1996,
1997, 2000, 2010.
4. Kazakstan (Kazak Yeli) tarikhy. – 4 kytaptan turatyn okulyk.
Tauelsiz Kazakstan: algyzharttary zhane kalyptasuy. 4 kytap / T. Omarbekov, B.S. Saylan, A.Sh. Altayev zhane t.b. – Almaty, Kazak universitety, 2016. – 264 b.
5. Alan Barnard Antropologiya tarikhy men teoriyasy [okulyk] / А. Barnard; aud. Zh. Zhumashova, 2018. – 240 b.
6. Shvab K. Tortinshi industriyalyk revolucia [monografiya] / K.
Shvab; aud.: N.B. Akysh, L.A. Bimendiyeva, K.I. Matyzhanov, 2018. – 198 b.
7. Nazarbayev N.A. Tarikh tolkynynda. – Almaty: Atamura, 1999 8. Kan G.V. Istoriya Kazakhstana: Uchebnoye posobiye dlya
vuzov. – Almaty, 2005.
9. Uly Dala Tarikhy: uchebnoye posobiye /Kan G.V., Tugzhanov Ye.L. – Astana: Zhasyl Orda, 2015. – 328 s.
10. Ayagan B.G., Abzhanov Kh.M., Makhat D.A. Kazirgi Kazakstan tarikhy. – Almaty, 2010.
А Module Handbook
Module name General education module
Module level (if available) -
Code (if available) EDUC 21001 Subtitle (if available) -
Course (if available) Foreign language
Semester 1/2 semesters
Person responsible for the module
Ustelimova N.A., Musina S.K., Burkitbayeva A.G.
Lecturer Russian / Kazakh Ustelimova N.A., Musina S.K., Burkitbayeva A.G., Zhussupova G.M., Khamitova A.G., Kassenova A.B., Zhanayeva Zh.A., Zhandildinova A.M. , Nurlybay A.M., Nurgaliyeva U.S., Zagorulya O.L., Vatutina Zh.P., Dyusengaliyeva A.A.
Language of instruction English / French / German Within the curriculum General education course Teaching type, contact hours Practical classes – 90 hours
Hours 45 practical classes / 105 SIW (students’ independent work)
ECTS number 5
Exam requirements Oral exam
Pre-requisites Foreign language
Module objectives / intended learning outcomes
The learning outcomes in the course “Foreign Language”:
- the student owns the language system at the level of common European competence and methods of its use in cultural and communicative activities;
- in the course of a dialogue and monologue, the student knows how to hold the attention of a partner, describes situations and events with refraction through their own experience of perception;
- in the course of written communication, the student writes short essays on topics of interest, short reports with factual information of a daily nature and an explanation of the necessary actions;
- in the course of listening the student understands simple information messages on radio and television on topics of interest;
- in the course of reading, the student looks through texts in order to find necessary information, establishes the logic of reasoning on the topic of the text, and understands simple texts with factual information (traditional and online).
In the process of foreign language education, students develop intercultural and communicative competencies in the traditional and online formats.
Content 1) Social sphere of communication: Family in the modern society 2) Socio-cultural sphere of communication: /Entertainment
3) Socio-cultural sphere of communication / Looking after yourself 4) Socio-cultural sphere of communication: Cultural and historical background
5) Socio-cultural sphere of communication: Cultural and historical background
6) Socio-cultural sphere of communication: Cultural and historical background /Personal, private life
7) Socio-cultural sphere of communication/Culture 8) Educational of communication sphere/The world 9) Educational of communication sphere/Student’s life
10) Socio-cultural sphere of communication: Cultural and historical background/Education
11) Professional sphere of communication (the title of the topic depends on the specialty)
12) Professional sphere of communication (the title of the topic depends on the specialty)
13)Professional sphere of communication (the title of the topic depends on the specialty)
14) Professional sphere of communication (the title of the topic depends on the specialty)
15) Professional sphere of communication (the title of the topic depends on the specialty)
Requirements for training and exams, exam forms
Students are required to attend practical classes in a foreign language and take an active part in completing SIW assignments, the results of which are accepted by the teacher online or in the university classroom, depending on the type and form of the assignment. Students who have missed classes, receive the “absent” mark in the electronic mark-book in the AIS “Platonus”. If the lesson is missed for a grounded reason, the student has the right to answer the missed topics to the teacher.
The first midterm assessment: Performing test tasks on the studied material / oral statement on the covered topics, at the discretion of the teacher.
The second midterm assessment: Fulfillment of test tasks on the studied material / oral statement on the covered topics, at the discretion of the teacher.
Media used Edpuzzle, Kahoot, Socrative, Edmodo
References 1. Latham-Koenig Ch., Oxenden C. English File. Pre/Inter/Upper- Intermediate Student’s Book. – 3d ed. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014
2. Sagimbayeva D.E., Mukhtarkhanova A.M., Tazhitova G.Z. From reading to speaking. – Stana, 2016.
3. Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use.- 3d ed., 16th print. – Cambridge University Press, 2013. – 319 p.
4. Nurbekova Zh.K., Zharkynbekova Sh.K., Sagimbayeva D.E., Mukhtarkhanova A.M. Inostrannyy yazyk: angliyskiy yazyk [elektronnyy resurs]: Tsifrovyye obrazovatel'nyye resursy dlya vsekh neyazykovykh spetsial'nostey 1 kursa. MON RK, YENU im. L.N.Gumileva. – Astana:
YENU im.L.N. Gumileva, 2015. – 1 elektronnyy disk (CD); TSOR
5. UMKD po distsipline "Inostrannyy yazyk I, ÍÍ» dlya obuchayushchikhsya neyazykovykh spetsial'nostey. Uroven' bazovoy standartnosti B1, V2. 2019 g.Yevraziyskiy natsional'nyy universitet im.
L.N. Gumileva Rabochaya (modul'naya) uchebnaya programma (Syllabus) Izdaniye: pervoye F YENU 703-13-17 Rabochaya (modul'naya) uchebnaya programma (Syllabus). Izdaniye pervoye.
6. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. A reference and practice book for intermediate / upper intermediate students of English / Raymond Murphy. - 4th ed.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Data bases: https://library.enu.kz/MegaPro/Web https://edpuzzle.com/
https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/intermediate-b1 https://www.britishcouncil.kz/kk
https://create.kahoot.it/auth/login Module designation General Education Module
Discipline-Kazakh (Russian) language Semester(s) in which the
module is taught
Autumn and spring semesters of the first year of studies Person responsible for the
Kulmanov K.S (Kazakh language) Zhuravleva Y.A (Russian language)
Language Kazakh (Russian) language
Relation to curriculum Compulsory Teaching methods Practical classes
Students’ independent work Workload (incl. contact hours,
self-study hours)
Contact hours – 3 hours a week
Practical classes – 90 contact hours (45 contact hours + 45 contact hours)
SIW (students’ independent work) – 210 (105+105) Number of students in a group – 12-15
Credit points 5 ECTS (1-2 semesters)
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
To master this course (level B2), students must have a level of proficiency and skills in the course “Kazakh / Russian language”
equivalent to the level of secondary education (A1, A2, B1).
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
Purpose: To acquire students with grammar of the Kazakh/Russian languages, to teach the correct use of grammar and literacy skills; to express your own opinion freely and to write in Kazakh/Russian accurately;
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcome 1 – to enter into communication in oral and written forms in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages to solve the problems of interpersonal, intercultural and professional communication;
Learning outcome 2 – building a speech behavior program in situations of personal, social and professional communication in accordance with the norms of language, culture, the specifics of the sphere of communication, certification requirements.
To know the rules of grammar of Kazakh/Russian languages
To be able to use topics in speaking situations (texts, dialogues, disputes etc.)
To have an ability to use the Kazakh/Russian languages in everyday speech correctly
Content - My life
- Geography - Education - Environment - Books
- Traditions and holidays - Professions
- Mass media - Society - Science - Sport Leisure
Exams and assessment formats Two oral Midterm assessments (20 minutes each) and one final oral exam (40 minutes), test
Exam form: combined (testing in Socrativ, oral answer, written assignment)
Study and examination requirements
The combined exam consists of 25 exam cards with two questions. The first question is taking a test in the SOCRATIV program, where students solve 40 questions; the second question is an oral answer to a given topic. The list of topics for oral answers is given to students in advance for preparation. The third question is reading a text and answering questions about the text in writing.
Reading list
1. Kazakhskiy yazyk: Kazak tili: Kulmanov K.S., Abduova B.S., Akbuzauova B., Akhmetova K.A., Baibolat L.B. Kazak tili (Til uyrenushilerdyn В1 zhane В2 dengeylerine arnalgan). Oku kuraly (Yekinshi basylym), Astana, 2016.
2. Kulmanov K.S., Abduova B.S., Akbuzauova B., Akhmetova K.A., Baibolat L.B. Kazak tili (Til uyrenushilerdyn В1 zhane В2 dengeylerine arnalgan). Oku kuraly (Yekinshi basylym), Astana, 2015.
3. Alimbek G. Kazak tili В1,В2 dengeyleri boyinsha oku-adistemelik kural. – Nur-Sultan, 2021. – 194 bet.
4. Kulmanov K.S., Adilbek A.M., Mazgumbekova A.K., Khamitova A.G.
Kazak tili (А1 engeyi. Sheteldik studentterge arnalgan Oku kuraly–
Nur-Sultan, 2021. – 176 bet.
5. Russkiy yazyk: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov kazakhskikh otdeleniy universitetov (bakalavriat) / pod redaktsiyey K.K.
Akhmed'yarova, SH.K. Zharkynbekovoy. – 4-ye izd. – Almaty: Evero, 2016. – 241 c.//https://scicenter.online/yazyik-russkiy- scicenter/russkiy-yazyik-uchebnoe-posobie-dlya-studentov.html 6. Zhuravleva Ye.A., Asmagambetova B.M., Tashimkhanova D.S.,
Yavorskaya E.E., Te M.V., Yeshekeneva A.K. «Professional'nyy russkiy yazyk»: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye / Pod obshchey redaktsiyey Ye.A. Zhuravlevoy.– Almaty: Izdatel'stvo «Evero», 2019.
– 242 s.// http://library.psu.kz/fulltext/transactions/4864_
juravleva_e._a._asmagambetova_b._m._tashimhanova_d._s._yavor skaya_e._e._te_m._v._eshekeneva_a._k_professionalniy_russkiy_y azik_e._a._juravleva_i_dr.._-_almati_evero.pdf
Electronic library systems for remote access:
https://lib.enu.kz/?q=ru/node/768 - Scientific library of L.N. Gumilyov ENU
http://e.lanbook.com/ - “Lan” Publishing House
http:// www. Znanium. com – “Knowledge” electronic library https://biblioclub.ru – “University Library Online” ELS https://www.biblioschool.ru/ – “BIBLIOSHKOLA” ELS http://www.studentlibrary.ru/ – “Konsul'tant studenta” ELS http://www.iprbookshop.ru/3163.html. – “IPRbooks” ELS
Справочно-информационный интернет-портал - www.gramma.ru Справочно-информационный интернет-портал- www.dic.
Справочно-информационный интернет-портал -
Справочно-информационный портал -www.doc-style.ru www.rusсorpora.ru
www.ruslit.ioso.ru www.ruspismo.net www.russian-world.info/kultura-rechi www.slovari.ru
А Module Handbook
Module designation Social and Political Knowledge Module Semester(s) in which the module is
Semester 1 and semester 2 of the first year of studies
Person responsible for the module in Kazazkh – Yermagambetova K.S., Ramazanova A.Ch., Atymtayev A.S.
in Russian – Sandybayeva U.M., Arystambayeva S.A.
in English – Umbetova G.T., Abdibek A.
Language Kazakh, Russian, English
Relation to curriculum General education course
Teaching methods lecture, seminar
Workload (incl. contact hours, self- study hours)
7 hours of lectures, 15 hours of seminars,38 hours of SIW (students’ independent work)
Credit points 2
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
Not required Module objectives/intended learning
The purpose of the module: formation of social and humanitarian worldview of students in the context of solving problems of modernization of public consciousness.
mastering the conceptual apparatus of cultural studies, basic theories and approaches to the study of culture;
development of skills for describing and analyzing topical issues in the field of culture;
formation of critical thinking skills and the ability to apply them in practice;
formation of skills in analyzing characteristics of cultural institutions in the context of their role in the modernization of Kazakhstani society;
the ability to analyze situations in different spheres of communication from the standpoint of correlation with the system of values, cultural, ethical norms of the Kazakhstani society;
knowledge of the cultural policy of the state;
the ability to work in a team, correctly defend one’s point of view, propose new solutions;
to explain and interpret subject knowledge (concepts, ideas, theories) in all fields of science that form the academic courses of the module;
to reasonably and a well-argues manner provide information on the various stages of development of the Kazakh society, political programs, culture, language, social and interpersonal relations;
to carry out research project activities in various areas of
communication, to generate socially valuable knowledge, present it.
Content 1. Morphology of culture. The history of the formation of the concept of culture: a variety of approaches to the definition of the essence and functions of culture. Axiological, civilizational, structuralist, anthropological, conomic interpretations of the concept of culture. Review of theoretical approaches: F. Boas, L.
White, Z. Freud, K. Levi-Strauss, K. Marx, E. Tylor, O. Spengler, A. Toynbee, L. Gumilyov, P. Sorokin, S. Huntington
2. Language and semiotics of culture. Culture as a world of signs and meanings. Information-semiotic understanding of culture.
Culture as a world of artifacts. Culture as a world of meanings.
Types of meanings. Culture as a world of signs. Typology of symbolic systems of culture. The main types of signs and sign systems. Natural signs. Functional signs. Iconic signs. Cultural code. Cultural code concept. The uniqueness of the cultural code of the national culture. Ethos of culture. Ethos and culture code.
Types of global cultural codes: preliterate (traditional), written (book), screen, digital. Mass culture code. The code of Kazakh traditional culture. Kazakh culture code.
3. Anatomy of culture. Three-dimensional model of culture.
Cultural forms. The structure of the cultural space: paradigms,
faces of culture, cultural scenarios. Axial cultural forms: cognitive paradigms, value paradigms, regulatory paradigms. Forms of culture: myth, art, religion, morality, philosophy, law, politics, science, technology.
4. Culture of the nomads of Kazakhstan. Archaic culture on the territory of ancient Kazakhstan: monuments of material culture.
The main achievements of material (“technological”) culture. The main monuments of technical achievements of the ancient world.
Nomadism as a type of culture. The concept of nomadism.
Typology of nomadic culture. Classification and types of nomadism (nomad culture). The main features of the culture of the nomads of the Eurasian space. The culture of ancient tribes on the territory of Kazakhstan: customs, customs, traditions, cults, beliefs.
5. Formation of Kazakh culture. The epic culture of Kazakhs.
Myths and legends of the Kazakh people. Formation of Kazakh traditional culture. Forms of folk poetry, Musical creativity of akyns and zhyrau. Musical instruments. Agon in oral Kazakh folk art.
Great Kazakh biys. Rhetors of the Kazakh steppe. Speech etiquette in the Kazakh language. Cultural values and ethics of batyrs. Development of Kazakh art: painting, sculpture, architecture, opera, ballet, music, drama of the twentieth century.
Famous opera performers of the XX century. Literature of Kazakhstan of the XX century.
6. Kazakh culture in the context of globalization. Problems of preserving cultural heritage of the Kazakh people in the context of globalization. Museums of Kazakhstan and their role in the preservation of cultural heritage. Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the broadcast of the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people. The role of museums in preserving the cultural and ethnic memory of the Kazakh people. Implementation of the “Madeni Mura” program, the project of museums-reserves, cultural and natural monuments of Kazakhstan.
National museum-reserves project: Botay, Saraishyk, Bozok, cultural object Beket-Ata, Aksu Zhabagly, Korzhalgyn as a cultural and geographical framework of national identity.
7. Cultural policy of Kazakhstan. Basic principles of cultural reform in Kazakhstan. Socio-cultural aspects of the processes of spiritual modernization in Kazakhstan. The relationship between the models of cultural policy and the system of basic values of society. Kazakhstan model of cultural policy. National idea
“Mangilik Yel”. Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and its role in the cultural creation of Kazakhstani society. Basic patterns of cultural harmony. State Program “Cultural Heritage”. Dynamics of traditions and innovations, mechanisms of continuity and
transmission of cultural experience. Ecology of culture: difficulties and problems. Formation and development of the ecological culture of Kazakhstanis. The role of cultural institutions, cultural organizations in the creation and development of local history work.
Exams and assessment formats Attendance at classes and active participation in the educational process are mandatory. Late arrivals are not allowed. Cell phones should be turned off during classes. High-quality and timely execution of SIW tasks, participation in all types of assessment (current assessment, SIW assessment, midterm assessment, final assessment) are mandatory. For a high-quality mastering of the course, students should be guided by the fact that they independently work with texts, approximately 40-60 pages per week. Code of conduct and ethics must comply with the requirements of the university charter.
Active work at the seminar (the ability to lead a discussion, to argue one‘s position with references to the studied literature, a creative approach to the selection and analysis of texts), the quality of prepared individual written assignments (glossary, etc.)
and creative work (essays) are highly appreciated.
Exam requirements: to find one correct answer. The assessment criteria are outlined in the syllabus
Study and examination requirements the final grade in the module is composed of 60% performance on exams, 10% quizzes, 10% take-home assignments, 10% in-class participation. Students must have a final grade of 60% or higher to pass
Reading list 1. Nazarbayev N.A. «NA poroge KHKHI veka». – Astana, 2016
2. Nazarbayev N.A. «Vzglyad v budushcheye:
modernizatsiya obshchestvennogo soznaniya». – Astana, Ak Orda, 2017 / http://www.akorda.kz/ru
3. Nazarbayev N.A. «Vzglyad v budushcheye». – Astana, 2017.
4. Beysenova G.A. «Problemy globalizatsii i identichnosti». – A., Print, 2009.
5. Barnard Alan. «Antropologiya tarikhy men teoriyasy»/per.
na kaz.yaz. Pod rukov. Kul'sariyeva A.T., Masalimova A.R. – A., 2017.
6. «Vseobşchaya istoriya zhivopisi». – M., EKSMO, 2010.
7. Gabitov T.Kh. «Kazak madeniyetinin tarihy: oku kuraly». – Almaty: Kazak universiteti, 2016
8. Gabitov T.Kh. «Kazakhi: Opyt kul'turologicheskogo analiza». – Saarbrücken: Germany Academic Publishing GmbH &
Co. Kg lap lambert. – Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121. - KG LAP LAMBERT, GERMANIYA, 2012.
9. Gabitov T.Kh., Abdigaliyeva G.K., Ismagambetova Z.N.
«Filosofiya kul'tury»: Uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov i kolledzhey.
– Almaty: Evero, 2013
10. Gabitov T.Kh., Zatov K. «Kazak madeniyetinin rukhani kenistigi». – Almaty: Raritet, 2013.
11. Gabitov T.Kh., Mutalipov ZH., Kulsariyeva A.
«Kul'turologiya». – Almaty, Raritet, 2008.
12. Tursun Gabitov. «Actual Problems of Kazakh Culture.
Kazakh Culture Challenges». - Saarbrücken: Lambert. – Publishing, 2016.
13. «Drevniye tsivilizatsii». – M., 2009.
14. Zholdubayeva A.K. «Kul'turologiya: praktikum». – Almaty:
Kaznu im.al'-Farabi, 2014.
15. «Istoriya kul'turologii pod red. Ogurtsova A.P». – M., Gardariki, 2006.
16. Kairzhanova A. Palaeoturcica. «Mir drevnikh tyurkov». – Almaty, 1999.
17. Karabayeva A.G. «Epistemologicheskiye etyudy». – Monografiya. – A., Kazak universitety, 2016.
18. 18. Kondybayev S. Vvedeniye v kazakhskuyu mifologiyu.
– Almaty. 1999.
19. 19. Khasanov M.SH., Karakozova ZH.K. Kosmos kazakhskoy kul'tury. – Almaty: TOO «Evero», 2011. – 250 s.
А Module Handbook
Module designation Physical education/ Discipline - Physical education Semester(s) in which the module is
1,2,3,4 (first two years of studies)
Person responsible for the module Nazarkina O. N., Solov'eva N. A., Sidorova R. V.
Alikey A., Tungyshmuratova L. S., Rakhimzhanov D. A.
Language Russian, Kazakh
Relation to curriculum Compulsory
Teaching methods Practice, 2h (Two practical classes per week - contact hours) Workload (incl. contact hours, self-
study hours)
1 semester Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
2 semester – Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
3 semester – Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
4 semester– Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
Credit points 8 (1 semester – 2 ECTS; 2 semester – 2 ECTS; 3 semester-2; 4 semester – 2 ECTS)
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
To master the discipline of physical education, knowledge, skills and abilities acquired from the school program
Module designation Physical education/ Discipline - Physical education Semester(s) in which the module is
1,2,3,4 (first two years of studies)
Person responsible for the module Nazarkina O. N., Solov'eva N. A., Sidorova R. V.
Alikey A., Tungyshmuratova L. S., Rakhimzhanov D. A.
Language Russian, Kazakh
Relation to curriculum Compulsory
Teaching methods Practice, 2h (Two practical classes per week - contact hours) Workload (incl. contact hours, self-
study hours)
1 semester Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
2 semester – Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
3 semester – Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
4 semester– Total workload: 30 hours practice, 30 hours of SIW (student’s independent work) each semester
Credit points 8 (1 semester – 2 ECTS; 2 semester – 2 ECTS; 3 semester-2; 4 semester – 2 ECTS)
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
1. To master the discipline of physical education, knowledge, skills and abilities acquired from the school program
Module designation Physical education/ Discipline - Physical education Semester(s) in which the module is
1. 1,2,3,4 (first two years of studies)
А Module BIOL 22002 General biological disciplines module Module designation Introduction to Biology Semester(s) in which the
module is taught
1 Person responsible for the module
Nursafina Akmaral
Language Kazakh, Russian
Relation to curriculum Compulsory
Botany, Training-fiald practice of Botany
Teaching methods Lecture (interactive method, communicative method, llab works (works in group, communicative method)
Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)
Total workload: 150
Contact hours: Lectures - 15, Laboratory Classes - 30 Students Individual Work :105
Credit points 5 ECTS
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
School Biology Course
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
The purpose of the discipline: to form a holistic understanding of the properties of living systems, the historical development of life, the role of biota in planetary processes, modern trends, problems and prospects of biological sciences, to provide a basis for the study of professional disciplines.
Upon completion of the study of this discipline, the student must:
have an idea of the classification of living organisms, their main groups (pro-and eukaryotes, viruses), about the mechanisms of implementation of genetic information in cells, to represent which organelles and compartments of the cell take part in this, to represent which areas in biology are currently the most relevant.
to know the course of matrix synthesis processes in the cell, the structure of the cell and the functions of its organelles, the laws of gene inheritance, the preservation of genetic homeostasis in ontogenesis, to know the main biotechnological techniques for obtaining transgenic and knockout animals, transgenic plants, etc.
Be able to draw diagrams of matrix synthesis processes and the main components of the cell structure, genetic laws and deviations from them, the interaction of innate and acquired immunity in the fight against foreign genetic information in the body.
Content 1.Classification of living organisms. Viruses-precellular life forms.
2.Eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
3. Structure of the eukaryotic cell. Endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotes.Structure and functions of proteins. Structure and functions of nucleic acids. Replication and repair of DNA. Broadcast.
4. Plant life as an integral part of the Earth's biosphere.
5. The concept of the tissues of organisms Exams and assessment
two oral rating (20 minutes each) and one final oral exam (40 minutes) Study and examination
The final score, consists of the results of the rating control and the exam, with 60% being the rating control, 40% - the result of the exam. Students must have a final grade of 50% or higher to pass
Reading list 1 Shildebaev, Zh. Introduction to biology: textbook / Zh. Sheldebaev, A.
Ermekbayeva. - Astana: Folio, 2016. - 472 p.
2 Bersimbay R.I.Genetics,Almaty,2017
3 Biology: Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, 4th ed., Internationaled.,Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2010
4 General biology./ Yu. O. Fedotova-St. Petersburg: ITMO University;
2017. -63 p.
• https://quizizz.com/admin/reports/6087d57dbae069001d7a206a/
• https://learningapps.org/
• https://phet.colorado.edu/
• http://www.kscience.co.uk/animations/anim_1.htm
А Module Handbook
Module designation General education module/ Discipline- Information and Communication Technologies
Semester(s) in which the module is taught
Semester 1 of the first year of studies Person responsible for the
Karymsakova A.E., Abildinova G.M., Kurmanbayeva A.A.
Language English
Relation to curriculum ICT is Compulsory discipline.
Names of other study programmes with which the module is shared:
Kazakh (Russian) language, Foreign language Teaching methods Lecture, practice
Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)
Contact hours: Lectures 30 hours, practice 15 hours, independent work of the student 105 hours
Credit points 5
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
Fundamentals of Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
− to explain the purpose, content and development trends of information and communication technologies, to justify the choice of the most appropriate technology for solving specific problems; to know the features of the use of multimedia on the Internet;
− to explain methods of collecting, storing and processing information, ways of implementing information and communication processes; to develop multimedia content;
− to describe the architecture of computer systems and networks, the purpose and functions of the main components;
− to use information Internet resources, cloud and mobile services to search, store, process and disseminate information;
− to apply software and hardware of computer systems and networks for collecting, transmitting, processing and storing data;
− to analyze and justify the choice of methods and means of information protection;
− using digital technologies to develop analysis and data management tools for various types of activities;
− to carry out project activities in the specialty using modern information and communication technologies.
− mastering by students of the conceptual foundations of the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks; evaluate the effectiveness of digitalization in professional areas;
− formation of knowledge about the concepts of developing network and web applications, information security tools;
developing skills in the use of modern information and communication technologies in various areas of professional activity, scientific and practical work, for self-education and other purposes.
Content 1 The role of ICT in key sectors of the development of society. ICT standards.
2 Introduction to computer systems. Architecture of computer systems.
3 Software. OS.
4 Human-computer interaction.
5 Database systems.
6 Data analysis. Data management.
7 Networks and telecommunications 8 Cybersecurity.
9 Internet technologies.
10 Cloud and mobile technologies.
11 Multimedia technology.
12 Smart technologies
13 E-technologies. Electronic business. E-learning. Electronic government
14 Information technology in the professional field. Industrial ICT.
15 Prospects for the development of ICT.
Exams and assessment formats Matrix testing, the number of questions per student is 40. Questions are prepared in advance and loaded into Microsoft Teams Forms. The system allows students to randomly distribute questions among students.
Test questions cover all the material studied. Students are not given questions in advance, but they know the list of topics.
Study and examination requirements
The final grade in the module is composed of 60% performance on exams, 10% quizzes, 20% take-home assignments, 10% in-class participation, 20% oral survey for two rating. Students must have a final grade of 60% or higher to pass.
Reading list 1. Shynybekov D.A., Uskenbayeva R.K., Serbin V.V., Duzbayev N.T., Moldagulova A.N., Duisebekova K.S., Satybaldiyeva R.Z., Hasanova G.I., Urmashev B.A. Information and communication technologies.
Textbook: in 2 parts. Part 1, 1st ed. – Almaty: IITU, 2017. – 588 p.
2. Urmashev B.A. Information and communication technology: Textbook / B.A. Urmashev. – Almaty, 2016. – 410 p.
3. Nurpeisova T.B., Kaidash I.N. ICT, Almaty, Bastau, 2017. – 241 p.
4. Brown G., Sargent B., and Watson D. Cambridge IGCSE ICT. – London: Hodder Education Group, 2015. – 439 p.
5. Williams B. K. and Sawyer S. Using information technology: A practical introduction to computers & communications. - New York:
McGraw-Hil. – 8th ed.; 2010. – 563 p.
6. Watson D. and Williams H. Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science:
Hodder Edu.; 3 ed. 2015. –278 p.
Electronic editions:
1. TSOR Information and communication technology. Avtory: Aymicheva G., Baygusheva B., Karazimova K., Burambayeva N., Abil'dinova G., Yermaganbetova M., Maykibayeva M., Tolġanbayұly T.– Rezhim dostupa: https://moodle.enu.kz/course/view.php?id=7;
2. Osnovy Web-tekhnologiy [Elektronnyy resurs]: uchebnoye posobiye / P.B. Khramtsov [i dr.]. – Elektron. tekstovyye dannyye. – Moskva, Saratov: Internet-Universitet Informatsionnykh Tekhnologiy (INTUIT), Vuzovskoye obrazovaniye, 2017. – 375 c. – 978-5-4487-0068-2. – Rezhim dostupa: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/67384.html
3. TSOR KZ Basics of cloud technologies. Avtory: Serík M., Aymicheva G., Baygusheva K., Karazimova K., Burambayeva N., Tolġanbayұly T.–
Rezhim dostupa: https://moodle.enu.kz/course/view.php?id=8. 4.
Massive open online-course: Information and communication technology.
Avtory: Yermaganbetova M.A., Karymsakova A.Ye.- Rezhim dostupa:
А Module BIOL 22002 General biological disciplines module
Module designation Botany
Semester(s) in which the module is taught
2 Person responsible for the module
Asya Dukenbayeva
Language Russian, Kazakh
Relation to curriculum Compulsory
Introduction to Biology, Training-fiald practice of Botany
Teaching methods Lecture (interactive method, communicative method, llab works (works in group, communicative method)
Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)
Total workload: 150
Contact hours: Lectures - 15, Laboratory Classes - 30 Students Individual Work :105
Credit points 5 ECTS
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
Introduction to Biology
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
The purpose of the discipline: To give students a deep knowledge of the structure and functions of plants, reproduction and distribution methods, as well as plant systematics.
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to:
make a morphological description of plants according to herbariums; find and identify plants, including medicinal plants, in various phytocenoses.
The student must know: morphology, anatomy of plant tissues and plant systematics; latin names of the families of the studied plants and their representatives; protection of the plant world and the basics of rational use of plants.
Have skills: preparation of a preparation for microscoping, performing an anatomical section of an object that is optimal for microscoping description of a biological object.
Content The importance of plants in nature and in human life. Protection of the plant world. The origin of higher plants and their anatomical and morphological differentiation in connection with life on land. A plant cell.
Plant tissues. Early stages of higher plant development. Structure of the embryo, seeds and seedlings. The structure of reproductive organs and plant reproduction. Ecological groups and plant life forms. Age and seasonal changes in plants.
Exams and assessment formats two oral rating (20 minutes each) and one final oral exam (40 minutes) Study and examination
The final score, consists of the results of the rating control and the exam, with 60% being the rating control, 40% - the result of the exam. Students must have a final grade of 50% or higher to pass
Reading list 1. Mukhitdinov N. Morphology and anatomy of plants: textbook / N.
Mukhitdinov, A. Begenov, S. Aidosova. - Almaty: Epigraph, 2019. - 343 2. Torsykbaeva B. B. Educational and methodological complex on the discipline Anatomy and morphology of plants-Almaty: Almanac, 2019. – 215 р.
3. Dukenbayeva A.D. Plant systematics / A.D. Dukenbayeva. - Almaty:
Epigraph, 2019. - 193, P.
4. Botany : S. K. Imankulova, L. B. Seilova, K. I. Shalabaev, D. M.
Amanbekova, A.Sh Shokanova ; Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Almaty: Association of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, 2016. - 280
5. Karipbaeva N. S. Illustrated version of flowering plants / N. S.
Karipbaeva, V. V. Polevik, B. M. Silybaeva. - Almaty: Evero, 2019. - 246 6. Abiyev S. A. Rusty mushrooms of cereals of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2002
7. Ametov A. A. Botany, Almaty, 2000
8. Ametov A. A. Myrzakulov P. M., Systematics of higher plants, Almaty, 2000
А Module BIOL 22002 General biological disciplines module
Module designation Training-fiald practice of Botany Semester(s) in which the
module is taught
2 Person responsible for the module
Nursafina Akmaral
Language Kazakh, Russian
Relation to curriculum Compulsory
Introduction to Biology, Botany Teaching methods Conducting a guided tour Workload (incl. contact hours,
self-study hours)
Credit points 3 ECTS
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
The purpose of field practice in botany is to consolidate and improve the theoretical knowledge gained by students during the implementation of lecture and laboratory classes on the anatomy, morphology and systematics of plants, the acquisition by future pharmacists of the skills of determining medicinal plants in nature, making observations.
As a result of studying the discipline, the student should know: the natural environment, the diversity of plant species in different habitats and get acquainted with the adaptation of plants to different environmental conditions.
Be able to: design a herbarium and consolidate the skills of working with determinants that contribute to the protection of nature.
Have skills: know the food, forage, poisonous and economically harmful plants in pastures, meadows and heaths, as well as the morphological and biological characteristics of the plants and the families to which they belong.
Content Structure and composition of forest phytocenoses. Compilation of geobotanical descriptions. Herbarium collection. Definition and morphological description of plant samples. Vegetation of meadows.
Types of meadows. Coastal and aquatic vegetation. Biological and anatomical and morphological features of hydrophytes and hygrophytes.
Medicinal species. Preparation of geobotanical descriptions. Collecting gerbarium. Agrophytocenoses. Cultivated, weed-ruderal and roadside plants.
Exams and assessment formats two oral rating (20 minutes each) and one final oral exam (40 minutes) Study and examination
The final score, consists of the results of the rating control and the exam, with 60% being the rating control, 40% - the result of the exam. Students must have a final grade of 50% or higher to pass
Reading list 1 Muranets A.P., Netesova M.A. Workshop on botany. - Astana, 2006 .-- 209 p.
2 Karipbaeva N.Sh, Polevik VA Educational workshop on botany. - Semey, 2013. - 46 p.
3 AK Skvortsov "Herbarium" (Methodical and technical manual). - Almaty, 2002. - p. 45.
4 Explanatory dictionary of terms of biomorphology / - Almaty: "Sozdik- Slovar", 2009. ISBN 9965-822-54-9
5 E. Ageleuov, K. Donenbaeva and others. Botany, plant anatomy and morphology. - Almaty, 1998. -366 p.
А Module
Module designation Natural Sciences Module level, if applicable
Code, if applicable SCIN 22003 Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Chemistry Semester(s) in which the
module is taught
2 semester Person responsible for the
associate professor of Kusepоva L.A.
Lecturer associate professor of Kusepоva L.A.
Language russian
Relation to curriculum Chemistry, 6B0501-Biology, university component, 2nd semester.
Type of teaching, contact hours 5 credits (150 hours), including 3 contact credits (45 hours) – 2 - lectures, 1 - laboratory classes
Workload Lectures – 30 hours
Laboratory classes – 15 hours, SRO-105 hours.
Credit points 5 ECTS
Requirements according to the examination regulations
An oral exam in which the student must demonstrate knowledge in the field of inorganic and organic chemistry, demonstrate practical skills in setting up a chemical experiment.
Recommended prerequisites To master this discipline, you need the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the study of the following subjects in high school:
inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, mathematics, physics.
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
Objective: To form the basic concepts and understand the general laws connecting the structure of inorganic and organic compounds with their reactivity and the ability to predict changes in the mechanism and conditions of the chemical reaction and the properties of the resulting substances.
Knowledge: understanding the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry: the structure of the atom, chemical bonding, thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions, solution theory and coordination theory, as well as the basics of organic chemistry: Butlerov's theory of structure, the structure and properties of each class of organic compounds.
Skills: the ability to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various options for the most important methods of analysis of (non)organic compounds; to calculate the concentration of solutions, solubility products, to understand the methods of qualitative analysis, to use reference literature competently,
Competencies: the ability to use knowledge about (non -) organic substances, the structure of matter, the nature of chemical bonds, the properties of chemical elements, simple and complex compounds and materials based on them to solve problems of professional activity Content The program of the module includes ideas about the basic laws of the
course of inorganic and organic reactions, their mechanisms:
establishing the dependence of the properties of elements, simple and complex substances on the electronic structures of atoms, the types of chemical bonds in compounds, specifying the laws of changes in physical and chemical properties.
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination
It requires mandatory attendance of classroom classes and SROP, active participation in the discussion of issues in the classroom, preliminary preparation for classes, the implementation of tasks for independent work of students. Participation in all types of control is required.
An oral exam in which the student must demonstrate knowledge in the field of inorganic and organic chemistry, demonstrate practical skills in setting up a chemical experiment.
Media employed Presentation for each lesson using a computer, projector, videos and slidefilms from the Internet
А Module Handbook
Module designation General education module Semester(s) in which the
module is taught
3 Person responsible for the module
Kazakh – Zholbarysova U.K., Kenzheyev A.A., Kemerbay R.A.
Russian – Tolgambayeva D.T., Mustafina T.V., Sarkulova M.S.
English – Ryskulbekova D.A., Shamakhai S.
Language Kazakh, Russian, English
Relation to curriculum General education course Teaching methods lecture, seminar etc.
Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)
Lectures – 30 hours, seminars – 15 hours, SIW – 105 hours (students’
independent work)
Credit points 5
Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module
Modern History of Kazakhstan, Introduction to the Specialty
Module objectives/intended learning outcomes
The purpose of the module is to form in students a holistic systemic understanding of philosophy as a special form of understanding the world, its main sections, problems and methods of studying them in the context of future professional activities.
– to know the categorical apparatus of philosophy;
– to explain the specifics of the philosophical understanding of reality;
– to substantiate the worldview as a product of philosophical understanding
and the study of the natural and social world;
– to classify the methods of scientific and philosophical knowledge the world;
– to interpret the content and specifics of the mythological, religious and scientific worldview;
– to substantiate the role and significance of such key worldview concepts as values of social and personal life of a person in the modern world;
– to analyze the philosophical aspect of media texts, social cultural and personal situations to justify and accept ethical decisions;
– to formulate and correctly argue one’s own moral position in relation to urgent problems of the modern global society;
– to conduct research relevant to identifying philosophical content of problems in the professional field and present the results for discussion.
Content 1. The emergence of a culture of thinking.
2. The subject and method of philosophy.
3. Consciousness, soul and language.
4. Being. Ontology and metaphysics.
5. Cognition and creativity.
6. Education, Science, Engineering and Technology.
7. Human being.
8. Life and death. Meaning of life.
9. Ethics. Philosophy of values.
10. Philosophy of Freedom.
11. Philosophy of art.
12. Society and culture.
13. Philosophy of history.
14. Philosophy of religion.
15. “Mangilik Yel” and “Rukhani Zhagyru” – the philosophy of the new Kazakhstan
Exams and assessment formats Attendance at classes and active participation in the educational process are mandatory. Late arrivals are not allowed. Cell phones should be turned off during classes. High-quality and timely execution of SIW tasks, participation in all types of assessment (current assessment, SIW assessment, midterm assessment, final assessment) are mandatory. For a high-quality mastering of the course, students should be guided by the fact that they independently work with texts, approximately 40-60 pages per week. Code of conduct and ethics must comply with the requirements of the university charter.
Active work at the seminar (the ability to lead a discussion, to argue one‘s position with references to the studied literature, a creative approach to the selection and analysis of texts), the quality of prepared individual written assignments (glossary, etc.) and creative work (essays) are highly appreciated.
Exam requirements: to find one correct answer. The assessment criteria are outlined in the syllabus
Study and examination requirements
Requirements for successfully passing the module
e.g. the final grade in the module is composed of 60% performance on exams, 10% quizzes, 10% take-home assignments, 10% in-class participation. Students must have a final grade of 60% or higher to pass Reading list 1. Nazarbayev N.A. Vzglyad v budushcheye: modernizatsiya
obshchestvennogo soznaniya. http://www.akorda.kz.
– Nazarbayev N.A. Maңgilik Yel. Gody, ravnyye vekam. Epokha, ravnaya stoletiyam. – Astana: Delovoy mir Astana, 2014. – 368 с.
2. Nurysheva G.Zh. Filosofiya. – Almaty: Inzhu-marzhan, 2013.
3. Petrova V.F., Khasanov M.SH. Filosofiya. – Almaty: Evero, 2014.
4. Garifolla Yesym. Falsafa tarikhy, – Almaty, 2000.
5. Garifolla Yesym. Kazak filosofiyasynyn tarikhy, – Almaty, 2006 6. Garifolla Yesym. Adam-zat, – Astana, 2008.
7. Bertran R. Istoriya zapadnoy filosofii. – M.: Izdatel' Litres, 2018. – 1195 s.
8. Johnston D. Filosofiyanyn kyskasha tarikhy. Sokrattan Derridaga deyin / Gylymi red. Nurysheva G.Zh. – Astana, 2018. – 216 b.
9. Hess R. Filosofiyanyn tandauly 25 kytaby. / Gylymi red. Rayev D.S. – Astana, 2018. – 360bб.
10. Kenny E. Batys filosofiyasynyn zhana tarikhy. 1-tom: Antika filosofiyasy / Nauch. redaktor Moldabekov Zh.Zh. – Astana, 2018. – 408 b.
11. Kenny E. Batys filosofiyasynyn zhana tarikhy. 2- tom: Orta gasyr filosofiyasy / Nauch. redaktor Ospanov S. – Astana, 2018. – 400 b.
12. Karen Armstrong. Iudaizm, khristiandyk pen islamdagy 4000 zhyldyk yzdenys: Kudaytanu bayany/ Nauch. redaktor Kenzhetay D. - Astana, 2018. – 496 b.
13. Johnston D. A Brief History of Philosophy: From Socrates to Derrida. –A&C Black, 2006. – 211 p.
14. Kenny A. New History of Western Philosophy. Volume 1-4. – Oxford University Press, 2006 - 2010.
15. Humphreys P. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Science. – Oxford University Press, 2016.
16. Estlund D. The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy. – Oxford University Press, 2017.
17. Cappelen H., Gendler T., Hawthorne J. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology. – Oxford University Press, 2016.
18. Karen Armstrong A History of God: The 4000-year quest of judaism, christianity and islam. – Gramercy Books, 2014. – 496 p.
19. Johnsom D. Kratkaya istoriya filosofii/ per. Ye.Ye. Sukharev. - M.: Astrel', 2010. – 236 с.
20. Khess R. 25 klyuchevykh knig po filosofii. – M.: Ural LTD, 2000.
– 368 s.
А Module Handbook
Module designation Natural Sciences
Module level, if applicable Basic Discipline University Component (BD UC) Code, if applicable SCIN 22003
Subtitle, if applicable
Courses, if applicable Physics Semester(s) in which the
module is taught
3 Person responsible for the module
Aliya Mukasheva
Lecturer Aliya Mukasheva
Language Kazakh, Russian
Relation to curriculum 6B05107 – Biology, Bachelor’s degree, Qualification level: 6 NQF, 6 EQF
Type of teaching, contact hours 45 (Lectures- 30, Practical Classes -15)
Workload Lectures- 15, Practical Classes -30, Students Individual Work -105
Credit points 5 ECTS
Requirements according to the examination regulations
At the end of the semester, the exam is given orally. Exam tickets are used for the examination. The list of questions included in the exam tickets is known to students in advance for preparation. Retaking the exam to improve the score is not allowed. Each exam ticket contains three questions. Students are given 30 minutes to prepare for the answers to the exam questions.
Recommended prerequisites School Physics course Module objectives/intended
learning outcomes
The purpose of studying this discipline is to form the bachelor's understanding of the modern physical picture of the world and the scientific worldview, knowledge and skills of using fundamental laws, theories of classical and modern physics, as well as methods of physical research as the basis of the system of professional activity.
To know: - general laws of physics for solving specific problems;
- formulations and proofs of the main theorems, be able to apply them when performing laboratory work; use physical devices,
process, analyze and evaluate the results obtained;
be able to: - use reference and educational literature when working, find the
necessary sources of information and work with them;
- understand the essence of the main methods used in physical research;
- independently study individual topics and write essays on these topics and speak on them;
have skills: - and methods of using this knowledge for theoretical and practical purposes;
- use of knowledge of physics in the study of other academic disciplines;
Content Physical fundamentals of mechanics. Kinematics. Dynamics of a material point and the translational motion of a solid body. Dynamics of the rotational motion of a rigid body. Conservation laws. Energy as a universal measure of various forms of motion and interaction.
Fundamentals of thermodynamics. Reversible and irreversible thermal processes. Transfer phenomena. Real gases. Electrostatics and direct current. Direct electric current.
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination
The student must complete the assigned tasks within a strictly defined time frame.
Being late for classes is not welcome. A student who misses classes or fails to complete a task is not allowed to take the exam.
Attendance is mandatory; absence can only be for a valid reason. All missed classes are worked out in the form of individual tasks, problem solving, preparation of presentations, etc.
Exam form: Combined exam.
Media employed Presentation for each lesson using a computer, projector, interactive whiteboard
Reading list 1. Savelyev I. V. Course of general physics in 5 books. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2008.
2. Trofimova T. I. Course of Physics – - M.: ACADEMIA, 2008.
3. Detlaf A. A., Yavorsky B. M. Course of physics. - M.: ACADEMIA, 2008
4. Irodov I. E. Problems in general physics. - M.: Fizmatlit., 2009
5. Trofimova T. I. Collection of problems in the course of physics for universities. - M.: Onyx 21
century, 2008
6. Volkenshtein V. S. Collection of problems on the general course of physics. - St. Petersburg: Knizhny Mir, 2008.
7. Collection of tests for students of higher educational institutions in the following disciplines interim state control. National Center for State Standards of Education and Testing. - Astana, 2008
А Module BIOL 22002 General biological disciplines module Module designation Invertebrate Zoology